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General things that Annoy you



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    That Money for Nothing programme. 
    1) Arthur Smith is possibly the least comedic comedian ever, utterly lame 'jokes'
    2) Almost everything is made into a lamp. Just let the poor people throw their shit away
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    Never normally suffer that badly, cheap supermarket antihistamine and I'm absolutely fine.

    But this year has been evil - feel like I've had a blocked nose and puffy eyes etc for weeks now.

    Anyone else found it really bad this year?
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    Never normally suffer that badly, cheap supermarket antihistamine and I'm absolutely fine.

    But this year has been evil - feel like I've had a blocked nose and puffy eyes etc for weeks now.

    Anyone else found it really bad this year?
    I suffer every year but this year I've had it extra bad. Even waking up in the middle of the night with it. Don't get it abroad though.
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    edited June 2023

    Never normally suffer that badly, cheap supermarket antihistamine and I'm absolutely fine.

    But this year has been evil - feel like I've had a blocked nose and puffy eyes etc for weeks now.

    Anyone else found it really bad this year?
    I suffer every year but this year I've had it extra bad. Even waking up in the middle of the night with it. Don't get it abroad though.
    I blame Brexit.

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    Never normally suffer that badly, cheap supermarket antihistamine and I'm absolutely fine.

    But this year has been evil - feel like I've had a blocked nose and puffy eyes etc for weeks now.

    Anyone else found it really bad this year?
    Interesting, I never use to get it but it has developed over the last few years. I don’t get puffy eyes but bloody sneezing and stuff caught in the back of the throat that make you want to cough up all the time.
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    People in Subway who don't understand the concept. Choose your fucking sandwich. There's a menu. It's not difficult. 
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    Queue snaking out the door. Come on boomer it's shouldn't take 5 minutes to decide on salad
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    edited June 2023
    On hols recently, eating in the all inclusive buffet style restaurant. Etiquette dictates a top being worn which this particular bloke was adhering to. So why did he consider it necessary to walk around the restaurant without any type of footwear on? No one wanted to see his oversized, bunion ridden plates when they’re trying to eat their lunch. 
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    Macronate said:
    On hols recently, eating in the all inclusive buffet style restaurant. Etiquette dictates a top being worn which this particular bloke was adhering to. So why did he consider it necessary to walk around the restaurant without any type of footwear on? No one wanted to see his oversized, bunion ridden plates when they’re trying to eat their lunch. 
    I could probably go into a 1000 word diatribe about food buffets alone. Your post is something to totally rationally get annoyed about 
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    Grown adults leaving rubbish on public transport. 
    Do you mean these people that take a free paper and then leave it on the train? It's your paper now, dispose of it in the bin or take it with you.

    Sometimes you get on the train and there's about 20 newspapers on the seats.
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    The use of the word boomer to describe anyone...
    OK Boomer
    Misgenerationing is also annoying (and probably very offensive to some)..

    I'm Generation X thank you very much!
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    The use of the word boomer to describe anyone...
    OK Boomer
    Misgenerationing is also annoying (and probably very offensive to some)..

    I'm Generation X thank you very much!
    It is usually the millennials that do that
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    The vast number of 'lads' wearing football shirts at Glastonbury

    The amount of Palace shirt wearing twats at Glastonbury

    Not seeing a single Charlton shirt being worn at Glastonbury! 
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    iaitch said:
    Grown adults leaving rubbish on public transport. 
    Do you mean these people that take a free paper and then leave it on the train? It's your paper now, dispose of it in the bin or take it with you.

    Sometimes you get on the train and there's about 20 newspapers on the seats.
    No, I mean packets from food etc. 
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    Top deck of busses were always the worst for teens playing music on their phones.

    Missed the good old days when the only sounds were people inhaling smoke and rustling newspapers. 
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    Remember reading that Nadal said the same about flies and that's why he became so good at tennis. 
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    Remember reading that Nadal said the same about flies and that's why he became so good at tennis. 
    Novak was similar but his problem was wasps. Could never stand anything stinging/pricking him. 
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    My internet went down yesterday,I called Sky waded through the robotic questions and finall y was advised to visit the Sky helpline website,am I missing something.
    Also noticed our favourite lady Katie Price is back on the Sun front page,with her mother "revealing all".
    When will newspapers stop cosying up to this waste of space  and bin her forever,we just are not interested.
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    On a serious note littering pisses the fuck out of me. I was bought up never to do that. Find a bin, if you're near a shop or preferably a pub as it gives you an excuse to go in there and ask them if you can use their bin. Or keep it with you till you can dispose of it. 

     The worst is people throwing it out of their cars.
     Remember seeing a driver do just this but he was in heavy traffic. Some bloke picked it up and chucked it back through his open window. 
    Yeah, I've done that a couple of times with convertibles when I've been out running. Got dogs abuse from the bloke who noticed I'd deposited his coke can onto his back seat.

    Not to be advised these days I suppose and my missus always says it'll be a row over littering that'll get me a right hander sooner or later. Can't help myself. 
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    Cannonball Run II only getting one star on virgin media. That film makes Godfather part II seem like Police Academy V
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    Macronate said:
    Definitely mentioned this on here before but flies deserve another mention.

    I absolutely despise the tossers. They serve no purpose apart from enjoying dog shit.

    For a start, who gave them permission to come into my home?

    Their buzzing sound makes me incandescent with rage and they now seem to enjoy getting as close to me as possible, just to wind me up. One even landed on my wrist as I was tapping away on my laptop keyboard the other day.

    I have purchased what can only be described as an electric tennis racquet and can be seen regularly chasing the mother f****** around the house, displaying prominence in both forehand and backhand techniques.

    It has got to the point where I am thinking of giving up my current job so that I can travel the world destroying the winged morons. Only then will I be able to sleep easy.

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