Don't know what to make of all this. The new crew have obviously been investigating all aspects of the club, and have to make judgements on what they consider is good and can stay, and what (and sadly who) must go. Well, financial and commercial decisions are one thing but cultural/tribal matters are quite another. "We've always done it that way" cuts little ice with them but where RRR is concerned they should think very carefully indeed before any drastic change is really being contemplated.
Maybe Ms Meire made an unguarded remark on her home territory, or, and this is a greater worry, perhaps being the smart lady she is she thought an off-the-cuff comment which might find its way into the viral highways and byways would bring her some useful insights and genuine feedback. Well, if the latter is the case then I'm sure she now has her answer. (Incidentally, this is a hazardous technique - he that rolleth a stone, it will return upon him.)
However, the anti-RD feeling which is evidently still alive and well takes little encouragement to show itself. I think the new lot continue to deserve the benefit of the doubt, and that KM will be a splendid operator.
Our culture takes some understanding - what, I wonder, did the Chinese make of "Keep right on to the end of the road" or the Icelanders "I'm forever blowing bubbles" ? I leave the last word to a Blackpool fan on here a few years ago. He was commenting on his matchday experience - entirely favourable despite them getting a good hiding - and he could not help but mention his admiration for RRR, which he called "wonderfully cheesy". That'll do for me.
I wish you hadnt come out with this, another stick for some to hit her with.
But if it's true, then should we just stand back and watch one more bit of our heritage, history and tradition be stripped away because a couple of Belgians don't like it because they don't understand it?
oh shush, we all know you just don't want your username to become defunct.
Of course, this is all academic. When we get promoted to the premier league the FA will make the players walk out to that godawful dreary premier league anthem instead!!
Sounds like a non-issue, as from what has been said it was nipped in the bud very quickly.
That being said, if this was to happen, then for the first time i would be up for a protest, that song is one of the things i love about our club, i sing it everytime, it is our heritage.
I even have it as my ringtone, which confuses people in public due to my metalhead appearance.
So it stays or im starting a petition to invade Belgium. ;-)
Tbh it may be our song, but it really is lame. Away supporters often take the pee. It belongs in the 1940's with Charles Charlie Charles, leather laced footballs, wooden rattles, etcetera, etcetera.
every organisation you should be able to contribute ideas however weird and crazy they might sound. Or at least that's what it's like in the creative industry. It creates discussion, educates people about the business and some one else may use that idea for an even better one.
Tbh it may be our song, but it really is lame. Away supporters often take the pee. It belongs in the 1940's with Charles Charlie Charles, leather laced footballs, wooden rattles, etcetera, etcetera.
You are absolutely right. Even though the song was written in 1926 the Billy Cotton version is from the 1940's. So are you saying we update a song each era, each generation, each decade, each year?
If we chose Chris Parkes suggestion 'Red River Rock':
Glad All Over (Crystal Palace), Z-Cars (Everton) are from the sixties, other songs from other times, Sussex by the Sea (Brighton and Hove Albion) for example was written in 1907.
So if RRR belongs in the era of 'Charles Charlie Charles, leather laced footballs, wooden rattles, etcetera, ' what do we do? Do we reflect the 2014's by running out to the Jeremy Kyle theme tune for example? That would soon be dated too. What is hot right now? Oliver Heldens X Becky Hill - Gecko (Overdrive) perhaps? That would soon enough pin us down to and era and seem terribly dated before long.
I realise that modern folk, especially young folk, want to hear modern music when they go to an event. But 'modernity' is as capricious as the fashionable length for skirts and dresses. Do we say 'red' was the in colour in 1905, but now seems so dated we should change our colours to an up to date Sugared Lilac?
Red Red Robin probably owes its pre eminence as much to music technology coming into grounds when it did with the 'tannoy' system, as to anything else. It is placed exactly right in the evolution of Charlton Athletic Football Club.
It's a matchday ritual for me to sing out loud at the beginning of a home match. If they decide to change it, Just look for the idiot in A block with his i-pod on, screaming at the top of his lungs............."When the red, red robin comes bob, bob, bobbin' along, along There'll be no more sobbin' when he starts throbbin' his old sweet song Wake up, wake up you sleepy head Get up, get out of your bed....................."
There is nothing wrong with asking the question but the answer would appear to be emphatically that the Charlton Anthem stays. This message board may not be completely typical of opinion across the range of supporters, but I reckon the vast majority of fans would not want to ditch the song at all. Personally it's part of the match day experience, as it means we're at home, watching Charlton ( and that can be helpful if you're off your face on belgian beer and wondering where the hell you are ;-)
If it goes I will consider for a nanosecond, touching myself outside the 'sportswear emporium' (where the club shop used to be ;-) ) in protest. Flippin' liberty takers. We'll be playing in blue next.
I wish you hadnt come out with this, another stick for some to hit her with.
But if it's true, then should we just stand back and watch one more bit of our heritage, history and tradition be stripped away because a couple of Belgians don't like it because they don't understand it?
oh shush, we all know you just don't want your username to become defunct.
Can't believe they're not consulting TRR and me before they get rid of it. Roland out.
I had that as my ringtone for a while. Used to play it whenever the boss came out of his office asking a colleague to pop in to see him when they had five minutes. Obviously after he was out of earshot...
Fair play, amazed that is real - incredible though it is. Does it mean they don't have better things to think about or they do? I'm all confused. One thing is for sure, running out to the red red robin has had nothing to do with whether we win or lose.
If it goes I will consider for a nanosecond, touching myself outside the 'sportswear emporium' (where the club shop used to be ;-) ) in protest. Flippin' liberty takers. We'll be playing in blue next.
Lol as a protest that would be a pretty anti-climactic spectacle.
I think RRR should be kept and also in addition something I think they do well at Nottingham Forest is to have there equivalent version of VFR played right before kick off usually gets there fans going right on time.
Maybe playing VFR right before kick off could help liven the place up too.
I think RRR should be kept and also in addition something I think they do well at Nottingham Forest is to have there equivalent version of VFR played right before kick off usually gets there fans going right on time.
Maybe playing VFR right before kick off could help liven the place up too.
No music at all would actually be the best bet as it would encourage/force the fans to generate the atmosphere themselves. Realistically the tannoy systems at most football grounds are designed to make public announcements, regardless of the tune you choose it's never really going to get you going.
I had that as my ringtone for a while. Used to play it whenever the boss came out of his office asking a colleague to pop in to see him when they had five minutes. Obviously after he was out of earshot...
Blimey - where do you work? Some kind of retirement Gestapo headquarters?
A tradition that's got to stay.
Don't know what to make of all this. The new crew have obviously been investigating all aspects of the club, and have to make judgements on what they consider is good and can stay, and what (and sadly who) must go. Well, financial and commercial decisions are one thing but cultural/tribal matters are quite another. "We've always done it that way" cuts little ice with them but where RRR is concerned they should think very carefully indeed before any drastic change is really being contemplated.
Maybe Ms Meire made an unguarded remark on her home territory, or, and this is a greater worry, perhaps being the smart lady she is she thought an off-the-cuff comment which might find its way into the viral highways and byways would bring her some useful insights and genuine feedback. Well, if the latter is the case then I'm sure she now has her answer. (Incidentally, this is a hazardous technique - he that rolleth a stone, it will return upon him.)
However, the anti-RD feeling which is evidently still alive and well takes little encouragement to show itself. I think the new lot continue to deserve the benefit of the doubt, and that KM will be a splendid operator.
Our culture takes some understanding - what, I wonder, did the Chinese make of "Keep right on to the end of the road" or the Icelanders "I'm forever blowing bubbles" ? I leave the last word to a Blackpool fan on here a few years ago. He was commenting on his matchday experience - entirely favourable despite them getting a good hiding - and he could not help but mention his admiration for RRR, which he called "wonderfully cheesy". That'll do for me.
It's just a song, and not exactly a classic one.
Maybe Plastic Bertrand could do a cover version to keep the Belgians happy
Any frenzy that I've been whipped into is soon dispelled by the sound of the red red robin.
Played on a continuous loop in the toilets could stop the smoking though.
That being said, if this was to happen, then for the first time i would be up for a protest, that song is one of the things i love about our club, i sing it everytime, it is our heritage.
I even have it as my ringtone, which confuses people in public due to my metalhead appearance.
So it stays or im starting a petition to invade Belgium. ;-)
Do your homework.
If we chose Chris Parkes suggestion 'Red River Rock':
It would be seated in that era.
Glad All Over (Crystal Palace), Z-Cars (Everton) are from the sixties, other songs from other times, Sussex by the Sea (Brighton and Hove Albion) for example was written in 1907.
So if RRR belongs in the era of 'Charles Charlie Charles, leather laced footballs, wooden rattles, etcetera, ' what do we do? Do we reflect the 2014's by running out to the Jeremy Kyle theme tune for example? That would soon be dated too.
What is hot right now? Oliver Heldens X Becky Hill - Gecko (Overdrive) perhaps? That would soon enough pin us down to and era and seem terribly dated before long.
I realise that modern folk, especially young folk, want to hear modern music when they go to an event. But 'modernity' is as capricious as the fashionable length for skirts and dresses. Do we say 'red' was the in colour in 1905, but now seems so dated we should change our colours to an up to date Sugared Lilac?
Red Red Robin probably owes its pre eminence as much to music technology coming into grounds when it did with the 'tannoy' system, as to anything else. It is placed exactly right in the evolution of Charlton Athletic Football Club.
There'll be no more sobbin' when he starts throbbin' his old sweet song
Wake up, wake up you sleepy head Get up, get out of your bed....................."
Personally it's part of the match day experience, as it means we're at home, watching Charlton ( and that can be helpful if you're off your face on belgian beer and wondering where the hell you are ;-)
So not a lie or a wind up.
Credit to her for asking fans views but dropping it is a terrible idea as said to her in an email.
Replacing it has no long term benefits but lots and lots of negatives.
We can be a generic club with generic meaningless music or we can be Charlton. Your choice.
I had that as my ringtone for a while. Used to play it whenever the boss came out of his office asking a colleague to pop in to see him when they had five minutes. Obviously after he was out of earshot...
Lol as a protest that would be a pretty anti-climactic spectacle.
Maybe playing VFR right before kick off could help liven the place up too.
Some kind of retirement Gestapo headquarters?
Man up and play it to your scary boss's face.