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General things that Annoy you



  • Talal said:

    Found out a few weeks ago my girlfriend is pregnant. She's smoked for about 12 years 10-15 a day but gave up instantly on finding out which I'm obviously very happy about. Really don't understand anyone who smokes with kids around, they should be enough motivation for you to stop.

    Congratulations to you both
  • cabbles said:

    Sorry if already covered but footballers covering their mouths when they talk during games. You’re not at war,

    Isnt really that bit that annoys me.

    More so the fact that if what they mouthed gets caught on camera, the likes of the Sun etc. will be hiring lip readers to find out exactly what was said so they can run a "shocking" story - Its thanks to the media that we constantly get such boring interview with Managers and Players with the same lines: "We showed plenty of character"
    I think it was Pogba and Sanchez y'day that I saw.

    Pogba "What headphones do you listen to your hip hop on"

    Sanchez "Beats by Dre hombre"

    Pogba "Me too man, sûr frère"
  • Talal said:

    Found out a few weeks ago my girlfriend is pregnant. She's smoked for about 12 years 10-15 a day but gave up instantly on finding out which I'm obviously very happy about. Really don't understand anyone who smokes with kids around, they should be enough motivation for you to stop.

    Congratulations to you both
    Cheers mate, early days but fingers crossed.
  • Carter said:

    ross1 said:

    Carter said:

    My daughter had a friend over for a play date on Saturday and as soon as she walked through the door, she stunk of fags.

    Noticed the poor kid coughing throughout the day and using an asthma pump.

    Have already made it clear to our daughter that whilst her friend can come over anytime, she won't be going over to hers.

    That's beyond selfish of the girls parents

    My brother in law is the same and my niece reeks of tobacco smoke, I blame my sister in law equally with him. Smoke by all means but give kids until they are 16 or whatever the smoking age is now to decide if they want to inhale all the shit in tobacco smoke
    My mother was a chain smoker, my wife when we first got married, smoked slightly, although packed up many years ago, my boys when teenagers smoked. I have never smoked, but guess who has got Emphysema, yes me.
    That's shit mate

    In 100 years time the people of the time will look back and shake their heads at Walter Raleigh giving us the gift of tobacco
    I don’t think you need to go forward 100 years. I think most people now shake their heads at the idea of tobacco. Including many smokers.
  • T_C_E said:

    Waking up on consecutive mornings with a hangover and it's all Charltons fault, I took my wife out last night to make up for the state I got in Saturday and did it again and apparently was singing along with the singer in our local club but making up the words when I didn't know them.

    Sounds like you'll be in the dog house.
  • Cultural appropriation. Ok, I understand the argument, and it's important to be clued up and respectful of other cultures... But culture isn't stagnant it's constantly evolving, and there will always be a clash between tradition and more progressive attitudes... But it seems like there's a tendency amongst some people to just thing "oh that's cultural appropriation, that's bad!" And freak out.

    The latest I just saw on the news was a white American girl wearing a traditional Chinese dress. Previous examples include people wearing native American headdresses and white people with dreadlocks.

    As said before, I understand the arguments, and try to understand the cultural importance of headdresses for example... But it's the hysteria that gets on my tits, particularly as it appears to be entirely one way, and allegedly can only go one way. Which is horseshit.
  • Companies (or staff thereof) not doing what they said they would.

    I had a fault with my landline which is part of my "bundle" with Sky. I rang them last Thursday & they were quick to identify what the fault was & told me that an engineer would be along early this week & would text me to say when. Lo & behold Friday afternoon I get a knock at the door (good job I was in, eh) & said Sky engineer was standing there with toolbox in hand. After 10 mins he said that although I was still getting broadband there was a loose wire somewhere outside between my house & the local exchange box & he would have to get Openreach to sort it out (which was what the Sky operative had told me the day before). He said this would now be next week 9this week) & that someone would text me to let me know when (I think we heard this bit before ????).

    Sunday morning at 9.30 (yes, SUNDAY MORNING) I was woken by a knocking at my door. I ignored it once but the second time I got up, just in case another idiot had pranged my car & was letting me know (a loooong story). There was Mr Openreach engineer saying that he was going to fix my problem - not that he had to actually come into my property so wtf did he need to knock on my door. I was obviously a tad put out ( I do like a lie-in on a sunday) and might not have minded if I had even got a text telling me of his impending arrival (as I had been told TWICE that this is what they would do). The REALLY annoying fact is that on getting back from the game on Saturday evening I found that the landline had been fixed & so it was bloody working Sunday morning.

    Oh, by the way............I've still not had a text from Sky, although I've had an email asking me how I rate their service !!!!
  • Companies (or staff thereof) not doing what they said they would.

    I had a fault with my landline which is part of my "bundle" with Sky. I rang them last Thursday & they were quick to identify what the fault was & told me that an engineer would be along early this week & would text me to say when. Lo & behold Friday afternoon I get a knock at the door (good job I was in, eh) & said Sky engineer was standing there with toolbox in hand. After 10 mins he said that although I was still getting broadband there was a loose wire somewhere outside between my house & the local exchange box & he would have to get Openreach to sort it out (which was what the Sky operative had told me the day before). He said this would now be next week 9this week) & that someone would text me to let me know when (I think we heard this bit before ????).

    Sunday morning at 9.30 (yes, SUNDAY MORNING) I was woken by a knocking at my door. I ignored it once but the second time I got up, just in case another idiot had pranged my car & was letting me know (a loooong story). There was Mr Openreach engineer saying that he was going to fix my problem - not that he had to actually come into my property so wtf did he need to knock on my door. I was obviously a tad put out ( I do like a lie-in on a sunday) and might not have minded if I had even got a text telling me of his impending arrival (as I had been told TWICE that this is what they would do). The REALLY annoying fact is that on getting back from the game on Saturday evening I found that the landline had been fixed & so it was bloody working Sunday morning.

    Oh, by the way............I've still not had a text from Sky, although I've had an email asking me how I rate their service !!!!

    Sky is possibly the worst company for customer service, not for getting through to or the staff you speak to, but for dealing with your complaint/problem
  • another one........

    Samsung advert for their new S9 PHONE.

    The advert is all about the camera - it opens & closes the aperture, has a slower slow-motion feature, does dark & light.

    If you want all that, then buy a camera ffs !!! I'm now looking for Nikon to bring out a camera that you can use to phone someone.
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  • another one........

    Samsung advert for their new S9 PHONE.

    The advert is all about the camera - it opens & closes the aperture, has a slower slow-motion feature, does dark & light.

    If you want all that, then buy a camera ffs !!! I'm now looking for Nikon to bring out a camera that you can use to phone someone.

  • Not quiet getting your planning correct. It’s our 40th wedding anniversary so as a treat for putting up with me about 18 months ago we booked a celebration cruise, as the date approaches Charlton go on a winning run and now I’m away for the play off final gutted, but that’s not the worst of it.

    We are away for the royal wedding, the date announced and we are away, wife gutted I’m running round celebrating like we won the playoff final, great, no total failure we are only docking in bloody Gibraltar that day, and not only that we are on an American ship. Is there any justice in this world?
  • McBobbin said:

    Cultural appropriation. Ok, I understand the argument, and it's important to be clued up and respectful of other cultures... But culture isn't stagnant it's constantly evolving, and there will always be a clash between tradition and more progressive attitudes... But it seems like there's a tendency amongst some people to just thing "oh that's cultural appropriation, that's bad!" And freak out.

    The latest I just saw on the news was a white American girl wearing a traditional Chinese dress. Previous examples include people wearing native American headdresses and white people with dreadlocks.

    As said before, I understand the arguments, and try to understand the cultural importance of headdresses for example... But it's the hysteria that gets on my tits, particularly as it appears to be entirely one way, and allegedly can only go one way. Which is horseshit.

    I had no idea what cultural apoprition was until you used the term

    I would have happily worn Indian silks when I got married. Nothing to do with culture, I just think they look fucking cool.

    White people with dreadlocks however are a personal hate of mine
  • Carter said:

    McBobbin said:

    Cultural appropriation. Ok, I understand the argument, and it's important to be clued up and respectful of other cultures... But culture isn't stagnant it's constantly evolving, and there will always be a clash between tradition and more progressive attitudes... But it seems like there's a tendency amongst some people to just thing "oh that's cultural appropriation, that's bad!" And freak out.

    The latest I just saw on the news was a white American girl wearing a traditional Chinese dress. Previous examples include people wearing native American headdresses and white people with dreadlocks.

    As said before, I understand the arguments, and try to understand the cultural importance of headdresses for example... But it's the hysteria that gets on my tits, particularly as it appears to be entirely one way, and allegedly can only go one way. Which is horseshit.

    White people with dreadlocks however are a personal hate of mine
    But that’s nothing to do with being culturally inappropriate, it’s because they look like c**ts
  • Carter said:

    McBobbin said:

    Cultural appropriation. Ok, I understand the argument, and it's important to be clued up and respectful of other cultures... But culture isn't stagnant it's constantly evolving, and there will always be a clash between tradition and more progressive attitudes... But it seems like there's a tendency amongst some people to just thing "oh that's cultural appropriation, that's bad!" And freak out.

    The latest I just saw on the news was a white American girl wearing a traditional Chinese dress. Previous examples include people wearing native American headdresses and white people with dreadlocks.

    As said before, I understand the arguments, and try to understand the cultural importance of headdresses for example... But it's the hysteria that gets on my tits, particularly as it appears to be entirely one way, and allegedly can only go one way. Which is horseshit.

    White people with dreadlocks however are a personal hate of mine
    But that’s nothing to do with being culturally inappropriate, it’s because they look like c**ts
    bedraggled ones at that!

    I'll only ever look like a tubby Englishman. It's a look I thought only the English could pull off.
  • Paying way over the odds for an average pint in an average boozer and the person at the bar won't fill it up to the top without prompting
  • McBobbin said:

    Carter said:

    McBobbin said:

    Cultural appropriation. Ok, I understand the argument, and it's important to be clued up and respectful of other cultures... But culture isn't stagnant it's constantly evolving, and there will always be a clash between tradition and more progressive attitudes... But it seems like there's a tendency amongst some people to just thing "oh that's cultural appropriation, that's bad!" And freak out.

    The latest I just saw on the news was a white American girl wearing a traditional Chinese dress. Previous examples include people wearing native American headdresses and white people with dreadlocks.

    As said before, I understand the arguments, and try to understand the cultural importance of headdresses for example... But it's the hysteria that gets on my tits, particularly as it appears to be entirely one way, and allegedly can only go one way. Which is horseshit.

    White people with dreadlocks however are a personal hate of mine
    But that’s nothing to do with being culturally inappropriate, it’s because they look like c**ts
    bedraggled ones at that!

    I'll only ever look like a tubby Englishman. It's a look I thought only the English could pull off.
    Same here, although I've got more chance of walking on the moon than growing dreadlocks
  • McBobbin said:

    Carter said:

    McBobbin said:

    Cultural appropriation. Ok, I understand the argument, and it's important to be clued up and respectful of other cultures... But culture isn't stagnant it's constantly evolving, and there will always be a clash between tradition and more progressive attitudes... But it seems like there's a tendency amongst some people to just thing "oh that's cultural appropriation, that's bad!" And freak out.

    The latest I just saw on the news was a white American girl wearing a traditional Chinese dress. Previous examples include people wearing native American headdresses and white people with dreadlocks.

    As said before, I understand the arguments, and try to understand the cultural importance of headdresses for example... But it's the hysteria that gets on my tits, particularly as it appears to be entirely one way, and allegedly can only go one way. Which is horseshit.

    White people with dreadlocks however are a personal hate of mine
    But that’s nothing to do with being culturally inappropriate, it’s because they look like c**ts
    bedraggled ones at that!

    I'll only ever look like a tubby Englishman. It's a look I thought only the English could pull off.
    Same here, although I've got more chance of walking on the moon than not w@nking as soon as I get home from work
  • Marcus Brigstocke
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  • bbob said:

    Marcus Brigstocke

    Whilst he doesn’t annoy me, I really don’t get him
  • bbob said:

    Marcus Brigstocke

    Whilst he doesn’t annoy me, I really don’t get him
    actually he is alright, it's his Data self that annoys
  • AWESOME now fucking creeping into our language FFS.
  • bbob said:

    Marcus Brigstocke

    Whilst he doesn’t annoy me, I really don’t get him
    Saw him at the Greenwich comedy festival a few years ago. He started his act by telling the audience how difficult it was to be a stand up comedian and challenged the audience to get on stage and tell a joke just to see how difficult it was. So he went along the first couple of rows and pointed his mike ino the faces of all the people who were cowering and hiding behind their hands etc. Of course what he also did was to ignore anyone like me who firstly put their hand up and then shouted to him "Hey Marcus I'll do it". Then he gets back on stage and says something like "See! There you go. Not so easy is it?"
    And I had such a good joke ready....
  • AWESOME now fucking creeping into our language FFS.

    Awesome is the new amazing.
  • Riviera said:

    bbob said:

    Marcus Brigstocke

    Whilst he doesn’t annoy me, I really don’t get him
    Saw him at the Greenwich comedy festival a few years ago. He started his act by telling the audience how difficult it was to be a stand up comedian and challenged the audience to get on stage and tell a joke just to see how difficult it was. So he went along the first couple of rows and pointed his mike ino the faces of all the people who were cowering and hiding behind their hands etc. Of course what he also did was to ignore anyone like me who firstly put their hand up and then shouted to him "Hey Marcus I'll do it". Then he gets back on stage and says something like "See! There you go. Not so easy is it?"
    And I had such a good joke ready....
    Gonna have to tell us the joke now. And don't worry, I haven't built it up
  • iaitch said:

    AWESOME now fucking creeping into our language FFS.

    Awesome is the new amazing.
    Another one are we obsessed with everything American?
  • I presume the next one will be 'so awesome'?
  • British bathtubs, the odd-shaped ones with the swinging glass door that only keeps one third of the bathroom from getting wet, that you need to climb in and out of with wet feet, sometimes over and around the commode. Bloody annoying things.
  • McBobbin said:

    Cultural appropriation. Ok, I understand the argument, and it's important to be clued up and respectful of other cultures... But culture isn't stagnant it's constantly evolving, and there will always be a clash between tradition and more progressive attitudes... But it seems like there's a tendency amongst some people to just thing "oh that's cultural appropriation, that's bad!" And freak out.

    The latest I just saw on the news was a white American girl wearing a traditional Chinese dress. Previous examples include people wearing native American headdresses and white people with dreadlocks.

    As said before, I understand the arguments, and try to understand the cultural importance of headdresses for example... But it's the hysteria that gets on my tits, particularly as it appears to be entirely one way, and allegedly can only go one way. Which is horseshit.

    Load of old bollocks, I wouldn't even get into a discussion over it. What about Chinese men wearing three piece suits? Afro-Caribbean women relaxing their hair? It's just a small number of attention seeking twats. Are the first people to wear a style eternally the only ones allowed to do so? Arse gravy.
This discussion has been closed.

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