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    stevec said:
    I just noticed on the Bookie’s window: ‘Open Sunday 11-4 I think I’ll have a tenner on that. He was open last Sunday.
    We’ve had that one before. In fact, I think it was you that posted it before. 
  • Options
    stevec said:
    I just noticed on the Bookie’s window: ‘Open Sunday 11-4 I think I’ll have a tenner on that. He was open last Sunday.
    We’ve had that one before. In fact, I think it was you that posted it before. 
    I’d put a few quid on that joke being a repeat
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    Man: I bet you can’t tell me something that would make me happy and sad at the same time.

    Partner: You have the biggest penis out of all of your friends. 
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    stevec said:
    I just noticed on the Bookie’s window: ‘Open Sunday 11-4 I think I’ll have a tenner on that. He was open last Sunday.
    We’ve had that one before. In fact, I think it was you that posted it before. 
    Sorry if that's true, my mistake
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    If you're attacked by a circus troupe, go for the juggler.
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    Have you been a victim of faulty double glazing? You could be entitled to condensation.
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    Solidgone said:

    That is dreadful, but very clever.
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    My friend just split up with his Mexican girlfriend. I asked how he was doing but he did not want to taco bout it.

    However on a more serious note - we are going up, say we are going up!
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    Two friends chat and one boasts about his new car. 

    “So I’ve got a new Tesla Model X; it drives itself.”

    “Nice...where is it?”

    “No idea!”

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    Sometimes I tuck my knees into my chest and lean forward. That's just how I roll.
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    Tourist to New Yorker: Can you tell me the way to the Empire State Building or should I just go fuck myself?
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    Trent Alexander-Arnold has just been arrested by the police. He took a corner too fast
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    "Holmes, why are you painting your door yellow?"

    "Lemon entry, my dear Watson".
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    Man City's last 14 games WWWWWWWWWWWWWW.

     It reads like Gareth Gates trying to say Wagamama...

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    What happens when you eat aluminium foil? 

    You sheet metal.

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     A North Korean soldier walks into a bar.

    The bartender asks: “How’s it going?” 

    The North Korean soldier replies: “Can’t complain.”

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