Have to say that where I went wrong was that once my body got used to running at 11 minutes per mile on my long run I found it very difficult to get my speed back to a pace of 9 minute mile even on short runs (I ran this speed in the half marathons). If I train for another full marathon I defiantly need to vary my training to include speed work.
Everyone is different but as a general rule I'd very much agree with @rina on the long run at lesd than race pace.
As far as Bournemouth Marathon goes don't know much tbh and haven't ran it yet. It's still early days for it but seems very well organised and resourced from what I've seen and heard. Liz Yelling is behind it financially and they are definitely trying to establish it as a rival to Brighton from what I've heard.
It starts near the football ground, quite early I think, and heads out towards Christchurch before dropping down onto the seafront, eventually turning around in Sandbanks and heading back. There's a few loops thrown in to get the miles up and there's a bit of a nasty hill back up through the chine to the clifftop around 16 if I'm getting it right (can't seem to find a map at the mo'). Quite a long, straight, drag at times along the prom but the weather was kind last time. I can confirm it's not a much fun running into the wind for 6 straight miles if it gets up though.
Not the greatest field at the moment, numbers or quality wise but sold out last year and the better runners will come in time. The other races over the weekend were sold out as well I think.
Looked like nice goodie bag, t-shirt and medal people were sporting at the end, it finishes back in the middle of town. Supporter wise lots of people out and about and at the end but there will be bits without anybody.
Everybody I know enjoyed their run if that helps. Oh and my road was closed at both ends for 5 fecking hours on the day but I don't really mind.
I did my first organised race yesterday, the London 10k. I only started running a year ago, so not the fastest in the world yet, but was hoping for a sub-hour time.
In my training in Brighton my fastest was 1:00:20 and that was with walking for five minutes in the middle so was confident. Yesterday I didn't stop once and ran all the way yet my time was 1:01:19?? And even stranger MapMyRun on the phone told me that I'd actually run just under 11k in that time and not 10.
The other runners in my team also all had varying distances on their garmins etc, around 10.5k-11k.... So do any running experts on here know the score when it comes to this sort of thing? My suspicion is that I must have ran 10k under the hour and that through weaving around walkers and taking corners wide and all that I actually ran further than the advertised distance.
Is this normal at these kind of events??
Did the London in 1990 I think and my starting position was about 4000 based on three half m results. Spend 1st 3 miles weaving in and out of lying fun runners so was five minutes outside my 6.30 mpm target time after 3 miles. To$$ers!
everyone is different, a friend and I have very similar marathon times but he does his long runs a minute per mile faster than I do. I wnet for my first run since Sunday today, pulled up after 4miles with same calf injury so sadly pulling out of VLM this year.
everyone is different, a friend and I have very similar marathon times but he does his long runs a minute per mile faster than I do. I wnet for my first run since Sunday today, pulled up after 4miles with same calf injury so sadly pulling out of VLM this year.
In total awe how anyone can run that quick over marathon distance.
I cant wait to run my LSRs slower and do some proper intervals to see what difference it makes. Sadly I dont think I'll be taking a couple of hours off my time lol.
A bit off topic but i stupidly signed up for a 50 mile trail race in squamish, near vancouver. Race is at the end of August and i reckon it will take around 12 hours. Anyone have any experience in this ultra lark? Training tips? Furthest I've ran so far is marathon distance!
I've signed up for the city 5k in July. Only ever run for the bus before. In the last few weeks have managed about 3/3.5 k in about 20 mins so I reckon dooable. We might ramp it up to half an hour and see how far we go. For this kind of distance is this sufficient training, or should we approach it differently?
A bit off topic but i stupidly signed up for a 50 mile trail race in squamish, near vancouver. Race is at the end of August and i reckon it will take around 12 hours. Anyone have any experience in this ultra lark? Training tips? Furthest I've ran so far is marathon distance!
facebook group called 'ultrarunning community' is a great resource. have a read through some of the posts and ask any questions, people are pretty helpful
yeah, deferring, cheers. Meanwhile my mate ran Manchester marathon (his third of the year!) on the weekend and beat my pb by 5.5 minutes #jealous
I had the same thing. have been winding up a friend about him constantly failing to beat my pb but he finally took 5 minutes off it in manchester yesterday. I'm absolutely delighted for him tbh but now have to train properly to retake the lead in the autumn
A bit off topic but i stupidly signed up for a 50 mile trail race in squamish, near vancouver. Race is at the end of August and i reckon it will take around 12 hours. Anyone have any experience in this ultra lark? Training tips? Furthest I've ran so far is marathon distance!
Is that the place with the eagles?
You have some amazing places to run and train out there crazy. I've just come back from a 5 miler along the prom in the sunshine (accompanied by The Beach Boys singing somewhat ironically about California Girls as I pass through Boscombe) and I really appreciate am lucky to have the beach on my doorstep, but your environment is on another level altogether. Very jealous...but not of the 50 miler ahead.
Thanks @rina, Will check it out. That s the place @Bournemouth Addick ... it's pretty amazing. There was a huge rockfall there yesterday. A huge chunk of the chief literally feel away. Hoping there was no one climbing it at the time!
Thanks @rina, Will check it out. That s the place @Bournemouth Addick ... it's pretty amazing. There was a huge rockfall there yesterday. A huge chunk of the chief literally feel away. Hoping there was no one climbing it at the time!
Wow, that's a spectacular piece of rock, it made my palms sweaty just thinking about standing on the top let alone climbing it. Fingers crossed everybody is safe.
Re:ultras I know a few people who have done the Comrades and the Marathon Du Sable, etc and on a good day I start day dreaming of one last hurrah and having a crack at one but (so far) have come to my senses before doing anything stupid, like signing up for one. Good luck and keep us informed of how its going.
Re:ultras I know a few people who have done the Comrades and the Marathon Du Sable,
these are the 2 that are on my bucket list. The problem with comrades is you really need to do it twice as they alternate between the up course and down course
Good luck to everyone running today especially those on here,I'm afraid injury still rules me out running marathons at the moment but am aiming for next years hopefully.Have done four London Marathons and its a fantastic day and achievement,feel so emotional watching it now.
Re:ultras I know a few people who have done the Comrades and the Marathon Du Sable,
these are the 2 that are on my bucket list. The problem with comrades is you really need to do it twice as they alternate between the up course and down course
Re:ultras I know a few people who have done the Comrades and the Marathon Du Sable,
these are the 2 that are on my bucket list. The problem with comrades is you really need to do it twice as they alternate between the up course and down course
I'm told the downhill is worse too.
so I've heard. no surprise, it must destroy the quads
Someone posted couple years ago what you had to do to break msrsthon record by doing other distances. For example would have to run x amount of 800 metre races in x amount of time - can anyone remember it?
Had a cracking morning marshalling down at Cutty Sark with Plumstead Runners. My lot done great. Had 3 go under 4 hours for the first time, another missed out on sub 4 by about 30 seconds and the rest trickled in, the slowest just over 5 hours. Our legendary Super Gran, with more than 500 marathons to her name, cantered in at 4:04 and came 2nd in her age category.
Got a huge hangover this morning as we have the post marathon party on the Sunday evening along with our twinned German running club, who send their guys over to run, one clocked 2:40 something.
I found out yesterday that I've got a guaranteed place for the Berlin Marathon in September so thats going to be my next PB attempt. Will be nice to do them LSRs in the sunshine!
Had a fail, but led to a performance I am prouder of than other marathons I have done. Tweaked a calf after about 2 miles and slowed to adjust my running style to cope with it. my left leg gradually fell to pieces as a result (moving up from calf to knee and then to my hip). The crowd got me through it in about 4.30 when I was aiming for 3.45 and felt confident of achieving that. Realistically should have stopped but refused to give in.
I am now trying to convince myself not to do another marathon as my legs wont handle it - no convinced I will success in that though.
If I train for another full marathon I defiantly need to vary my training to include speed work.
As far as Bournemouth Marathon goes don't know much tbh and haven't ran it yet. It's still early days for it but seems very well organised and resourced from what I've seen and heard. Liz Yelling is behind it financially and they are definitely trying to establish it as a rival to Brighton from what I've heard.
It starts near the football ground, quite early I think, and heads out towards Christchurch before dropping down onto the seafront, eventually turning around in Sandbanks and heading back. There's a few loops thrown in to get the miles up and there's a bit of a nasty hill back up through the chine to the clifftop around 16 if I'm getting it right (can't seem to find a map at the mo'). Quite a long, straight, drag at times along the prom but the weather was kind last time. I can confirm it's not a much fun running into the wind for 6 straight miles if it gets up though.
Not the greatest field at the moment, numbers or quality wise but sold out last year and the better runners will come in time. The other races over the weekend were sold out as well I think.
Looked like nice goodie bag, t-shirt and medal people were sporting at the end, it finishes back in the middle of town. Supporter wise lots of people out and about and at the end but there will be bits without anybody.
Everybody I know enjoyed their run if that helps. Oh and my road was closed at both ends for 5 fecking hours on the day
I wnet for my first run since Sunday today, pulled up after 4miles with same calf injury so sadly pulling out of VLM this year.
Meanwhile my mate ran Manchester marathon (his third of the year!) on the weekend and beat my pb by 5.5 minutes #jealous
I cant wait to run my LSRs slower and do some proper intervals to see what difference it makes. Sadly I dont think I'll be taking a couple of hours off my time lol.
You have some amazing places to run and train out there crazy. I've just come back from a 5 miler along the prom in the sunshine (accompanied by The Beach Boys singing somewhat ironically about California Girls as I pass through Boscombe) and I really appreciate am lucky to have the beach on my doorstep, but your environment is on another level altogether. Very jealous...but not of the 50 miler ahead.
Re:ultras I know a few people who have done the Comrades and the Marathon Du Sable, etc and on a good day I start day dreaming of one last hurrah and having a crack at one but (so far) have come to my senses before doing anything stupid, like signing up for one. Good luck and keep us informed of how its going.
Good luck everyone!
Had a cracking morning marshalling down at Cutty Sark with Plumstead Runners. My lot done great. Had 3 go under 4 hours for the first time, another missed out on sub 4 by about 30 seconds and the rest trickled in, the slowest just over 5 hours. Our legendary Super Gran, with more than 500 marathons to her name, cantered in at 4:04 and came 2nd in her age category.
Got a huge hangover this morning as we have the post marathon party on the Sunday evening along with our twinned German running club, who send their guys over to run, one clocked 2:40 something.
I found out yesterday that I've got a guaranteed place for the Berlin Marathon in September so thats going to be my next PB attempt. Will be nice to do them LSRs in the sunshine!
I am now trying to convince myself not to do another marathon as my legs wont handle it - no convinced I will success in that though.
Another finished in 4:04:04 (target was under 4 hours but was his first marathon too)