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We’ve only gone and bloody done it again!!!! (2019 Playoff Final).



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    GET INNNNNNNNNNNNN (creds to The Guardian and Lee Smith/Action Images)

    Brilliant photo of a great moment.  Just love the way it has caught the fans reaction.

    One fell stands out for me in the stand like a sore thumb as seemingly not enjoying the moment. 
    In the tv coverage in the something like the 86th minute you can see a fan fast asleep
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    Wow. Still on cloud nine after that. Fantastic to win in the ninety minutes. I had a feeling we were going to Nick a late winner to bookend the season after it started with a last minute defeat at their place, and even the horrible own goal never took away my belief we could get back in and win it, though the minutes after we went behind were torrid. Big shout out to everyone connected with the playing side of the club, and especially the players who did the business yesterday. Magnificent performance from Williams, who seemed to terrify them - the fouls they gave away against him were a huge factor in the tail end of the game swinging our way. Parker again gave absolutely everything, and he can hold his head high. As can Phillips, who recovered from the howler at the start to make a magnificent save minutes later and prevent the score doubling.
    I was in the pub with a couple of decent Mackems, though they had to put up with me leaping about the place on the 94th minute, which coupled with the goal would test the patience of a saint. I wish I'd been at Wembley, but it was enough to watch us win on the box, and know we are back in the Championship next season. The ball has gone right back into RD's court now, regarding whether we make a decent fist of next season, but for this morning, all praise to BowJack and the lads. It felt as if something was trying to happen in the last few months, and thanks to a lot of hard work and graft, the dream came true.
    Allez allez allez - love it!
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    And one more thing.
    No more pointless check a trade trophy crap.
    No bloody boring draw with Tranmere either

    Still think that was the reason for Charlton winning yesterday as they knew that stark reality too
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    And one more thing.
    No more pointless check a trade trophy crap.
    Damn, I so wanted to go to that
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    BR3red said:
    Best bet of my whole life 👍👍👍
    Many congrats mate! What a day. Mentioned to my boy before the game that I fancied maybe Pearce/Nabby or Bauer to pop one in from a dead ball situation. Should have had the courage of my convictions. Hope you're going to put the dosh to a season ticket - once the crazy Belgian disappears over the horizon of course!
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    Day to relax before a few beers later to be followed by a celebratory curry in the Amber Fort in Elmer's End. Thought the pitch caused us problems yesterday. Looked lovely but it didn't suit our quick passing style - possibly needed watering? Ball seemed to travel at slower pace or was it just me? Anyway, who cares COYR's!!!!!!
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    Not a great game but what a great feeling on 94 minutes. 
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    Amazing day, and even now i still can't believe the timing of that goal. Never celebrated a goal like it, incredible.

    Thank god we were saved from extra time and penalties as i don't think i could've taken it. 

    No more Checkatrade nonsense, into the 3rd round of the FA Cup and we get to renew acquaintances with our old friends from the Den.
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    I was 12 in 98 and so fully conscious of the significance and how mental it all was . To me this feels better and I wasn’t even there .  Watching it surrounded by mackems in Rhodes, I feared a battering when the OG went in. To turn it around without playing particularly well showed great courage 
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    Great game, Charlton flame well and truly reignited. Now looking at a season tickets in the covered end, I think my time boycotting games is over... just want to do it in the way that gives roland as little money as possible. 
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    _MrDick said:
    Still feel emotional this morning. To think I have witnessed two of the greatest Charlton matches in its history is an absolute privilege. Forget about his past misdemeanours, Lee Bowyer should be inducted into the Charlton Hall of fame now. Absolute Legend
    They have even inducted Jimmy Seed yet, give ‘em a chance!
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    When you are a Charlton fan, you have to take the regular kicks to the head for those moments. They don't come very often, but when they do, they mean so much more to us. I can only thank Bowyer, and his team and the team. Everyone of them. Pratley got some stick earlier in the season, but showed himself to be a bloody hero. Parker had an excellent game. You could go through them one by one - a proper team and we are all proud of you all. 
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    Curbishley X2

    All former players who managed promotion campaigns. Indeed Lennie in 1986 is the only outsider in this period to achieve promotion with us.
    Especially as Lennie wasn't a player.
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