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General things that Annoy you



  • WSA said:

    The Portsmouth Commentator on iFollow today

    Its Caskey not Cask Key!!

    Its Magennis not Megennis


    Its Kashi not Karshi
    Woooa we’ve got Ahmed Karshi woooa plays with Forster-Cask Key!!
  • Leave aside the Lemsip and daytime TV and it sounds like a normal day for me....
  • Antifa types on social media pointing out that St George weren't even English and didn't slay any dragons
  • The fact that yesterday I was on the beach in blazing sunshine in Broadstairs yet today I’m in Bolton half freezing with four layers on.
  • Antifa types on social media pointing out that St George weren't even English and didn't slay any dragons

    Didn’t slay any dragons? How do you explain the fact there are no dragons left anymore?
  • JaShea99 said:

    Antifa types on social media pointing out that St George weren't even English and didn't slay any dragons

    Didn’t slay any dragons? How do you explain the fact there are no dragons left anymore?
    Exactly mate, the next thing they'll be saying is that Santa don't exist and that he don't visit every house (if you've been a good boy) on the planet, on a flying sledge, pulled by reindeer, one with a red shiny nose....ffs
  • When CL or other website or phone-ins, folk compare their jobs with footballers !
    It crazy, unless your an athlete or porn star (leave me out of this conversation) you won't have to quit at 35.
    So stop saying you would stay or go when you have no comparisons to draw on.
    If you are an ex pro footballer i'm listening.
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  • Talal said:

    A house very near us is unoccupied but has a problem with the alarm, was going off nearly all night and has started again this morning. Not a lot of sleep has been had.

    Anybody ring the OB? Could, y'know, be a burglary was taking place.
    If a faulty alarm has been ringing for more than half an hour, you're within your rights to pop across and silence the siren yourself. You can physically disable it but mustn't cause undue damage. Or break in, obviously.
  • MrLargo said:

    When CL or other website or phone-ins, folk compare their jobs with footballers !
    It crazy, unless your an athlete or porn star (leave me out of this conversation) you won't have to quit at 35.
    So stop saying you would stay or go when you have no comparisons to draw on.
    If you are an ex pro footballer i'm listening.

    I've got some dvd's that will prove you wrong mate
    I'm still haunted by the front cover of a DVD that was on special offer at a convenience store in Faliraki in 1999. The title was "87 and Still Banging".
    Err, can you remember the address?

    Asking for a friend.
  • Self-obsessed, inconsiderate oxygen thieves standing still in doorways/at the top of escalators/bottom of staircases (usually slack jawed gaping at their phone) bang in the way of we sentient beings who need to continue our journey onward. You're in everybody's way you mouth breathing skinwasters. If you need a moment to work out where you're going next, step aside away from the flow of people you're blocking, then we can get on with our meaningful lives while your pitiful excuse for an existence dribbles along with minimum inconvenience for humanity.
    If you're not sure whether this means you: do you ever find people walking into you from behind? Were you getting off an escalator, walking into or out of a shop, disembarking a train? Yes? This means you. Best of all, just stay home, forever.

    You're not really a Monday person are you @StigThundercock !
  • Talal said:

    A house very near us is unoccupied but has a problem with the alarm, was going off nearly all night and has started again this morning. Not a lot of sleep has been had.

    Anybody ring the OB? Could, y'know, be a burglary was taking place.
    If a faulty alarm has been ringing for more than half an hour, you're within your rights to pop across and silence the siren yourself. You can physically disable it but mustn't cause undue damage. Or break in, obviously.
    Don't know if anyone did but we didn't. Alarm often goes off so I don't think anyone really takes notice of whether it may be a burglary anymore.
  • MrLargo said:

    Germ-spreading halfwits in the workplace who don't understand that they should be keeping themselves as far away from other humans as possible.

    Some utter, utter c%*t came over to speak to me at my desk on Friday, and announced during the course of that conversation that he was feeling really rough and been struggling with a cold and a sore throat all day. Get the f*$k away from me then you tosser!

    You wouldn't walk up to someone's desk and punch them in the face, and that only hurts for a short while, so don't walk up to someone and significantly increase the chances of them being bed-ridden for a week with only Lemsip, daytime TV and pornography to get them through the day.

    Had a slight tickle in my throat since yesterday morning - I'm blaming him, and if it gets any worse I'm gonna take revenge and stick his mobile phone down my crack while he's in a meeting.

    man up you wuss !!! A week off because you get a cold ???

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  • News updates that include stuff that is irrelevant to the piece they are reporting......

    specifically about the London marathon runner that sadly died yesterday.

    The news was that "a professional chef who ran the London marathon......."

    He didn't die because he was a chef ffs !!! That was his daytime job & had nothing (I would expect) to do with why he died, unless he was cooking a meal at the time.
  • It’s just context though surely.....just like his gender, name and occasion.

    Somebody died yesterday is a poor news report to be honest.

  • MrLargo said:

    Germ-spreading halfwits in the workplace who don't understand that they should be keeping themselves as far away from other humans as possible.

    Some utter, utter c%*t came over to speak to me at my desk on Friday, and announced during the course of that conversation that he was feeling really rough and been struggling with a cold and a sore throat all day. Get the f*$k away from me then you tosser!

    You wouldn't walk up to someone's desk and punch them in the face, and that only hurts for a short while, so don't walk up to someone and significantly increase the chances of them being bed-ridden for a week with only Lemsip, daytime TV and pornography to get them through the day.

    Had a slight tickle in my throat since yesterday morning - I'm blaming him, and if it gets any worse I'm gonna take revenge and stick his mobile phone down my crack while he's in a meeting.

    This is one element of a serious annoyance of mine: the “honest and genuinely ill member of staff considering taking a day off sick and deciding against it” problem. Your workmate was a dick for getting in other staff’s faces about it. Yes, if you’re ill, go home and get better.
    The trouble is, workplaces can make people who take a day off sick into pariahs. The pressure people feel to drag themselves into work is ridiculous. This comes from bosses and colleagues alike. And it’s exacerbated by those few co-workers who regularly take Mondays off with trumped up illnesses, often straight after a weekend where you spotted them getting arseholed down the pub. They never seem bothered and take days off seemingly on a whim, never appearing ill and always just stopping short of maximum allowed sick leave. But the rest of the workforce muddles on and works through sickness, terrified that other workers will lump them in the same category as old sick-note over there.
    People are terrified that their colleagues will hate them because of having to pick up their slack while they’re ill. This causes them to then go on about how ill they are while at work, like @MrLargo ’s colleague.

    Wouldn’t it be nice if we all felt we wouldn’t be judged as a lazy fecker when we took a sick day, and nobody took the piss playing the system?
    We’d probably all be a little healthier and happier at work. We might even end up being a more efficient workforce, counterbalancing the cost of absence and more. Pipe dream, I know.

    Oh, also annoying: those arseholes who can’t wait to tell anyone who’ll listen about how they’ve never had a day off sick in 468 years. Whoopdie-doo. Fuck off you judgemental twat.
    Agree with all of that mate. Wasn't suggesting he shouldn't have been at work because, as you say, you do have to be mindful of other people's perception of you, so it's usually necessary to spend at least in the office publicly demonstrating that you're at death's door, just so you can justify calling in sick later in the week.

    It's the unnecissarily popping over for a casual chat and coughing all over me that I don't want. The bloke I go to the gym with did exactly the same a couple of months ago. Don't come to my desk, just ring me or something!
  • People who buy to let, those people are proper baggy.

  • MrLargo said:

    Germ-spreading halfwits in the workplace who don't understand that they should be keeping themselves as far away from other humans as possible.

    Some utter, utter c%*t came over to speak to me at my desk on Friday, and announced during the course of that conversation that he was feeling really rough and been struggling with a cold and a sore throat all day. Get the f*$k away from me then you tosser!

    You wouldn't walk up to someone's desk and punch them in the face, and that only hurts for a short while, so don't walk up to someone and significantly increase the chances of them being bed-ridden for a week with only Lemsip, daytime TV and pornography to get them through the day.

    Had a slight tickle in my throat since yesterday morning - I'm blaming him, and if it gets any worse I'm gonna take revenge and stick his mobile phone down my crack while he's in a meeting.

    man up you wuss !!! A week off because you get a cold ???

    Clearly not meant to be taken literally (apart from the pornography bit, which applies continually, regardless of my state of health)!
  • PopIcon said:

    People who buy to let, those people are proper baggy.

    Really??? If you have the surplus cash it is a good investment, much better return than leaving your money in the bank.
  • Greenie said:

    PopIcon said:

    People who buy to let, those people are proper baggy.

    Really??? If you have the surplus cash it is a good investment, much better return than leaving your money in the bank.
    I think he means it just pushes prices up for genuine buyers who need a home rather than an investment.
    Personally I am dead against buy to let.
    I think regular purchasers should get priority over buy to let.
  • Dazzler21 said:

    Greenie said:

    PopIcon said:

    People who buy to let, those people are proper baggy.

    Really??? If you have the surplus cash it is a good investment, much better return than leaving your money in the bank.
    I think he means it just pushes prices up for genuine buyers who need a home rather than an investment.
    Personally I am dead against buy to let.
    I think regular purchasers should get priority over buy to let.
    When you think about it, it’s madness that this isn’t the case.
This discussion has been closed.

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