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Millwall v Charlton Post Match Views



  • [cite]Posted By: Algarveaddick[/cite]So who is lying then? The overiding opinion seems to be that we were noisy and they were quiet - but then it is CL. Wolfboy says they were noisy, Sparrows lane admits they were quiet, but says we were too...

    First half we outsung them by far ... no idea why sparrow is making such a comment. Admitted they were louder 2nd half but goals always have that effect.
  • edited March 2010
    I can't be bothered to mention the atmosphere, Millwall fans will say we were quiet, we will say we were noisy, who cares. They should of let us go first, kept the Millwall fans in and blown the place the smithereens. The chants of 'we pay your benefits' summed them up along with thousands of wannabe kids.

    Woken up and sobered up slightly, I am amazed how someone can send a team out like that in front of a sell out crowd in a local derby. They just didn't turn up, we didn't even have a shot on goal did we? Unacceptable, how are we going to take on the probable playoff game? We just won't have the bottle or the players. Then after that one way or another we need Parkinson and co out.
  • [cite]Posted By: Algarveaddick[/cite]Any suggestions for the new theme for Floyd's Bar?

    Still Floyds bar mate ... the team may have no bottle, but the fans turned up.
  • Were they that good or were you shit, we play them at home next Monday night and after our dismal perfomance against Southampton yesterday we just have to win to keep the automatic promotion push on track. They have put a great run together just at the right time and look like the only team that could catch us with everybody else slipping up. After watching Southampton i can't believe they are nowhere near the playoffs bacause apart from Norwhich they are the best fotballing side i have seen this season.
  • [cite]Posted By: stonemuse[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Algarveaddick[/cite]Any suggestions for the new theme for Floyd's Bar?

    Still Floyds bar mate ... the team may have no bottle, but the fans turned up.

    Wish more of them would turn up here like you do D. But they prefer Spain/Greece/Malta so why should I bother? I could call it Traffords and make a mint.
  • Oaky White - we were sh*t over anything else, Millwall Were organised and had some bottle and that's all they needed.
  • I actually thought the midfield looked pretty good in the first half, our problems came, as ever, either side of them. Semedo was strong and I thought Bailey and Racon were getting stuck in and playing the odd decent ball, Reid did suffer from playing on the wrong side but still looked as though he could be dangerous. I actually thought that the full backs were alright first half and Dailly was OK, Llera was awful though, gifting Millwall chance after chance (and I'm pretty sure that he lost Ward for thier first goal as well). As for Sodje and Mooney - not good enough, either of them, completely ineffective throughout - again. Mooney is a complete wast of our precious resources, he should be returned to Reading as soon as contractually possible.

    For me Parky lost it at half time, Llera should never have returned to the pitch after such a dismal first half, I also thought that being a goal down and seeing how ineffective the strikers had been should have triggered a change of shape up front, or personnel at the very least. By then you could also see that Solly was coping OK (he continued to do so other than being skinned for their second as well) so you didn't need Bailey sat in front of him, we could have switched Reid and brought Sam on.

    I just wish we'd managed to sign Ward at the end of last season, swap him for Llera and Morrison for either of our two strikers and we could have had a very different result yesterday. We've no cutting edge up front and keep gifting teams chances at the back - it's not a great combination and it's so frustrating with all the teams around us slipping up all the time, it would have just taken a half decent run over the past month or two and we'd be ensconced in second place now.

    Big game next week. Not really sure what team or shape I would play, we seem to have tried them all now! Sodje has to come in for Llera though, Reid and Sam should play the flanks and Mooney should be nowhere near that starting line up. Though I know he's probably not performed to our high expectations so far this season, I also think that Shelvey's obvious talent could lift this team in the run-in, it might be worth trying to work him into the starting line up next week.

    Can't really be bothered to comment on the Millwall fans, they were exactly what you'd expect, surprisingly subdued in the first half and the place wasn't nearly as intimidating as they like to think it is (or as I remembered it being from when I was last there as a teenager).
  • All this match has done, is raise questions;

    Why give Parky a new contract last December?

    Will Mooney ever win a tackle/challenge?

    How can the tallest player in our team, never win a header?

    Why bring Burton on when we were THREE DOWN ?

    How long does Racon want on the ball every time he gets it ?

    That squad of players and coaches lost a lot of friends yesterday.
  • Quite simply...

    That was my worst football nightmare come true, i didnt know what to do with myself standing in that shithole watching the embarrassment called charlton... proud of the turnout from us fans AND THATS IT!

    Infact that is probably the closest i've ever come to wanting to die! I was standing there, a grown man, and i wanted to just disappear... i wanted to be anywhere but there, but just like the day in a hole, everything i wanted to happen didnt, and it didnt happen in the worst possible way!
  • [cite]Posted By: bloodnut[/cite]Quite simply...

    That was my worst football nightmare come true, i didnt know what to do with myself standing in that shithole watching the embarrassment called charlton... proud of the turnout from us fans AND THATS IT!

    Infact that is probably the closest i've ever come to wanting to die! I was standing there, a grown man, and i wanted to just disappear... i wanted to be anywhere but there, but just like the day in a hole, everything i wanted to happen didnt, and it didnt happen in the worst possible way!
    Sums it up perfectly for me. Couldn't have put it better.
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  • I was sitting (on the floor!) in East upper as far away from the away end as you can get. I have always thought that Millwall fans were similar to us except for a big minority of idiots but my experience yesterday was an eye opener. There was a lot of violence in the home end that you simply don't get at the Valley and clearly their fans are very hooked on creating an agressive wall of sound and cussing and swearing at each other. It was a deafening racket. I had to shout at my mates to speak to them. When the goals went in they went mental which makes 'couldn't care less about Charlton' seem ridiculous. They absolutely loved rubbing our noses in it, just as we did 14 years ago when Morts ran rings around them and we won 2 0.
    When they scored we wearily got up and pretended to clap. I was gutted.
    I agree with what Valleyman said, it wasn't lack of effort it's lack of ability. The sad thing is, they are a pretty crap team really, just better than us in a few key positions.
    I heard 'Your supposed to be at home' from our crowd and noise when we won corners but not much else really.
  • two teams od basically equal players mate the difernace is they has a MANAGER----------------- we just had someone who is a spineless twat, I can see now why he managed to draw his wages for the 18 months he was Pardews number 2 he has the ability to be invisable.
  • [cite]Posted By: PassItToLeaburn[/cite]I just wish we'd managed to sign Ward at the end of last season, swap him for Llera and Morrison for either of our two strikers and we could have had a very different result yesterday. We've no cutting edge up front and keep gifting teams chances at the back - it's not a great combination and it's so frustrating with all the teams around us slipping up all the time, it would have just taken a half decent run over the past month or two and we'd be ensconced in second place now.

    Morison would obviously improve our team; however he did cost £250k from Stevenage - money which we never had at the beginning of the season. Last time we had that sort of money we signed Fleetwood instead. Shows how hit and miss non-league players can be.

    The most disappointing thing for me was how we gave up after the second goal. As soon as we kicked off, none of our players wanted the ball and couldn't wait to give it to someone else. 4 passes later, someone had made a mistake and Millwall were baring down on our goal again. On the way back to take kick off, our players just trudged back, noone bollocking anyone for some disastrous defending.

    As always I think leaving early makes you more angry. That 30 minute sit in the seat afterwards actually calmed me down.
  • edited March 2010
    i was in the millwall end and the atmosphere at kick off and for 2 minutes after was terrific.then it all went a little mute.charlton would sing and then millwall would respond but nothing special really.people in front were quite comfortable giving out racial abuse which i had to double take at,it was quite bizzare.

    two very ordinary sides got down to the business of playing some very poor football of which i thought we just shaded but really without any real bite and you just couldn't see us scoring.millwall had the best chance as batt i think,went clean through the defence and had one on one with elliot to which he did really well to save but that may have been the last save that he made for the rest of the afternoon..

    still millwall's crowd were quiet until they scored with a nice header that seemed to take an age to go in.everything changed then,our bluff as a football side was blown and millwall realised the rumours were true that we really are crap.confidence was up and crowd found their voice a little.second half our arses had gone along with any tactics that were employed and our midfield was bypassed as the ball was pumped up the field to a non existant front line.millwall would retreive the ball and forward they would come.

    said before that dailly really doesn't like playing millwall and so it proved,he wasn't helped alongside llera who won't really want to see his own personal horror show.richardson nearly scored from a corner and i think that may have been our best chance of the game.elliot lets in another 3 and it's a party for the wrong side of se london.

    not one of my best days and not too sure where to draw the positives from it really.
  • Difficult to know what to say. How did we go from playing the perfect first 40-odd minutes to THAT
  • Wasn't there but seen enough games and our players just seem mentally weak. Parky got better characters in compared to what we had, but they all seem to have something missing. They do try but as a team and individually they just can't get hold of a game and take control. We struggle when we go 1-0 down but from the sounds of it we just crumbled.

    Have to agree with thewolfboy about the lack of ability as well. Sodje and Mooney up front won't win any club in this league promotion. Llera can't seem to keep his form going without then making a big error. Racon can look good without actually doing much more than a few dribbles and some tidy passing. Apart from that he doesn't seem
    to offer much.

    Rest of the team just haven't looked as solid as they need to be.

    Elliot and Semedo usually do ok but obviously need the rest of the team to perform going forward.

    I can usually see what Parky is trying to do, unlike Dowie, Reed and Pardew at times. He's not awful he just can't seem to help the players with handling the pressure and being that bit more solid. He's at the very least got us where we should be with this team, there are managers wouldn't have even done that, but I'm not confident in Parky or the players if we make the play-offs. It's worryingas we could be in a much worse position this time next year.
  • Good post, Scoham. You sum it up correctly for me .
  • My question is can someone please tell me the last time you thought Charlton played well and you came out of the match thinking that the team is buzzing ? No nor can I. This defeat has been coming for weeks and weeks and is of course doubly hard because it was Millwall. I think I can say that the majority of us would say that Charltons squad is decent by the divisions standard and therefore would expect to be so
    ewhere up there. Our play is poor all over the pitch. Tactics are often very questionabe and I see little evidence of motivation. Parky is no doubt a nice chap but he and is coaches are ruining this clubs chances for what might be years. If he can't get decent performances out of this bunch then do any of you expect him to do it with a vastly reduced in terms of numbers and quality next season. It is often said we don't have money enough to get rid of PP but I see no hope for us if he remains in charge. I would hate to see us lose Jonjo but would sacrifice him if it meant being able to replace the manager and his coaching staff. Kins included. His failure this season will I suspect tear this club apart during the summer. Not a knee jerk reaction to yesterday because I have held this view for months.
  • It was a totally disgusting and pathetic "performance". They shat it, as we knew they would. end of.
  • Llera - liability. Yes Sodje is a bit headless but he is a much better defender than Llera.

    Sodje and Mooney - i said weeks ago these 2 are the worst strikeforce i've ever seen at the club. Akpo is the new Mike Small and mooney is just useless. Why Parky persists with him i don't know. Send him back to Reading and play Burton or Mckenzie who will offer us far more.

    I thought Racon was our best player until he was subbed.

    Obviously Bailey was put on the left to cover Solly but why put Reid on the right?!

    Utterly ashamed and embarrassed to be a Charlton fan yesterday.
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  • I think Scoham has summed it up very well. I saw plenty of effort yesterday but our players were just not good enough. The front two are clueless and our back four are very fragile. Our midfield four are above average in this division, but only just and on their own they can't cover the deficiences ahead of, and behind them. Other teams in this division have now realised that we are not that good and they have worked out how to play us.

    The team was set up yesterday primarily to protect Solly, but as soon as he was skinned for the second goal that plan went out the window. I thought we were marginally the better team until that second goal but heads then dropped and we fell away badly.
  • SGH The answer to your question is home v Milton Keynes and that does seem an age ago
  • edited March 2010
    [cite]Posted By: Red_Pete[/cite] Our midfield four are above average in this division

    No, they're not - and I'm fed up hearing that they are. When was the last time our midfield bossed a game?
  • edited March 2010
    Have had time to calm down now - and I'm still pished off.

    Wrong team selection (Reid on the right?), wrong tactics (hoofing it up front), bad substition (Racon, our best attacking player off for Sam, who is so badly off form) and pish poor perfromances: Llera (at fault for THREE goals and plenty of other mistakes), Richardson, Dailly, Reid (though not his fault he was on the right), Mooney, Sodje.

    No players on the post at corners? Even Sunday League sides do that.

    Llera was shocking. I really like the guy but he was embarrassed for pace, caught in possession, lost Ward for the first goal, gave them the ball for the third and missed his header for the fourth.

    Only bright point was Semedo, who seemed back to his normal self: tenacious and composed on the ball.

    Racon was OK too and I thought Solly was our best defender, even if he got mugged for their second.

    Bailey tearing a strip off Llera in front of 17,000 is not helpful. Its not like he had any impact himself.

    Shelvey and Sam Sodje have to return to the starting XI.

    And as for an intimidating atmosphere? Please. Not a peep out of them till 44 mins. Made plenty in the second half but they were like mice till then.
  • [cite]Posted By: Off_it[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Red_Pete[/cite]Our midfield four are above average in this division

    No, they're not - and I'm fed hearing that they are. When was the last time our midfield bossed a game?
    They don't, that's been a problem for a while now.

    For me Racon and Semedo need to play in a 451 to get the best out of them. It covers their weaknesses and makes them look like more all round players than they are. I don't know what formations all the top sides play, but they surely have CMs capable of doing a solid job in a 442, something ours don't have the all round game to do. Shelvey has plenty of talent but like Racon lacks defensively, though at least his work rate can cover that up a bit. Bailey is more all round, but we haven't found an ideal partnership in the middle because whatever combination Parky selects has a big weakness.

    The 451 is how Parky got the best out of what we had this time last year, we were just never going to find a striker that could play on his own, hold up the ball and score goals. Darren Bent is the only striker we've had that could do it consistently. Burton gave it a good go, but you can't rely on him to score often enough. Iwelumo tried but we didn't use him properly.

    The fact that we have to cover up our midfielders weaknesses by playing 5 in there isn't a sign of their ability. They'll do well with the right players around them, but you can say that about any decent player in this league. Playing 442 has only really worked when other teams have given us plenty of space, it didn't even make us look convincing against Stockport.
    [cite]Posted By: Vincenzo[/cite]No players on the post at corners? Even Sunday League sides do that.
    When I saw the highlights I was wondering why no one was there. I'm sure we do the same in other games, some reason we're happy to leave a post without anyone on it.
  • no surprise to old school charlton that we didn't turn up but still just as painful as ever .....
    millwalls wage bill is about half of what ours is and the difference between us and them is as GH said is that they have a manager who gets the best out of their team somehow we manage to get the worse
    we are carrying so many players it scares me , this league is so pony we're getting away with it ...
    i thought the first 40 minutes were even steven but we just didn't ever look like scoring the better team won on the day
    i was in a box by the half way line and the atmosphere was very quiet from both sets of fans until they scored and obviously that woke them up , i just boozed my way hard thru the second half and the first really
    had to laugh walking into the ground when i heard some millwall fella moaning about all the glory boys turning up for this game .....
    at least we're still above them(for now!!)
    i now see us as 2% automatics 80 % playoffs and 18% out of playoffs come the end of the season , i'll up date it after each game so you all will know where we'll end up ;-)
  • I said there would be another colchester performance from Llera.....and he f*cking picked yesterday to have it.

    Mooney & Apko are the worst forward partnership in the top half of the league. PP needs to stop worshiping Mooney and fu*k him off out of it.

    Reid playing on the wrong side, with a centre midfielder in his position.

    Solly battled and Bailey put in his fair share of effort.

    I just dont care about this crop of players, and it shouldnt be like that.
  • wolfboy - "When the goals went in they went mental which makes 'couldn't care less about Charlton' seem ridiculous."

    I celebrated the first goal just like any other. Look at the highlight shows over the past year, we generally always jump & go mental when we score rather than just stand & clap.

    Must admit though, I did celebrate a little more than usual when the 2nd went in....and even more when the 3rd went in.....and when the the 4th went in......
  • I don't usually comment on the post match thread cause I don't go to every game. But yesterday was such a load of crap. I have no problem with losing (I support Charlton ffs I expect it) but the manner we lost just makes me feel sick to my stomach. Parky can apologise all he likes what would go down better is if the eleven starting players plus the manager offer to give back the money supporters paid for there tickets. A maximum of £60k. To be fair to the lower earners they could do it by percentage, the higher the earner the more they pay. It wouldn't make the result any better but at least they'd be admitting that they played shit and they embarassed the 3000 fans who had to travel to that kharzi. If we'd been beaten by a better side you can accept it, but what makes it worse Millsmall are not a good side but they wanted it more and we didn't turn up.
    Charlton players and manager do the right thing and own up to how embarassing you were yesterday.
  • [cite]Posted By: southamptonaddick[/cite]I don't usually comment on the post match thread cause I don't go to every game. But yesterday was such a load of crap. I have no problem with losing (I support Charlton ffs I expect it) but the manner we lost just makes me feel sick to my stomach. Parky can apologise all he likes what would go down better is if the eleven starting players plus the manager offer to give back the money supporters paid for there tickets. A maximum of £60k. To be fair to the lower earners they could do it by percentage, the higher the earner the more they pay. It wouldn't make the result any better but at least they'd be admitting that they played shit and they embarassed the 3000 fans who had to travel to that kharzi. If we'd been beaten by a better side you can accept it, but what makes it worse Millsmall are not a good side but they wanted it more and we didn't turn up.
    Charlton players and manager do the right thing and own up to how embarassing you were yesterday.

    More chance of David Mooney playing in the world cup this summer. And he's Irish.
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