Whatever the personal qualities and abilities are I know that Sutherland is a through and through Charlton Athletic fan, and Methven is a through and through Oxford United fan.
Richard Murray was a Wolves fan. Alan Curbishley was a West Ham fan.
Personally I don't give a shit which team our club employees or hierarchy support (or where they went to school), as long as they are professional, competent and (hopefully) excellent and successful at their jobs.
There's plenty of Charlton supporting wrong uns that have been associated with the club over the years.
Yeah but there's also bound to be a comprehensive school educated, non salmon pink chino wearing, die hard Charlton supporting vegan, who is happy to spunk their ethically made £millions on us. All while getting abused, pulled apart and contradicted by a different corner of the fan base on a weekly basis.
Personally thought Charlie did a great job in his short time here, completely turned the business around and brought new life in to the establishment especially by doing things like the Fanzone which is always bouncing and actively going after younger markets. Also everything he did to market us for the Wrexham game was great really showed our potential as a business/content creation hub. I was hoping that they would really lean in to it a bit more with initiatives like half price tickets for youtubers/content creators and a dedicated content creators section in the upper north to really show off our best atmosphere. I know some of the "die hards" hate the idea but just because "Brian" from Bexleyheath has been coming to Charlton for 20/30 years why should he be entitled to a seat in our best area for atmosphere, when we could give his seat to a youtuber for half price who has a few thousand followers and advertise our business better.
It just makes much more business sense to move some of the "legacy" supports to the east or west stand to make room for more youtubers or content creators, also equally we will make up the 50% discount given to the youtubers by moving the legacy fans to areas which are more expensive. Its win-win for everyone.
Also I don't think its a surprise that since he has announced he is leaving we have dropped form both in terms of performances and now results against Peterborough. I hope this isn't a sign of the growing discontent as I know he was very popular with the players.
Personally thought Charlie did a great job in his short time here, completely turned the business around and brought new life in to the establishment especially by doing things like the Fanzone which is always bouncing and actively going after younger markets. Also everything he did to market us for the Wrexham game was great really showed our potential as a business/content creation hub. I was hoping that they would really lean in to it a bit more with initiatives like half price tickets for youtubers/content creators and a dedicated content creators section in the upper north to really show off our best atmosphere. I know some of the "die hards" hate the idea but just because "Brian" from Bexleyheath has been coming to Charlton for 20/30 years why should he be entitled to a seat in our best area for atmosphere, when we could give his seat to a youtuber for half price who has a few thousand followers and advertise our business better.
It just makes much more business sense to move some of the "legacy" supports to the east or west stand to make room for more youtubers or content creators, also equally we will make up the 50% discount given to the youtubers by moving the legacy fans to areas which are more expensive. Its win-win for everyone.
Also I don't think its a surprise that since he has announced he is leaving we have dropped form both in terms of performances and now results against Peterborough. I hope this isn't a sign of the growing discontent as I know he was very popular with the players.
Personally thought Charlie did a great job in his short time here, completely turned the business around and brought new life in to the establishment especially by doing things like the Fanzone which is always bouncing and actively going after younger markets. Also everything he did to market us for the Wrexham game was great really showed our potential as a business/content creation hub. I was hoping that they would really lean in to it a bit more with initiatives like half price tickets for youtubers/content creators and a dedicated content creators section in the upper north to really show off our best atmosphere. I know some of the "die hards" hate the idea but just because "Brian" from Bexleyheath has been coming to Charlton for 20/30 years why should he be entitled to a seat in our best area for atmosphere, when we could give his seat to a youtuber for half price who has a few thousand followers and advertise our business better.
It just makes much more business sense to move some of the "legacy" supports to the east or west stand to make room for more youtubers or content creators, also equally we will make up the 50% discount given to the youtubers by moving the legacy fans to areas which are more expensive. Its win-win for everyone.
Also I don't think its a surprise that since he has announced he is leaving we have dropped form both in terms of performances and now results against Peterborough. I hope this isn't a sign of the growing discontent as I know he was very popular with the players.
You're taking the p*** of course.
Not at all, its makes complete sense to our business. A restaurant or cinema wouldn't guarantee the best seats every week.
Personally thought Charlie did a great job in his short time here, completely turned the business around and brought new life in to the establishment especially by doing things like the Fanzone which is always bouncing and actively going after younger markets. Also everything he did to market us for the Wrexham game was great really showed our potential as a business/content creation hub. I was hoping that they would really lean in to it a bit more with initiatives like half price tickets for youtubers/content creators and a dedicated content creators section in the upper north to really show off our best atmosphere. I know some of the "die hards" hate the idea but just because "Brian" from Bexleyheath has been coming to Charlton for 20/30 years why should he be entitled to a seat in our best area for atmosphere, when we could give his seat to a youtuber for half price who has a few thousand followers and advertise our business better.
It just makes much more business sense to move some of the "legacy" supports to the east or west stand to make room for more youtubers or content creators, also equally we will make up the 50% discount given to the youtubers by moving the legacy fans to areas which are more expensive. Its win-win for everyone.
Also I don't think its a surprise that since he has announced he is leaving we have dropped form both in terms of performances and now results against Peterborough. I hope this isn't a sign of the growing discontent as I know he was very popular with the players.
You're taking the p*** of course.
Not at all, its makes complete sense to our business. A restaurant or cinema wouldn't guarantee the best seats every week.
You let yourself down with the final paragraph. A blatant wind up.
Personally thought Charlie did a great job in his short time here, completely turned the business around and brought new life in to the establishment especially by doing things like the Fanzone which is always bouncing and actively going after younger markets. Also everything he did to market us for the Wrexham game was great really showed our potential as a business/content creation hub. I was hoping that they would really lean in to it a bit more with initiatives like half price tickets for youtubers/content creators and a dedicated content creators section in the upper north to really show off our best atmosphere. I know some of the "die hards" hate the idea but just because "Brian" from Bexleyheath has been coming to Charlton for 20/30 years why should he be entitled to a seat in our best area for atmosphere, when we could give his seat to a youtuber for half price who has a few thousand followers and advertise our business better.
It just makes much more business sense to move some of the "legacy" supports to the east or west stand to make room for more youtubers or content creators, also equally we will make up the 50% discount given to the youtubers by moving the legacy fans to areas which are more expensive. Its win-win for everyone.
Also I don't think its a surprise that since he has announced he is leaving we have dropped form both in terms of performances and now results against Peterborough. I hope this isn't a sign of the growing discontent as I know he was very popular with the players.
You're taking the p*** of course.
Not at all, its makes complete sense to our business. A restaurant or cinema wouldn't guarantee the best seats every week.
Personally thought Charlie did a great job in his short time here, completely turned the business around and brought new life in to the establishment especially by doing things like the Fanzone which is always bouncing and actively going after younger markets. Also everything he did to market us for the Wrexham game was great really showed our potential as a business/content creation hub. I was hoping that they would really lean in to it a bit more with initiatives like half price tickets for youtubers/content creators and a dedicated content creators section in the upper north to really show off our best atmosphere. I know some of the "die hards" hate the idea but just because "Brian" from Bexleyheath has been coming to Charlton for 20/30 years why should he be entitled to a seat in our best area for atmosphere, when we could give his seat to a youtuber for half price who has a few thousand followers and advertise our business better.
It just makes much more business sense to move some of the "legacy" supports to the east or west stand to make room for more youtubers or content creators, also equally we will make up the 50% discount given to the youtubers by moving the legacy fans to areas which are more expensive. Its win-win for everyone.
Also I don't think its a surprise that since he has announced he is leaving we have dropped form both in terms of performances and now results against Peterborough. I hope this isn't a sign of the growing discontent as I know he was very popular with the players.
Personally thought Charlie did a great job in his short time here, completely turned the business around and brought new life in to the establishment especially by doing things like the Fanzone which is always bouncing and actively going after younger markets. Also everything he did to market us for the Wrexham game was great really showed our potential as a business/content creation hub. I was hoping that they would really lean in to it a bit more with initiatives like half price tickets for youtubers/content creators and a dedicated content creators section in the upper north to really show off our best atmosphere. I know some of the "die hards" hate the idea but just because "Brian" from Bexleyheath has been coming to Charlton for 20/30 years why should he be entitled to a seat in our best area for atmosphere, when we could give his seat to a youtuber for half price who has a few thousand followers and advertise our business better.
It just makes much more business sense to move some of the "legacy" supports to the east or west stand to make room for more youtubers or content creators, also equally we will make up the 50% discount given to the youtubers by moving the legacy fans to areas which are more expensive. Its win-win for everyone.
Also I don't think its a surprise that since he has announced he is leaving we have dropped form both in terms of performances and now results against Peterborough. I hope this isn't a sign of the growing discontent as I know he was very popular with the players.
Personally thought Charlie did a great job in his short time here, completely turned the business around and brought new life in to the establishment especially by doing things like the Fanzone which is always bouncing and actively going after younger markets. Also everything he did to market us for the Wrexham game was great really showed our potential as a business/content creation hub. I was hoping that they would really lean in to it a bit more with initiatives like half price tickets for youtubers/content creators and a dedicated content creators section in the upper north to really show off our best atmosphere. I know some of the "die hards" hate the idea but just because "Brian" from Bexleyheath has been coming to Charlton for 20/30 years why should he be entitled to a seat in our best area for atmosphere, when we could give his seat to a youtuber for half price who has a few thousand followers and advertise our business better.
It just makes much more business sense to move some of the "legacy" supports to the east or west stand to make room for more youtubers or content creators, also equally we will make up the 50% discount given to the youtubers by moving the legacy fans to areas which are more expensive. Its win-win for everyone.
Also I don't think its a surprise that since he has announced he is leaving we have dropped form both in terms of performances and now results against Peterborough. I hope this isn't a sign of the growing discontent as I know he was very popular with the players.
You're taking the p*** of course.
Not at all, its makes complete sense to our business. A restaurant or cinema wouldn't guarantee the best seats every week.
At times you give RonnieMoore a run for his money, I'll give you that.
Personally thought Charlie did a great job in his short time here, completely turned the business around and brought new life in to the establishment especially by doing things like the Fanzone which is always bouncing and actively going after younger markets. Also everything he did to market us for the Wrexham game was great really showed our potential as a business/content creation hub. I was hoping that they would really lean in to it a bit more with initiatives like half price tickets for youtubers/content creators and a dedicated content creators section in the upper north to really show off our best atmosphere. I know some of the "die hards" hate the idea but just because "Brian" from Bexleyheath has been coming to Charlton for 20/30 years why should he be entitled to a seat in our best area for atmosphere, when we could give his seat to a youtuber for half price who has a few thousand followers and advertise our business better.
It just makes much more business sense to move some of the "legacy" supports to the east or west stand to make room for more youtubers or content creators, also equally we will make up the 50% discount given to the youtubers by moving the legacy fans to areas which are more expensive. Its win-win for everyone.
Also I don't think its a surprise that since he has announced he is leaving we have dropped form both in terms of performances and now results against Peterborough. I hope this isn't a sign of the growing discontent as I know he was very popular with the players.
Worrying either the money has dried up with no new investment or they are clearing the decks for a new takeover….but why get rid of folks before a takeover is agreed….TBH if they have been watching from the States on Charlton TV the optic of seeing a 2/3 empty west stand week in week out would question where my money is going….
Just be patient........
Do you think so?
As was I in my reply, Seth
It just makes much more business sense to move some of the "legacy" supports to the east or west stand to make room for more youtubers or content creators, also equally we will make up the 50% discount given to the youtubers by moving the legacy fans to areas which are more expensive. Its win-win for everyone.
Also I don't think its a surprise that since he has announced he is leaving we have dropped form both in terms of performances and now results against Peterborough. I hope this isn't a sign of the growing discontent as I know he was very popular with the players.
Get back to the Spoons. Your people await you.
Brian of Bexleyheath
He is known by many names but he always appears in the same form - as a proper WUM