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Missing the Politics Forum

edited August 2023 in General Charlton
Is there any chance we can get back to using the Politics Forum again---I'm missing it!


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    I miss seeing my feet, the original Soccer Saturday panel, not needing a mortgage for a night out and Baywatch at 5.30 on a Saturday, but what can you do?

    We are talking behind the scenes about how we can make it workable, but remember, the only reason it’s closed is because too many grown adults seem unable to talk to each other like grown adults. 
    bloody CLexit. I blame Trump.
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    Well its all going off on the Thunderbird thread; sexists talk about Lady Penelope and apparently Parker outed as a tranny. 🥸
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    Understand why it was pulled. Would prefer to have abusive posters sin binned or banned rather than no HoC at all but it must be a difficult job for the mods and we have to respect their stance, whatever it is.
    Yeah, agreed but I'd just ban, when people go and come back carnage just resumes. There's 5 I can think of off the top of my head that cause 95% of the drama on there.
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    If not fussed either way even though I occasionally contributed. I’d bring in a yellow card system for comments like tory Cnut etc or red for name calling. Agree that big bad world should be the moderator too 😂
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    edited August 2023
    I think the only way it can work is when people play the man and not the ball they get chucked off and don't get let back in. I didn't think that at first but it can get silly. Make points, agree or disagree but don't make it personal. With that rule I think it would be fine.
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    If not fussed either way even though I occasionally contributed. I’d bring in a yellow card system for comments like tory Cnut etc or red for name calling. Agree that big bad world should be the moderator too 😂
    You should get a promote for that!
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    It reminded me of 1970's wrestling on TV. A lot of posturing and faux fighting.

    So maybe bring it back with @Big_Bad_World as the neutral referee???
    Current position of UK Overton window: Millwall 
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    I have taken a peak or two into that part of the forum before and it always amazes me how much time people have on their hands to spend all day arguing with randoms they will never meet.
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    I have taken a peak or two into that part of the forum before and it always amazes me how much time people have on their hands to spend all day arguing with randoms they will never meet.
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    I don't see why the moderators of this forum should be asked to provide yet another platform for the direct and false libel and abuse that takes place every time a political discussion arises on social media.  I come to this forum to talk mostly about important things like whether a potential signing has a name that equates tenuously with a fish, and the ensuing paqes of grown men (mostly) creating puerile puns, and the occasional picture of Kenneth Williams going "ooh matron".

    I can then go back to the misery of life in the sinking ship that is the UK a little refreshed.
    deliberately ironic?
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