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Getting married on Sunday... what's your one bit of advice for a happy marriage?



  • Buy a dog. Taking the dog for a walk is a great excuse for departing the home in the event of a row or if you are in need of a pint!
  • PeterGage said:

    Buy a dog. Taking the dog for a walk is a great excuse for departing the home in the event of a row or if you are in need of a pint!

    Even better is that our mutt is her guide dog, so if I take him walkies she can't follow...RESULT!

  • My advice would be to accept that even with the best and most accurate argument in the world you will never convince her that you are right about something. If a fight starts just summon up a large smelly fart and that will shut her up.

    It's my advice: that doesn't mean that I've ever done it or that it would work. It's just a new idea that I've just thought of that I fancy giving a go one day. It's about as silly and confusing as marriage, women and life are anyway, so why not?
  • My advice would be to accept that even with the best and most accurate argument in the world you will never convince her that you are right about something. If a fight starts just summon up a large smelly fart and that will shut her up.

    It's my advice: that doesn't mean that I've ever done it or that it would work. It's just a new idea that I've just thought of that I fancy giving a go one day. It's about as silly and confusing as marriage, women and life are anyway, so why not?

    Tried it years ago...she out farted me by 100-1.

  • Loving some of this macho, jingoistic clap trap on here! Let the missus have a read, should be interesting.

    Just don't argue fella, it gets you nowhere and can cause irreparable damage! Talk things through, even with a touch of sarcasm if necessary, but it sure beats the hell out of a lose/lose argument.
  • Bazjonster is under the thumb. Probably had to get permission to post that....

  • The secret ? Marry the right girl, after 54 years my favourite place in the World is anywhere that she is. We have survived loads of tiffs ( she stabbed me with a fork in the first month ), losing our son to leukaemia, being hard up a few times, but we have always pulled together when it mattered. Work hard at your marriage, the rewards are wonderful, best of luck.
  • so.....did you go through with it?
  • Thanks everyone - I had an amazing day and CAFC was mentioned in the speech. Well the wife as I call her now did spend Valentine's Day with me at the Valley a couple of seasons ago and it was her idea even though she doesn't understand football. To me that told me I had a keeper. I shall try to use some of the wisdom imparted on here! Cheers Lifers!!
  • Congrats.

    Now give her back the key to the computer cabinet and get on with your chores.
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  • Congratulations fella
  • Thanks everyone - I had an amazing day and CAFC was mentioned in the speech. Well the wife as I call her now did spend Valentine's Day with me at the Valley a couple of seasons ago and it was her idea even though she doesn't understand football. To me that told me I had a keeper. I shall try to use some of the wisdom imparted on here! Cheers Lifers!!

    She doesn't understand football but she's a keeper - bit insulting to Ben Hamer I felt.
  • Have a hobby that is absolutely nothing to do with her (as well as going to football)
    Don't forget your mates - you need to go out for beers regularly
    Buy a dishwasher if you can afford one
    Buy a pair of sunglasses or get very, very good at having a quick glance around you when the sun is out...

    Have a great day.

    This remains the best piece of advice for any relationship. Quality.
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