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Missing the Politics Forum



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    I’ll leave it there.
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    I’ll leave it there.
    Good idea
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    edited August 2023
    Lots of people used to express different views and they went down very well. The idea that alternative views were never welcome was only used by people when they couldn't defend their own opinion and effectively gave up trying to express it. It's obviously up to the mods if they decide to re-open it and I can see why they wouldn't want to if it's more hassle than it's worth though. Probably makes for a more peaceful site overall.
    I remember getting called a few names when I posted on there a while ago now. I chose to withdraw because of things like that and my experience on the site has been far more enjoyable since.

    For the record, I've never been called anything, ridiculed or made to feel small on this side of the forum in 9 years of posting on here. Politics just riles people up too much I think. I agree if you don't like a subject matter, don't open the thread, but you can always tell when the politics forum is closed on here because people just can't help themselves looking for a fight and it starts to pervade threads all over the place and interesting discussions and debates end up getting shut down by the usual suspects going too far. (it's happenning in a thread right now for example and I don't think I need to point out which one, which I predict will be closed in the next hour the way its going)

    In that sense I hope the mods do decide to re-open that side soon. 

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    Ah yes, the dreaded acrimonious Daily Wordle thread 😉
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    Lots of people used to express different views and they went down very well. The idea that alternative views were never welcome was only used by people when they couldn't defend their own opinion and effectively gave up trying to express it. It's obviously up to the mods if they decide to re-open it and I can see why they wouldn't want to if it's more hassle than it's worth though. Probably makes for a more peaceful site overall.
    I remember getting called a few names when I posted on there a while ago now. I chose to withdraw because of things like that and my experience on the site has been far more enjoyable since.

    For the record, I've never been called anything, ridiculed or made to feel small on this side of the forum in 9 years of posting on here. Politics just riles people up too much I think. I agree if you don't like a subject matter, don't open the thread, but you can always tell when the politics forum is closed on here because people just can't help themselves looking for a fight and it starts to pervade threads all over the place and interesting discussions and debates end up getting shut down by the usual suspects going too far. (it's happenning in a thread right now for example and I don't think I need to point out which one, which I predict will be closed in the next hour the way its going)

    In that sense I hope the mods do decide to re-open that side soon.
    It'd help if you did TBH.
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    Loads of volunteers I see on here to become mods
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    edited August 2023
    aliwibble said:
    Lots of people used to express different views and they went down very well. The idea that alternative views were never welcome was only used by people when they couldn't defend their own opinion and effectively gave up trying to express it. It's obviously up to the mods if they decide to re-open it and I can see why they wouldn't want to if it's more hassle than it's worth though. Probably makes for a more peaceful site overall.
    I remember getting called a few names when I posted on there a while ago now. I chose to withdraw because of things like that and my experience on the site has been far more enjoyable since.

    For the record, I've never been called anything, ridiculed or made to feel small on this side of the forum in 9 years of posting on here. Politics just riles people up too much I think. I agree if you don't like a subject matter, don't open the thread, but you can always tell when the politics forum is closed on here because people just can't help themselves looking for a fight and it starts to pervade threads all over the place and interesting discussions and debates end up getting shut down by the usual suspects going too far. (it's happenning in a thread right now for example and I don't think I need to point out which one, which I predict will be closed in the next hour the way its going)

    In that sense I hope the mods do decide to re-open that side soon.
    It'd help if you did TBH.
    the spanish head honcho one -Rubiales or whatever (apologies for spelling) the one that has just had comments deleted for name calling
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    aliwibble said:
    Lots of people used to express different views and they went down very well. The idea that alternative views were never welcome was only used by people when they couldn't defend their own opinion and effectively gave up trying to express it. It's obviously up to the mods if they decide to re-open it and I can see why they wouldn't want to if it's more hassle than it's worth though. Probably makes for a more peaceful site overall.
    I remember getting called a few names when I posted on there a while ago now. I chose to withdraw because of things like that and my experience on the site has been far more enjoyable since.

    For the record, I've never been called anything, ridiculed or made to feel small on this side of the forum in 9 years of posting on here. Politics just riles people up too much I think. I agree if you don't like a subject matter, don't open the thread, but you can always tell when the politics forum is closed on here because people just can't help themselves looking for a fight and it starts to pervade threads all over the place and interesting discussions and debates end up getting shut down by the usual suspects going too far. (it's happenning in a thread right now for example and I don't think I need to point out which one, which I predict will be closed in the next hour the way its going)

    In that sense I hope the mods do decide to re-open that side soon.
    It'd help if you did TBH.
    the spanish head honcho one -Rubiales or whatever (apologies for spelling) the one that has just had comments deleted for name calling
    Yeah, the one where admins can have free hits 
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    edited August 2023
    Rothko said:
    aliwibble said:
    Lots of people used to express different views and they went down very well. The idea that alternative views were never welcome was only used by people when they couldn't defend their own opinion and effectively gave up trying to express it. It's obviously up to the mods if they decide to re-open it and I can see why they wouldn't want to if it's more hassle than it's worth though. Probably makes for a more peaceful site overall.
    I remember getting called a few names when I posted on there a while ago now. I chose to withdraw because of things like that and my experience on the site has been far more enjoyable since.

    For the record, I've never been called anything, ridiculed or made to feel small on this side of the forum in 9 years of posting on here. Politics just riles people up too much I think. I agree if you don't like a subject matter, don't open the thread, but you can always tell when the politics forum is closed on here because people just can't help themselves looking for a fight and it starts to pervade threads all over the place and interesting discussions and debates end up getting shut down by the usual suspects going too far. (it's happenning in a thread right now for example and I don't think I need to point out which one, which I predict will be closed in the next hour the way its going)

    In that sense I hope the mods do decide to re-open that side soon.
    It'd help if you did TBH.
    the spanish head honcho one -Rubiales or whatever (apologies for spelling) the one that has just had comments deleted for name calling
    Yeah, the one where admins can have free hits 
    Proves my point.

    This Just don't happen til politics get involved.

    edit to be clear - not aiming this at the mods
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    I miss it, but it's probably in my interests if it doesn't come back as too much of Fish'n'Chips can be unhealthy even on occasion when one compliments the other. I was a rare visitor to it myself anyway, and seldom posted there IIRC.🤔
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    swordfish said:
    I miss it, but it's probably in my interests if it doesn't come back as too much of Fish'n'Chips can be unhealthy even on occasion when one compliments the other. I was a rare visitor to it myself anyway, and seldom posted there IIRC.🤔
    ain't that cannibalism?? ;)
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    The Rubiales thread disappeared as I was catching up with it. Presumably related?

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