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  • Nymphomaniac: Volume 1

    Director , Lars von Trier loves to shock his audience and for a mainstream film he certainly doesn't hold back with this.
    There is some very brave acting on show with Stacy Martin and Shia LaBeouf laying everything on the line. I found it fascinating and difficult to watch at times but not so , that it's put me off watching volume two. Although very explicit it's is far from being erotic.
    Certainty not everyone cup of tea.

    7 out of 10

    Cold shower & a "lie down" now, Beds ?

    Lol . If only it was that kind of film !
  • Saw Edge of Tomorrow IMAX 3D today, enjoyed it very much indeed. Cruise and Blunt (über lovely) were great, story good, action cool and black humour welcomed. An 8.5 for me
  • edited June 2014
    Free to Play

    Being an old git i have never been into computer games. They bore me silly. This film follows a group of professional gamers who are playing for one million dollars in a tournament in which they all play a game called Dota 2.
    It's mildly interesting to watch even though i never had a clue what was going on in the games.

    6 out of 10

    (The whole film is below)
  • Malificent (malifica in spain)

    Strangely, a very attractive film in my book. Disney continues to timidly try out different storylines, and this one works very nicely. An evil witch who actually starts good, becomes nasty owing to something bad that happens to her, commits a fairly nasty bit of magic in revenge, and then eventually repents. It's a lot more logical than the original Sleeping Beauty idea. The silly twist where she gets awoken by true loves kiss (ie a sleeping snog with some bloke she met for five minutes in the woods) gets deservex short shrift, and the usual Disney happy ending. 8 out of ten, and if pushed maybe a 9. Plus it did'nt have all the musical nonsense of Frozen.
  • Nymphomaniac: Volume II

    More of the same from Lars von Trier , in fact volume II is weirder and even more perverted but it's still fascinating to watch and never for a second boring.

    7 out of 10
  • edited July 2014
    Was invited to a private screening of Into The Storm at Warner Bros head office last night. Doesnt come out until August in the US and here shortly after.

    Edge of your seat stuff, bit OTT but all good fun. I enjoyed it. I was told it was going to be a hit by those in the know.
  • JohnBoyUK said:

    Was invited to a private screening of Into The Storm at Warner Bros head office last night. Doesnt come out until August in the US and here shortly after.

    Edge of your seat stuff, bit OTT but all good fun. I enjoyed it. I was told it was going to be a hit by those in the know.

    Was you walking by and got asked in? Or are you a big shot film critic?
  • Saw Chef last night. Made me bloody hungry, the food looked delicious but seriously lightweight as a film. Jon Favreau and a bunch of friends having fun, and that's about it.
  • JohnBoyUK said:

    Was invited to a private screening of Into The Storm at Warner Bros head office last night. Doesnt come out until August in the US and here shortly after.

    Edge of your seat stuff, bit OTT but all good fun. I enjoyed it. I was told it was going to be a hit by those in the know.

    Oooh, thanks for that, JBUK.

    Majority of the films discussed here are not my cup of tea but read bits & pieces about this one and now will def drag MrF along to the screening at Bluewater.

    ( On OAPs' mornings of course!)

  • JohnBoyUK said:

    Was invited to a private screening of Into The Storm at Warner Bros head office last night. Doesnt come out until August in the US and here shortly after.

    Edge of your seat stuff, bit OTT but all good fun. I enjoyed it. I was told it was going to be a hit by those in the know.

    Was you walking by and got asked in? Or are you a big shot film critic?
    A perk of dating a well respected film journalist.
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  • Anybody seen 22 Jump Street yet?
  • Saw 22nd Jump St last week. Some very funny scenes in it, good popcorn film. Doesn't take itself seriously as a sequel
  • Anybody seen 22 Jump Street yet?

    Yeah, if you liked the first one you'll enjoy the second, if you didn't, avoid like the plague. I found it hilarious and the acknowledgement of sequel status/reusing jokes put it far above most comedy sequels for me.
  • Good stuff. Loved the first one and think both the main characters work well together. Might check it out this weekend.
  • Good stuff. Loved the first one and think both the main characters work well together. Might check it out this weekend.

    I think they're the only films I have ever actually found Jonah Hill amusing, at all. And Channing Tatum is genuinely really funny with good direction/script. Found out it was the same directors as The Lego Movie, which doesn't actually surprise me with hindsight.
  • Someone mentioned Lone Survivor a while back. Saw it the other weekend and thought it was very good.
    Based on a true (and sad) story. The effects of one decision in warfare can have devastating affects.
  • thenewbie said:

    Good stuff. Loved the first one and think both the main characters work well together. Might check it out this weekend.

    I think they're the only films I have ever actually found Jonah Hill amusing, at all. And Channing Tatum is genuinely really funny with good direction/script. Found out it was the same directors as The Lego Movie, which doesn't actually surprise me with hindsight.
    Not a fan of Superbad?!!
  • thenewbie said:

    Good stuff. Loved the first one and think both the main characters work well together. Might check it out this weekend.

    I think they're the only films I have ever actually found Jonah Hill amusing, at all. And Channing Tatum is genuinely really funny with good direction/script. Found out it was the same directors as The Lego Movie, which doesn't actually surprise me with hindsight.
    Not a fan of Superbad?!!
    Doesn't really do it for me. I don't dislike it though, it's sort of just... alright. Mclovin & the cops were hilarious but the rest of it, not so much.
  • Saw a few on the plane:

    'The Class of 92' - the documentary about the Gary and Phil Neville, Beckham, Scholes and Nicky Butt. It was pretty good and they seem a nice bunch of lads (I read recently that four of them - minus Beckham, who has bigger fish to fry in the USA - recently financially bailed out a local non-league Salford team). As Gary Neville comments at the end, though, it's now unlikely in modern football that five players from the same youth team will play that many games together for their original club. That is certainly the case at CAFC ( and practically every other club ), although we'll have a better chance once we make it back to the Premier League - 7/10

    Dallas Buyers Club - very good - 8/10

    Wolf of Wall Street - entertaining, if a little one dimensional and over-long - 7/10

    Twenty Feet From Stardom - Oscar winning documentary about backup singers, their work and their career frustrations, explored through the music of the last 50 years. Interesting - 7/10

  • edited July 2014
    Not that new, but watched 'The Secret Life of Walter Mitty' the other night and thought it was great. It's fairly lightweight, and definitely a 'feel good' movie but after a long hard day lifting paving slabs and hearing details about Rolf Harris's behavior on the radio I didn't want anything too challenging and this did the job the nicely. Good soundtrack too.
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  • The Raid 2

    I'm not a massive fan of martial arts films but i enjoyed The Raid the first time around and with this sequel with have all the same over the top ( but enjoyable ) violence and it looks great but what was the director thinking by making this two and a half hours long? It would have been so much better with at least 45 minutes shaved off it. Good performance from Iko Uwais.

    6 out of 10
  • Enemy

    An odd but mesmerising film about a man who accidentally finds his own doppelganger . Slow burning but well worth it.

    7 out of 10
  • Scrapper

    Odd little independent film about a scrap metal collector who befriends a young woman and forms an unlikely relationship.
    Good performances from the two lead actors and you get to see "LittleFinger" from Game of thrones in a way never seen before.

    5 out of 10
  • Wouldn't normally go for something like this but was dragged along to see The Fault in our Stars by a girl the other day and found myself really enjoying it, very eye-opening and seriously makes you think. Grown men with tears in their eyes at the end!

    Has anybody seen it?

    @Bedsaddick I'm looking at you you film buff haha.
  • edited July 2014

    Wouldn't normally go for something like this but was dragged along to see The Fault in our Stars by a girl the other day and found myself really enjoying it, very eye-opening and seriously makes you think. Grown men with tears in their eyes at the end!

    Has anybody seen it?

    @Bedsaddick I'm looking at you you film buff haha.

    No not seen it yet. The subject matter is a bit off putting ( having said that i love films that bring out emotions in me ) but i will see it.
  • Ok, post what you think when you do.
  • Fault In Our Stars is a very well made adaptation. Not my bag but fans of the book - and they are passionate - are largely very positive about it.

    Just saw Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes. It's dark, fairly slow paced, but gripping as a result. It does revert to type somewhat, but it has something few blockbusters offer; genuine peril. The franchise relies on the apes, not the humans. They're expendable. And that gives it an edge. 4/5.
  • JiMMy 85 said:

    Fault In Our Stars is a very well made adaptation. Not my bag but fans of the book - and they are passionate - are largely very positive about it.

    Just saw Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes. It's dark, fairly slow paced, but gripping as a result. It does revert to type somewhat, but it has something few blockbusters offer; genuine peril. The franchise relies on the apes, not the humans. They're expendable. And that gives it an edge. 4/5.

    Saw POA yesterday enjoyed the film, might have amended the ending slightly but overall enjoyed it.
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