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  • It got terrible reviews but the four people I went with really enjoyed CHINESE PUZZLE. Light, funny, filled with beautiful women, and showing off sides and sights of New York you don't often see, plus the French actor Romain Duris is a charismatic star.
  • The Angriest Man in Brooklyn

    This film has it's heart in the right place but sadly it fails on too many levels. It does have a few funny moments ( especially the scene in the shop with James Earl Jones ) but not enough to sustain the film. Robin Williams doesn't quite feel right for the role and perhaps with a slightly more prominent lead actor this could have been better.

    5 out of 10
  • Beds - is it coming out in the UK soon? We watched it but didn't think it was quite right for us ...
  • supaclive said:

    Beds - is it coming out in the UK soon? We watched it but didn't think it was quite right for us ...

    It's already out on DVD ( region 1 ) but it's not really worth shelling out for unless you are a big Robin Williams or Mila Kunis fan.
  • Beds & Superclive: at least one of you (or both) are obviously distribs. I'm an exhibitor (own a small but growing cinema circuit). Feel free to PM me.
  • If anybody has seen Transformers, can they please let me know how violent it is (human physical)? My kids really want to see it but are under 12 so need to make a judgement call. They have seen Avengers, Cap America, Star Trek into Darkness etc, to give a sense of their tolerance/my acceptance levels. Cheers
  • Pavo said:

    If anybody has seen Transformers, can they please let me know how violent it is (human physical)? My kids really want to see it but are under 12 so need to make a judgement call. They have seen Avengers, Cap America, Star Trek into Darkness etc, to give a sense of their tolerance/my acceptance levels. Cheers

    If they have seen those then no problem - there is quite a bit of swearing.

    I am a bad parent I take my 7yr old to these all the time
  • Cheers A T U. We're lucky, they never swear at home despite being exposed to a fair few choice words here and there I'm sure!
  • edited July 2014
    It's extremely offensive. not because of any swearing or violence but because it's bloody awful. I had to lie in a dark room for an hour after taking my 11 year old to see it last week.

    Needless to say my son loved it.
  • Under The Skin

    As alien films go , Under the skin has to be the strangest i have seen in a very long time. Full credit must go to Scarlett Johansson for taking on a role as challenging as this and just about pulling it of off.
    Many talking points arise from this film and it's one of those movies that sticks in your mind long after watching it . I definitely want to see it again.

    7 out of 10
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  • Just watched Captain Phillips, was a fairly good film for the most of it. I thought the ending was going to be very different, and the acting by Hanks at the end especially. Didn't think it quite lived up to the hype but still a really good film, if a little serious for my usual taste.
  • watched "the politician's husband" last night all in one go (via netflix), nicely crafted british drama, loved it, if that counts as a film?
  • re politicians husband, one negative, the lovely emily watson gets roughly fudge tunneled by dr.who:>(
  • re politicians husband, one negative, the lovely emily watson gets roughly fudge tunneled by dr.who:>(

    You are extremely odd.

  • re politicians husband, one negative, the lovely emily watson gets roughly fudge tunneled by dr.who:>(

    You are extremely odd.

    my word, what is odd/untrue there beds? did you even see this drama?
  • see our entertainment online, so don't really differentiate between films and the rest, so here are some recently watched favourites:

    enough said (latest from nicole holofcener)
    muscle shoals
    papadopoulos & sons
    orange is the new black, season 2
    angel's share (recent ken loach)
    the paradise season 2
    the punk singer (bikini kill's kathleen hanna)
    tiny (small homes doc)
    last tango in halifax
    prince avalanche
    blue is the warmest colour
    louis (season 3)

  • Just watched Lone Survivor. Wasn't expecting much but that's the best film I've seen this year.
    Amazed it didn't fair better at the Oscars.
  • Thought Transfomers was OK, kids loved it, but managed to get to Cineworld a second time this weekend to see Planet of the Apes and boy I'm glad I did. Thought provoking, lots of action set pieces, remarkable special effects and solid dialogue. Very recommendable.
  • Watched the book thief last week , still not quite sure what to make of it.

  • re politicians husband, one negative, the lovely emily watson gets roughly fudge tunneled by dr.who:>(

    You are extremely odd.

    my word, what is odd/untrue there beds? did you even see this drama?
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  • Watched the zero theorem yesterday. Terry Gilliam's latest. I'm a big fan of his but this wasn't his best let's say.
  • edited July 2014
    You're being very kind, buckshee.

    Guardians of the Galaxy is surprisingly good. Went in hoping it's be bad enough to knock Marvel of their perch. Turned out it's a really funny romp of silliness and one-liners. The racoon is great. The walking tree is even better. 4/5
  • Nadou said:

    It got terrible reviews but the four people I went with really enjoyed CHINESE PUZZLE. Light, funny, filled with beautiful women, and showing off sides and sights of New York you don't often see, plus the French actor Romain Duris is a charismatic star.

    Isn't that one part of a trilogy? I'd never heard of the others before.
  • edited July 2014
    JiMMy 85 said:

    Nadou said:

    It got terrible reviews but the four people I went with really enjoyed CHINESE PUZZLE. Light, funny, filled with beautiful women, and showing off sides and sights of New York you don't often see, plus the French actor Romain Duris is a charismatic star.

    Isn't that one part of a trilogy? I'd never heard of the others before.
    Yes, the first one was Pot Luck (L'Auberge Espangnol), the second was Russian Dolls (Les Poupees Russes). All directed by Cedric Kaplish. The three films follow the fortunes and growing-up of a group of students who all meet each other in flat share in Barcelona. They are all charming and amusing filmsand, as I said, Romain Duris is a real (unusual) star.
  • I know it has been out for a couple of years but I watched The Railway Man last night.

    Not a film for the faint hearted. A film based on the autobiography of Eric Lomax who was part of the British Army who surrendered to the Japanese at the fall of Singapore.

    He was sent to work on the Burma/Siam railway. He suffered all the privations of that infamous time. He was tortured and beaten yet he survived.

    My father was in the RAF in Burma at the end of the war and dropped supplies to these poor fellows who had been through the horrors of incarceration by the Japanese.

    Watching the film has prompted me to learn more about what happened and the incredible heroism and resilience of those who were there. I have also read up about Lomax.
  • It's not that old, think it was released this year. Story has been done before but I hadn't seen it. I liked it, many didn't.
  • Far from a new release but finally got round to watching The Grand Budapest Hotel last week.

    I've never been totally convinced by Wes Anderson, but this was great.

    Much darker than his usual offerings. Worth watching just for Willem Defo's "hitman".
  • Starred up

    Really good British prison drama that pulls absolutely no punches. Very good performance from leading actor Jack O'Connell . It's obvious comparison is Scum and justifiably so because it's as good if not better. Recommended.

    8 out of 10
  • Lone survivor.... Superb
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