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The Ashes



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    Lehmann is a good choice for them.

    He'll give them some slack but has the assertiveness to clamp down if and when needed.

    If you can win the respect of ultra critical Yorkshiremen you must have something going for you!
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    edited June 2013
    LenGlover said:

    Lehmann is a good choice for them.

    He'll give them some slack but has the assertiveness to clamp down if and when needed.

    If you can win the respect of ultra critical Yorkshiremen you must have something going for you!

    1,400 odd runs to help them win their first Championship in decades helps......

    It's a shrewd move by Cricket Australia.
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    Riviera said:

    LenGlover said:

    Lehmann is a good choice for them.

    He'll give them some slack but has the assertiveness to clamp down if and when needed.

    If you can win the respect of ultra critical Yorkshiremen you must have something going for you!

    1,400 odd runs to help them win their first Champ ship in decades helps......
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    Lehman is a top bloke but their problems go far, far deeper than replacing the coach.

    The IPL has had a devastating effect on Australian cricket, you now have lots if young players who don't NEED to play Test cricket - they are earning millions from the IPL.

    As a result blokes like Warner basically do what they like because they consider themselves untouchable.

    Bloody shame, isn't it?
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    Blaming the IPL is an excuse and not a reason for Australia's decline. There are plenty of kids who don't get a look in in all the 20/20 stuff and these should be identified and nurtured. Remember 1977? Alan Border, Grahame Yallop, Kim Hughes, Graham Wood, Rodney Hogg, Terry Alderman etc all emerged when the cream went off to WSC. All the other countries manage to produce decent Test teams whilst still having IPL contracted players.
    Grade cricket is still very good in Australia but the national side spent too long in integrating youngsters and relied on the old guard too long. There are plenty of young Aussies prepared to commit to Test cricket but the hierarchy has not been good for years. Lehman's appointment is a long overdue move in the right direction. Well it will shut up the C9 commentary box fraternity for a bit at least.
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    I have a feeling Ponting may be called up and begged if they are suffering after the first test

    With regards to England. You have to keep Trott, KP and Bell at 3, 4, 5. That is a very good spine to any test team. I think I would have Root at 6 and put Compton back in at number 2. Prior at 7. Bowlers would be Swann, Broad, finn and anderson for me.

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    England squad to face Essex:

    Alastair Cook (Essex, capt), James Anderson (Lancashire), Jonny Bairstow (Yorkshire), Ian Bell (Warwicks), Tim Bresnan (Yorkshire), Stuart Broad (Notts), Steven Finn (Middlesex), Graham Onions (Durham), Kevin Pietersen (Surrey), Matt Prior (Sussex, wkt), Boyd Rankin (Warwicks), Joe Root (Yorkshire), Graeme Swann (Notts), Jonathan Trott (Warwicks)

    So Compton out and Root to open with Cook.

    Rankin is the big surprise - looks like Tremlett has dropped out of the reckoning.
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    Root is opening for England against Essex... I've got tickets to the opening Sunday so I hope England are put in to bat first so I can scout him out (though he's opened for Yorks enough times). Failing that, Essex will probably be bowled out for 20 again, so I suppose I'll see him bat whoever wins the toss :S
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    redcarter said:
    Thanks for sharing that. Thats one of the best articles I've read on that test match. Will always be known to be as Fredbaston 2005 to me. Dont think we'll see another test match like that in our life time.

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    now we know .. Root will open unless his 'trial' is a total disaster. Australia will be a lot stronger simply because Darren Lehmann's appointment will get the team fired up.
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    think thats the right move from us re Joe Root .i am liking the look our side now
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    How come in cricket if you play for one country you're still allowed to play for another one?
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    JohnBoyUK said:

    redcarter said:
    Thanks for sharing that. Thats one of the best articles I've read on that test match. Will always be known to be as Fredbaston 2005 to me. Dont think we'll see another test match like that in our life time.

    All of the articles in that series are superb.
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    How come in cricket if you play for one country you're still allowed to play for another one?

    There are rules allowing someone to switch from a minor country to a 'major' one. If you go back, then it's a lot slower, hence if Rankin plays one T20 game for England and never gets picked again, it'll take ages before he's available again for Ireland.
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    How come in cricket if you play for one country you're still allowed to play for another one?

    I think its simply the case that you can play for any country if you've lived there for 5 years (I think), irrespective of whether you or your family were born there, or if you've played for another country? Might be different going from one test playing nation to another, compared to going from an associate member (e.g. Ireland).

    not saying I agree with it, just what I think the rules are. Team England, if not the development of English-born cricketers have certainly benefitted from these rules
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    redcarter said:
    A fans perspective on that wonderful last day......
    **, Sep 13, 2005

    It only dawned on me a few weeks ago that if I didn't get to The Oval it would be the first time since 1968 that I hadn't seen the Aussies in the flesh.
    I was at the Oval in '72, as a seven year old sitting on the grass, when both Chappels got a ton and I have seen at least one days play in every subsequent series.
    However through a combination of work commitments and the ridiculous ticketing arrangements installed by the ECB it was looking bleak.
    I flirted with the idea of blowing a lump of cash on E-bay, but couldn't get the full support of 'er indoors!
    At lunchtime today I was watching play unfold in a City pub when it all got too much for me. I just had to get there. By hook or by crook. I turned to my work pals and told them as much, I wasn't even peed; I had been on water for the last two hours.
    One of them agreed with me so we jumped in a cab and shot across the Thames.
    I really had no idea what I was going to do, bribe and elderly gateman with a couple of twenty pound notes was probably going to be my plan I guess.
    When we got there I was shocked to see the extent of security guards and stewarding outside the ground. I tried a young girl on a turnstile with £20 but although she was up for it, her supervisor was getting suspicious. I pretended to ring a friend in the ground who had my ticket, and asked to wait inside for him. That didn't work either and I was beginning to run out of ideas.
    Then I saw it. An unmanned "Exit" turnstile, I just ran to it, crawled under it and ran. All I heard was a few cries of "Excuse me Sir" and my work pal followed, the female stewards tried to stop him but he ran too and to be honest, they were not really that bothered.
    We ran round towards the Vauxhall End, ran up some stairs and sat in two empty seats down at fine leg, just by the hapless Shaun Tait.
    The bloke next to us said that the seats had been empty since lunch, what a piece of luck.
    The atmosphere was unbelievable, it was just after tea and everyone was just about convinced that we were safe. There was great banter with the Aussies and it was just so wonderful to be there. OK it was a bit naughty and not the norm for me, but we didn't do anyone any harm.
    One down side today was the ridiculous wait for the presentation ceremony. It took forever to set up. We are told not to go onto the playing area, but then the players are hidden from us and everytime an award is made a stupid advert appears on the big screen announcing the winner but not letting us see the moment. No wonder some "Lost It" and ran onto the field. Oh for the days of Peter West on the balcony and us standing underneath cheering.
    I must say I have enjoyed this series more than any other since 1985-The Forgotten Ashes- as I call it! I guess that was because my heroes were at their peak, Gower, Gooch and Gatting scored loads and Both was at his belligerent best. However this has been more exciting throughout and the pace of the game so much quicker.
    A quick look at this years stats would not excite anyone who hadn't seen the cricket. Not many centuries, no one scoring a stack of runs like Gower in '85 or Viv in '76. There were no mammoth totals and no double figure shockers. It was just excellent cricket played by two fantastic, evenly matched sides. Lords apart, all the games were close, and even in that first test-if we had caught our catches it could have been tighter.
    Hats off to the Aussies! They are a super bunch of sportsmen. Obviously Warne, an absolute hero, but also Bret Lee, a great competitor-all heart. I like Langer, a tough cookie and a honourable man. Ponting is a fine player, maybe is finished as captain, and for me I forgive him his outburst at Trent Bridge because of his apology and also his gracious acceptance of defeat.
    I think McGrath is over the hill and for some reason Gilcrest has gone completely soft.
    Hasn't it been great to have Ian Maxwell on TMS? Also Marshy! He is superb. Such a dry wit and deadpan delivery and has shown himself to be a true, fair and unbiased summariser.
    As for our boys, well Freddie is King! To be honest though EVERYONE has done something. You can't put a price on Colligwood's 51 ball 10 today, it was invaluable.
    Others need mentions though, Tres and Strauss have given us some great, positive starts. Vaughn has basically looked like a classical batting master whether he gets 1 or one hundred.
    I said at the start of this match that KP owed us a ton, he delivered, and he ended up as leading run scorer from both teams.
    Jones has made good runs as has Giles. The four seamers have all had their day.
    I guess we must mention Fletch too, if you listen to the players present and recent- they all rate him highly. To be fair to him, when we do well he doesn't bask in glory but does take flack when it all goes Pete Tong. I wonder if fancies a go at our football team?
    Off the field it is a sad goodbye to C4, their coverage has been brilliant. They really have taken cricket coverage to new levels. I'd love to see Nicholas, Athers, Hughes et al replace the boring Sky duo of Allot and Willis and the foolish Colville. Geoff Boycott must not be lost again either.
    While on the subject of the media I really think it is time for the BBC cricket correspondent’s position to be called into question. His pathetically negative summing up of sessions and days play leads me to believe he really has lost touch with the game. Anyone who heard his crazy theories that England had blown it by actually bowling out Australia on Sunday was just mind numbing. I do not think he knows how this team play their cricket, they are positive and do not think about things going wrong.
    He was as bad on Thursday evening, we were 300 odd for 7 and you'd have thought we had been skittled out for 100 if you'd listen to him. The Aussies would have a lead of 200+ according to him.
    The whole title of Cricket Correspondent is one I am struggling with. All he does is the international stuff and maybe a domestic final. He appears to have no knowledge of up and coming players unlike CMJ, and Pat Murphy seems to do far more work than Aggers.
    In fact I want to start a campaign to rid ourselves of the "Old Moaners" brigade in the media. Agnew, Allot, Willis, Angus "bloody" Fraser- how on earth did he get a job? Even my old hero IT Botham is turning into a modern day Fred Trueman and he needs to be brought into line before it's too late.
    Ian Ward is a natural on the telly, unlike Nass who started so wooden but is improving. But you can't beat the old guard, Benaud and Boycott, with a bit of Tony Greig. Gower is a good frontman but Mark Nicholas is better and David Lloyd has just become the court jester. Yes he FLIPPIN has!
    It has been a wonderful, if crazy few weeks and the thought of playing anyone apart from these wonderful Aussies just does not do anything for me. They'll be plenty tickets available next summer sadly.
    Roll on 2006/7 Down Under! We're keeping those Ashes boys!
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    KP will be straight back in-he's pure class

    Root will open with Bairstow retaining his place.

    Looks a good, well-balanced top six with KP back in

    Needs to be though as with Lehmann now in charge and a decent bowling attack anyone expecting a cakewalk is way off the mark in my opinion
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    Having a go at Bumble and Aggers! Sacrilege.
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    Having a go at Bumble and Aggers! Sacrilege.

    Bumble has been better on Sky, it was C4 then remember, Aggers is still a gloom merchant and doesn't give the title of BBC Cricket Correspondent the respect it deserves.
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    KP will be straight back in-he's pure class

    Root will open with Bairstow retaining his place.

    Looks a good, well-balanced top six with KP back in

    Needs to be though as with Lehmann now in charge and a decent bowling attack anyone expecting a cakewalk is way off the mark in my opinion

    1st Test England XI


    So just one slot to decide on. Who do you think should be 3rd seamer? I’d stick with Finn for now but he does need to bowl a bit more consistently. Maybe he should be told to be the enforcer like Harmison was in 2005 and briefly in 2009.
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    it'll be Finn or Bresnan. Bresnan looked finished last test because of his elbow injury, and wasn't great in the CL, so I hope it's Finn.

    Is Tremlett completely out of the picture? He's fit and playing.
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    I like Chris Tremlett, he just seems to lack that bit of aggression, that killer instinct. I thought last Ashes he had found it as he tore through the Aussies. If he can find it again he would be great to be back in the side.
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    Finn must take the 3rd seamer position. If he plays poorly, or if Broad does for that matter, then Bresnan gets a chance.
    Injuries can also give Bresnan a chance.

    Re Tremlett. Yes he's back playing, but he's not quite "fit enough" to be bowling break neck speed in an Ashes series (according to him).
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    Finn has to be given the first opportunity I'd have thought. His height means he gets bounce which is what batsman fear more than anything else.
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    I'm sure I read somewhere that Tremlett is being treatly with care at the moment, with a view to being ready for the winter Ashes in Australia.

    Don't forget Onions as another option. Probbaly a better bowler than Bresnan, and with only 4 bowlers and Prior at 7, his bowling ability ought to count more.
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    Compton is currently giving it to a pretty much full-strength "Australians" for Somerset. 73 no off 121 balls. Methinks the man has some unfinished business to attend to. Fine by me - competition for places. We don't have an embarrassment of batting riches.
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    The England selectors are giving Compton some last ditch chances to stake a claim for an openers slot. He will probably play for Worcestershire next week in the last Aussie warm up game before the series starts.
    Fair enough, but this brings the whole idea of player registration into the realm of high farce
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    The England selectors are giving Compton some last ditch chances to stake a claim for an openers slot. He will probably play for Worcestershire next week in the last Aussie warm up game before the series starts.
    Fair enough, but this brings the whole idea of player registration into the realm of high farce

    I don't like it either but it's only a friendly so no real registration issues.
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    edited June 2013
    If The Aussies have any sense they'll let him score a couple of hundreds. Then roll him over in the 1st Test :-(
This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!