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Millwall v Charlton Post Match Views



  • 1st time i voted defeat in the poll this season

    Was coming
  • That no-one died was more by chance than by the efforts of the OB, who failed lamentably to deploy any vision or sense in the after-match lock-in.
    Walking us shuffle-pace to the station was a dreadful piece of decision-making, as were the unexpected stops before the arch under the rail track. Did no-one foresee the possibility of a surge??!!
    Even the OB were getting knocked sideways as people were getting bashed all over the place.
    Brain-dead was not in it. Complete shambles, matching what happened on the pitch, but with potentially more serious consequences.
  • [cite]Posted By: AFKABartram[/cite]I'm also bit drunk, sitting on my own and (in?) a kebab shop

    Drunk is fine. But having seen Charlton skewered, I'd have thought the last place you'd find solace is a kebab shop!
  • edited March 2010
    Parkinson needs a fist ortwo in the gob for that shit. Sorry if that offends the sit darnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn at the frront mafia but just maybe if a few more kickings were handed out 3,000 people wouldnt have been humiliated by a bunch of shit bermondsy pikeys !

    warning TO BE AVOIDED AT ALL COSTS ----------------me ------------------any Millwall tosser 17,000 of who dont care about CAFC-------------------------- leave me alone for the actual chance of geting a twating if u dare open ur pikey gobs.
  • edited March 2010
    Remember its why we get emotionally involved. As fans of most clubs for the occasional highs, we are forced to endure the abject gut wrenching lows of being stuffed by our fiercest rivals.

    I remember the feeling of joy, elation, relief when Sacha saved. One of my closest friends is a Mackem and he was there as well. As we filed out of the ground and made our way down Empire Way towards the station, there was virtual silence as we remembered/relived that incredible three hours. I bet you though we were all thinking about what might have been if he hadn't saved, what that long walk back would have been like if the boot was on the other foot? The inescapable truth is that when we make the emotional bond with the club we love, we also have to accept the disasters that will inevitably happen to experience the odd triumph. This horrid empty feeling goes with the territory. Does it stop us getting up for the next game - no? The next game is our most important one and like the old haddock and chips paper, this one will be discarded, forgotten, come next Saturday! Charlton Till I Die!
  • Remember its why we get emotionally involved. As fans of most clubs for the occasional highs, we are forced to endure the abject gut wrenching lows of being stuffed by our fiercest rivals.

    I remember the feeling of joy, elation, relief when Sacha saved. One of my closest friends is a Mackem and he was there as well. As we filed out of the ground and made our way down Empire Way towards the station, there was virtual silence as we remembered/relived that incredible three hours. I bet you though we were all thinking about what might have been if he hadn't saved. What that long walk back would have been like if the boot was on the other foot. The inesxapable truth is that when we make the emotional bond with the club we love, we also have to accept the disasters that will inevitably happen to experience the odd triumph. Thiis horrid empty feeling goes with the territory. Does it stop us getting up for the next game - no. The next game is our most important one and like the old haddock and chip paper, this one will be discarded, forgotten, come next Saturday!

    Charlton Till I Day!
  • we made he effort, why the fuck didn't the team. head should roll, absolutely gutted and and humiliated.
  • hes apologies don't mean enough. this was everything to us, it's too late.
  • Home, pissed and humiliated.
  • know how u feel m8
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  • I have so many thoughts on the game, I want to rant about how stupid the tactics were and how bad some of the players were, everytime I go to post all I can think of is...why?

    I may change my username to DepressedAddick!!!
  • I had a bloody awful time today in the wall end. We couldn't get to our block about 5 minutes before the game started. The stewards pulled down the shutters. So we had to stand up in the stairway of another block. I ended up sitting down on the floor and watching the game through the railings. Well weird. I am guessing that several hundred people were in the stand without seats (forged tickets?). There was one little asian steward in the aisles and he made no effort to move people on and I don't blame him, poor sod - what a job!
    I keep reading that Millwall didn't make much noise today but believe me it was deafening in my block. The fans were very intimidating, old style. Lots of crude swearing and a few racial calls to their own players. Don't tell me their fans don't care about us...they were really up for this game.
    Afterwards when we walked out there were hundreds of empty cans of lager strewn all over the place, quite decadent really.
    As for the game, I could understand Bailey playing on the left to protect Solly (who played alright until he got skinned for their final goal.) Reid is a talented player but was hopeless today. Racon went predictably AWOL. Semedo was immense, easily our best player, please excuse him from the abuse. I think they won because their front two were much better than ours. They had about 7 good chances (some gifts from our dodgy defence) and took four, a high ratio in this division. We had about 2 decent chances but blew them. Sadly, you don't go up if you have crap strikers.
    However, I think we can beat them if we meet them again in the play offs but it won't be easy.
  • Home, drunk, embarrassed.

    I'm hurt today but if we don't beat the pikeys Saturday I'll be angry. I'll keep my views until then...
  • [cite]Posted By: thewolfboy[/cite]I had a bloody awful time today in the wall end. We couldn't get to our block about 5 minutes before the game started. The stewards pulled down the shutters. So we had to stand up in the stairway of another block. I ended up sitting down on the floor and watching the game through the railings. Well weird. I am guessing that several hundred people were in the stand without seats (forged tickets?). There was one little asian steward in the aisles and he made no effort to move people on and I don't blame him, poor sod - what a job!
    I keep reading that Millwall didn't make much noise today but believe me it was deafening in my block. The fans were very intimidating, old style. Lots of crude swearing and a few racial calls to their own players. Don't tell me their fans don't care about us...they were really up for this game.
    Afterwards when we walked out there were hundreds of empty cans of lager strewn all over the place, quite decadent really.
    As for the game, I could understand Bailey playing on the left to protect Solly (who played alright until he got skinned for their final goal.) Reid is a talented player but was hopeless today. Racon went predictably AWOL. Semedo was immense, easily our best player, please excuse him from the abuse. I think they won because their front two were much better than ours. They had about 7 good chances (some gifts from our dodgy defence) and took four, a high ratio in this division. We had about 2 decent chances but blew them. Sadly, you don't go up if you have crap strikers.
    However, I think we can beat them if we meet them again in the play offs but it won't be easy.

    What did you do when they scored? And btw it is Scum not "Wall".
  • All I want o say is F**K Off Parky !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Tactics 0/10 - If you have to move Bailey to the left, and Reid to the right , all to protect your left back, THEN PLAY SOMEONE ELSE !

    Reid has been our best player during the last few games and was completely nulified playing him out of position. Solly?Semedo and Bailey were the only ones to come out of his with any credit.

    As for our front 2...............I thought the horses at the end moved more than they did. GET RID
  • Know how you feel, AFKA. I could see by your body language when we were waiting to be let out of the "pen" that you didn't want to too . First time I've walked out before the final whistle for many a season but just couldn't take any more. Mea culpa.

    Maybe my memory is failing but I really felt we played OK until they scored their first. Thought Racon was getting stuck in and making some good , intelligent passes , Semedo stood out a mile and Mooney was working very hard & getting more control of the ball than Akpo will in a month of Sundays....But as others have said, we make few real chances and fail to convert most. Same old Charlton apart from a few purple patches , most recently with Super Clive & Hunty. Not sure what happened at half time but Jackett 's talk must have been something else....and the rest is history & our capitulation quite spectacular. Why ???

    I'm telling myself it's just ONE match and we are still in the top 4 but it feels so much worse because it was Millwall - a team flying at home this season . There's still a long way to go and I'm betting it will get better for us - it can't get much worse than today.

    Chins up, All & let's have some passion next Saturday - well, on the field at least !
  • So was there actually a lack of effort or can the players just not handle big games? Thought Reid on the right was a bad decision from the start. It's frustrating because I can understand why Parky did it, just wasn't going to help Reid at all though.
  • Why Sam didn't start I will never know, a player who has been with us the longest and surely one of our best players all season, bailey again was the only one who looked up for it. Why mooney wasn't off at half time I don't know, big questions marks about parky.

    Great noise we made though!!!! Millsmall only sing when there winning!!!

    One song. They got one song.
  • edited March 2010
    We just couldn't pick out a good final delivery / make the right decision when we got into the final third in the second half. That was the reason we had as many shots as Millwall but none of ours were on target, because they were all long range efforts.

    There was one point at 1-0 where Akpo took the ball down just outside the area and we had a 3v3 situation. He chose the wrong option, he eyes obviously lit up at the thought of scoring another Yeovil cracker and ballooned it almost into the upper tier.
  • i really thought that when the players saw our turn out they would raise there game , how wrong was i .
    did anyone else notice there were hardly any millwall fans wearing colours??
    parky seems to have lost the dressing room
    why is it that mackenzie cant get a full game ?
    iam very dissapointed with the whole team , we still want to walk it in the net
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  • [cite]Posted By: Callumcafc[/cite]There was one point at 1-0 where Akpo took the ball down just outside the area and we had a 3v3 situation. He chose the wrong option, he eyes obviously lit up at the thought of scoring another Yeovil cracker and ballooned it almost into the upper tier.

    really poor that was, he had no right to shoot from there when there were options left and right. cool head and measured pass and we would have had our best chance of the day.
  • For 43 minutes we were no better or worse than they were. After that we were awful.. Will try to hold back on what I really want to say but nothing short than win next week then the whole thing could come crumbling down.
  • I thought for the first half it was a game of 2 equally poor teams. Very little football played, we edged possession but Dailly & Llera had stinkers and effectively created Millwalls chances.

    I know I will be in a minority (of probably one) here but I genuinly felt that our players gave everything in that first 45, and even the first 25 of the second half - the quality just does not seem to be there. I am reading a lot of posts about how gutless they were but until the second goal went in and heads dropped I thought we gave as good as we got (with exception of Mooney who was light weight as ever).

    Llera's efforts can not be faulted, shame he was useless today (and IMO is always against the better sides). I thought Solly was excellent, for a small fella he battles hard and is difficult to knock off the ball. He could really have potential in my eyes, a cultured player who will improve with experience and will soon be a better RB than Richardson. Racon was very good in the centre and should never have been subbed- plain awful decision by Parky. Semedo, Bailey & Reid all tried hard and we probably had the better of midfield.

    Sadly we were incapable of shooting straight or testing the keeper (except for one badly hit conrer that almost sneaked in in the second half_, then once the second goal went in our players heads dropped and they ensured our fans went away totally humiliated.

    Small margins I guess but if you swapped the teams CB's over I reckon we would have got something out of this game - sadly that is not possible in footy!
  • the most annoying thing is that I have just read Parky's comments on the OS. Apart from claiming 'I'm hurting more than anyone', absolute bollocks mate you're not even a Charlton fan, he then blames individual errors but then has to mention missing Jackson and Solly playing out of position. It wasn't even necessary to mention that. Yes, we missed Jackson and yes Solly was playing out of position. BUT although out of position and at fault for a goal Solly was a long way from being our worst performer and in fact one of our better one's. There were plenty of senior pro's out there who deserved a public digging out for not even turning up let alone not performing. Not saying he's using this as an excuse but if the kid reads that it seems as he's being criticised more than the others. At least Solly was trying and gave 100% and is a kid learning the game. What for example is Racon's excuse ??
  • Funny how we see games differently - I thought Racon was pretty good today - and actually when he came off we were only 1-0 down I think. Llera was an fing disaster on the other hand.
  • Utterly humiliatiated. Thanks to a bunch of mercenaries who don't give a shit (as is modern football, but boy most of our lot seem to live up to this more than most.)

    Had to leave early for the first time EVER supporting Charlton after the third went in (thinking I could get out of that shithole quickly!) - couldn't stand there as all those complete inbreds wet themselves over a team they don't apparently care about... supporting 11 blokes taking the p**s out of us 3,000 who had made the effort.
  • I just think that Racon could offer so much more but fails to deliver. What does he do ? Hardly ever scores and I can't remember the last goal he created a goal. With Semedo there we don't need Racon. Semedo and Bailey with two wingers is our best formation. Parky tried to protect Solly today at the detriment of the whole team. He was trying to avoid what ultimately happened anyway. Should have picked our best formation/team and let them worry about us instead.
  • I've been having a think about this. Was going to write some double spiteful stuff. But in the end, I guess there's no point - since one word sums it all up better than a rambling three paragraph diatribe could do:

  • As a lot of you have said, the atmosphere was poor. I said after ten minutes I would rather the normal 7/8000 of us making noise than the once a season brigade (& to be fair I can't knock those that went, a lot there today were going in the 50's 60's 70's, but don't go often now, but they have as much a right to be there as the regulars nowadays) so it was all a bit subdued. You lot were as quiet as mice, so that didn't help either.

    Was amusing to see how many of you decided against wearing your replica shirts lol

    First half both teams were awful, hoof hoof hoof,

    Second half not great either, we just controlled it a little better.

    You're blaming that Llera fella, he was ok, Daily is a liability! But we love him, 2 own goals now! That Richardson (I think?) was pony too. At least our full backs & centre backs could direct a ball. They just hoofed it out. Awful.
  • So who is lying then? The overiding opinion seems to be that we were noisy and they were quiet - but then it is CL. Wolfboy says they were noisy, Sparrows lane admits they were quiet, but says we were too...

    As for the team, I have now offically given up on 'em. How come generation after generation of unrelated players and managment (with the exception of 95-96) can be so effing shoddy against our local rivals? Time after time we have put up with gutless performances against Millwall, does not seem to matter who is in charge, or who is on the field they bottle it.

    Any suggestions for the new theme for Floyd's Bar?
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