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Millwall v Charlton Post Match Views



  • The best thing about yesterday was meeting up with others in the pub before the game.

    And the fish and chips we had last night
  • For me, I felt it was Judgement day and we failed miserably.
    I would rather not play them, if we manage to sneak into the playoffs.
    At the moment I hate charlton more than any other team.
    Fair play to Millwall, they were up for it and got what we all expected, a good pasting.
    It's hard to pick yourself up, brush yourself down and get on with life when it comes to that sort of treatment.
    Cheers Charlton.........
  • Don't feel like reading the rest of the comments and depressing myself further so apologies.

    Shameful 2nd half from the team and the management. I hope they are suitably embarrassed about that performance.

    I don't ever like losing to them but I've seen it before and can live with it but even when we turned up with a team of kids (Tivey, Darlington) and the likes of Mike Small we didn't lose 4 - 0 or play so abjectly.

    The fans turned up and tried to do their bit but once the plan of contain them went wrong we had nothing else to offer individually or tactically. Not even fight by the end.

    Not looking forward to the next 10 games this season and seriously doubting for the first time (for the wrong reason) that it we will make it 12 let alone 13.

    thank f*** I'm working away from the PC for the next few days so don't have to read gloating spanners on here.
  • henry that day when they had darlington etc in team,was when all of a sudden our elder players went sick. our carlo liked to miss a millwall game
  • wot f--ks me off more than most about yesterday was the team our so called manager picked eg no jonjo no waggy no burton ok burton came in from elsewhere but he scores our goals so we leave him on the bench as for jonjo and waggy they as kids in our youth and reserve set ups know exactly wot it means to beat millwall not some useless donkey arsed loanees parky you are a f---ing arsehole we should av charlton people running and playing for this club yesterday was so humiliating it was one of the worst results i have ever witnessed as a charlton fan, the players and i excuse chris solly from this cos the kid was asked to do a job a more senior player should av been asked to do they wore the famous shirt with shame and im disgusted.

    keep kinsella ,bring back chris powell ,and steve brown charlton people who wore the shirt with pride .
  • edited March 2010
    Everything about yesterday was bad.

    First off, I can't remember feeling so ashamed of a charlton team.

    Our players were too scared to challenge for the ball and too scared to have the ball. they didn't want to get the ball down and play they just wanted to header it away so it was nothing to do with them anymore.

    First half we played long ball which doesn't work for us, and played right into millwall's hands. I couldn't believe that Parky didn't sort that out at half time. I thought there's no way we'll come out playing hopeful long balls again... but we did.

    Absolute cowards and bottlers the lot of them. I felt ashamed of them.

    Second, it was so depressing to go to a game at the den. To look round at the way their fans acted (grown men and their kids united to shout abuse and threaten other fans), police and stewards standing by and letting them get on with it like it was mob-rule, police horses and riot police on the pitch 'for our own protection', being kept caged in and treated like animals for our own safety.

    I've grown up watching football in all-seater stadiums so maybe I have a different view to some of you but it just shouldn't be like this to watch a game of football.

    To see our players look so uncommitted, then race off down the tunnel (with parkinson) without acknowledging anyone just made it worse. They live in their own little bubble and they either don't care or don't know all the rubbish we go through to come and watch them play.

    I read on here about fans going to the valley last night to give the players a hard time and fair play to them for that, because I left that game just wanting the players to feel half as shit as I felt and feeling bitter that they can get away with playing like that.
  • Pleasant suprise #1 - I think Charlton playing Bailey on the left was key. I expected him to play in the middle. I've known Charlton fans tell me that he's dragged you through games in the past, but he surely cant be as effective out on the wing as he was in the centre. He gave Llera an almighty b*llocking after the third goal. They were going at it for some time too.
    Pleasant suprise #2 - Christian Dailly on the teamsheet. Morison gave him a torrid time at your place, so i thought that might be changed.
    Pleasant suprise #3 - Your left back (Solly?) looked like a rabit in the headlights. I've seen some on here say that they thought he had a good game. But our right midfielder had a hand in all four goals. Surely someone with a bit of experience in a game like this was called for?

    Charlton are missing a good centre half, and a good striker. Mooney and Sodje dont look good enough. I thought Llera actually had a decent first half. Kyle Reid is a good player, and looked like the one player that might make something happen for you.

    Thought you were the better team in the first half. Going in 1-0 down must have been soul destroying. We didn't look good at all. After the second went in, it was a case of 'how many'.

    Your fans were loud until the goal. Ours were quiet (...on edge i think). But I couldn't hear anything from your end in the second half. Spoke to a dejected Les_Says last night, and he said that our fans found their voices in the second half, and your players collective bottle went. COuld've been a lot different if you'd made the possession pay off in the first half.

    Not sure we were four goals better, but you cant go defending like that if you want to get out of this league. I was suprised we were as clinical as we were.

    Individual talent means f**k all in this league. I'd go as far as saying that you have better individuals than us. Kenny Jackett has built a strong side that can play a bit, and mix it up a bit. We lose games, but we wont be bullied out of a game.

    Not a great game yesterday. From what i've seen at The Den so far, Hartlepool would've clobbered us both yesterday!
  • Your right, Reid is our most creative player and Bailey our best. Yet silly bollox in charge plays both out of position. Clueless.
  • fair play on your assessment grouchy
  • [cite]Posted By: oohaahmortimer[/cite]fair play on your assessment grouchy

    Agreed and it was good for Harris to acknowledge us on the Football League Show too even when our own didnt think it was necessary apart from Wagstaff who showed more balls in that single act than the rest all day (solly and semedo excluded)
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  • short & to the point ValleyGary !
  • [cite]Posted By: Groucho78MFC[/cite]Pleasant suprise #1 - I think Charlton playing Bailey on the left was key. I expected him to play in the middle. I've known Charlton fans tell me that he's dragged you through games in the past, but he surely cant be as effective out on the wing as he was in the centre. He gave Llera an almighty b*llocking after the third goal. They were going at it for some time too.
    Pleasant suprise #2 - Christian Dailly on the teamsheet. Morison gave him a torrid time at your place, so i thought that might be changed.
    Pleasant suprise #3 - Your left back (Solly?) looked like a rabit in the headlights. I've seen some on here say that they thought he had a good game. But our right midfielder had a hand in all four goals. Surely someone with a bit of experience in a game like this was called for?

    Charlton are missing a good centre half, and a good striker. Mooney and Sodje dont look good enough. I thought Llera actually had a decent first half. Kyle Reid is a good player, and looked like the one player that might make something happen for you.

    Thought you were the better team in the first half. Going in 1-0 down must have been soul destroying. We didn't look good at all. After the second went in, it was a case of 'how many'.

    Your fans were loud until the goal. Ours were quiet (...on edge i think). But I couldn't hear anything from your end in the second half. Spoke to a dejected Les_Says last night, and he said that our fans found their voices in the second half, and your players collective bottle went. COuld've been a lot different if you'd made the possession pay off in the first half.

    Not sure we were four goals better, but you cant go defending like that if you want to get out of this league. I was suprised we were as clinical as we were.

    Individual talent means f**k all in this league. I'd go as far as saying that you have better individuals than us. Kenny Jackett has built a strong side that can play a bit, and mix it up a bit. We lose games, but we wont be bullied out of a game.

    Not a great game yesterday. From what i've seen at The Den so far, Hartlepool would've clobbered us both yesterday!

    Have to agree 100% with all of this.
  • Wish we had a forward like harris
  • I too think Groucho's analysis is spot on.

    I believe if Jackson / Youga had played things may have been different. I think we need to freshen things up again.

    In my view we would have fallen away further had Jackson and Reid not sign over the last few weeks . Parky did well with the Jackson loan it is not his fault that Jacko got injured , i understand that he goes back to Notts County this week , so is money available for another loan if Youga is not back next week ?
  • I doubt it. Parkinson said he would talk to the board when Jackson was injured last week. If money was available I reckon he'd have committed to a loan for yesterday.
  • Could you print out that assessment, Grouchy & post it to a Mr P Parkinson c/o The Valley, please ?
  • [cite]Posted By: Groucho78MFC[/cite]
    Individual talent means f**k all in this league. I'd go as far as saying that you have better individuals than us. Kenny Jackett has built a strong side that can play a bit, and mix it up a bit. We lose games, but we wont be bullied out of a game.

    ...which is exactly what Curbs built with us. Oh well...
  • good post Groucho there, agree with it all. first goal was always going to be vital, as soon as that went in we knew it would be a shite afternoon
  • Can't disagree with Groucho at all.
  • Thanks for that Groucho. Very fair assesment of the game and no gloating.

    Much more dignified than some of my 'mates'.
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  • [cite]Posted By: The Red Robin[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Groucho78MFC[/cite]
    Individual talent means f**k all in this league. I'd go as far as saying that you have better individuals than us. Kenny Jackett has built a strong side that can play a bit, and mix it up a bit. We lose games, but we wont be bullied out of a game.

    ...which is exactly what Curbs built with us. Oh well...
    Something Parky has tried to do but hasn't got right. I guess that's more down to thetype of midfielders we have and the lack of quality up front. Defence can only do so much when they're not winning the battle, keeping the ball and taking chances.
  • hmmm where do i start., apologise in advance will try not to be negative...

    was well looking forward to this got the train in, then got black cab from london bridge to a millwall pub not good and i got told this few minutes before we got there! my shirt which was above my jumper had to swap and put underneath then as i went in the pub thinking was all done up couple of wall looked at me like they wanted to start, looked down and the bottom of my Charlton red shirt was showing oops! luckily they didnt do much more then stare so had to do my coat up tight and make sure nothing was visible from then. then was very uncomfortable for 40 minutes having a few pints, as we walked into the ground even though no shirts were showing was clear we was charlton? as we were walking wrong ways etc. only the one remark ' Dirty Wankers' which was very polite

    first 30 minutes match was 50/50 and our fans were the only ones in good spirit and singing loud, then when they got the first goal was all down hill from there! they finally found there voice once they were scored('you only sing when your winning!'), sloppy goals to concede, didn't play the ball on the deck enough. Racon got subbed even though i thought he looked the best charlton player on the pitch. left with 10 minutes left as the 4th went in, never left early before but felt annoyed and would try get out before any millwall. then to be held in for 50 minutes does take the biscuit, in hindsight it worked as i didnt see any trouble other then the odd scuffle with the police

    Parkinson was clueless for this game, several players out of position, no-one looked up for it? subsitutes in-effective & too late, unfortunately do not see who could come in and instantly turn it round for us to get automatic. we will have to stick with him and just prayer, but he has shown that he is out of his depth even managing a league 1 side. end of season regardless whether we go up or not we do need a new manager. yes parky is a nice guy and have backed him for a while but he has no tactical nous, seems to find it difficult to motivate the players. Yes granted for this game they should need no motivation and should take blame also but for too long now we have seen he doesn't seem to be able to change it when we are playing well

    Anyways today is another day we are still 3rd, debating whether worth putting myself through it next saturday? although oddly still want to go! not a season ticket and going holiday for a week next day so depends on finances and if anyone else will put up with going(here i think maybe the problem)
  • Still cannot agree with Bailey being better in the middle. When Sam came on we switched to a midfield (from right to left) of Sam, Bailey, Semedo, Reid. 15 minutes later we've conceded 3 goals and have barely touched the ball. I'm not saying this capitulation was all Bailey's fault or the fault of changing shape, but the evidence (results) suggests that we do not do better with Bailey in the middle.
  • The only good thing on saturday for us was norwich's comeback.

    I am very keen to see who starts up top for us this saturday.
    I said on the pre-match thread the top two needed changing and nothing on saturday changed my view.
  • dabos - I think we would be a better side if Bailey started the game in the middle. Have an influence from the outset, rather than trying to have an effect for the last 15 mins. Cant argue with the facts that we conceded 3 with him in there on saturday, but it was far too late and seemed to unsettle the shape.
  • Not much more i can say to be honest.

    The fact Leeds & Colchester both lost just added to the day. Leeds have been in dreadful form, yet are still sitting 5 points clear.
  • [cite]Posted By: ValleyGary[/cite]dabos - I think we would be a better side if Bailey started the game in the middle. Have an influence from the outset, rather than trying to have an effect for the last 15 mins. Cant argue with the facts that we conceded 3 with him in there on saturday, but it was far too late and seemed to unsettle the shape.

    Agree that it had an unsettling effect. But I'm not convinced by the team's performances in other games where he has played in the middle for the whole 90 minutes. Bailey might play a bit better, but the overall team performance is no better.
  • [cite]Posted By: dabos[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: ValleyGary[/cite]dabos - I think we would be a better side if Bailey started the game in the middle. Have an influence from the outset, rather than trying to have an effect for the last 15 mins. Cant argue with the facts that we conceded 3 with him in there on saturday, but it was far too late and seemed to unsettle the shape.

    Agree that it had an unsettling effect. But I'm not convinced by the team's performances in other games where he has played in the middle for the whole 90 minutes. Bailey might play a bit better, but the overall team performance is no better.
    Where would you play him? Or would you drop him? Or go 4-5-1 to cover his (and others) weaknesses?

    I do know what you mean, is it down to him trying to control the game when he's not capable of it, or something else?
  • apologies if its been said elsewhere but how did the Charlton fans come across on the wireless? Even I was singing, but the atmosphere was a bit odd and not as many singing as I'd expected. Curious as in the lower tier it was sit where you like and stand up the whole game
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