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General things that Annoy you



  • Owen Jones.

    Some people on my twitter have retweeted him recently, dunno who he is but he looks like a right smug prick and another one who shags cats.

    Well you've only gone and done it.....
  • impatient cunts that have to continually hammer there horns at 7 am in the morning the guy is blocked in he cant go no where yet 5 cars behind him continually beeping is gonna solve the problem.

    inner london cyclists - majority i see are assholes, cycle myself and im ashamed of some of there behaviour , spitting at cars, kicking out at cars, weaving in and out of traffic, yet the 1st to complain when they get knocked off or someone gives them a leathering.
  • Talal said:

    Vet fees (and pet insurance).
    Dog had to have 4 teeth out today (originally we were told it would be 2) - £760 total. Unreal. And of course teeth aren't covered on the insurance.

    That's ruff.
  • Trying to understand the 'right to light' law, receiving advice but destined to become very legal if we push on.
  • Talal said:

    Vet fees (and pet insurance).
    Dog had to have 4 teeth out today (originally we were told it would be 2) - £760 total. Unreal. And of course teeth aren't covered on the insurance.

    That's ruff.
  • Zoos that have Penguin of the month notice boards, and take the time and effort to print out details

    No name on the right hand photo. It literally could be any other penguin and Betty doesn't deserve that.
  • Yes that is the bane of many people's existance to be fair.
  • Incompetence amongst admin staff at a large organisation.

    So I'm returning to my previous place of work where I did a year placement before returning to uni, everyone in the department knows me by face and name. I have to complete security checks before returning. That's fair enough as I haven't beeen there for a year.

    Now when I was joining for the first time they cocked this up and I ended up starting late because they couldn't send a form to my home address even though I'd notified them on many occasions I no longer lived at my uni address. So this time round I was like right get this sorted early so there is no issue. As soon as I was accepted on the grad scheme I arranged for the forms and sent them off. This was the end of April, in May I was notified they had received and processes the forms (I still have this email). Right job done no worries... Or so you'd think.

    Last week I get an email saying they've posted it to me again I need to complete before I start work. There is no explanation as to why. So I push them for an answer and get various bluffs. I tell them I'm not happy with this so eventually get told that they've lost my forms and they can't find it on the system. So I have to go through the whole hassle again because they are useless.

    And this happens while I'm abroad so I won't be able to sort this for a while. So by the time they get round to processing it I'm gonna have another delayed start date. Fucking useless.

    This is after I've had to send loads of different forms off to 3 different places because they have a graduate HR, central HR and departmental HR that refuse to information share. The amount of hassle (and large stamps) this has cause is ridiculous.

    And they still haven't paid the expenses for my interview as they conveniently 'lost' my claims form.

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  • Talal said:

    "Let's go Andy, let's go"

    Yep. You hear that chant a lot at the tennis & it annoys me too. Makes me cringe every time I hear it!
  • Talal said:

    "Let's go Andy, let's go"

  • Equally the 'come on Tim' joke that wasn't very funny when andy first vroke onto the scene and is even less so 8 years later.
  • Talal said:

    "Let's go Andy, let's go"

    Also like last year when they all started doing the Icelandic clap

    Wimbledon isn't cut out for chanting.
  • edited July 2017
    International flying ant c**t day. Fecking hate them.
  • edited July 2017

    Equally the 'come on Tim' joke that wasn't very funny when andy first vroke onto the scene and is even less so 8 years later.

    I still laugh.

    The Michael Appleton of Wimbledon.
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  • Dazzler21 said:

    International flying ant c**t day. Fecking hate them.

    Who are the spanners playing?
  • bbob said:


    Turns everyone at work into tennis fans. You can't walk 10 ft without hearing a match commentary.
    Then there is the general tennis chat, "Did you see XXX's game" and so on. No I didn't, I don't care.

    My only line of Wimbledon chat : "Is the Scottish Bloke out yet".....

    Only thing I hate about Wimbledon is its one of those proper bandwagon events each year... Ask those tennis fans at work if they kept an eye on the French | Australian or US Opens when they come round, probably wont know what your chatting about
  • Understandable if people want this to be removed and will do so if asked but in the light of Mark Cavendish's crash in the Tour de France and subsequent message asking for people to stop abusing him and his family.

    The below is basically the sort of thing that him and his wife have been getting - Seriously what would make some sick prick to write this?

  • Talal said:

    "Let's go Andy, let's go"

    Anyone joining in with that chant, should be frogmarched from the court.
  • Talal said:

    "Let's go Andy, let's go"

    Anyone joining in with that chant, should be frogmarched from the court.
    Agreed. I heard "let's go Heather" and "let's go Konta" yesterday as well. It is one of the cringiest things I've ever heard.
  • This sounds like an American thing.

    Been to a few baseball games and that's all they chant, 'let's go (add team name)'.

    At least our chants are original or parodies of current songs.
  • I assumed it started from Murray sometimes saying "let's go" when winning a point but could be wrong. It does sound American.
  • edited July 2017

    Understandable if people want this to be removed and will do so if asked but in the light of Mark Cavendish's crash in the Tour de France and subsequent message asking for people to stop abusing him and his family.

    The below is basically the sort of thing that him and his wife have been getting - Seriously what would make some sick prick to write this?

    Same type of people who call those they disagree with terrorist sympathisers.
  • neil harris - every time I see a picture of him and the smug smirk he's got.

    He needs a slap
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