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Qatar World Cup - Non Football Related Thread



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    Surely one player is going to show a backbone at some stage and wear the arm band?

    Wouldn't put it past Ronaldo.  His coca cola comments/ moving the bottles off the table suggest he has a bit about him.

    Again though it's not incumbent on everyone to point is if you do want to then do it properly rather than half arsed. i.e. dont hold yourself out as a proponent of equality in a comfortable arena to lap up the kudos and then stay silent when it counts and when there is absolutely no threat to your safety/ well being or even career prospects.

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    edited November 2022
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    Surely one player is going to show a backbone at some stage and wear the arm band?

    Wouldn't put it past Ronaldo.  His coca cola comments/ moving the bottles off the table suggest he has a bit about him.

    Again though it's not incumbent on everyone to point is if you do want to then do it properly rather than half arsed. i.e. dont hold yourself out as a proponent of equality in a comfortable arena to lap up the kudos and then stay silent when it counts and when there is absolutely no threat to your safety/ well being or even career prospects.
    He's a good shout, definitely doesn't seem to bothered about all fall out! Whoever does it first no doubt loads will follow afterwards. Surely as a player you would want to be the first to do it?
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    MrOneLung said:
    Surely one player is going to show a backbone at some stage and wear the arm band?
    Captain should wear it, if he gets booked pass it onto another player, he gets booked, passes it on etc just to show what a farce it is.
    That is good 
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    This has all gone a bit bonkers but if they were that desperate to make a visible stand without being punished then similarly to doing the knee taking before kick off (which FIFA have accepted) a team should lay on the floor and spell out the letters LOVE. 

    (You’d need 12 players) 
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    Personally though I think they should all just play football now 
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    Arm band inspections before the games to make sure they're FIFA authorised. :/
    They should wear a different armband from their History

    See if any fuss would be created by FIFA or officials
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    should form a "monks chain" in the centre circle. That'll show em.
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    McBobbin said:
    should form a "monks chain" in the centre circle. That'll show em.
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    Personally though I think they should all just play football now 
    Easy for us as straight males to say that though. 
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    rainbow items are used as symbols of LGBTQ+ people we all know that, qatar and many of the middle east it is illegal to be homosexual. so its not just because its a rainbow its someone wearing to be provocative and cause a stir, whether that's right or wrong that's the laws of the country and has been for many years. 

    so the welsh fan wearing said bucket hat has paid to travel to qatar, paid ticket money to go to a stadium in qatar, bought food and drink in qatar. 

    as i said earlier i have 0 interest in visiting the place as i dont agree with there laws and practices and think they are backwards. i dont agree with the burkha in england as we arent a sharia country - but then im labelled racist?. 
    I find it funny the mental gymnastics people manage to throw to make sure they oppose any protests, regardless of what it is or what it is for. 

    Bucket hats are now 'provocative' and deserving of bans. 
    no your doing some mental gymnastics there as i clearly said RAINBOW bucket hat and the person wearing it was deliberately wearing it to get a reaction. 

    i dont oppose protests at all unless its some cnut blocking the m25 - but playing look how bad qatar is its a sharia state country where its quite clearly illegal to promote or be homosexual - wearing a rainbow that is synonymous with the LGBTQ+ community is going to cause offence/issues to the natives of qatar who likely believe in these views, the authorities will also act. 
    Did FIFA say fans couldn’t wear clothes with rainbow patterns on then?
    really not worth the time to explain for the 5th time - enjoy your day 
    That’s a no then. FIFA has never explicitly banned any rainbow clothing for this World Cup. In fact, the Qatar organising committee for this World Cup said in June:

    ‘Everyone will be welcome to Qatar in 2022, regardless of their race, background, religion, gender, sexual orientation or nationality.’

    And FIFA said:

    ‘Based on our engagement with the relevant Qatari authorities, and following existing government guarantees, and the event-specific legislation, as well as our experience of hosting other events in Qatar, Fifa is confident that persons identifying as LGBTIQ+ will not face any repercussions…’
    identifying - not wearing LGBTQ+ associated clothing, in fairness a few people have been told they cant wear it on the box haven't been slung in prison
    Clutching at straws there. 
    your deliberately acting thick so not clutching at anything, got until the 18th december to voice daily how outraged you are - enjoy the wc 
    You’re saying that identifying as LGBTQ+ has to stop at the clothes you wear. That’s clutching at straws and it’s a ridiculous statement. At least I’m only pretending to be thick. 
    well I'm not am I dullard

    I'm stating that in Qatar ( for the 6th time ) promoting a rainbow type design that is synonymous with the LGBT community is going to cause problems. 
    Dullard. Haven’t heard that for years.
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    Croydon said:
    Personally though I think they should all just play football now 
    Easy for us as straight males to say that though. 
    Easy for us all to sit and say Kane should do this and do that. The bloke is there to play football.

    I'd agree with this if it  wasn't for the  rainbow laces then and the meaningless virtue signalling and preaching in England each season where it's really not required.

    (Not singling Kane out, just all of them in general. It's a meaningless gesture in England if the team won't risk a yellow card by doing it in Qatar).

    Agree...just play football and stop the empty gestures in England where it's really not required in this day and age given most people's attitudes and legislation in place.

    They'll all be donning rainbow laces and corner flags in England next year and all the corporate shithouses will have banners up on their websites in the West again yet silence where it matters.

    All very meaningless and as much genuine solidarity as a Charlton back 4.
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    Croydon said:
    Personally though I think they should all just play football now 
    Easy for us as straight males to say that though. 
    Easy for us all to sit and say Kane should do this and do that. The bloke is there to play football.

    I'd agree with this if it  wasn't for the  rainbow laces then and the meaningless virtue signalling and preaching in England each season where it's really not required.

    (Not singling Kane out, just all of them in general. It's a meaningless gesture in England if the team won't risk a yellow card by doing it in Qatar).

    Agree...just play football and stop the empty gestures in England where it's really not required in this day and age given most people's attitudes and legislation in place.

    They'll all be donning rainbow laces and corner flags in England next year and all the corporate shithouses will have banners up on their websites in the West again yet silence where it matters.

    All very meaningless and as much genuine solidarity as a Charlton back 4.
    I get the campaigns like rainbow laces, bringing awareness etc. But lets face it, do they REALLY care that much. I doubt Kane is that filled in about the LGBT community and its problems. They're all sound bites at the end of the day.

    Expecting the guy to potentially get suspended from the biggest stage of his career just seems excessive to me.
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    Croydon said:
    Personally though I think they should all just play football now 
    Easy for us as straight males to say that though. 
    Easy for us all to sit and say Kane should do this and do that. The bloke is there to play football.

    I'd agree with this if it  wasn't for the  rainbow laces then and the meaningless virtue signalling and preaching in England each season where it's really not required.

    (Not singling Kane out, just all of them in general. It's a meaningless gesture in England if the team won't risk a yellow card by doing it in Qatar).

    Agree...just play football and stop the empty gestures in England where it's really not required in this day and age given most people's attitudes and legislation in place.

    They'll all be donning rainbow laces and corner flags in England next year and all the corporate shithouses will have banners up on their websites in the West again yet silence where it matters.

    All very meaningless and as much genuine solidarity as a Charlton back 4.
    I get the campaigns like rainbow laces, bringing awareness etc. But lets face it, do they REALLY care that much. I doubt Kane is that filled in about the LGBT community and its problems. They're all sound bites at the end of the day.

    Expecting the guy to potentially get suspended from the biggest stage of his career just seems excessive to me.
    Exactly my point. Meaningless virtue signalling 
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    Footballers do a lot of good for their community and charity. Long may it continue.
    Of course they do, usually ones close to them. Grealish sister has MS i believe. Kane also has a charity for Mental Health.
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    Footballers do a lot of good for their community and charity. Long may it continue.
    Of course they do, usually ones close to them. Grealish sister has MS i believe. Kane also has a charity for Mental Health.
    Cerebral palsy I think
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    Footballers do a lot of good for their community and charity. Long may it continue.
    Of course they do, usually ones close to them. Grealish sister has MS i believe. Kane also has a charity for Mental Health.
    Cerebral palsy I think
    Sorry yes.
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    Surely one player is going to show a backbone at some stage and wear the arm band?

    Maybe in the third round when their team is already eliminated
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    I think it's better now to do what the Danes are doing, trying to rouse other countries to oppose the election of Infantino, and proposing to actually leave FIFA. It looks like Germany may join them. If England joined in too, that would shake FIFA and encourage more countries. It may have unforeseen consequences but that's the level at which this has to be sorted out. I'm firmly in the camp now that relatively too much is being asked of the players in this respect.This has to sorted out by the men in suits (and they are all men), and ultimately by governments. 
    Apparently not true about leaving.  

    "Some media have made the misunderstanding that DBU will withdraw from FIFA," DBU head of communications Jakob Hoejer told Reuters in a WhatsApp message.

    "That was not said at the press conference. We're critical and not satisfied and we'll not vote for the present FIFA-president (Gianni Infantino). We will discuss further actions with our Nordic and European colleagues."

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    IdleHans said:
    Surely one player is going to show a backbone at some stage and wear the arm band?

    Maybe in the third round when their team is already eliminated
    IF this were to happen and it got past the 'armband inspectors', the pundits and commentators would be banging on about it for hours and hours and hours, probably even weeks .. I know that there are a lot of things much more important than sport, BUT this is the Football World Cup and not a political rally however 'justified' the cause   
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    IdleHans said:
    Surely one player is going to show a backbone at some stage and wear the arm band?

    Maybe in the third round when their team is already eliminated
    IF this were to happen and it got past the 'armband inspectors', the pundits and commentators would be banging on about it for hours and hours and hours, probably even weeks .. I know that there are a lot of things much more important than sport, BUT this is the Football World Cup and not a political rally however 'justified' the cause   
    Nothing political about basic human rights 
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    I think the hand over mouth has caused more of a reaction than wearing the armband anyway. 
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    MrOneLung said:
    I think the hand over mouth has caused more of a reaction than wearing the armband anyway. 
    But I still think that once they got on the plane any protest is pointless. Either boycott the country or embrace the different culture and customs 
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    Putting my old union hat on I'd say that it's all or nothing. 

    All the players from Europe and civilised countries should don the armbands - then what would they to do?  FIFA would be humiliated, the Qatari's 220 billion dollar competition would be in shreds - unless they overlooked it.

    It's not for an individual to make a lone gesture.  As a wise old boss of mine once told me 'If you put your head on the chopping block, someone will take a swing at it.  Are you going home to tell your wife you've been suspended ... or worse?  I took his advice.

    Two old cliches from a bygone era maybe, but as true today as ever.  'Divide and Rule', / 'United we stand, divided we fall'.

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