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General things that Annoy you



  • If only they invented a but to turn over
  • If only they invented a but to turn over

    Or if only the one tv in the hotel gym I was in had a remote eh.
  • If only they invented a but to turn over

    You talking about the old bird in the DVD or preventing the royals from having more kids?
  • buckshee said:

    If only they invented a but to turn over

    Or if only the one tv in the hotel gym I was in had a remote eh.
  • Being reminded just now that we are going to a christening on one of the possible play off semi dates!
  • Japanese are expected to wear masks when they have a cold, it is considered rude not to. Also a good idea to wear one when protecting yourself from "Germ-spreading halfwits in the workplace who don't understand that they should be keeping themselves as far away from other humans as possible." (MrLargo 23-4-18.)
  • Self-obsessed, inconsiderate oxygen thieves standing still in doorways/at the top of escalators/bottom of staircases (usually slack jawed gaping at their phone) bang in the way of we sentient beings who need to continue our journey onward. You're in everybody's way you mouth breathing skinwasters. If you need a moment to work out where you're going next, step aside away from the flow of people you're blocking, then we can get on with our meaningful lives while your pitiful excuse for an existence dribbles along with minimum inconvenience for humanity.
    If you're not sure whether this means you: do you ever find people walking into you from behind? Were you getting off an escalator, walking into or out of a shop, disembarking a train? Yes? This means you. Best of all, just stay home, forever.

    This is so true. Hate these cretins.
  • edited April 2018
    Greenie said:

    PopIcon said:

    People who buy to let, those people are proper baggy.

    Really??? If you have the surplus cash it is a good investment, much better return than leaving your money in the bank.
    I think he means it just pushes prices up for genuine buyers who need a home rather than an investment.
    Personally I am dead against buy to let.
    If Maggie Thatcher had not sold off many council houses to occupants (although I do know people who gained and good luck to them), there would be more houses for people that cannot afford to buy. Stand by for abuse from those that bought theirs
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  • MrLargo said:

    MrLargo said:

    Germ-spreading halfwits in the workplace who don't understand that they should be keeping themselves as far away from other humans as possible.

    Some utter, utter c%*t came over to speak to me at my desk on Friday, and announced during the course of that conversation that he was feeling really rough and been struggling with a cold and a sore throat all day. Get the f*$k away from me then you tosser!

    You wouldn't walk up to someone's desk and punch them in the face, and that only hurts for a short while, so don't walk up to someone and significantly increase the chances of them being bed-ridden for a week with only Lemsip, daytime TV and pornography to get them through the day.

    Had a slight tickle in my throat since yesterday morning - I'm blaming him, and if it gets any worse I'm gonna take revenge and stick his mobile phone down my crack while he's in a meeting.

    This is one element of a serious annoyance of mine: the “honest and genuinely ill member of staff considering taking a day off sick and deciding against it” problem. Your workmate was a dick for getting in other staff’s faces about it. Yes, if you’re ill, go home and get better.
    The trouble is, workplaces can make people who take a day off sick into pariahs. The pressure people feel to drag themselves into work is ridiculous. This comes from bosses and colleagues alike. And it’s exacerbated by those few co-workers who regularly take Mondays off with trumped up illnesses, often straight after a weekend where you spotted them getting arseholed down the pub. They never seem bothered and take days off seemingly on a whim, never appearing ill and always just stopping short of maximum allowed sick leave. But the rest of the workforce muddles on and works through sickness, terrified that other workers will lump them in the same category as old sick-note over there.
    People are terrified that their colleagues will hate them because of having to pick up their slack while they’re ill. This causes them to then go on about how ill they are while at work, like @MrLargo ’s colleague.

    Wouldn’t it be nice if we all felt we wouldn’t be judged as a lazy fecker when we took a sick day, and nobody took the piss playing the system?
    We’d probably all be a little healthier and happier at work. We might even end up being a more efficient workforce, counterbalancing the cost of absence and more. Pipe dream, I know.

    Oh, also annoying: those arseholes who can’t wait to tell anyone who’ll listen about how they’ve never had a day off sick in 468 years. Whoopdie-doo. Fuck off you judgemental twat.
    Agree with all of that mate. Wasn't suggesting he shouldn't have been at work because, as you say, you do have to be mindful of other people's perception of you, so it's usually necessary to spend at least in the office publicly demonstrating that you're at death's door, just so you can justify calling in sick later in the week.

    It's the unnecissarily popping over for a casual chat and coughing all over me that I don't want. The bloke I go to the gym with did exactly the same a couple of months ago. Don't come to my desk, just ring me or something!
    I'm with you on this maye does my nut in. At my place everyone is free to work from home whenever they want within reason. We work across sites anyway so all meetings are online. There is barely any inconvenience from working at home. Feeling under the weather is the perfect reason to work at home yet some people still decide to come in when ill. They sit in an air conditioned environment with their germs spreading round, they cough and splitter everywhere and it's made worse by this stupid concept of hot desking.
    Then when everyone is ill a few days to a week later they proudly announce they are the only one to have avoided it and must have such a strong immune system to fight it. No you dozy cow. You started it.
  • If only they invented a but to turn over

    You talking about the old bird in the DVD or preventing the royals from having more kids?

  • Greenie said:

    PopIcon said:

    People who buy to let, those people are proper baggy.

    Really??? If you have the surplus cash it is a good investment, much better return than leaving your money in the bank.
    I think he means it just pushes prices up for genuine buyers who need a home rather than an investment.
    Personally I am dead against buy to let.
    This is absurd. They aren't pushing up the prices anymore than a owner-occupier buying the same property is. Most EA don't know if the property is being let or being used as the main residence by the purchaser, so they aren't selling the property for a different amount. Pure envy by the OP I'm afraid. Virtually all my clients that have BTL properties are renting out properties that they have inherited or previously lived in themselves. I have a couple of "portfolio landlords" (which by definition of the FCA is anyone owning 4 of more BTL's) and they all have full time jobs in the NHS - so they must be proper baggy then.

    A lot of BTL landlords are actually doing a great service for those who can't afford to buy & have to rent. They buy old properties, do them up & give a home to someone. Yes, there are lots of baggy landlords, but then their are lots of baggy tenants - just watch the TV series on C5 of a very similar name.
  • MrLargo said:

    MrLargo said:

    Germ-spreading halfwits in the workplace who don't understand that they should be keeping themselves as far away from other humans as possible.

    Some utter, utter c%*t came over to speak to me at my desk on Friday, and announced during the course of that conversation that he was feeling really rough and been struggling with a cold and a sore throat all day. Get the f*$k away from me then you tosser!

    You wouldn't walk up to someone's desk and punch them in the face, and that only hurts for a short while, so don't walk up to someone and significantly increase the chances of them being bed-ridden for a week with only Lemsip, daytime TV and pornography to get them through the day.

    Had a slight tickle in my throat since yesterday morning - I'm blaming him, and if it gets any worse I'm gonna take revenge and stick his mobile phone down my crack while he's in a meeting.

    man up you wuss !!! A week off because you get a cold ???

    Clearly not meant to be taken literally (apart from the pornography bit, which applies continually, regardless of my state of health)!
    I agree with you about not having a colleague coughing & spluttering all over you. When I was in my late teens I worked in an office & my boss always said not to come in if you had a cold. He said it was better to deal with having just 1 member of the team off, but we wouldn't be able to cope with having 3 or 4 all being off sick if they all caught what the single "infectee" had.
  • It’s just context though surely.....just like his gender, name and occasion.

    Somebody died yesterday is a poor news report to be honest.

    Exactly. No problem with his name, age or gender, but his profession being at the start of the piece bore no relevance to the fact that he had sadly died. If he had died whilst cooking then it would have been relevant, but he died running. I expect it was more that he was "famous" as he had been on Professional Masterchef less than 6 months ago.

  • ross1 said:

    Greenie said:

    PopIcon said:

    People who buy to let, those people are proper baggy.

    Really??? If you have the surplus cash it is a good investment, much better return than leaving your money in the bank.
    I think he means it just pushes prices up for genuine buyers who need a home rather than an investment.
    Personally I am dead against buy to let.
    If Maggie Thatcher had not sold off many council houses to occupants (although I do know people who gained and good luck to them), there would be more houses for people that cannot afford to buy. Stand by for abuse from those that bought theirs

    Greenie said:

    PopIcon said:

    People who buy to let, those people are proper baggy.

    Really??? If you have the surplus cash it is a good investment, much better return than leaving your money in the bank.
    I think he means it just pushes prices up for genuine buyers who need a home rather than an investment.
    Personally I am dead against buy to let.
    A lot of BTL landlords are actually doing a great service for those who can't afford to buy & have to rent. They buy old properties, do them up & give a home to someone. Yes, there are lots of baggy landlords, but then their are lots of baggy tenants - just watch the TV series on C5 of a very similar name.
    Great service my "butt". No problem with people buying their council houses I suppose, but for heaven's sake, replace them. BTL landlords aren't great philanthropists. Good luck to them, but they are ultimately trying to make money. We need proper social housing.
  • The lack of social housing has nothing to do with Buy to let landlords.

  • MrOneLung said:

    The lack of social housing has nothing to do with Buy to let landlords.

    Indeed. Two different things, but both make it harder for people to get on the ladder (higher rent and house prices for starters)
  • If only they invented a butt to turn over

    Pretty sure this is a part of life Rob.
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  • Bruised fruit. Especially bananas.
  • McBobbin said:

    MrOneLung said:

    The lack of social housing has nothing to do with Buy to let landlords.

    Indeed. Two different things, but both make it harder for people to get on the ladder (higher rent and house prices for starters)
    As per my earlier post, please tell me how someone buying a house to rent out pushes up house price more than the same person buying the same property to live in. Also, lots of rents don't rise year by year. My ex-wife's rent hasn't risen over the 3 years she's lived there & many of my clients rental incomes haven't changed either over the past 5 years.
  • Bruised fruit. Especially bananas.

    If your banana is too badly bruised you can get a transplant nowadays.
  • McBobbin said:

    MrOneLung said:

    The lack of social housing has nothing to do with Buy to let landlords.

    Indeed. Two different things, but both make it harder for people to get on the ladder (higher rent and house prices for starters)
    As per my earlier post, please tell me how someone buying a house to rent out pushes up house price more than the same person buying the same property to live in. Also, lots of rents don't rise year by year. My ex-wife's rent hasn't risen over the 3 years she's lived there & many of my clients rental incomes haven't changed either over the past 5 years.
    Supply and demand dear boy. If they already have a house to live in, there is one fewer house than if they are selling before buying. Fewer houses on the market, more demand, prices go up.
    Iots of rents don't go up, but then again, neither has my mortgage. In fact, it's gone down over 5 years. Sound familiar?
  • Moving on... People who announce their decision to not board the train because they consider it too full by standing right in front of the open doors, and looking at their phone. I got a seat in the end, and they got a shove. Stripey suited bellend.
  • McBobbin said:

    Moving on... People who announce their decision to not board the train because they consider it too full by standing right in front of the open doors, and looking at their phone. I got a seat in the end, and they got a shove. Stripey suited bellend.

    @RodneyCharltonTrotta ?
  • edited April 2018

    MrLargo said:

    When CL or other website or phone-ins, folk compare their jobs with footballers !
    It crazy, unless your an athlete or porn star (leave me out of this conversation) you won't have to quit at 35.
    So stop saying you would stay or go when you have no comparisons to draw on.
    If you are an ex pro footballer i'm listening.

    I've got some dvd's that will prove you wrong mate
    I'm still haunted by the front cover of a DVD that was on special offer at a convenience store in Faliraki in 1999. The title was "87 and Still Banging".
    I've got the sequel, "96 and still love dicks"
    Or her more specialist one a few years later, 103 and loves to pee.
    I’ve got 110, wrong hole again on DVD (uncut version Vol 14)
  • MrLargo said:

    When CL or other website or phone-ins, folk compare their jobs with footballers !
    It crazy, unless your an athlete or porn star (leave me out of this conversation) you won't have to quit at 35.
    So stop saying you would stay or go when you have no comparisons to draw on.
    If you are an ex pro footballer i'm listening.

    I've got some dvd's that will prove you wrong mate
    I'm still haunted by the front cover of a DVD that was on special offer at a convenience store in Faliraki in 1999. The title was "87 and Still Banging".
    I've got the sequel, "96 and still love dicks"
    Or her more specialist one a few years later, 103 and loves to pee.
    I’ve got 110, wrong hole again on DVD (uncut version Vol 14)
    She only turns 107 this year.
  • buckshee said:

    Being reminded just now that we were going to a christening on one of the possible play off semi dates!

    Fixed that for you... :smiley:
  • It may be the result of all the safety training courses I attended during my working life, but that Quooker flex advert really, really irks me.

    Mum is using the boiling water feature when the daughter approaches. She swivels the tap round and immediately drinks from the flexible hose. The daughter prefers to test the water temperature on the back of her throat rather than the back of her hand.

    It can never be a good idea to drink from a device that has the ability to instantly become a boiled kettle. Pouring the water into a glass removes the dangers of mis operation or maybe a fault condition from removing your pharynx and larynx (very painful!)
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