As I've previously said, if some of today's fans had been around in the 80s, we would never have returned to The Valley and most certainly would have gone out of existence.
Did no one ask a meaningful question tonight? Sounds as though KM dominated the meeting and the audience was spellbound by her charisma which resulted in applause. Weird.
Are we really in a tiny, pissed off minority? The only ones who feel the way we do about this dog-shit regime? Are we really outnumbered by more sensible fans who can see the value RD/KM bring and think we're just rabble rousers?
I find that incredibly hard to believe.
But it needs thousands of us, not just a few hundred, to take co-ordinated action to prove that our feelings are widespread.
As I've said on here before, what is needed is resilience...week after week, irrespective of results on the pitch. Support the team, if one chooses, but oppose management - without recourse to personal abuse - relentlessly. It won't like that. Am looking forward to Nov 28th. This is the Battle for Charlton Athletic. May we succeed.
I can just see it now...after meeting drinks in the 'suite' RM - How do you think it went Katriene? KM - Very well Richard, we didn't let then ask any difficult questions - 1 RD brownie point, we blamed them for being old - 2 RD brownie points, we said their protest was 'nasty' and not supported - 3 RD brownie points, we told them nothing of any substance - 4 RD brownie points and we infiltrated them with our own people who asked us 'dumb asked questions' and said how bad the protest was - 10 RD brownie points. RM - We did well then Katriene we earned 14 RD brownie points, do you think he'll be happy with that? KM - Oh Yes Richard especially when we tell him that the protest planned for Ipswich has been shown to be futile, he will give us another 6 RD brownie points making 20 in total!! RM - You mean that with 20 RD brownie points, we can swap them for the saviour........Polish Pete!! Hooray we have won!! The great battle of CAFC......1905 to 2015.............Oh shit!!!
With apologies for the last bit to 'Blackadder Goes forth'
Ok so whoever said they were ashamed of charlton fans protesting. I hope I never need to rely on you in a tight spot
And asking Jackson about his goal... There is nothing I can say about that without using vulgarity. Extreme vulgarity.
This is why other clubs take the piss out of us and while some of you might enjoy being called anoraks or trainspotters and be proud of smiling happily as the remaining entrails of our club are sucked out by these worms.
Never be afraid to ask questions, it separates us from the animals and brings people like Miere to account. I'm actually ashamed whoever asked them questions didn't know the mood and desire for answers or at the very least to make the patsies wriggle and draw information out of then like puss from a wound.
There are plenty of opportunities to be matey with players at supporters group meetings. This was nothing of the sort and those in attendance had a duty to not be sycophantic. Scabs
Excellent post Carts. So much of what has been said is grandstanding outrage, this is a lot more measured and to the point. Stop letting them fuck with us.
Nobody questioned the coach stewards and train organisers being invited and nobody felt uneasy about the (minimum) 2 protesters from here being invited so what happened ?
We have got better with each managerial appointment (as evidenced by our league position and the fact that the players didn't trust the tactics of the fourth of those);
The fans are disgusting (as evidenced by Charlton fans' appalling disciplinary record and known reputation as troublemakers);
Managers get sacked when clubs gamble but we refuse to gamble (as evidenced by the managerial stability we have enjoyed);
West Ham may have cheap, local Premier League football but the fans would much rather watch youngsters (as evidenced by the huge attendances at the U21 games and how much we all enjoyed watching the six home games that Joe Gomez racked up);
Roland has never interfered with team selection (as evidenced by that known liar Chris Powell saying that he has);
50% of our fanbase is over 50 and we are targeting younger fans making up a much higher proportion (by losing fans over the age of 50 via schemes such as 'banging house music in an old man's bar', as KM had read about that time when they played classical music to prevent teenagers gathering in public spaces).
Attendances are growing (as shown by the fact that average attendance this season is 1400 down on last)
Main aim is to end the vacuum between fans, the owner and the board (hence Roland's presence)
"I want the CAFC fans to stand up against the negative people and don't give them a platform." Says the negative person. From her platform.
"Only five Premier League managers are’s a global sport". (75% of the managers that we have employed happen to be Belgian and the other one was employed directly following managing a Belgian club - demonstrating the global approach of their ownership)
It was felt that Karel could come in straight away and do a good job and make the job his own. (Which is why they showed their faith in him by making him interim manager - he has kept a keen interest after all).
It's all this nonsense and bullshit that annoys me the most. How stupid do they think we are?
We have got better with each managerial appointment (as evidenced by our league position and the fact that the players didn't trust the tactics of the fourth of those);
The fans are disgusting (as evidenced by Charlton fans' appalling disciplinary record and known reputation as troublemakers);
Managers get sacked when clubs gamble but we refuse to gamble (as evidenced by the managerial stability we have enjoyed);
West Ham may have cheap, local Premier League football but the fans would much rather watch youngsters (as evidenced by the huge attendances at the U21 games and how much we all enjoyed watching the six home games that Joe Gomez racked up);
Roland has never interfered with team selection (as evidenced by that known liar Chris Powell saying that he has);
50% of our fanbase is over 50 and we are targeting younger fans making up a much higher proportion (by losing fans over the age of 50 via schemes such as 'banging house music in an old man's bar', as KM had read about that time when they played classical music to prevent teenagers gathering in public spaces).
Attendances are growing (as shown by the fact that average attendance this season is 1400 down on last)
Main aim is to end the vacuum between fans, the owner and the board (hence Roland's presence)
"I want the CAFC fans to stand up against the negative people and don't give them a platform." Says the negative person. From her platform.
"Only five Premier League managers are’s a global sport". (75% of the managers that we have employed happen to be Belgian and the other one was employed directly following managing a Belgian club - demonstrating the global approach of their ownership)
It was felt that Karel could come in straight away and do a good job and make the job his own. (Which is why they showed their faith in him by making him interim manager - he has kept a keen interest after all).
It's all this nonsense and bullshit that annoys me the most. How stupid do they think we are?
What we can't tell from all this is what the actual "mood" and atmosphere was like at the meeting. I await those that were there and hope that KM was left in no doubt as to our dislike of her. I see her lies deceit and arrogance as being a big stumbling block to any progress. The trust and/or other supporters groups should be getting messages to RD to say they would like a direct dialogue as she has shown herself to be a liar, incompetent, arrogant.
What we can't tell from all this is what the actual "mood" and atmosphere was like at the meeting. I await those that were there and hope that KM was left in no doubt as to our dislike of her. I see her lies deceit and arrogance as being a big stumbling block to any progress. The trust and/or other supporters groups should be getting messages to RD to say they would like a direct dialogue as she has shown herself to be a liar, incompetent, arrogant.
The applause at the end suggest those following from Twitter may have the wrong end of the stick. I find it a little baffling but we'll wait and see what the feedback is from those present.
I am expecting the video to be unedited. However it will probably only capture Meire's answers to the questions, which appear contrived and controlled. Unfortunately her message, propaganda, will have a broad reach.
Am looking forward to Nov 28th. This is the Battle for Charlton Athletic. May we succeed.
We can achieve so much more than resulting to insults and threats.
Not just here, but in Belgium. This will hurt the owner more than anything.
RM - How do you think it went Katriene?
KM - Very well Richard, we didn't let then ask any difficult questions - 1 RD brownie point, we blamed them for being old - 2 RD brownie points, we said their protest was 'nasty' and not supported - 3 RD brownie points, we told them nothing of any substance - 4 RD brownie points and we infiltrated them with our own people who asked us 'dumb asked questions' and said how bad the protest was - 10 RD brownie points.
RM - We did well then Katriene we earned 14 RD brownie points, do you think he'll be happy with that?
KM - Oh Yes Richard especially when we tell him that the protest planned for Ipswich has been shown to be futile, he will give us another 6 RD brownie points making 20 in total!!
RM - You mean that with 20 RD brownie points, we can swap them for the saviour........Polish Pete!! Hooray we have won!! The great battle of CAFC......1905 to 2015.............Oh shit!!!
With apologies for the last bit to 'Blackadder Goes forth'
Let's see what they say and what the video shows.
I see her lies deceit and arrogance as being a big stumbling block to any progress.
The trust and/or other supporters groups should be getting messages to RD to say they would like a direct dialogue as she has shown herself to be a liar, incompetent, arrogant.
Bizarre for Meire to randomly bring up the Olympic Stadium & say it won't be an issue the same time she's calling #cafc fans 'disgusting'.