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  • edited September 2014
    All is Lost

    There are very few screen legends left plying their trade in Hollywood now but Robert Redford has to be up there with the all time greats and he's still got what it takes.
    All is Lost is a gripping film , and despite hardly any dialogue , it keeps you engrossed at all times.
    You feel like you are involved in proceeding even though the only character on screen , throughout , remains , for the most part , very calm. Beautifully shot and with some nice anti corporate messages , i can recommend All is Lost.

    7 out of 10
  • @bedsaddick Alright Clarkson! The Inbetweeners 2 really isn't that bad at all! Nothing on the first one but it's not that bad! Was great seeing the characters again, most people I've spoke to have agreed with me, not as good as the first or the first two series but still worth a watch if you're a fan. Agree with you on the Devils Knot, not worth seeing if you've seen Paradise Lost, a truly gripping documentary, I watched it way before the men were released from prison, such an interesting yet tragic case. Bad words also very funny.

    @jessieaddick could not agree more, very inspiring doc.

    Not a recent film but would recommend the intouchables to those who haven't seen it, watched it last night, fantastic, memorable film.

  • I'm struggling to understand the Clarkson comment??
  • I'm struggling to understand the Clarkson comment??

    Jokes are a lot less funny when one has to explain them...
  • The Internet's Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz

    Aaron Swartz was a computer genius and political activist. He was involved with a lot of internet developments including RSS, Reddit and Creative Commons. He was charged with a series of violations of the law for breaking into MIT's system and downloading academic journal articles from a profit-making digital library and faced a possible one million dollar fine and up to 35 years in prison. He killed himself at the age of 26.

    This documentary is one of the most thought-provoking films I've ever seen. I was moved to tears a few times and couldn't stop thinking about it afterwards. The tragic story is another perfect example of individuals never win battles against the big government. Highly recommended. 9/10

    THAT'S MY FILM!! Glad you like! :-)

  • Personally loved Edge of Tomorrow 8 out of 10 for me.
  • Come on, @supaclive‌ , where's the Toronto feedback? Cheers.
  • Personally loved Edge of Tomorrow 8 out of 10 for me.

    There aren't too many non-franchise blockbusters being made right now. If you don't want dark, go watch another Marvel movie. I loved this film, I thought it was witty, funny, exciting and well executed. It did borrow heavily from other ideas, but I didn't think that a bad thing. The casting was effective too. I think Cruise has an excellent eye for a script, and despite ths film's relative failure Stateside, I'm hopeful that its success worldwide will help Cruise to continue making stuff like this and Oblivion.
  • supaclive said:

    The Internet's Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz

    Aaron Swartz was a computer genius and political activist. He was involved with a lot of internet developments including RSS, Reddit and Creative Commons. He was charged with a series of violations of the law for breaking into MIT's system and downloading academic journal articles from a profit-making digital library and faced a possible one million dollar fine and up to 35 years in prison. He killed himself at the age of 26.

    This documentary is one of the most thought-provoking films I've ever seen. I was moved to tears a few times and couldn't stop thinking about it afterwards. The tragic story is another perfect example of individuals never win battles against the big government. Highly recommended. 9/10

    THAT'S MY FILM!! Glad you like! :-)

    Your film? Sorry for my ignorance but could you enlighten me a little bit? Surely you can't be the director? So are you the producer? Editor? Or distributor? Or you're just saying it's your favourite film?
  • I watched Godzilla on the plane back on Friday, I thought it was far less shit than everyone said it was - in fact I'd only mark it down for the design of the monsters, they all looked a bit poop to me
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  • Saw 'Before I go to Sleep' yesterday after reading the book last weekend.

    I did enjoy it, even knowing the ending, but too much of the book had changed for no reason for me, it didn't scratch much of the surface. I didn't connect to the characters like i had in the book. (I know the film will never be as detailed but it was only 90 mins long) I had to fill in bits for Dec who hadn't read the book and didn't see why things had happened. That said, still thought it was good - I should have left more of a gap between reading and seeing I think.

    Am now reading 'Gone Girl' before we go to see that in a few weeks time.
  • supaclive said:

    The Internet's Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz

    Aaron Swartz was a computer genius and political activist. He was involved with a lot of internet developments including RSS, Reddit and Creative Commons. He was charged with a series of violations of the law for breaking into MIT's system and downloading academic journal articles from a profit-making digital library and faced a possible one million dollar fine and up to 35 years in prison. He killed himself at the age of 26.

    This documentary is one of the most thought-provoking films I've ever seen. I was moved to tears a few times and couldn't stop thinking about it afterwards. The tragic story is another perfect example of individuals never win battles against the big government. Highly recommended. 9/10

    THAT'S MY FILM!! Glad you like! :-)

    Your film? Sorry for my ignorance but could you enlighten me a little bit? Surely you can't be the director? So are you the producer? Editor? Or distributor? Or you're just saying it's your favourite film?
    Sorry, we are the distributor of the film. Acquired the rights for distribution in the UK and Ireland ...
  • What's the deal with it being on YT in its entirety?
  • supaclive said:

    supaclive said:

    The Internet's Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz

    Aaron Swartz was a computer genius and political activist. He was involved with a lot of internet developments including RSS, Reddit and Creative Commons. He was charged with a series of violations of the law for breaking into MIT's system and downloading academic journal articles from a profit-making digital library and faced a possible one million dollar fine and up to 35 years in prison. He killed himself at the age of 26.

    This documentary is one of the most thought-provoking films I've ever seen. I was moved to tears a few times and couldn't stop thinking about it afterwards. The tragic story is another perfect example of individuals never win battles against the big government. Highly recommended. 9/10

    THAT'S MY FILM!! Glad you like! :-)

    Your film? Sorry for my ignorance but could you enlighten me a little bit? Surely you can't be the director? So are you the producer? Editor? Or distributor? Or you're just saying it's your favourite film?
    Sorry, we are the distributor of the film. Acquired the rights for distribution in the UK and Ireland ...
    Great to know it is released not just in the States but other big countries, too. I'm in China and I watched it on the internet (this kind of documentary will never get released here). Simply the best film I've watched this year. Hope it is doing well in your country.
  • THE GIVER 4 out 10 do not bother.
  • THE GIVER 4 out 10 do not bother.

    Always had you down as a receiver anyway scabby
  • THE GIVER 4 out 10 do not bother.

    Always had you down as a receiver anyway scabby
    Depends on my mood Gary.
  • A few recents I've seen, some more 'latest' than others:

    Godzilla: 6/10 Quite like the concept of it being a an action film with a bit less action, at lot of recent blockbusters have been ruined by too many explosions and over long fight scenes that just become tedious. They went a bit too far the other way with this one though and the characters and acting didn't really make up for the lack of action.

    Pacific Rim: 7/10 Robots fighting Monsters - cool. Good action and special effects and some good one liners, let down a bit by being just a bit too silly in places.

    Enders Game: 6/10 Interesting idea for a story, didn't really give a sh*t about any of the characters though.

    How to Train Your Dragon 2: 7/10 Not as good as the first one, but still funny in places and the dragons are still cool.

    Guardians of the Galaxy: 8/10 Proper Blockbuster Fair. Doesn't take itself too seriously, doesn't over do it and remains entertaining with likable main characters throughout. Not perfect and you do have to suspend your disbelief pretty heavily, as you would expect, but I was having too much fun to think about the plot holes.

    22 Jump St: 7.5/10 I'm not usually a fan of American film comedies, at least not the main stream ones, but having quite enjoyed 21 Jump St we decided to give this a try too and it's of a similar standard to the first. Plenty of laughs and I'm developing a liking Channing Tatum as an actor. Doubt he'll ever win a Olivier Award, but he's been in few decent films now (White House Down, the Jump Streets and The Lego Movie).

    Been watching too much mainstream stuff recently, need to settle down and watch some slightly more obscure and mentally challenging stuff.
  • JiMMy 85 said:

    What's the deal with it being on YT in its entirety?

    Due to the film makers want for it to be available, it is. For Free. Yes, tell me about it! ;-/

  • Wow! You don't hear that very often. What else have you got in the pipeline?
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  • Out in two weeks' time on DVD and digital release is an excellent motorbiking documentary, called ROAD. I will post a link to the trailer later. Our best doc this year, for sure!
  • supaclive said:

    Out in two weeks' time on DVD and digital release is an excellent motorbiking documentary, called ROAD. I will post a link to the trailer later. Our best doc this year, for sure!

    I'm looking forward to buying and watching this. If it's anything like as good as Closer to the edge then i think i'm in for a treat.
  • supaclive said:

    Out in two weeks' time on DVD and digital release is an excellent motorbiking documentary, called ROAD. I will post a link to the trailer later. Our best doc this year, for sure!

    I'm looking forward to buying and watching this. If it's anything like as good as Closer to the edge then i think i'm in for a treat.
  • Come on, @supaclive‌ , where's the Toronto feedback? Cheers.

    The Drop - Tom Hardy is excellent in this movie - go see it when out here in the UK (14 November). James Gandolfini stars in his last ever film.

    The Little Death - very charming Aussie Sex Comedy (one of mine) that we will release in early Spring next year.

    Still Alice - Julianne Moore is fantastic as a woman struck down by Alzheimers. A friend of mine produced this film and she's the hot tip for Best Female Oscar nod when released. Difficult film but very good.

    X+Y - Asa Butterfield, Raef Spall, Sally Hawkins about a young boy with Autismn. Genuinely warm and fuzzy coming out of the film. Probably not breakout, but you should go and see.

    Pride - excellent, but albeit slightly niche film set in the 90s.

    The Forger - John Travolta and Christopher Plummer in a so so American drama film about tragedy...

    The Reach - Michael Douglas in an absurd cat and mouse thriller set out in the American desert. AVOID.

  • watched The Counsellor last night on Sky. What the f**k was that all about. The only reason I carried on watching it after the first 20 mins was that it had 2 of the most sexiest girls in it ( Cruz & Diaz) and wondered if they might get it on together. Way too much senseless dialogue & not enough action - until Brad Pitt gets decapitated.

  • edited September 2014
    Grand Budapest Hotel.

    Just watched this. It was OK until about half hour in where the storyline just doesn't make sense to me. I like things to be explicable and for the characters to be believable. This however was a storyline set in a fantasy world where people seem to just be able to do what they want, and in which the 'adventure' just runs and runs and runs and runs until it just gets monotonous and pointless. It reminds me in some ways of A.I. which is my personal most hated film of all time (Jude Law in both - a coincidence?).

    Perhaps saying to the wife 'you choose a film and we'll watch it' wasn't such a good idea.
  • 2 remakes delivered this weekend. Just watched Robocop. Probably the most pointless, soulless film I have seen for a while and not even good enough the clean the boots of the original. Up next, Old Boy.
  • Grand Budapest Hotel.

    Just watched this. It was OK until about half hour in where the storyline just doesn't make sense to me. I like things to be explicable and for the characters to be believable. This however was a storyline set in a fantasy world where people seem to just be able to do what they want, and in which the 'adventure' just runs and runs and runs and runs until it just gets monotonous and pointless. It reminds me in some ways of A.I. which is my personal most hated film of all time (Jude Law in both - a coincidence?).

    Perhaps saying to the wife 'you choose a film and we'll watch it' wasn't such a good idea.

    I have absolutely no idea why so many people keep raving about this film. And it's got a 8.2 score on IMDB. I watched it last week and stopped when Ralph Fiennes appeared - nothing against him of course, I just found the film really boring and didn't care about any of the characters or the storyline (actually I didn't see there was any story in it). I remember the director's previous work (Moonrise Kingdom), very similar style, also got extremely high ratings. Weird to say the least.
  • By the way, I don't see any similarities between The Grand Budapest Hotel and A.I. I loved the latter, thought it was a very touching film.
  • Grand Budapest Hotel.

    Just watched this. It was OK until about half hour in where the storyline just doesn't make sense to me. I like things to be explicable and for the characters to be believable. This however was a storyline set in a fantasy world where people seem to just be able to do what they want, and in which the 'adventure' just runs and runs and runs and runs until it just gets monotonous and pointless. It reminds me in some ways of A.I. which is my personal most hated film of all time (Jude Law in both - a coincidence?).

    Perhaps saying to the wife 'you choose a film and we'll watch it' wasn't such a good idea.

    I have absolutely no idea why so many people keep raving about this film. And it's got a 8.2 score on IMDB. I watched it last week and stopped when Ralph Fiennes appeared - nothing against him of course, I just found the film really boring and didn't care about any of the characters or the storyline (actually I didn't see there was any story in it). I remember the director's previous work (Moonrise Kingdom), very similar style, also got extremely high ratings. Weird to say the least.
    Phew ! Thought it was just me !

    We saw this a month or so ago and I almost fell asleep ....a "nothing" film if ever there was one .

    Mr F liked it though so I guess it's a case of " each to their own ".

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