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General things that Annoy you



  • That Ctrl+F in Outlook forwards a message, but in all other programmes it is the shortcut for find. Some consistency please.
  • When you tell somebody something and they say, 'why didn't you tell me'? I just did. That's how you know.
  • When someone is ranting and you've just cleared the last unread indicator from a thread.
  • When you go to add someone as a contact on your iPhone and when you go to add the number you have to go through Radio, Work Fax, etc. before you get to 'Mobile' for the type of contact number.
  • Stig said:

    That whenever someone in my family is angry, miserable or upset I am very careful to treat them like eggshells, but when the boot is on the other foot I just get a tirade of, 'what the bloody hell are you so grumpy about, you should try living my life then you'd know how bad things are...this is what it's like for me...blah, blah, blah... and another thing...'.

    What's up Stig ? Mum's the word, I won't tell anyone.
  • .

    stonemuse said:

    Diane Abbott on both itv and bbc in last 30 minutes. Where's @ibborg when you want him?

    She was on lbc this morning.... Disastrous
    The Tories manage to be disastrous 24/7/365. She's got a lot of catching up to do...

    (She is a bit of a twat though, you are not wrong there).
    She was truly awful, anyone that represented a normal company with such a severe lack of information would be kicked out.
    And the very fact that JC doesn't find it a problem, is a massive problem itself IMO
    Theresa May appointed Boris Johnson foreign secretary.
    BoJo ain't dipped May though
    So you are saying there's no reason at all for her to have appointed him other than rank lunacy?
    As mad as Boris is, I honestly don't think there's any comparison between him and Abbott, or Thornberry for that matter.
    It's not about him being mad, it's about May choosing him for a job that no-one who is right in the head would pick him for.
  • The woman doing the voiceover for the NatWest adverts. It's some massive fucking ott mish mash of liberal poo and then you've got this well spoken, middle England Teresa May reaffirming the unconscious bias around serious stuff like finance. 'We are what we do'

    Utter wank
  • cabbles said:

    The woman doing the voiceover for the NatWest adverts. It's some massive fucking ott mish mash of liberal poo and then you've got this well spoken, middle England Teresa May reaffirming the unconscious bias around serious stuff like finance. 'We are what we do'

    Utter wank

    You should find a girlfriend, Cubbles.
  • Musical snobs.
  • Sponsored links:

  • Waking up every morning with hair wings because my hair is currently at a difficult length.
  • The 2017 World Athletics Championships are taking place at the Olympic Stadium in July.

    The official/commercially-friendly name for this event is the Muller Anniversary Games 2017.

    What does this mean? That imbecilic bitch Nicole Shitsinger is back with another excruciating advert to celebrate the launch of Muller's new "Golden Balls" yoghurt/rice/pureed shit product that I will definitely not be buying ever ever ever.

    This time around, she's wandering across an athletics track, yoghurt in hand. But oh no, there's a race going on, and Nicole's walked right in front of the runners due to being preoccupied with her banal yoghurt obsession. It's about as funny as falling cock-first into an industrial wood chipper.

    I'm so confused. She's so fit, but so annoying. Every time I see her, my anger grows rapidly and immediately. But so does my....y'know.
  • I'm fed up with programmes that have to show you the best bits in a 30 second montage before the programme starts then after the adverts has to remind you what happened before the break. We are not bloody goldfish!!
    Thank god for Sky+
  • edited May 2017
    Stig said:

    The fecking hoops you have to jump through to just apply for a job.

    The superlative-filled job specs and person specs that accompany every job advertisement. Why do they have to make every vacancy sound as if western civilisation will crash if they can't fill a post with their particular desired image of hyper-motivated beaver drone?

    Any recruiter who expects their potential recruits to be 'passionate' about their job or their industry should be crushed like a bug under the weight of superfluous words they expect people to spout in applying. Passion is for lovers you idiots, not for corporate head-nodders. And another thing, not every job is strategic. In fact not every management job is strategic. In fact, here's the killer, most management jobs aren't strategic. Most are about seeing an organisation through the everyday hassles and problems it faces. Go and read Michael Porter to see what strategy is all about before introducing it into every job spec. You'll be amazed at how far removed it is from most people's work experiences.

    Their hyperbole serves no useful purpose. It demotivates decent people whilst acting as an incentive to bullshitters and chancers. Here's an idea, just try being honest: we're looking for an ordinary person do an average job for as little money as we can get away with.

    Passionate in his hatred of risible recruitment rigmarole
    Cheers stig.

    I just spent an hour applying for a job where I think they now know more about me than my mother does.

    I had to tell them my nationality 4 times in 4 different ways!!

    I don't see why they can't just look at my CV and decide whether they want to see me? Then I can jump through their hoops. Why do I have to spend an hour of my time just to maybe get a rejection?

    So frustrating!
  • Stig said:

    Waking up every morning with hair wings because my hair is currently at a difficult length.

    Different length to what? Your arms?
  • Sponsored links:

  • Fumbluff said:

    Stig said:

    Waking up every morning with hair wings because my hair is currently at a difficult length.

    Different length to what? Your arms?
    Ha ha, difficult length not different. Too long to stick up properly, too short to lay flat properly.
  • Stig said:

    Fumbluff said:

    Stig said:

    Waking up every morning with hair wings because my hair is currently at a difficult length.

    Different length to what? Your arms?
    Ha ha, difficult length not different. Too long to stick up properly, too short to lay flat properly.
    Okay my mistake, must need an eye test. Let's stop talking about your hair before @paulie8290 rejoins us......
  • Sky showing super slow motion clips , quite often with some prat screaming directly at the camera.
  • Stig said:

    The fecking hoops you have to jump through to just apply for a job.

    The superlative-filled job specs and person specs that accompany every job advertisement. Why do they have to make every vacancy sound as if western civilisation will crash if they can't fill a post with their particular desired image of hyper-motivated beaver drone?

    Any recruiter who expects their potential recruits to be 'passionate' about their job or their industry should be crushed like a bug under the weight of superfluous words they expect people to spout in applying. Passion is for lovers you idiots, not for corporate head-nodders. And another thing, not every job is strategic. In fact not every management job is strategic. In fact, here's the killer, most management jobs aren't strategic. Most are about seeing an organisation through the everyday hassles and problems it faces. Go and read Michael Porter to see what strategy is all about before introducing it into every job spec. You'll be amazed at how far removed it is from most people's work experiences.

    Their hyperbole serves no useful purpose. It demotivates decent people whilst acting as an incentive to bullshitters and chancers. Here's an idea, just try being honest: we're looking for an ordinary person do an average job for as little money as we can get away with.

    Passionate in his hatred of risible recruitment rigmarole
    One that I'm having a punt at;

    "You will be an innovative thinker, able to demonstrate positive outcomes from the implementation of
    your ideas, and be able to provide new and creative solutions to problems. You take a collaborative
    approach to your work, and enjoy discussing complex, multidisciplinary projects and assignments with
    scientists and fellow engineers. An experienced mechanical engineer, you will have excellent
    knowledge of scientific and engineering materials and how to fabricate with them from your
    substantial background in precision engineering design and manufacturing environments."

    They should have said, "you need to draw a widgets after having a chat"

    I know these type of people and know they do not have the slightest understanding of what they are actually asking for. At the interview there will be at least 4 people asking set questions which you will probably correctly answer while they sit there pretending they've understood every syllable.
  • Sky showing super slow motion clips , quite often with some prat screaming directly at the camera.

    Can't wait for Wimbledon on the BBC this year - seemingly every shot followed by an ultra slow motion shot of someone in the crowd or a player blinking. Just show the tennis...
  • Sky showing super slow motion clips , quite often with some prat screaming directly at the camera.

    Can't wait for Wimbledon on the BBC this year - seemingly every shot followed by an ultra slow motion shot of someone in the crowd or a player blinking. Just show the tennis...
    Although there is always the one perv on camera duty who manages to spot the woman in the low cut top jumping up and down in Row Z as she celebrates yet another point by the popular Tennis Player...
  • Piers Morgan.
  • Stig said:

    cabbles said:

    Stig said:

    The fecking hoops you have to jump through to just apply for a job.

    The superlative-filled job specs and person specs that accompany every job advertisement. Why do they have to make every vacancy sound as if western civilisation will crash if they can't fill a post with their particular desired image of hyper-motivated beaver drone?

    Any recruiter who expects their potential recruits to be 'passionate' about their job or their industry should be crushed like a bug under the weight of superfluous words they expect people to spout in applying. Passion is for lovers you idiots, not for corporate head-nodders. And another thing, not every job is strategic. In fact not every management job is strategic. In fact, here's the killer, most management jobs aren't strategic. Most are about seeing an organisation through the everyday hassles and problems it faces. Go and read Michael Porter to see what strategy is all about before introducing it into every job spec. You'll be amazed at how far removed it is from most people's work experiences.

    Their hyperbole serves no useful purpose. It demotivates decent people whilst acting as an incentive to bullshitters and chancers. Here's an idea, just try being honest: we're looking for an ordinary person do an average job for as little money as we can get away with.

    Passionate in his hatred of risible recruitment rigmarole
    I'd give you your poster of the week award for that. I cannot stand it. Job specs immediately make you feel like an ant I find. This is us, we're the best company in the world, we're going to make you feel like you'd be lucky to apply.

    It's a wider problem in business in my opinion. Bullshit and more bullshit. People tripping over themselves to come out with the wankiest possible waffle
    With us both feeling the same Cabbles, it's amazing that we both got through the moderator's selection event.
    One of my pet hates for my industry in sales is

    'Seasoned hunter'

    Fuck off
This discussion has been closed.

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