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General things that Annoy you



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    On a serious note littering pisses the fuck out of me. I was bought up never to do that. Find a bin, if you're near a shop or preferably a pub as it gives you an excuse to go in there and ask them if you can use their bin. Or keep it with you till you can dispose of it. 

     The worst is people throwing it out of their cars.
     Remember seeing a driver do just this but he was in heavy traffic. Some bloke picked it up and chucked it back through his open window. 
    Yeah, I've done that a couple of times with convertibles when I've been out running. Got dogs abuse from the bloke who noticed I'd deposited his coke can onto his back seat.

    Not to be advised these days I suppose and my missus always says it'll be a row over littering that'll get me a right hander sooner or later. Can't help myself. 
    My old man would do the same but these days you're probably risking more than a right hander.
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    My internet went down yesterday,I called Sky waded through the robotic questions and finall y was advised to visit the Sky helpline website,am I missing something.
    Also noticed our favourite lady Katie Price is back on the Sun front page,with her mother "revealing all".
    When will newspapers stop cosying up to this waste of space  and bin her forever,we just are not interested.
    Presumably, connect to internet using the data on your phone?
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    Commuters wearing rucksacks on both shoulders/ arms (rather than one arm) and having no spatial awareness. Worse not placing it between your feet when standing on a busy train. 
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    edited June 2023
    I’ve said this a million times on this thread but I swear to god it’s getting worse. People that don’t don’t say thank you when you let them past or hold a door. It actually makes my blood boil to the point I say something now.
    Just say THANK YOU very loudly and sarcastically after they've passed by.
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    Been suffering with my back the last few days, decided to go in to work yesterday as all I had to do was a quick IT job at a property our company MD owns out in Essex. Managed to get home by just after midday only to realise I'd dropped my keys where I was! Lovely three hour round trip to go and pick them up. so much for an early day and resting.
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    And then photographing the motorcyclist under the car rather than ringing 999.
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    edited June 2023
    Saw a bloke full on watching Netflix or something similar the other day on the M6. 

    Is it really that hard to just listen to the radio/a podcast for a couple of hours while you concentrate on the road?
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    McBobbin said:
    Cannonball Run II only getting one star on virgin media. That film makes Godfather part II seem like Police Academy V
    My head hurts...  :D
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    Some people (my fiancé's father) and their refusal to take their shoes off in other people's houses. Happily take them off in his own house (generally an absolute state as it happens) but will stand there and watch us take our shoes off and even ignore being asked to rather than take his own muddy trainers off. My floors are clean mate can you not. I can put up with it on the laminate floors or carpets that were here when we moved in. But I've just finished doing up our bedroom from scratch and he wanted to go and see the new wardrobes I'd built etc. But I had to say you're not going in unless you take your trainers off. I've just spent a lot of cash on new carpets and you're not crossing that threshold.
    You should leave a selection of sex toys, lubricants and lingerie laying about when he wants to check your bedroom and make comments like “ooh, do we need that” about the lubricant. He’ll never want to go in there again. 
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    edited June 2023
    Carter said:
    Anyone who texts and drives, doesn't just annoy me, it makes me want to hurt them 

    I drove past a woman on Tuesday, on the M25 no less, sat ignorantly in the middle lane. Also had one of those little princess on board signs, proudly displaying their sole purpose in life is having a clowns pocket of a vagina and a functioning womb to catch the spunk of a passing drug dealer/scaffolder. Not even trying to hide what they were doing, typing out something on their phone in moving traffic. I guessed whatever it was they were typing would be crucially important "jus hit a motabyke lol" 

    I used to have a girlfriend who would Whatsapp when driving. Drove me crazy.

    It's such a selfish act; the idea that you messaging the girls is more important than someone's life. We broke up in the end, not because of this specifically, but because everything was always about her.
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    The fact that we didn't reduce the size of our roundel next to Aberdeen's so that they were both the same size (Aberdeen's two stars shouldn't come into the equation).

    I need to get out more.

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    People (at work and in life) who want to take control
    of a project, event etc and just can’t/don’t do anything because they’re useless, out of their depth or lazy. 
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    The guy who carved his & her names into the Colosseum in Rome. What a total moron.
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    People (at work and in life) who want to take control
    of a project, event etc and just can’t/don’t do anything because they’re useless, out of their depth or lazy. 
    Are you a groundsman at The Valley and did you quit this week?  ;)
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    Who in their right mind sells a Shep puppy to an 86 year old. 
    I turned down a puppy earlier this year as at nigh 66 I’ll be nearly 80 if the puppy was to go full term. 

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    When you make a funny comment and someone further down the thread makes the same comment and gets more LOLs.
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    When you make a funny comment and someone further down the thread makes the same comment and gets more LOLs.
    I thought I would repeat my comment about when you make a funny comment and someone further down the thread makes the same comment and gets more LOLs in case someone further down the thread makes the same comment and gets more LOLs.
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    Salad said:
    When you make a funny comment and someone further down the thread makes the same comment and gets more LOLs.
    What he said.
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    The number of voiceovers on TV adverts done by Brian Fucking Blessed or Brian Fucking Blessed soundalikes
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    I'm annoyed that this thread has fewer entries than it used to do. I enjoyed a daily dose of getting worked up on other people's behalf. Now it feels like someone is only irked on a weekly basis. We surely haven't run out of things that are getting on our nerves, have we? 
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    IdleHans said:
    The number of voiceovers on TV adverts done by Brian Fucking Blessed or Brian Fucking Blessed soundalikes
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    Shag said:
    Ok 9goals fella you want some, I’ll give it ya

    grown adults riding bikes on pavements
    crisp packet sizes 
    the women’s ashes
    babies at concerts
    the wife
    people not indicating
    kids not wearing seatbelts
    noisy motorbikes 
    people not picking up their dogshit
    going a piss after 4 pints
    being left on read
    Buying cards, birthdays etc
    Thames water roadworks/leaks
    no football 
    signing at concerts
    weather chat
    getting old 

    Basically, just being miserable 🤔
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    Mostly agree Shag, with the odd exception...  

    grown adults  anyone riding bikes on pavements
    crisp packet sizes 
    the women’s ashes (Ignore it like me)
    babies at concerts 
    the wife (I don't know your wife) 
    people not indicating
    kids not wearing seatbelts
    noisy motorbikes 
    people not picking up their dogshit
    going a piss after 4 pints (I dream of being able to hold out as long as 4 pints) 
    being left on read (I assume you mean hold? - Yup)
    Buying cards, birthdays etc
    Thames water roadworks/leaks
    no football 
    signing at concerts  (doesn't happen at rock  n roll gigs)
    weather chat (Ignore it like me)
    getting old 
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