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'Refugees welcome' banners at German football matches/The Valley



  • IMHO refugees are not welcome at the Valley
  • IMHO refugees are not welcome at the Valley

    That's not very welcoming
  • buckshee said:

    As regards to how wonderful and welcoming the Germans are may I point point out that the population density in the UK is roughly double that of Germany.

    May I point out that the UK and Germany have historically very different attitudes to people they regard as outsiders.
  • edited September 2015
    Why cant we just stop arming the rebels in Syria and all those in transit across Europe can go home, then everybody is happy!
  • Migration is now inevitable and is something the world is going to experience a lot more of. But it is something that has always gone on. In the area where I live the new influx over 3-4 years has been from 1-2000 Roma's from Slovakia. I haven't got a problem with them, but some others see it as an issue hence a drop in property prices of around 30-40% in last 2-3 years, when the rest of the City is increasing. A 3-bed terrace can now be had for around £40-45,000.

    That said the issue of Syrian's is different as they are in the main seeing refuge and not economic interests. My wife moved to the UK in 2008 and on arriving she had colleagues asking if she had come here for economic reasons of better pay etc. (She moved here to live with me in the home I own). They soon shut up when she informed them that she had taken a 25% drop in pay whilst increasing her hours by around 20% to do exactly the same job. The UK is not the golden ticket as some believe (particularly migrants), but others will perceive it as a country that is generally harmonious and 'safe' to live in which is our most desirable asset. If I was looking for a country to live in given a free ticket, I could think of others I would also choose.

    As for the banner issue, it does smack of bandwagon and I think as others have said, I also hold the view that football and politics shouldn't mix because we are united by our love for this club and for many that is about all that unites us. As for other aspects of our lives, interests and views, diversity is perfectly acceptable and healthy.

    Maybe the club/fans should continue to voice tolerance of different peoples through it's Kick It Out Campaign, which fans already support.
  • Germans hold a pot of guilt for the actions of their nation historically Imo and hence why the need to feel tolerant above most of countries now, in ten years time though let's re visit
  • image

    More loony left nonsense. Who votes for these people?
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  • It is a swarm it's a great big swarm people shouldn't be afraid to say it how it is,

    All Political parties are the same

    When I become pm it will all be sorted,
  • bobmunro said:


    More loony left nonsense. Who votes for these people?

    This is the same party whose leader very recently described the migrant movements as a 'swarm'.

    Isn't it remarkable how u-turns are never really admitted - the tories are now the holier than thou party - the refugees' friend. Bunch of c**ts all of 'em.
    Not sure you are allowed to call migrants that any more..
    Oh, wait, you mean politicians. Carry on.
  • its a no-brainet. humans regsrdless of nationality and location are happier when we help each other out. Empathy is one of our greatest attributes. Fear is one our worst.

    trouble is those born without empathy wouldn't have a clue what your talking about.
  • Merkel and Hollande have now given little puppy Dave his instructions and he has rolled over to have his tummy tickled.
  • IMHO refugees are not welcome at the Valley

    What about the grandchildren of refugees? Just checking if I'm still welcome
  • edited September 2015

    IMHO refugees are not welcome at the Valley

    Possibly the saddest post I've read on here for quite a while. Can I enquire as to why?
  • IMHO refugees are not welcome at the Valley

    Possibly the saddest post I've read on here for quite a while. Can I enquire as to why?
    I could be wrong but I suspect he is referring to BANNERS not PEOPLE given the title of the thread.
  • If it's the banner idea Len then I can accept that.
  • edited September 2015
    My wife and her family left Central America in the 80s because of civil war and the security situation. It saddens me to think what some people on here would think of her.
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  • buckshee said:

    As regards to how wonderful and welcoming the Germans are may I point point out that the population density in the UK is roughly double that of Germany.

    May I point out that the UK and Germany have historically very different attitudes to people they regard as outsiders.

    I wasn't aware of this , thanks.
  • If previous waves of Muslim's had integrated better then people would be less worried about accepting the current refugees. Educated, religiously liberal Muslims are fine and have been positive for this nation but too many Muslims have been clannish, uneducated religious nutters that should never have been allowed to settle. The people on here who use emotional blackmail to demand we throw open out borders are the same kind of people who supported previous disastrous immigration policies and their views should be treated with caution.
  • IMHO refugees are not welcome at the Valley

    Possibly the saddest post I've read on here for quite a while. Can I enquire as to why?
    We are full on match days no room, plus tbh they smell
  • LenGlover said:

    Merkel and Hollande have now given little puppy Dave his instructions and he has rolled over to have his tummy tickled.

    So is that good or bad then Len?
  • Rothko said:

    sam3110 said:

    Hungary, Bulgaria, Belarus, Russia, Greece, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Ukraine, Romania, Macedonia, Croatia, Montenegro, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Austria, Poland, Germany, Denmark, Belgium, Switzerland, Netherlands, France.

    Why are we the prime destination for immigrants whereby they travel past or through all of these countries (and more besides) to get here? We have thousands of Eastern European people moving here every month as it is, I'm sure there is ample accommodation in their countries for asylum seekers? We as a nation are straining at the shores as it is, with our own housing and employment problems, we cannot afford to let in tens of thousands more people with limited skill sets and resources, clogging up the already antiquated and overflowing NHS, transport, employment and educational systems.

    We're not, it's Germany
    Aren't we something like 16th in the table of accepting asylum seekers per head of existing population?
    Yeah but using per head of population isn't really helping against most people's argument that England is already over populated.
    Perhaps, but it's certainly a factor when it comes to paying for the initial assimilation of refugees into our society.
  • edited September 2015
    So Syria Christians, of which there are many, would be welcome in the UK?

    Thing is that similar was said about previous groups such as East African Asians, Vietnamese boat people, Caribbeans, German and Eastern european jews and more recently Eastern Europeans.

    None were Muslims.

    no one on here has said "throw open the borders" either.

    personally I don't think there is one easy solution and it would be much better if Syria could be made safe for all the refugees to return and rebuild their country.

    but that will take time, money and a will to confront ISIS and Assad.

    In the meantime there is a human crisis to be dealt with.

    Those that don't want any "bloody Foreigners" here will find reasons to say "no" regardless of the persons religion, ethnicity or passport. It has always been so.

    others will offer support be it financial or by giving of their time or space in their homes. That also has always been so in this country and is one of our proudest traditions.

    but long term the government, the EU, the USA, Russia and the Gulf states need to find a workable solution by:

    Stop funding ISIS (Saudi)

    Stop backing Assad (russia)

    Defeating ISIS (all of them)

    Securing a free Kurdistan.

    Offering financial aid and homes (in well facilitilated camps, in Germany, in the gulf and yes even some on the UK) to refugees until such time as they are no longer needed. Or at least until the next crisis somewhere else.

  • IMHO refugees are not welcome at the Valley

    Possibly the saddest post I've read on here for quite a while. Can I enquire as to why?
    People - the Valley is a football ground and not a suitable place to house refugees, of course if they wish to watch a match and pay to do so then of course they are welcome.

    Banner - if the banner means that refugees are welcome in the UK then that is one meaning if at the Valley it means something else, so for me such a banner would be ambiguous and therefore pointless. Also it is a political statement to which a number of supporters and club employees might not agree and so it would be unfair to label the club with something that might not be supported by the majority.

  • kentred2 said:

    its a no-brainet. humans regsrdless of nationality and location are happier when we help each other out. Empathy is one of our greatest attributes. Fear is one our worst.

    trouble is those born without empathy wouldn't have a clue what your talking about.
    Not with spelling like that anyway.

    UK - £12.8bn in foreign aid

  • buckshee said:

    buckshee said:

    As regards to how wonderful and welcoming the Germans are may I point point out that the population density in the UK is roughly double that of Germany.

    May I point out that the UK and Germany have historically very different attitudes to people they regard as outsiders.
    I wasn't aware of this , thanks.

    No worries. If you could do a little research before portraying the British in a bad light it would be appreciated.
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