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+++Conor McGrandles (2024 edit - Rejoins Lincoln page 23)+++



  • edited December 2023
    I don't want to jinx him, but another reason why retaining Dobson is so important, he never breaks down and will play most games across the course of a season. 

    What is it with so many injuries in modern football, I don't recall it being as bad as it is in the past 
    Injuries can come from multiple things. The most common are poor preperation and training. Broken bones etc are usually freak occurrences.  

    Acute injuries usually occur as a result of an impact. Hence their more common name of 'impact injuries'.

    Chronic injuries tend to occur from wear and tear, they can be made worse by improper rest and recovery and strengthening work.

    We are seeing a lot of what seem like impact injuries such as strains, but properly managed the number of strains occurring can be reduced. Daily flexibility work and stretching can reduce the chances with some basic strengthening work.

    The player has to listen and complete any plan set by the physio, but the physio needs to identify issues, set a plan to mitigate and eliminate risks and report back to the manager any players that aren't progressing as they should.   

    So is our problem:
    1. We are cursed
    2. Physios not recognising developing issues
    3. Physios recognising issues and setting incorrect plans
    4. Physios recognising issues, setting the right plans and players not following them. 
    5. The manager is forcing players to play through injuries.

    Personally I believe we're probably at 4, with a bit of 5. Our physios are qualified professionals. I can only assume the players aren't following physio advice correctly. I don't think a smart manager would play players that are on the brink of an injury, so may be playing players that have minor niggles. 
  • Southbank said:
    swordfish said:
    We singed him carrying a significant injury IIRC. What were they thinking? Passed his medical did he? I'm praying that the lesson has been learned ahead of January. We have bad enough luck with injuries as it is without inviting more on ourselves.

    Good luck to him and I wish him a speedy recovery.
    Quite-McGrandles, Taylor, Camara, Aneke all signed while not fully fit. Edun signed unfit still not doing 90. Its not a surprise we always have a long injury list is it?
    That's a really good point, all have potential and fully fit add something to the team, but quite simply they never have been fully fit. 
  • McGrandles was effectively ever present for Cambridge when we sent him out on loan last season, playing the full 90 most weeks.
  • Dazzler21 said:
    I don't want to jinx him, but another reason why retaining Dobson is so important, he never breaks down and will play most games across the course of a season. 

    What is it with so many injuries in modern football, I don't recall it being as bad as it is in the past 
    Injuries can come from multiple things. The most common are poor preperation and training. Broken bones etc are usually freak occurrences.  

    Acute injuries usually occur as a result of an impact. Hence their more common name of 'impact injuries'.

    Chronic injuries tend to occur from wear and tear, they can be made worse by improper rest and recovery and strengthening work.

    We are seeing a lot of what seem like impact injuries such as strains, but properly managed the number of strains occurring can be reduced. Daily flexibility work and stretching can reduce the chances with some basic strengthening work.

    The player has to listen and complete any plan set by the physio, but the physio needs to identify issues, set a plan to mitigate and eliminate risks and report back to the manager any players that aren't progressing as they should.   

    So is our problem:
    1. We are cursed
    2. Physios not recognising developing issues
    3. Physios recognising issues and setting incorrect plans
    4. Physios recognising issues, setting the right plans and players not following them. 
    5. The manager is forcing players to play through injuries.

    Personally I believe we're probably at 4, with a bit of 5. Our physios are qualified professionals. I can only assume the players aren't following physio advice correctly. I don't think a smart manager would play players that are on the brink of an injury, so may be playing players that have minor niggles. 
    I think a lot of this is down to all this Sport Science guff. Making 'em too delicate.

    Didn't used to get all these non-impact injuries, when you could have a couple of pints and a fag before kick- off.
  • I don't want to jinx him, but another reason why retaining Dobson is so important, he never breaks down and will play most games across the course of a season. 

    What is it with so many injuries in modern football, I don't recall it being as bad as it is in the past 
    Technology is a huge part of it now, players constantly get scans and stuff on the most minor issues, and if there's damage they rule them out. Before they'd take a knock and probably just play through it and take the pain as normal and play though, doing more damage long term.

    Also the sport as a whole nowadays is much more strenuous, players are closer to the limit more often, a league 2 side nowadays would run absolute rings around any side from 30-40 years ago 
  • Wasn't the sports science dept criticized when TS came in and they got replaced.....doesn't seem to have helped TBH....these soft tissue injuries persist
  • We are cursed, no more complicated. Get the local priest in with some holy water, both training ground and Valley. Everything is worth a try at this stage…
    We aren’t cursed , there’s clearly something wrong with both the recruitment and the training.  
  • Southbank said:
    swordfish said:
    We singed him carrying a significant injury IIRC. What were they thinking? Passed his medical did he? I'm praying that the lesson has been learned ahead of January. We have bad enough luck with injuries as it is without inviting more on ourselves.

    Good luck to him and I wish him a speedy recovery.
    Quite-McGrandles, Taylor, Camara, Aneke all signed while not fully fit. Edun signed unfit still not doing 90. It’s not a surprise we always have a long injury list is it?
    We sign players so that others don’t have to. 

    The serious issue is that clubs with proper backing and good recruitment wouldn't touch injury prone players (or even currently injured players) with a bargepole. 
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  • JamesSeed said:
    Southbank said:
    swordfish said:
    We singed him carrying a significant injury IIRC. What were they thinking? Passed his medical did he? I'm praying that the lesson has been learned ahead of January. We have bad enough luck with injuries as it is without inviting more on ourselves.

    Good luck to him and I wish him a speedy recovery.
    Quite-McGrandles, Taylor, Camara, Aneke all signed while not fully fit. Edun signed unfit still not doing 90. It’s not a surprise we always have a long injury list is it?
    We sign players so that others don’t have to. 

    The serious issue is that clubs with proper backing and good recruitment wouldn't touch injury prone players (or even currently injured players) with a bargepole. 
    Or if they did, not 3 or 4 in the same transfer window!
  • Thread Title edit required....
  • Was never good enough to dislodge Dobson and on too much money to bench warm, wish him well but quite glad his wages are off the books

  • Good move for all parties. Sometimes moves just don't work out.
  • Nothing of note apart from the surname, liked that!
  • edited June 14
    Came in with a lot of praise, injured, hardly given time to get fit, played as a DM but he himself preferred getting forward, probably didnt see his best but not sure it would have been good enough anyway, looked a bit lightweight, one last time for @Garrymanilow CONOR  MCCRAPPYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
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  • Lincoln referring to him as the "Scottish Kaka"
  • Good luck to him, injuries ruined his time with us.  Seemed a grumpy sod who never settled but don't really blame him for that with the constant manager churn and time in the treatment room.  Will be like many others in that I will likely forget all about him very quickly.
  • Would be interesting to know if a free or a fee
  • Another player that when he returns to play against us next season, I turn and say to my boy, did he us to play for us.
  • I suspect he's another Gilbey, who flopped here, but was and will be successful elsewhere (MK Dons in Gilbey's case).
  • WHAddick said:
    Would be interesting to know if a free or a fee
    Who cares his wages were up there in the squad so either way does us a favour!
  • Will this come back to bite us?
  • good riddance , either injured or stunk the place out while stealing a living the last few years then had the front to not celebrate a goal in front of a packed away end , he won’t be missed by me .
  • Obviously didn't want to be here anymore. Had a tough time with injuries and got far more grief than he deserved given he only managed a few games across two seasons. Lincoln seems to suit him and if he can stay fit he'll likely be good for them but the injuries really have been piling up which must be a concern. If Jones doesn't want him then it's a good sale.
  • Will this come back to bite us?
    I never thought of McGrandles being the Louis Suarez type.
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