Ignoring the middle aged crisis going on on another thread, good luck to all those attending this meeting tonight. I can imagine a fair amount of work has gone into it outside of people's jobs.
It isn't the US / USSR summit, and these are supporters not investigative journalists, so think it would be wise for everyone to dumb down their expectations, and hopefully it will be the first step in our club embracing supporter input and starting to make steps into an improved direction.
So good luck all.
(i.e. Jackson / Diarra / Reza / Lookman)
Progress in my mind would be evidence, one way or another, of a genuine recognition that supporters can be part of the solution to re-vitalising the club. If there is no commitment then at least we have a position from which we can take some bearings, and that's a better place than we are at the moment.
Let's wait and see.
I can confirm that it will be videoed and we expect it to be released unedited a la the VIP meeting. We will be taking our own notes though, and are attending the meeting on the understanding that there is no embargo on post-match reporting.
We've provided the name of an independent chair to avoid any sense that the fans will be managed out of the meeting, but we're awaiting confirmation it can be mutually agreed. The club had assumed Mick would run it, but a club employee isn't really acceptable to the fans' reps, as good a guy as Mick is.
I've also agreed with KM that we will be allowed to drive our own agenda at the meeting, and as we've not provided questions in advance they'll struggle to script it.
I do understand the cynicism, but all we can do is organise to make the best attempt at making it meaningful.
But do not expect them to be on here tonight or first thing tomorrow either.
Will be a lot to write.
I have been regarding it as a private invitation, and I have waited until now to mention it on Charlton Life because I didn't want a week of folk telling me how I ought to proceed.
I will approach this meeting as an independent fan, but one who absolutely shares the misgivings expressed by so many, and I hope to be part of a kind of joint approach. Sometimes collaboration necessitates holding back in order to stay in harmony with fellow fans.
I plan to participate when able (and hope not to make a fool of myself), and I plan to absolutely not be part of any division created amongst the concerned and worried support. I will be looking to collaborate with Curb-it in particular.
There is absolutely no guarantee that I, or anybody else will be able to ask all the things people want asked, or make all the points people want to make.
I love Charlton Athletic, and I desperately want things to be much better.
I will try to report back briefly on here, but assuming it will be filmed then everybody can see everything for themselves.
"The open debate will also be filmed, and the meeting will then be made available to watch on the club’s YouTube channel tomorrow. "
Keith Blair (Maidstone and the Weald) – keithblair@hotmail.co.uk
Graham Mackley (West Sussex and Brighton) - g_mackley@sky.com
Craig Parrett (former VIP supporters) – craig_cafc_vip@yahoo.co.uk
John Perkins (coach steward) - j.perkins1947@hotmail.co.uk
John Bennett (Hastings and Bexhill) - editor@fireworks-mag.org
Christine Lawrie (Reminiscence group) - chrislawrie2@gmail.com
Vernon Roper (Valley Express) - vernon.roper@virgin.net
Ian Wallis (Bromley Addicks) - IanLWallis@aol.com
Craig Norris ( Representing Jean Huelin)
Richard Pemberton (Supporters Trust) – enquiries@castrust.org
John Commerford (East Kent Addicks) - ekaddicks@talktalk.net
Andrew Hills (North stand Patrons)
Steve Clarke (CAST) - Chairman
Paul Nottage - VALLEY GOLD REP
Syd Cheeswright - Charlton Athletic Rail Travellers Group - FANS FORUM
Stephen Francis - RANDOM SELECTION
Read more at http://www.cafc.co.uk/news/article/meire-and-senior-charlton-staff-to-meet-with-supporters-tonight-2795408.aspx#8JeK0T1CXQw4w4bD.99
I would echo AFKA's comments about expectations. We should expect fair but business-appropriate communication, we hope for greater openness - but it's a pipe dream to imagine every question of every supporter will be answered, so we need to temper our expectations accordingly. I hope we do you all justice, it's not for lack of commitment, effort or will, I promise you. Please remember that when tearing into us tomorrow.
Hope no-one moves the goalposts tonight.