There is little I can say that hasn't already been said on here, in the ground or in the pub after. That was astonishingly bad. We have 3 players with arsehole. Jackson, solly and holmes. I want to write about 1000 words breaking down how much is wrong but tonight showed me as layman as I can. The cancer within the club is 6 weeks away from killing us. Robinson is fucking beyond hopeless even under this shower of rancid semen owning us.
This man was meant to be a lauded coach at Liverpool amd Blackburn. How the shit has he not understood to
A) keep it simple, stupid play his best players in their best positions!?
That team were confused tonight, they also lacked guts, but from a supposed forward thinking man, that team looked to me and a healthy proportion of others like they were lost, flomoxed, confused. Of course I'm going to refer back to the lack of stones showed by far too many professional footballers on the park. But fuck me, they genuinely looked confused.
We now face the very real possibility of relegation to the 4th tier of English football.
Fuck off Miere, fuck off Duchatelet and fuck off Robinson. Fucking shameful
There is little I can say that hasn't already been said on here, in the ground or in the pub after. That was astonishingly bad. We have 3 players with arsehole. Jackson, solly and holmes. I want to write about 1000 words breaking down how much is wrong but tonight showed me as layman as I can. The cancer within the club is 6 weeks away from killing us. Robinson is fucking beyond hopeless even under this shower of rancid semen owning us.
This man was meant to be a lauded coach at Liverpool amd Blackburn. How the shit has he not understood to
A) keep it simple, stupid play his best players in their best positions!?
That team were confused tonight, they also lacked guts, but from a supposed forward thinking man, that team looked to me and a healthy proportion of others like they were lost, flomoxed, confused. Of course I'm going to refer back to the lack of stones showed by far too many professional footballers on the park. But fuck me, they genuinely looked confused.
We now face the very real possibility of relegation to the 4th tier of English football.
Fuck off Miere, fuck off Duchatelet and fuck off Robinson. Fucking shameful
Never put a capital B followed by a closed bracket
Three points are for the taking off the once proud and mighty Charlton Athletic.
That is the message we are sending out to our rivals. The canny Curbs in his heyday would gleefully target us as a banker. Our relegation rivals will surely do likewise, and that is a problem.
It really irks me that people are arguing that we should sack KR and bring in Euell and JJ. Not because I think KR deserves a chance but our issues go so so so much deeper than who is manager.
Why does anyone think that JJ, an outstanding bloke that he is, but a club captain who cannot get anyone to perform for him or the team is going to be able to turn a corner as manager/coach for us. I suggest you look at the poor recruitment of players since RD took over and then decide if you think anyone can sort that shower out first.
There was a reason Powell built a successful team. And it goes beyond stats.
I mean the clue is in the post, but maybe i'll put it in caps lock so you might understand.
This is more than one manager - this process started in 2014 when RD took over Charlton and let a kid with a laptop decide who our players should be.
There is little I can say that hasn't already been said on here, in the ground or in the pub after. That was astonishingly bad. We have 3 players with arsehole. Jackson, solly and holmes. I want to write about 1000 words breaking down how much is wrong but tonight showed me as layman as I can. The cancer within the club is 6 weeks away from killing us. Robinson is fucking beyond hopeless even under this shower of rancid semen owning us.
This man was meant to be a lauded coach at Liverpool amd Blackburn. How the shit has he not understood to
A) keep it simple, stupid play his best players in their best positions!?
That team were confused tonight, they also lacked guts, but from a supposed forward thinking man, that team looked to me and a healthy proportion of others like they were lost, flomoxed, confused. Of course I'm going to refer back to the lack of stones showed by far too many professional footballers on the park. But fuck me, they genuinely looked confused.
We now face the very real possibility of relegation to the 4th tier of English football.
Fuck off Miere, fuck off Duchatelet and fuck off Robinson. Fucking shameful
Never put a capital B followed by a closed bracket
well at least that put a smile on my face,
Cant comment on the match - still too angry - but all been said by everyone else.
Got so bad in the stands that I started arguing with the bloke behind me - but only because he cant see anything wrong with RD,
To try and even analyse it is quite a job. It's shambolic.
It's clear from the fact that KR keeps rotating players, he's utterly clueless as to what to do. Not that any of them apart from maybe Holmes deserves to hold down a regular place, but if you keep dicking about with player changes and slightly different formations, there will never be any settled consistent play.
Saturday we had Bauer and Tex and centre back, tonight it's Pearce and Bauer, this Saturday will probably be Tex and Pearce.
Saturday Chicksen was left back, tonight it's DaSilva.
Saturday was Ulvestad and Forster Caskey holding, tonight it's Aribo and Forster Caskey holding (I think).
I genuinely couldn't tell you where Holmes plays because he seems to be everywhere (that's not a pop at him because I think he's the one player actually playing for the shirt at the moment)
On Saturday did we have Watt up top with Novak or was it Novak up top on his own with Watt in the 3 behind Novak. It doesn't matter because tonight it's Magennis up top on his own.
Solly comes in for Byrne and didn't look anywhere near fit enough or ready, and you could argue that the one player who should be dropped on current form, Rudd, seems to retain a place regardless, when Phillips as looked much more assured when he's played.
Granted I think there's been a few niggles and injuries in recent weeks, but it really does seem to be a lottery as to who will play now.
It actually took me about 5 mins to go through the starting line up tonight and work out who fitted where in KR's preferred 4-2-3-1, only for it to look more like a diamond of sorts.
If it was, you can see why MK Dons got so much joy down our flanks. DaSilva is not a left back and had no cover, poor Chris Solly has had a wretched career with injury and was hung out to dry with no cover.
KR's tactics, team selection and instructions on how to play, mirror that of his interviews. A manifestation of his words spouted at you with little cohesion, structure or meaning.
We've also got a back room staff that resembles an episode of the raggy dolls. Bits of human cloth thrown together in a blind draper's factory that are also contributing to this mess. With all due respect to messrs Barker, O'Laughlin and Bowyer, none of them have had any sort of history together, and none of them are experienced coaches. Bowyer has popped up out of nowhere, presumably waiting until fly fishing season starts and Jimmy Bullard stops touring the country with soccer a.m. O'Laughlin we know is RD and KM's rent boy, and Barker was joined to the hip with Karl over the last year when the two of them have taken MK Dons down, and now fancy a crack at successive relegations
To top it off, the club seems to being run by an incompetent, inexperienced competition lawyer who got the job because she helped Roland with some tv rights and laws to do with an issue he had in Belgium, the wife of the club secretary and the ever present shadow that is Richard Murray who simply sits there, week after week, having presided over what was the most successful period in the club's modern day history, and won't say or do anything to stop this implosion
And it is an implosion of a monumental scale.
And to top it all off, when I got home tonight, my fucking shoelaces got all tangled as I tried to get them off, so I spent the best part of 10 minutes trying to nibble at them to untangle the knot, only to bite through the fucking things. That and a £7 large chicken Shish with only 4 sodding cubes of chicken
I'm going to bed angry and broken
The latter half of this post being the one ray of sunshine in an otherwise grim evening of football. Brilliant and sums it up perfectly unfortunately.
I've not bought a season on principle, it's fucking killing me. If my wife were to post on here she would also say it's killing her me not having a season.
I cannot find words fit enough to describe how I feel about Duchatelet and miere. The best I can do is I hope the pair of them go on holiday with the harlem globetrotters. Soon. Permanently.
I was one of the ones who displayed my annoyance at the Brighton game last season in front of the directors box. To put context on this, my wife is prominent in a male dominated industry and has the foresight and fortitude to deal and communicate well with other members of the human race when they are wound up. And she was shocked none of us physically harmed anyone, given that's how she would expect someone without that level of emotional intelligence to behave.
For the record, again, she cares not for charlton but is amazed how we have stayed so civil given what she would have to deal with over something far more minor
First time back to the valley for 7 months, for our family to pay our respects to PC Palmer , what a omnishambles that performance was, not a great performance or advert for enticing people to buy season tickets next season.
Just go please Roland, just go, before you drain every last drop out of Charlton.
For those of you who were there, you missed an incredibly touching tribute to PC Keith Palmer from Terry Smith on CAFCPlayer. Incredibly touching. As was the minute's silence. It sounded like you could hear a pin drop. These are the moments that really made me proud to be Charlton.
There is little I can say that hasn't already been said on here, in the ground or in the pub after. That was astonishingly bad. We have 3 players with arsehole. Jackson, solly and holmes. I want to write about 1000 words breaking down how much is wrong but tonight showed me as layman as I can. The cancer within the club is 6 weeks away from killing us. Robinson is fucking beyond hopeless even under this shower of rancid semen owning us.
This man was meant to be a lauded coach at Liverpool amd Blackburn. How the shit has he not understood to
A) keep it simple, stupid play his best players in their best positions!?
That team were confused tonight, they also lacked guts, but from a supposed forward thinking man, that team looked to me and a healthy proportion of others like they were lost, flomoxed, confused. Of course I'm going to refer back to the lack of stones showed by far too many professional footballers on the park. But fuck me, they genuinely looked confused.
We now face the very real possibility of relegation to the 4th tier of English football.
Fuck off Miere, fuck off Duchatelet and fuck off Robinson. Fucking shameful
Never put a capital B followed by a closed bracket
There is little I can say that hasn't already been said on here, in the ground or in the pub after. That was astonishingly bad. We have 3 players with arsehole. Jackson, solly and holmes. I want to write about 1000 words breaking down how much is wrong but tonight showed me as layman as I can. The cancer within the club is 6 weeks away from killing us. Robinson is fucking beyond hopeless even under this shower of rancid semen owning us.
This man was meant to be a lauded coach at Liverpool amd Blackburn. How the shit has he not understood to
A) keep it simple, stupid play his best players in their best positions!?
That team were confused tonight, they also lacked guts, but from a supposed forward thinking man, that team looked to me and a healthy proportion of others like they were lost, flomoxed, confused. Of course I'm going to refer back to the lack of stones showed by far too many professional footballers on the park. But fuck me, they genuinely looked confused.
We now face the very real possibility of relegation to the 4th tier of English football.
Fuck off Miere, fuck off Duchatelet and fuck off Robinson. Fucking shameful
Never put a capital B followed by a closed bracket
well at least that put a smile on my face,
Cant comment on the match - still too angry - but all been said by everyone else.
Got so bad in the stands that I started arguing with the bloke behind me - but only because he cant see anything wrong with RD,
Were you in Lower North Block A? There was an argument going on behind me though I couldn't get the gist of what it was about, except it erupted after the Roland Out songs
I hadn't been to the Valley for a while but wanted to pay my respects to PC Palmer.I purchased my ticket online and arrived early as advised.The wonderful new turnstile machine then proceeded to tell me my ticket had been cancelled,I tried to explain that I had proof I had purchased the ticket but was told I had to see a steward on the other side of the entrance.As I approached him he walked away, proceeded to ignore me for so long that I missed the tribute. To say I was fuming was an understatment, to then be served football so bad that I had to leave after 60 minutes really was the straw that broke the camel's back. I have supported this club for over 40 years and am sad to say I can't see me returning for a very long time
Yet another dreadfully amateurish performance easily beaten by a well organised but average side, KR clearly isn't the man for the job but who is under RD and the band of fools, best wishes to the Palmer family in the coming years.
I feel for you poor souls if that's what's been served up this season, because that was like watching a pub side, who'd been clubbing the night before on the disco biscuits, then used up all their remaining energy to masterbate into the lingerie section of a catalogue prior to the game. Total wankers. We had zero fight, no passion, not one fuck was given. Well done to all the fans tonight paying their respects to PC Palmer, including the MK supporters, who joined in the applause when Mr Palmer's name was sung.
I feel for you poor souls if that's what's been served up this season, because that was like watching a pub side, who'd been clubbing the night before on the disco biscuits, then used up all their remaining energy to masterbate into the lingerie section of a catalogue prior to the game. Total wankers.
Obviously you couldn't find a decent Afterparty...haha haha...!!!
but back to the rest of your post too,I was not there,(couldn't get night off work) but from what I've heard & read on here regarding match & the respect given to Keith & his family...I totally agree...!!!
There is little I can say that hasn't already been said on here, in the ground or in the pub after. That was astonishingly bad. We have 3 players with arsehole. Jackson, solly and holmes. I want to write about 1000 words breaking down how much is wrong but tonight showed me as layman as I can. The cancer within the club is 6 weeks away from killing us. Robinson is fucking beyond hopeless even under this shower of rancid semen owning us.
This man was meant to be a lauded coach at Liverpool amd Blackburn. How the shit has he not understood to
A) keep it simple, stupid play his best players in their best positions!?
That team were confused tonight, they also lacked guts, but from a supposed forward thinking man, that team looked to me and a healthy proportion of others like they were lost, flomoxed, confused. Of course I'm going to refer back to the lack of stones showed by far too many professional footballers on the park. But fuck me, they genuinely looked confused.
We now face the very real possibility of relegation to the 4th tier of English football.
Fuck off Miere, fuck off Duchatelet and fuck off Robinson. Fucking shameful
Never put a capital B followed by a closed bracket
well at least that put a smile on my face,
Cant comment on the match - still too angry - but all been said by everyone else.
Got so bad in the stands that I started arguing with the bloke behind me - but only because he cant see anything wrong with RD,
Were you in Lower North Block A? There was an argument going on behind me though I couldn't get the gist of what it was about, except it erupted after the Roland Out songs
No, East Stand Block F.
On my Valley Express coach home tonight I was surprised when a couple of previously pro Duchatalet fans said nothing will change until there is a change of ownership. The worm is finally turning.
I feel for you poor souls if that's what's been served up this season, because that was like watching a pub side, who'd been clubbing the night before on the disco biscuits, then used up all their remaining energy to masterbate into the lingerie section of a catalogue prior to the game. Total wankers. We had zero fight, no passion, not one fuck was given. Well done to all the fans tonight paying their respects to PC Palmer, including the MK supporters, who joined in the applause when Mr Palmer's name was sung.
It hasn't always been that bad. If we played like that every week, we'd already be relegated...
There have been sporadic decent performances, few and far between under KR
I drove down from York today, having been at my Best Man's funeral yesterday, so needed cheering up.
I got very stressed on the M11 South near Duxford after some f*ckwit in a 40 year old camper van broke down at the peak of rush hour in one of the two lanes on that stretch, creating an eight mile tailback. I really wanted to be at The Valley on time to pay my respects to PC Palmer - made it in time, pleased to say and a touching experience which I fully expected would fire up the players but how wrong was I?
In 1967, I think it was, what turned out to be Bob Stokoe's last game before being sacked, I was a ten year old lad witnessing a 0-5 home defeat to Leicester City with Stokoe playing Mike Kenning, our excellent right winger, at left back, for whatever reason. I mention this dark footballing memory because I felt as deflated tonight after an atrocious Charlton offering as I did that day as a ten year old witnessing a dying team with a dying Manager.
MK Dons were not just better than us, they were technically a class above and they are mid-table League One.
Embarrassing performance, the only bright spark being DaSilva who I thought was quality.
So, now back at home in Ipswich but glad I went to the game to pay my respects to PC Keith Palmer - gave some justification for my madness in doing all that driving!
The message you are so desperate to convey is already engraved on our hearts.
Once upon a time- well in early 2014 to be exact- the first, few, teeny weeny spores ( or whatever is the correct terminology) of canker, began their long & painful journey into the very roots of a famous football club. To be frank, said admired & respected club was starting to reel & totter following a disappointing end to what promised to be a positive period of ownership....
Enter stage left, astride a sleek & glossy meire, a saviour from far off lands, cunning plan in hand to deliver us from the evil enemy, A.D. Ministration ...or so we innocents believed.
Alas, that old saying " there's many a slip twixt cup & lip "( hic !) returned to haunt the faithful and 3 sorry years later, the sad but clear truth could not be ignored any longer. The rot transported across La Manche by those who carried our hopes & prayers had been allowed to flourish & the painful truth could be ignored no longer. It had eaten into the fragile infrastructure of the football club & only drastic & swift action would prevent it from bringing it to its knees.
On reflection, it wasn't the leaders of the foot soldiers, nor those confused lads themselves that had brought about this desperate scenario. Nay, it was the Belgian Invader & his cohort wench who were to blame yet everything they touched was tarnished & spoiled by association and hence became beyond redemption .
How this heartbreaking tale will end is difficult to predict. Time will tell, but time is also running out. But whatever final words are written, the main protagonists and the damage they wrought will never be forgotten.
Let's hope that "we" end up living happily ever after.....
Only a few players came out of that with any credit but none did well.
I'll pick out Jake Foster-Caskey and Tony Watt as the worst wastes of space.
Can't remember last time "you're not fit to wear the shirt" was sung at the Valley". It saddens me but you can't argue against it.
Tarbuck booed off and rightly so but won't be sacked. He's willing to have O'Loughlin in his coaching set up and he is the flak catcher for Meire so he stays.
Where did you sit Henry? I assumed you'd be in your 'old' usual seats.
This man was meant to be a lauded coach at Liverpool amd Blackburn. How the shit has he not understood to
A) keep it simple, stupid
That team were confused tonight, they also lacked guts, but from a supposed forward thinking man, that team looked to me and a healthy proportion of others like they were lost, flomoxed, confused. Of course I'm going to refer back to the lack of stones showed by far too many professional footballers on the park. But fuck me, they genuinely looked confused.
We now face the very real possibility of relegation to the 4th tier of English football.
Fuck off Miere, fuck off Duchatelet and fuck off Robinson. Fucking shameful
That is the message we are sending out to our rivals. The canny Curbs in his heyday would gleefully target us as a banker. Our relegation rivals will surely do likewise, and that is a problem.
This is more than one manager - this process started in 2014 when RD took over Charlton and let a kid with a laptop decide who our players should be.
well at least that put a smile on my face,
Cant comment on the match - still too angry - but all been said by everyone else.
Got so bad in the stands that I started arguing with the bloke behind me - but only because he cant see anything wrong with RD,
At least this evening hasn't been a complete waste, and I've learned something
I cannot find words fit enough to describe how I feel about Duchatelet and miere. The best I can do is I hope the pair of them go on holiday with the harlem globetrotters. Soon. Permanently.
I was one of the ones who displayed my annoyance at the Brighton game last season in front of the directors box. To put context on this, my wife is prominent in a male dominated industry and has the foresight and fortitude to deal and communicate well with other members of the human race when they are wound up. And she was shocked none of us physically harmed anyone, given that's how she would expect someone without that level of emotional intelligence to behave.
For the record, again, she cares not for charlton but is amazed how we have stayed so civil given what she would have to deal with over something far more minor
Get Euell in charge for the last few games, he certainly can't do any worse.
Just go please Roland, just go, before you drain every last drop out of Charlton.
Remember those words.
This has been coming months possibly years ago.
We had zero fight, no passion, not one fuck was given.
Well done to all the fans tonight paying their respects to PC Palmer, including the MK supporters, who joined in the applause when Mr Palmer's name was sung.
On my Valley Express coach home tonight I was surprised when a couple of previously pro Duchatalet fans said nothing will change until there is a change of ownership. The worm is finally turning.
There have been sporadic decent performances, few and far between under KR
I got very stressed on the M11 South near Duxford after some f*ckwit in a 40 year old camper van broke down at the peak of rush hour in one of the two lanes on that stretch, creating an eight mile tailback.
I really wanted to be at The Valley on time to pay my respects to PC Palmer - made it in time, pleased to say and a touching experience which I fully expected would fire up the players but how wrong was I?
In 1967, I think it was, what turned out to be Bob Stokoe's last game before being sacked, I was a ten year old lad witnessing a 0-5 home defeat to Leicester City with Stokoe playing Mike Kenning, our excellent right winger, at left back, for whatever reason.
I mention this dark footballing memory because I felt as deflated tonight after an atrocious Charlton offering as I did that day as a ten year old witnessing a dying team with a dying Manager.
MK Dons were not just better than us, they were technically a class above and they are mid-table League One.
Embarrassing performance, the only bright spark being DaSilva who I thought was quality.
So, now back at home in Ipswich but glad I went to the game to pay my respects to PC Keith Palmer - gave some justification for my madness in doing all that driving!
The message you are so desperate to convey is already engraved on our hearts.
Once upon a time- well in early 2014 to be exact- the first, few, teeny weeny spores ( or whatever is the correct terminology) of canker, began their long & painful journey into the very roots of a famous football club. To be frank, said admired & respected club was starting to reel & totter following a disappointing end to what promised to be a positive period of ownership....
Enter stage left, astride a sleek & glossy meire, a saviour from far off lands, cunning plan in hand to deliver us from the evil enemy, A.D. Ministration ...or so we innocents believed.
Alas, that old saying " there's many a slip twixt cup & lip "( hic !) returned to haunt the faithful and 3 sorry years later, the sad but clear truth could not be ignored any longer. The rot transported across La Manche by those who carried our hopes & prayers had been allowed to flourish & the painful truth could be ignored no longer. It had eaten into the fragile infrastructure of the football club & only drastic & swift action would prevent it from bringing it to its knees.
On reflection, it wasn't the leaders of the foot soldiers, nor those confused lads themselves that had brought about this desperate scenario. Nay, it was the Belgian Invader & his cohort wench who were to blame yet everything they touched was tarnished & spoiled by association and hence became beyond redemption .
How this heartbreaking tale will end is difficult to predict. Time will tell, but time is also running out. But whatever final words are written, the main protagonists and the damage they wrought will never be forgotten.
Let's hope that "we" end up living happily ever after.....
The End ( of Duchatelet's reign )