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General things that Annoy you



  • Aren't buy-to-let mortgages given on the monthly rentable value, rather than the buyers income and deposit? If it is, that would make it an uneven playinh field for a start

    You have to put at least 25% down as a deposit to get a BTL mortgage.

    After that, the amount they'll lend you is dictated by the monthly rental valuation in comparison to the monthly mortgage payments - the former has to comfortably cover the latter.
  • The new Game advert...

    Father talking to his kid about this old retro game he has: "I wanted this game when I was your age, my Dad had to work two jobs to get it for me... Meant we missed out on a trip to the South of France and the two jobs eventually killed him - I'm giving this game to you son" (hands it over to his teenage son who simply looks at it

    Next scene shows the son in one of the Game stores: "Can I trade this old retro game in for something please?"

    How you be a bit more pissing grateful over something thats been handed down to you, means a lot to your Dad yet your just getting rid of at the first opportunity.

    I know it'll be down to how I raise my own Son, yet I have a really old teddy bear which used to belong to my Uncle and was given to me when I was small by my Grandparents after the bear used to comfort me when I'd stay round there and got homesick - One day was given it on a permanent basis and still have him by my bed to this day... Funnily my Uncle asked my Mum about it a few years ago as he wanted it back, I simply claimed that the bear was lost when I moved out as I refuse to give him back (Shouldn't have discarded the bear when he grew up himself)

    I'm in two minds whether to pass the bear down to my own Son as want to keep him with me as I grow old etc. yet would also like to see it passed down through the Generations, yet worry that someday, one kid who is a descendant of mine will take one look at the bear and simply throw it away
  • Showers in hotels where you move back an inch or two and have suddenly moved the temperature gauge from just right to freezing cold or scalding hot
  • People who say or write '3am in the morning' or '2pm in the afternoon'....... since when has 'am' ever not been in the morning?
  • People who say or write '3am in the morning' or '2pm in the afternoon'....... since when has 'am' ever not been in the morning?

    main reason why the 24 hour clock was invented - no need to say am or pm, let alone morning or afternoon.
  • Sponsored links:

  • The weather today. I've got to go and do site audits. The blokes on site don't want to be there, they don't want me there, I don't want to be there. It's a miserable day for everyone to be honest and one that won't be improved by me explaining to a non English speaker they need to wear steel toed boots as opposed to nike airs with holes in. Or they need to put sandbags on roadsigns because it's windy. I'm getting acid reflux thinking about the amount of alcohol I'm going to need tonight to numb the whole charade
  • T_C_E said:

    My almost 2 year old Granddaughter sitting up on my desk as I read on here. Out of the corner of my eye she convinces me she is going freefall Red Devilesque from the desk. Launching myself I smash my knee on the desk and smash my hand on the nearby wall and the best she come on with is to smile sweetly and say Grandad silly!! With a hangover and multiple injuries today has officially become "Lewis Page Day" FFS

    Feck me, what are you going to be like when we win the play offs?
  • Going to DFS to buy a sofa, only to find their sale, a constant for 40 years, isn't on.

    Try again tomorrow ...
    I was going to say this afternoon.
  • buckshee said:

    Being reminded just now that we are going to a christening on one of the possible play off semi dates!

    Throw the baby out with the font water:
    Become an atheist.
  • My daughter had a friend over for a play date on Saturday and as soon as she walked through the door, she stunk of fags.

    Noticed the poor kid coughing throughout the day and using an asthma pump.

    Have already made it clear to our daughter that whilst her friend can come over anytime, she won't be going over to hers.
  • Shops that say they don't take cards for amounts under £10. I've no problem at all if they want to pass the charge on but refusing sales, WTF is the matter with these people?
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  • My daughter had a friend over for a play date on Saturday and as soon as she walked through the door, she stunk of fags.

    Noticed the poor kid coughing throughout the day and using an asthma pump.

    Have already made it clear to our daughter that whilst her friend can come over anytime, she won't be going over to hers.

    That's beyond selfish of the girls parents

    My brother in law is the same and my niece reeks of tobacco smoke, I blame my sister in law equally with him. Smoke by all means but give kids until they are 16 or whatever the smoking age is now to decide if they want to inhale all the shit in tobacco smoke
  • My daughter had a friend over for a play date on Saturday and as soon as she walked through the door, she stunk of fags.

    Noticed the poor kid coughing throughout the day and using an asthma pump.

    Have already made it clear to our daughter that whilst her friend can come over anytime, she won't be going over to hers.

    I don't get smoking I did it for years but when I look back I really don't get it...
  • cabbles said:

    Sorry if already covered but footballers covering their mouths when they talk during games. You’re not at war,

    Should be mentioned every time it happens, unbelievably embarrassing behaviour. Guardiola at it yesterday, with someone he'd just substituted. What could he possibly be saying that's remotely interesting?!
  • cabbles said:

    Sorry if already covered but footballers covering their mouths when they talk during games. You’re not at war,

    Isnt really that bit that annoys me.

    More so the fact that if what they mouthed gets caught on camera, the likes of the Sun etc. will be hiring lip readers to find out exactly what was said so they can run a "shocking" story - Its thanks to the media that we constantly get such boring interview with Managers and Players with the same lines: "We showed plenty of character"
  • I hate it, but I understand managers doing it, micro gains and all that.

    But players - jesus. It does say more about the press (and sadly the appetite for it, they wouldn't do it if we didn't lap it up...) than the players...just.
  • Paloma Faith.
  • I hate it, but I understand managers doing it, micro gains and all that.

    But players - jesus. It does say more about the press (and sadly the appetite for it, they wouldn't do it if we didn't lap it up...) than the players...just.

    Completely, players aren't as stupid as they look and they know anything will be gobbled up by the press and used in anger against them so they do stuff like this and become even more distant from the supporters. They are only human so I don't blame them, just makes things a bit more boring than they once were when you didn't need to be a lip reader or qualified in any way to see Craig Bellamy scream "what me? What a fucking prick" when Souness hooked him against us.

    Going back even further we could have heard Bellamys screams and cries as Souness beat an apology out of him in the shower
  • Carter said:

    My daughter had a friend over for a play date on Saturday and as soon as she walked through the door, she stunk of fags.

    Noticed the poor kid coughing throughout the day and using an asthma pump.

    Have already made it clear to our daughter that whilst her friend can come over anytime, she won't be going over to hers.

    That's beyond selfish of the girls parents

    My brother in law is the same and my niece reeks of tobacco smoke, I blame my sister in law equally with him. Smoke by all means but give kids until they are 16 or whatever the smoking age is now to decide if they want to inhale all the shit in tobacco smoke
    My mother was a chain smoker, my wife when we first got married, smoked slightly, although packed up many years ago, my boys when teenagers smoked. I have never smoked, but guess who has got Emphysema, yes me.
  • ross1 said:

    Carter said:

    My daughter had a friend over for a play date on Saturday and as soon as she walked through the door, she stunk of fags.

    Noticed the poor kid coughing throughout the day and using an asthma pump.

    Have already made it clear to our daughter that whilst her friend can come over anytime, she won't be going over to hers.

    That's beyond selfish of the girls parents

    My brother in law is the same and my niece reeks of tobacco smoke, I blame my sister in law equally with him. Smoke by all means but give kids until they are 16 or whatever the smoking age is now to decide if they want to inhale all the shit in tobacco smoke
    My mother was a chain smoker, my wife when we first got married, smoked slightly, although packed up many years ago, my boys when teenagers smoked. I have never smoked, but guess who has got Emphysema, yes me.
    That's shit mate

    In 100 years time the people of the time will look back and shake their heads at Walter Raleigh giving us the gift of tobacco
This discussion has been closed.

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