1. The same price of £6 all around the ground for under 11s 2. The reduction from the previous 4 price zones down to 3. 3. No mention of Gold/Silver price games
1. The start price for many will be £29 (£32 as a walk up) is far too high. 2. A £3 increase 24 hours before a game. 3. 3 different pricing zones is causing issues. Change the system so from the family stand around to the NW quadrant is one price . Then a slightly higher price for the AC and West stands.
The pricing structure should have been ripped and started again when TS took over. Instead they have carried on for the most part and that leaves us with prices being reflected today based on season tickets which in most cases start too high.
Apart from Peterbrough (and I'm convinced that is some sort of VIP seat) no one charges more for a season ticket in this division, the matchday prices are a knock on effect of that decision.
What’s an acceptable % difference in price between a “match by match” cost and a season ticket, to prevent bed wetting from either “side”?
A season ticket should cost about 17/19 games if you paid for every game on an individual basis. The problem we have with the exception of the CE Lower/Family Stand(which is too cheap) our season tickets are priced too high in the first place
I have season tickets but I do think these prices are a bit out of order. Firstly like myself many supporters have a 60 mile plus round trip 2-3 gallons of petrol.And then you have The Genghis Khan Special of charging £12.00 to enter the area if your car is of a certain condition.Thats £40 plus before you buy the ticket.So 1 person coming by car could set you back £70 plus before extras such as a pint,programme etc.Throw in the general cost of living rises and many people will just not bother.
They really haven't got a clue have they? After all that palava last year when anyone other than Charlton regulars could go for nish, they come up with this. £29 to £34 for most of the ground is simply too expensive for League One, especially in the current climate. The salt in the wound is the £3 Meire Tax that is still there to further punish those who can't commit two days in advance. Do they still add £1.50 if you book over the phone as well?
I get that we want to incentivise season ticket prices but punishing those who can't afford the upfront or who can't commit to enough games is counter-productive. The differential per game between a ST holder and a match-to-match fan who buys the day before is double!
Ben Garner will have to have his side flying along at the top end of the table if we aren't to lose what's left of our walk-up support.
Easy for me to say in my position but I do think that 30-odd quid for a game of third Division football is bonkers, especially given the background economic situation. The price increasing closer to match day is also stupid. The reasons for doing it are outweighed by the small numbers involved. If saving money on staff is the big issue then just don’t have any and make it clear that tickets will not be sold on the day and have to be purchased on line. That’s the way the world is moving sadly. At least the farcical pricing zone scenario has been sorted out to some extent even if it’s not yet perfect. They had better be very very careful with their freebies strategy next season or people will rightly get antsy and vote with their feet.
Incomes are squeezed and this probably reflects the increased running costs that the club are suffering as well. As always the supporter is asked to cough up more even though they are also struggling to make ends meet. Does it make season tickets a more favourable option ?
It just makes no sense to me at all. If you want to fill The Valley you make the pricing as attractive as possible. Perhaps the fans advisor can ask TS to explain, how sky high prices in the midst of a cost of living crisis, is in his view going to fill The Valley rather than empty The Valley?
It just makes no sense to me at all. If you want to fill The Valley you make the pricing as attractive as possible. Perhaps the fans advisor can ask TS to explain, how sky high prices in the midst of a cost of living crisis, is in his view going to fill The Valley rather than empty The Valley?
It just makes no sense to me at all. If you want to fill The Valley you make the pricing as attractive as possible. Perhaps the fans advisor can ask TS to explain, how sky high prices in the midst of a cost of living crisis, is in his view going to fill The Valley rather than empty The Valley?
Do we still have a Fan Advisor ?
The unpaid girl/lady/woman, delete as appropriate to your view. Lucy something?
It just makes no sense to me at all. If you want to fill The Valley you make the pricing as attractive as possible. Perhaps the fans advisor can ask TS to explain, how sky high prices in the midst of a cost of living crisis, is in his view going to fill The Valley rather than empty The Valley?
Do we still have a Fan Advisor ?
The unpaid girl/lady/woman, delete as appropriate to your view. Lucy something? Sandgaard
Gotta claw back 8 million somehow!! ( of course TS won’’t) seems like a massive push towards getting people to commit to season tickets & to offer / be seen to offer value to season ticket holders.
Your guess etc. Be interesting to see what away fans are charged, reciprocal pricing could come into effect and us travelling types could end up being clobbered. QPR pricing will be interesting - dread to think what will happen if we end up with a "plum draw" in either proper Cup if we progress. But getting a ticket is a benefit of being a season ticket holder I guess. Just like being able to bring someone to 4 games to the value of £120 or so for nothing. No doubt a couple of football for a fivers thrown in too. So that's 6 games for a tenner potentially....
Of course they fucked up with soooo many ridiculous freebies and shit last year but out bitchy cry baby fan base were so happy to moan and cry that their season ticket was devalued etc that they have now gone the other way and said strum yourself off on your bargain of a season ticket you mingey he’s getting a better deal than me twunts Fuck off everyone
It's such a shame , we have 27,000 seats but nobody at the club seems to have the imagination of how to fill them. It should be £20 adults £5 kids and we might start seeing more bums on seats. The club does not have an attractive product to sell so the prices have to be attractive. This will just drive the uncommitted / less well off away. Last season was a bloody disaster as far as all the freebies was concerned and made some question why bother with a ST. Forget freebies , just make ticket prices attractive.
Didn't renew my season ticket because it was a struggle to get motivated to watch a lot of last years dire football. Thought I would buy per game in case it was the same this year, but I don't think I will be doing that as much as I hoped, not at around £50 (including travel) each match.
Your guess etc. Be interesting to see what away fans are charged, reciprocal pricing could come into effect and us travelling types could end up being clobbered. QPR pricing will be interesting - dread to think what will happen if we end up with a "plum draw" in either proper Cup if we progress. But getting a ticket is a benefit of being a season ticket holder I guess. Just like being able to bring someone to 4 games to the value of £120 or so for nothing. No doubt a couple of football for a fivers thrown in too. So that's 6 games for a tenner potentially....
Good point about QPR pricing - probably the only London derby we'll get all season. Was looking forward to that match until you mentioned ticket prices!
As for the league, £32 for a mid-range walk-up ticket in League One is a pisstake, especially after the mass dumping of tickets last season.
It looks like it's definitely a pricing policy that favours the season ticket holders, can't argue with that as they had the piss taken out of them last season. I can't make the night games so a season ticket is a no from me, I will make the savings elsewhere in transport and what I spend on the day.
I am by no means a master of economics,but I can never understand why people who run companies think that increasing prices will improve profits,especially in the leisure industry. I saw the Elvis film the other week,£11.00 a pop,the theatre was almost empty,getting a round of golf has never been easier to book,weekend tee times £35.00 plus,when essentials are going through the roof,these are the areas people will have to cut back on,heat the house or watch Charlton.
1. The same price of £6 all around the ground for under 11s
2. The reduction from the previous 4 price zones down to 3.
3. No mention of Gold/Silver price games
1. The start price for many will be £29 (£32 as a walk up) is far too high.
2. A £3 increase 24 hours before a game.
3. 3 different pricing zones is causing issues. Change the system so from the family stand around to the NW quadrant is one price . Then a slightly higher price for the AC and West stands.
The pricing structure should have been ripped and started again when TS took over. Instead they have carried on for the most part and that leaves us with prices being reflected today based on season tickets which in most cases start too high.
Apart from Peterbrough (and I'm convinced that is some sort of VIP seat) no one charges more for a season ticket in this division, the matchday prices are a knock on effect of that decision.
Sadly being a fan who lives up north and intends to take my family to the Valley 2 or 3 games in a season just can't justify it.
I will just focus on going to Ramsgate when I visit instead get in free with blue light card and far more family friendly with activities.
For me to encourage more fans make it simpler and easier to fill.
Have only the 2 zones (1 for the better seats in West stand, zone 2 for everywhere else)
Same price for all concessions (Disability, Student, Over 65s, Under 21s)
Firstly like myself many supporters have a 60 mile plus round trip 2-3 gallons of petrol.And then you have The Genghis Khan Special of charging £12.00 to enter the area if your car is of a certain condition.Thats £40 plus before you buy the ticket.So 1 person coming by car could set you back £70 plus before extras such as a pint,programme etc.Throw in the general cost of living rises and many people will just not bother.
Sounds like our recruitment strategy last season.
I get that we want to incentivise season ticket prices but punishing those who can't afford the upfront or who can't commit to enough games is counter-productive. The differential per game between a ST holder and a match-to-match fan who buys the day before is double!
Ben Garner will have to have his side flying along at the top end of the table if we aren't to lose what's left of our walk-up support.
If you want to fill The Valley you make the pricing as attractive as possible.
Perhaps the fans advisor can ask TS to explain, how sky high prices in the midst of a cost of living crisis, is in his view going to fill The Valley rather than empty The Valley?
Lucy something?
( of course TS won’’t) seems like a massive push towards getting people to commit to season tickets & to offer / be seen to offer
value to season ticket holders.
but out bitchy cry baby fan base were so happy to moan and cry that their season ticket was devalued etc that they have now gone the other way and said strum yourself off on your bargain of a season ticket you mingey he’s getting a better deal than me twunts
Fuck off everyone
As for the league, £32 for a mid-range walk-up ticket in League One is a pisstake, especially after the mass dumping of tickets last season.
I saw the Elvis film the other week,£11.00 a pop,the theatre was almost empty,getting a round of golf has never been easier to book,weekend tee times £35.00 plus,when essentials are going through the roof,these are the areas people will have to cut back on,heat the house or watch Charlton.