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  • Locke

    Tom Hardy is without doubt one the best British actors around at the moment and watching Locke just confirms it. The whole film is set in his car and consists of a series of phone calls that are about to change his future. Hardy IS this film . This won't be everyone's cup of tea because it's a million miles away from being Batman but i liked it.

    8 out of 10
  • Locke

    Tom Hardy is without doubt one the best British actors around at the moment and watching Locke just confirms it. The whole film is set in his car and consists of a series of phone calls that are about to change his future. Hardy IS this film . This won't be everyone's cup of tea because it's a million miles away from being Batman but i liked it.

    8 out of 10

    well beds, apart from charlton athletic, we have something else in common - wouldja believe it???: high quality, thoughtful, engaging dramas.
  • Expendables 3 is on flixanity if you want to watch it. Silly fun but not as good as the other two. Glad I didn't pay to see it at the cinema
  • Locke

    Tom Hardy is without doubt one the best British actors around at the moment and watching Locke just confirms it. The whole film is set in his car and consists of a series of phone calls that are about to change his future. Hardy IS this film . This won't be everyone's cup of tea because it's a million miles away from being Batman but i liked it.

    8 out of 10

    well beds, apart from charlton athletic, we have something else in common - wouldja believe it???: high quality, thoughtful, engaging dramas.
    Best film I have seen this year.
  • Took my mum to see Welcome To New York today (the old dear likes Gérard Depardieu).

    The film starts with 20+ straight minutes (trust me, that is an eternity) of his ample naked arse groping, shagging and finally raping his way through numerous young women, with rank gallic panting/growling the whole way through. The rest of the film was pretty poor but basically a relief.

    Will be reading reviews before the next cinema outing.
  • Took my mum to see Welcome To New York today (the old dear likes Gérard Depardieu).

    The film starts with 20+ straight minutes (trust me, that is an eternity) of his ample naked arse groping, shagging and finally raping his way through numerous young women, with rank gallic panting/growling the whole way through. The rest of the film was pretty poor but basically a relief.

    Will be reading reviews before the next cinema outing.

    (you may or may not know), the film is based upon former imf leader domenique strauss kahn, who was/is a very bad/less than contrite/lucky to get off, little lad.
  • Can anyone who has seen Guardians advise whether the movie is suitable for a 9 year old? Transformers was fine. The swear words either flew over their head in that movie or they so know them it was water off a duck's back..
  • I would say no, it's not suitable for a 9 year old. But I reckon I'd be in the minority on that as I wouldn't advise transformers either. I'd imagine the language is worse in Guardians. Thanos and co. Are far scarier than the decepticons. Guardians is childishly silly but largely aimed at adults.
  • Thanks Jimmy
  • edited August 2014
    As Above, So Below. A found footage movie about a girl looking for the Philosopher's Stone in the catacombs of Paris. Only recognisable face is Ginsberg from Mad Men.

    Occasionally scary, a couple of obvious jumps... and enough cliches to get me laughing out loud on several occasions. Some of the cliches are brilliantly funny. It references Indiana Jones 3, The Descent, The Ruins... it's a so-bad-it's-good kind of horror.
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  • edited August 2014
    JiMMy 85 said:

    I would say no, it's not suitable for a 9 year old. But I reckon I'd be in the minority on that as I wouldn't advise transformers either. I'd imagine the language is worse in Guardians. Thanos and co. Are far scarier than the decepticons. Guardians is childishly silly but largely aimed at adults.

    I would have been happy for my son to see it when was 9 - probably younger. The theme wasn't too complicated and on the basis that it was, we both agreed, the best film we'd seen for a long time I'd imagine that a lot of 9 year olds will see it. I don't remember any swear words either. The word 'Bitch' was as bad as it got, I think.

    Just a different opinion.
  • Watched Guardians yesterday, really enjoyed it, some good humour - my 7yr old reckons it's the best film he has seen.
  • JiMMy 85 said:

    I would say no, it's not suitable for a 9 year old. But I reckon I'd be in the minority on that as I wouldn't advise transformers either. I'd imagine the language is worse in Guardians. Thanos and co. Are far scarier than the decepticons. Guardians is childishly silly but largely aimed at adults.

    I would have been happy for my son to see it when was 9 - probably younger. The theme wasn't too complicated and on the basis that it was, we both agreed, the best film we'd seen for a long time I'd imagine that a lot of 9 year olds will see it. I don't remember any swear words either. The word 'Bitch' was as bad as it got, I think.

    Just a different opinion.
    Like I said, in the minority. I watched Robocop at that age so I'm probably not the right person for this.
  • Guardians: Maybe I'm a prude, but i didn't think it was that suitable for under 10's. Violence and swearing. Thought it fell between 2 audiences - too childish for adults; too violent for kids. My 13 yr old boy liked it, 10 yr old girl didn't. Over 16's: Go see Apes instead.
  • Having said that; music was good. Long time since I've heard Cherry Bomb by The Runaways
  • kafka said:

    Guardians: Maybe I'm a prude, but i didn't think it was that suitable for under 10's. Violence and swearing. Thought it fell between 2 audiences - too childish for adults; too violent for kids. My 13 yr old boy liked it, 10 yr old girl didn't. Over 16's: Go see Apes instead.

    That's interesting as I love films like these. Yes they fail to test my intellect to it's limits, but that's not what I go to the cinema for.

    I do sometimes watch really intellectual dramas and/or documentaries but as a rule the time I spend looking at a moving screen is for relaxation, leisure and the chance to immerse myself 'in a world' that takes my mind off the one I live in.
  • Majorly impressed by Dawn of the planet of the apes
  • edited August 2014
    Bad Words

    I really enjoyed Bad Words. A good performance from lead actor and Director Jason Bateman and an especially good showing from child actor Rohan Chand who steals the show. Funny as well as offensively charming.

    7 out of 10
  • inbetweeners 2 on Friday night!
  • Guardians of the galaxy and Hercules, both ok for kids, but Batista from wwe shouldn't act....
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  • Just see inbetweeners 2. Still very funny. Had me crying at times. If you liked number 1, then 2 doesn't disappoint !
  • Just see inbetweeners 2. Still very funny. Had me crying at times. If you liked number 1, then 2 doesn't disappoint !

    Same here, the outback scene killed me with laughter. And the water slide incident
  • edited August 2014
    This is documentary rather than a movie but it's the best thing I've seen this year. If you've any curiosity as to what's going on in the middle east it's an incredible watch. Some of the footage is pretty strong.
  • Devil's Knot

    If you have ever seen the amazing documentaries Paradise Lost and West of Memphis then this film is not really worth seeing. Because those documentaries are so real and quite frankly breath taking you are just going to be left cold by Devils Knot.
    I thought Colin Forth was miscast and the whole film was a major let down.
    Skip this and watch the two other films.

    5 out of 10
  • Bad Words

    I really enjoyed Bad Words. A good performance from lead actor and Director Jason Bateman and an especially good showing from child actor Rohan Chand who steals the show. Funny as well as offensively charming.

    7 out of 10

    Saw this in Toronto last year. Tried to buy the rights. Loved it. Great first time direction from Bateman!
  • Guardians of the Galaxy is awesome. Even more awesome is that i worked on it
  • Guardians of the Galaxy is awesome. Even more awesome is that i worked on it

    Cgi animator? Writer? Director!?
  • Guardians of the Galaxy is awesome. Even more awesome is that i worked on it

    Nice to have you on board Mr Diesel.
  • Guardians of the Galaxy is awesome. Even more awesome is that i worked on it

    Nice to have you on board Mr Diesel.
    Vin ?

    Did someone mention vin ?

  • Computer Chess

    Having not read up about Computer Chess It took me a full 20 minutes until i realised it was a spoof and not a documentary. It really does look authentically old. Although this is hardly going to send your pulses racing it's strangely interesting none the less.

    6 out of 10
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