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MATCH THREAD (+POSTp22): Gillingham vs Charlton Athletic: FA CupšŸ†(2): Sat 2nd Dec 2023 | KO 3.00PM



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    Yesterday was awful, no fight, no passion and no clue. However getting rid of MA is not, in my opinion, the right thing to do.
    There has been a lack of stability in this club for years now, and to keep changing managers isn't going to help.
    We need stability and allow a manager more than a few months to build their squad and ideas!
    Let's face it the turnover of managers hasn't worked!
    So I'm saying let's stick by MA, let's hope and pray Charlie boy and Scott, go and get the players he wants, let him build his squad and his style of play. If it fails in the medium term then move him on, but he needs to be given 2 transfer windows.Ā 
    In total agreement Red, then judge Appleton and the owners, not after two months of Appleton and five months of these owners.Ā 
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    We went 2-0 down very suddenly and early after an even-ish start. No manager in football history would have made tactical subs before that point
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    edited December 2023
    It's the silly things that smart though.Ā  I live in Medway and although I do not know many of their lot, I can think of one or two I will be bumping intoĀ 
    , and inevitably I can hear myself saying "Yeh, but we are shit!" as I type this.

    Not sure what point I am trying to get across, but I have been in some form of shell shock with my football club for what seems like a decade now. Never ever expected us to be world beaters, they are my local team that my dear old grandad and rascal of an uncle loved, they took me along and it stuck.

    Just fed up with Charlton being shit,Ā  the resignation of it.Ā  This new lot have January to show their true colours and then for the sake of just getting on with other stuff, that's it for me.Ā  Love my football, but for me football is a team game, where regardless of your varying ability, you put some graft in and play for your mates, and in the case of a professional outfit, your supporters.

    I'd be steaming now, if I was one of you heroes, who still watch this sack of unmittigated shit and journeymen bottlejobs.

    Just fuck off Charlton. At least for today!

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    edited December 2023
    lonman said:
    Bailey said:
    JamesSeed said:
    Gillingham clearly wanted it more than us. Fought for every ball. Not too down. What we need to do is stay in range and then replace some of the weak players we have in January (I don'y just mean physically but mentally too). Also some young players needs loan. Ness is so mistake ridden it cannot be ignored.
    Problem is I don't trust Scott to replace them with anyone better and for Appleton to then get them playing as a team.Ā 
    Christ, weā€™re not going to start calling for yet another manager sacking are we?? Is that what people want?
    JamesSeed said:
    Gillingham clearly wanted it more than us. Fought for every ball. Not too down. What we need to do is stay in range and then replace some of the weak players we have in January (I don'y just mean physically but mentally too). Also some young players needs loan. Ness is so mistake ridden it cannot be ignored.
    Problem is I don't trust Scott to replace them with anyone better and for Appleton to then get them playing as a team.Ā 
    Christ, weā€™re not going to start calling for yet another manager sacking are we?? Is that what people want?
    A rhetorical question James as that's exactly what they are calling for. Three defeats in seventeen games doesn't matter to these knuckle draggers. They specialise in the negative and in Charlton Athletic the easiest thing to be is negative. It's the same old names, and the same old rhetoric, boring, tired rants.Ā Ā 
    What a ridiculous statement. People have every right to vent their frustration if the performances are poor without being called 'knuckle draggers' My question to you, how many away games have you been to ? watching the shit that this team is serving up. The only 'knuckle dragger' here is you, my friend.
    I was responding to the opinions posted on here regarding their wish for Appleton's dismissal. With regards to my level of away support for this club. Started 1968 first away game the following season at Millwall, Ray Crawford brilliant equaliser, took in other london games like Watford, QPR and Orient and have never missed a game at Millwall, seen Charlton win twice in the league down there, Shippereley and Peter Shaw scoring in the first game and Kim Grant in the snow. I was old enough by 1972 to travel with mates to every ground that Charlton played away to. Notable highlights Burnley away 4 all after being 4. 1 up, losing 4.2 at Carlisle with Phil Bonnyman running the show for Carlisle, losing one nil on a freezing new years day at home park to Plymouth. I never missed a game at Selhurst when we there, I was at St Andrews for the Leeds Play off game and at the battle of the bridge the following year. There are people on here who would probably know the people I mixed with and people like Dave Ripley a Lewis coach driver who took me to my early away games and showed me the Glikstein timber yards in east london before they disappeared. My point in all that, is that you do not own the pain or the success and whether you go home or away its still the football club you support, however you support it.Ā 
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    That sort of performance can get a manager the sack. I was going to buy a set of Charlton pyjamas but they probably will only have one leg. A bit like our players really.
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    edited December 2023
    I don't understand why we have all 11 back to defend a corner.
    If the ball gets cleared it is only ever going to come straight back.
    CBT has great pace so I would suggest that if he were higher up the pitch then the opposition would have to bring 2 players back to cover him.
    That would also give us a spare man to cover the "surprise" short corner that often seems to catch us out.
    We used to do it under Curbs too (at least a fair amount of the time). A guy sat near me would always shout, with blood vessels bursting, "get someone on the halfway line Curbishley!". I've never understood the tactic either.Ā 
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    Leuth said:
    We went 2-0 down very suddenly and early after an even-ish start. No manager in football history would have made tactical subs before that point
    2 nil down suddenly? They scored in the 26th and 30th minute. From minute one they were fast out of the traps and we showed no signs of having a go at the game other than an Alfie May snapshot in that time.

    There was nothing even about it mate
    Yes, but no manager would have made tactical subs before then. To suggest so is absurd.

    Should we have made half-time changes? Probably
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    I only listened to the game but have now started sorting out the Statbank and reading through the PA "commentary" is so depressing, only 3 shots at goal and one on target in 111 minutes, that is just unforgivable.

    Right players marks here I come :smile:
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    edited December 2023
    Leuth said:
    We went 2-0 down very suddenly and early after an even-ish start. No manager in football history would have made tactical subs before that point
    We had nothing to offer before we even went 1-0 down. We had nothing to offer on response to going 1-0 down and then the inevitable happened and we went 2-0 down. We had nothing to offer even then. Any manager that isnā€™t doing whatever it takes to stop that in its tracks has probably made a wrong career choice. We have the leading goal scorer in our ranks and he was having to play in his own half when he was not occasionally able to venture into the Gills half.Ā 

    Evening going back to that Gills injury in the second half when the players stood around for 5 minutes or so, why on earth didnā€™t MA call the players over to the touch line and give them instructions to try and turn it around ?Ā 
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    No use having big guns if you aren't going to flex them.
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    Melrose said:
    redbuttle said:
    Melrose said:
    redbuttle said:
    Melrose said:
    Awful no bottle or heart.Ā 

    Appleton knows a lot of these are not good enough. Ā I just hope he can get them out and replace with players he wants.Ā 
    Appleton needs replacing as well
    He inherited this bunch of bottle jobs. How do you think he feels? . I actually think we know now after hearing his post match interviewĀ 

    He has no idea of a compact competitive formation. He keeps playing May out wide on the right. He continues to play Tedic. He's another Adkins type, had some success in the past, but we'll past his sell by date. In his defence Scott's acquisitions have been appalling
    So what should the club do ? Sack another manager and start again. Let's see what happens in January.Ā 
    Shouldn't have been appointed in the F,ing first place. Its obvious yhe problem lies deeper than MA.Ā 
    The thing is we all knew he was beige.....there is even that stock photo of him ! There seems to be no passion or fire about him. Can't see how he can motivate players & cant see him getting us any further than where we are now.Ā 
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    edited December 2023
    Bailey said:
    Bailey said:
    JamesSeed said:
    Gillingham clearly wanted it more than us. Fought for every ball. Not too down. What we need to do is stay in range and then replace some of the weak players we have in January (I don'y just mean physically but mentally too). Also some young players needs loan. Ness is so mistake ridden it cannot be ignored.
    Problem is I don't trust Scott to replace them with anyone better and for Appleton to then get them playing as a team.Ā 
    Christ, weā€™re not going to start calling for yet another manager sacking are we?? Is that what people want?
    JamesSeed said:
    Gillingham clearly wanted it more than us. Fought for every ball. Not too down. What we need to do is stay in range and then replace some of the weak players we have in January (I don'y just mean physically but mentally too). Also some young players needs loan. Ness is so mistake ridden it cannot be ignored.
    Problem is I don't trust Scott to replace them with anyone better and for Appleton to then get them playing as a team.Ā 
    Christ, weā€™re not going to start calling for yet another manager sacking are we?? Is that what people want?
    A rhetorical question James as that's exactly what they are calling for. Three defeats in seventeen games doesn't matter to these knuckle draggers. They specialise in the negative and in Charlton Athletic the easiest thing to be is negative. It's the same old names, and the same old rhetoric, boring, tired rants.Ā Ā 
    Where has anyone in the comments above called for another manager sacking? They havenā€™t. But you go ahead and twist peopleā€™s words to suit your own rhetoric and defence of another shit show of a performance.
    Err DDOUBLEE for a start. Large look through the posts. There are four targets generally used by these posters, Kirk, McGrandles, Appleton and the owners. I don't have a problem criticising any of them but apart from Kirk, it never is based on facts. Facts are, Appleton has improved performances and results, doing so without Camara, Isted, Chuks and Taylor, it isn't his squad and he and everyone else knows it needs improving. The owners and the January window, nobody knows whether they will fund the squad in January but there are people on here already stating nothing will be done and there will only be departures, they were having Miles as a certainty to leave, they must be desperate now his serious injury has put paid to any move in January. Lastly, McGrandles, a player booed on to the pitch and slaughtered on here when he has hardly played any games for the club and has been successful at most other clubs he has appeared for but they are certain 'he's shit' an opinion based on what? Tedic is getting close the amount of appearances made by McGrandles and yet he's not a target. As I say, it's easy to criticise Charlton, its almost self deprecating by these posters, 'I told you they were shit' therefore I am and always were better than you, apart from the facts tell a different story.Ā 
    You didn't quote DOUBLEE post though you quoted a post which hadn't called for the managers head hence my picking you up on it.
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    Swisdom said:
    Iā€™m not in the ā€œAppleton outā€ posse but what I will say is between yesterday and the Cray Valley game he has produced two of the worst ever Charlton performances in my 47 years.

    i expect a proper response in the league next week but with our shortage of strikers this is going to be difficult
    TBF, weā€™ve probably all see a lot worse over the years, the difference is there is a lot of talent in the squad but the leadership on and off the pitch needs improvement.
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    I usually find a positive. Nothing to pick out here, nobody in a Charlton shirt on that pitch seemed to give a shit. They should refund every travelling fan's ticket cost out of their own pockets.Ā 

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    edited December 2023
    Bailey said:
    Bailey said:
    JamesSeed said:
    Gillingham clearly wanted it more than us. Fought for every ball. Not too down. What we need to do is stay in range and then replace some of the weak players we have in January (I don'y just mean physically but mentally too). Also some young players needs loan. Ness is so mistake ridden it cannot be ignored.
    Problem is I don't trust Scott to replace them with anyone better and for Appleton to then get them playing as a team.Ā 
    Christ, weā€™re not going to start calling for yet another manager sacking are we?? Is that what people want?
    JamesSeed said:
    Gillingham clearly wanted it more than us. Fought for every ball. Not too down. What we need to do is stay in range and then replace some of the weak players we have in January (I don'y just mean physically but mentally too). Also some young players needs loan. Ness is so mistake ridden it cannot be ignored.
    Problem is I don't trust Scott to replace them with anyone better and for Appleton to then get them playing as a team.Ā 
    Christ, weā€™re not going to start calling for yet another manager sacking are we?? Is that what people want?
    A rhetorical question James as that's exactly what they are calling for. Three defeats in seventeen games doesn't matter to these knuckle draggers. They specialise in the negative and in Charlton Athletic the easiest thing to be is negative. It's the same old names, and the same old rhetoric, boring, tired rants.Ā Ā 
    Where has anyone in the comments above called for another manager sacking? They havenā€™t. But you go ahead and twist peopleā€™s words to suit your own rhetoric and defence of another shit show of a performance.
    Err DDOUBLEE for a start. Large look through the posts. There are four targets generally used by these posters, Kirk, McGrandles, Appleton and the owners. I don't have a problem criticising any of them but apart from Kirk, it never is based on facts. Facts are, Appleton has improved performances and results, doing so without Camara, Isted, Chuks and Taylor, it isn't his squad and he and everyone else knows it needs improving. The owners and the January window, nobody knows whether they will fund the squad in January but there are people on here already stating nothing will be done and there will only be departures, they were having Miles as a certainty to leave, they must be desperate now his serious injury has put paid to any move in January. Lastly, McGrandles, a player booed on to the pitch and slaughtered on here when he has hardly played any games for the club and has been successful at most other clubs he has appeared for but they are certain 'he's shit' an opinion based on what? Tedic is getting close the amount of appearances made by McGrandles and yet he's not a target. As I say, it's easy to criticise Charlton, its almost self deprecating by these posters, 'I told you they were shit' therefore I am and always were better than you, apart from the facts tell a different story.Ā 
    You didn't quote DOUBLEE post though you quoted a post which hadn't called for the managers head hence my picking you up on it.
    Err, but you said "Where has anyone in the comments above called for another manager sacking? They havenā€™t. But you go ahead and twist peopleā€™s words to suit your own rhetoric and defence of another shit show of a performance."

    He's just told you. Now you could either just apologise, or you could keep digging.

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    Never at any point did we look like we were going to turn it around.
    There were a number of stoppages, due to injuries etc, when the players ran to the touchline.
    Surely there was an opportunity for Appleton to cajole, motivate, inspire, bawl them out etc.
    Clearly not his way but,Ā  fcuk they needed a firework up their arse.
    I certainly don't advocate sacking Appleton.
    I suspect he knows his squad is peopled with mediocrity but can't say much other than, don't knock on my door demanding to be picked.
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    I usually find a positive. Nothing to pick out here, nobody in a Charlton shirt on that pitch seemed to give a shit. They should refund every travelling fan's ticket cost out of their own pockets.Ā 

    Did you go to the game?
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    Is it the right time to be having an inquiry into the Club's failings given that we are in a transitional phase, which we seem to have been in now for sometime?Ā  Patience is a virtue, wearing thin amongst our support, so it leads to calls for change sooner with every new manager, or so it seems to meĀ 

    As another poster noted, we need a period of stability, but what we currently have available to us doesn't seem to be good enough, so here we go again, the transfer window opens soon. Let's hope some games get postponed in the meantime.

    My advice, plug the gaps, do business early, and don't bring in any moreĀ sick notes. I don't think Appleton will be given his marching orders any time soon given results under him so far and I don't want him to be. If the losing mentality returns, which would take more than one lousy cup exit, then he might have more cause to worryĀ Ā 
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    edited December 2023
    Bailey said:
    Bailey said:
    JamesSeed said:
    Gillingham clearly wanted it more than us. Fought for every ball. Not too down. What we need to do is stay in range and then replace some of the weak players we have in January (I don'y just mean physically but mentally too). Also some young players needs loan. Ness is so mistake ridden it cannot be ignored.
    Problem is I don't trust Scott to replace them with anyone better and for Appleton to then get them playing as a team.Ā 
    Christ, weā€™re not going to start calling for yet another manager sacking are we?? Is that what people want?
    A rhetorical question James as that's exactly what they are calling for. Three defeats in seventeen games doesn't matter to these knuckle draggers. They specialise in the negative and in Charlton Athletic the easiest thing to be is negative. It's the same old names, and the same old rhetoric, boring, tired rants.Ā Ā 
    Where has anyone in the comments above called for another manager sacking? They havenā€™t. But you go ahead and twist peopleā€™s words to suit your own rhetoric and defence of another shit show of a performance.
    Err DDOUBLEE for a start. Large look through the posts. There are four targets generally used by these posters, Kirk, McGrandles, Appleton and the owners. I don't have a problem criticising any of them but apart from Kirk, it never is based on facts. Facts are, Appleton has improved performances and results, doing so without Camara, Isted, Chuks and Taylor, it isn't his squad and he and everyone else knows it needs improving. The owners and the January window, nobody knows whether they will fund the squad in January but there are people on here already stating nothing will be done and there will only be departures, they were having Miles as a certainty to leave, they must be desperate now his serious injury has put paid to any move in January. Lastly, McGrandles, a player booed on to the pitch and slaughtered on here when he has hardly played any games for the club and has been successful at most other clubs he has appeared for but they are certain 'he's shit' an opinion based on what? Tedic is getting close the amount of appearances made by McGrandles and yet he's not a target. As I say, it's easy to criticise Charlton, its almost self deprecating by these posters, 'I told you they were shit' therefore I am and always were better than you, apart from the facts tell a different story.Ā 
    You didn't quote DOUBLEE post though you quoted a post which hadn't called for the managers head hence my picking you up on it.
    Since or before, Large, I get it that people are annoyed after yesterdays game but you and I know there are posters on here who delight in calling for the managers head, that's not worked in the thirteen managers in thirteen years past.Ā 
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    what really hurts me is that every lower league club except for us appreciates that a 2nd round win COULD (emphasis on could) mean a tie against a really top club in the 3rd round, a potential money spinner and a boost for fan's interest ..
    Ā it wasn't as if we put out a very under strength team yesterday, just a team mostly comprised in key positions of been around the block pros who get paid well, win lose or draw for the duration of their contract .. as I have posted elsewhere, IF we had a squad of super talents, they would be playing in the Prem, however, super talented or not, we all expect effort and cohesion, all too often we get neither .. it needs a major sort out in January (not long now) provided of course that funds are made available .. Merry Christmas to us all
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    edited December 2023
    Off_it said:
    I usually find a positive. Nothing to pick out here, nobody in a Charlton shirt on that pitch seemed to give a shit. They should refund every travelling fan's ticket cost out of their own pockets.Ā 

    Did you go to the game?
    We were good šŸ˜‰
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    Swisdom said:
    Iā€™m not in the ā€œAppleton outā€ posse but what I will say is between yesterday and the Cray Valley game he has produced two of the worst ever Charlton performances in my 47 years.

    i expect a proper response in the league next week but with our shortage of strikers this is going to be difficult
    TBF, weā€™ve probably all see a lot worse over the years, the difference is there is a lot of talent in the squad but the leadership on and off the pitch needs improvement.
    Always the case that there have been worst individual game performances from the past, but as this is our 4th consecutive season at this level, and it's the 3rd season running where we are not even in play off contention this is surely the worst period post war the club has been in (on the pitch)
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