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Missing the Politics Forum



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    Redskin said:
    Understand why it was pulled. Would prefer to have abusive posters sin binned or banned rather than no HoC at all but it must be a difficult job for the mods and we have to respect their stance, whatever it is.
    For comments like, You're just a sad troll;  twat; Fuck him, perhaps...?
    Not engaging. 
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    Throw away the key.
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    With a run in to a General Election year this would go well!
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    edited August 2023
    I think the problem is when posters get personal and accuse fellow posters of being something which happens from all sides. So one may accuse people of being fascists and another saying they are clowns. Make your point, if you are the only one making that point so be it, don't moan about it, it is what it is but always keep it civil. Sadly, as much as I enjoyed the politics forum, it is always the usual suspects which will cause it to go pear shaped. It is why I probably wouldn't re-open it if I was AFKA or Stig. Having said that, I could provide the names of two posters on opposing sides of the political spectrum, possibly three, who I think are a lot of the problem and without their participation the forum could work reasonably smoothly. But then isn't that censorship? Probably easiest steering clear of it all, sadly.
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    edited August 2023
    Although I'd like it to come back personally, it seemed like there were only 15ish regular users, of which (as Muttley alludes), 2-3 were just there to troll. That leaves maybe 12 people who used it. I agree that hardly seems worth it from the mod perspective and how much effort it takes to monitor. 

    Maybe it could remain closed, but open up a single thread on there for major things like a General Election, or US Election. 
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    A lot less stress in the world since it was closed.
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    I thought the only problem was if posters made personal remarks about specific other posters.
    I don’t know if ‘trolling’ comes under that category.
    Being boring or repetitious was never a problem for me, nor was bile and hatred if it wasn’t aimed at a specific other poster.
    I think there is a place, maybe even an outlet, for bile and hatred in political discourse, because it is not about people having different opinions, but about what way they vote and what kind of culture they are seeking to establish and validate.
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    edited August 2023
    There were also a lot of people who were not banned who should have been, as they acted in a far more disgraceful manner. Particularly those arse creeping round the mods to get people banned  just because they dont have the same view as them

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    Chunes said:
    Although I'd like it to come back personally, it seemed like there were only 15ish regular users, of which (as Muttley alludes), 2-3 were just there to troll. That leaves maybe 12 people who used it. I agree that hardly seems worth it from the mod perspective and how much effort it takes to monitor. 

    Maybe it could remain closed, but open up a single thread on there for major things like a General Election, or US Election. 
    I reckon the 12 to 15 could start a whatsapp group and have it out there.
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    It would help if outright Holocaust revisionism wasn’t actively supported by the admins for a start. Posts that just contain “just f*** off” etc should carry an insta ban. Basically it requires a moderator with half a brain to be actively moderating for it to work, which they don’t seem like they want to do. 
    Rules me out
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    I could never find it in the first place, perhaps just as well!
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    I’m basically in the ME14 and Bournemouth camp with this. Vast majority of posters can behave like adults and the HoC forum has some fascinating contributors. For me the best way to eliminate the aggro is to quickly remove those the mods think are causing a problem. One strike and you’re out seems fair under the circumstances. 
    Totally agree with you shoots in a level playing field. Trouble is it wasnt.
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    edited August 2023
    LenGlover said:
    I’m basically in the ME14 and Bournemouth camp with this. Vast majority of posters can behave like adults and the HoC forum has some fascinating contributors. For me the best way to eliminate the aggro is to quickly remove those the mods think are causing a problem. One strike and you’re out seems fair under the circumstances. 
    Depends on the definition of 'one strike.'

    If a view is expressed which disagrees with the left wing consensus which seems to prevail does that constitute a strike?


     I suggested the same as others re yellow and red cards
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    LenGlover said:
    I’m basically in the ME14 and Bournemouth camp with this. Vast majority of posters can behave like adults and the HoC forum has some fascinating contributors. For me the best way to eliminate the aggro is to quickly remove those the mods think are causing a problem. One strike and you’re out seems fair under the circumstances. 
    Depends on the definition of 'one strike.'

    If a view is expressed which disagrees with the left wing consensus which seems to prevail does that constitute a strike?
    That’s an unhelpful comment I think. I also think you know that by one strike and you’re out means one time playing the man and not the ball. 
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    LenGlover said:
    I’m basically in the ME14 and Bournemouth camp with this. Vast majority of posters can behave like adults and the HoC forum has some fascinating contributors. For me the best way to eliminate the aggro is to quickly remove those the mods think are causing a problem. One strike and you’re out seems fair under the circumstances. 
    Depends on the definition of 'one strike.'

    If a view is expressed which disagrees with the left wing consensus which seems to prevail does that constitute a strike?
    That’s an unhelpful comment I think. I also think you know that by one strike and you’re out means one time playing the man and not the ball. .
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    One strike and banished to Twitter or whatever it’s called nowadays. 
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    LenGlover said:
    I’m basically in the ME14 and Bournemouth camp with this. Vast majority of posters can behave like adults and the HoC forum has some fascinating contributors. For me the best way to eliminate the aggro is to quickly remove those the mods think are causing a problem. One strike and you’re out seems fair under the circumstances. 
    Depends on the definition of 'one strike.'

    If a view is expressed which disagrees with the left wing consensus which seems to prevail does that constitute a strike?
    That’s an unhelpful comment I think. I also think you know that by one strike and you’re out means one time playing the man and not the ball. 
    Was intended as an observation or question  in good faith. 

    'Playing the man rather than the ball' occurs when someone disagrees. Therefore I wondered whether expression of a contrary opinion might constitute a strike to avoid a squabble.

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    Obtuse ?
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    Obtuse ?
    Not in my view but perhaps we're in danger of going down the playing the man route if we're not careful!
This discussion has been closed.

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