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Missing the Politics Forum



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    I don't see why the moderators of this forum should be asked to provide yet another platform for the direct and false libel and abuse that takes place every time a political discussion arises on social media.  I come to this forum to talk mostly about important things like whether a potential signing has a name that equates tenuously with a fish, and the ensuing paqes of grown men (mostly) creating puerile puns, and the occasional picture of Kenneth Williams going "ooh matron".

    I can then go back to the misery of life in the sinking ship that is the UK a little refreshed.

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    Sadly I don't think it is possible; Some people ruin it for the rest and seem incapable of discussing anything reasonably; too biased and for some reason, read into other people comments something(s) they did not even say - how can you discuss something if you have said A but they say you have said A1, A2, A3 when you haven't? Not sure if they just want you to have said it as it suits them of if they just (incorrectly) think that is what you must mean, but don't (otherwise would have said that)!
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    There are plenty of politics forums scattered across the internet. If you need your fix, then pop into one of them and crack on.

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    It's the same small group of posters who dominate the political threads and cause all the nonsense that it causes. 
    Just ban them for a period of say two months every time they try and hijack the threads. 
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    Nobody is forced to look at political threads, but it would be nice for those of us who do enjoy them, to have the opportunity to have a discussion without the puerile comments that some can't help making.
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    Nobody is forced to look at political threads, but it would be nice for those of us who do enjoy them, to have the opportunity to have a discussion without the puerile comments that some can't help making.
    Nobody wants to take the time out the day to moderate them, that’s the point.

    Here ya go -
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    I couldn't really see what there was to enjoy personally on the few times I took a look in there but each to their own. I'd have it back in a heartbeat though if it keeps all the crap off the main forum.
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    Understand why it was pulled. Would prefer to have abusive posters sin binned or banned rather than no HoC at all but it must be a difficult job for the mods and we have to respect their stance, whatever it is.
    You nail it. Which of us would be ready to give up time  to moderate it, and even if so, would we be any good at it? Moderation is a real effort and commitment and we are lucky to have such good ones. It’s what makes CL a better footie forum than any other I’ve visited, and I visited a few, especially in the ESI time. 

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    Understand why it was pulled. Would prefer to have abusive posters sin binned or banned rather than no HoC at all but it must be a difficult job for the mods and we have to respect their stance, whatever it is.
    For comments like, You're just a sad troll;  twat; Fuck him, perhaps...?
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    edited August 2023
    Don't know if it's helpful, but I asked the AI to come up with new guidelines that could lead to a more functional HoC. 

    Guidelines for the Politics Sub-Forum of

    1. Stay Respectful: Always treat others with respect, even when you disagree. Personal attacks, name-calling, or derogatory remarks will not be tolerated.

    2. Focus on Issues, Not Personalities: Debate policies, principles, and ideas. Avoid making things personal or attacking a person's character.

    3. Evidence-based Arguments: Whenever possible, back up your arguments with reliable sources. Avoid spreading misinformation or conspiracy theories.

    4. Limit Repetition: Repeating the same point over and over doesn't add to the discussion. Try to bring new perspectives or information to the table.

    5. No "Whataboutism": Focus on the topic at hand. Bringing up unrelated issues to divert from the current topic will not be allowed.

    6. Report, Don't Retaliate: If you believe someone is violating the guidelines, report them to the moderators. Do not engage in retaliation or escalation.

    7. Stay On Topic: Each thread will have a specific topic. Stay on topic, and if you wish to discuss something different, start a new thread or find the appropriate one.

    8. Time-Out System: Users who repeatedly violate these guidelines may be temporarily banned from the politics sub-forum for a cooling-off period. Serious or repeated offenses can lead to a permanent ban.

    9. Weekly Reflection Threads: Once a week, a thread will be dedicated to reflecting on the quality of discussions. This will be an opportunity for users to provide feedback and suggestions.

    10. Moderator Transparency: Any thread lock, user suspension, or ban related to this sub-forum will come with a public note explaining the reason, without revealing personal details of users involved.

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    edited August 2023
    I don't see why the moderators of this forum should be asked to provide yet another platform for the direct and false libel and abuse that takes place every time a political discussion arises on social media.  I come to this forum to talk mostly about important things like whether a potential signing has a name that equates tenuously with a fish, and the ensuing paqes of grown men (mostly) creating puerile puns, and the occasional picture of Kenneth Williams going "ooh matron".

    I can then go back to the misery of life in the sinking ship that is the UK a little refreshed.
    deliberately ironic?
    Sort of - one of the things I love about football is it's relative unimportance - it is a good place to express tribalism, anger, bile and banter.  When that spills over into politics it becomes toxic.
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    edited August 2023
    Redskin said:
    Understand why it was pulled. Would prefer to have abusive posters sin binned or banned rather than no HoC at all but it must be a difficult job for the mods and we have to respect their stance, whatever it is.
    For comments like, You're just a sad troll;  twat; Fuck him, perhaps...?
    I know @ShootersHillGuru. I don’t recognise those phrases from his typical posts, even when he gets them as reponses. But I daresay he holds opinions you don’t agree with. So congratulations for illustrating exactly why even his constructive alternative won’t work. 
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    If you wanna chat absolute bollocks about politics and stuff, go to Reddit where it's a veritable smorgasbord of hate fueled wankers spouting off and arguing, and they have moderators on there too if it all gets too much.

    Charlton life don't need it
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    I think it is ok to criticise a group/party and disagree strongly with a point being made but name calling or personal accusations of a poster being this or that is wrong. If it is clear that any example of that where the comment is too personalised, the person is banned, not warned but banned, the forum could be made to work.
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    edited August 2023
    sam3110 said:
    If you wanna chat absolute bollocks about politics and stuff, go to Reddit where it's a veritable smorgasbord of hate fueled wankers spouting off and arguing, and they have moderators on there too if it all gets too much.

    Charlton life don't need it
    With posts like that, you'd have fit right in on the HoC mate ;)
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    I never went on that shit , fuck being an adult , load of wank 
    I’ll stick with my Tourette’s cnuting everyone off 
    politics , leave it to the adults with brains and empathy…..unfortunately not all adults possess that and in reality I do but I hate dealing with people cos most are cnuts .
    fuck off with your grown up shit elsewhere 
    I have enough hatred of Charlton/ millwall/ family etc etc than have to navigate through political shit 

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    May be an image of text
    what did you call me?
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    edited August 2023
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    I’m being oppressed 🥸
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    Create an unmoderated sub forum where anything goes with the proviso that if you post on it you can't post on the main forum for at least 24 hours. The CL ultras and casuals can then all crack on happily and the mods can concentrate on more important things like writing timely match previews.
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    1StevieG said:
    May be an image of text
    what did you call me?
    An unreformed dinosaur of epic proportions.
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    It did keep the more serial blow hards on CL occupied I suppose.  

    Have we not got enough arse ache with the football on here, without bringing politics into it?
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    It was a good move to lock it.
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    Where else can we debate the politics of the fascist clampdown down of the “would ya” threads 😊
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