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Staff at Charlton being relieved of their duties



  • I think Sandgaard is making a lot of mistakes and the question is whether he it the type to learn from them or not. If not, it comes down to how lucky he is.
    Come the start of the season, we may be better informed to make judgement. 
  • T_C_E said:
    paulfox said:
    T_C_E said:
    paulfox said:
    paulfox said:
    Redrobo said:
    There has been a lot of criticism of the Club over the season. 
    Late information going out and the arrangements for getting fans back to the Valley stick out in my mind. It didn’t bother me, but much was made of it even on this site.

    It may not be that surprising that the owners then do something about things? They have shown that they are aware of what is said on this site and also get the feedback at the fans forums.

    Just a thought.
    If you’re suggesting that was the background to Dan Burke’s departure I think that’s completely off-beam. I do think there’s a lack of understanding between tickets and comms (about how fans need and use details) which means that information isn’t always presented in a timely or optimum way, but that is a matter for the relevant management. My take on his role is that it was to deal with individual fans.

    I don’t know Dan, but I know people who do and it appears that his removal was handled abysmally and with no justification provided, at least at the time. It’s great news he’s got another job but if there’s any explanation beyond cost cutting it’s not been shared, so let’s not make stuff up.
    So basically, you haven’t spoken 1st hand, got a one sided story, and put to everyone something abysmal may have happened, people read this and because of you’re reputation take it as fact, maybe the other side of the story needs to heard before adding fuel to the fire?.  The fella got sacked, he got a new job,, move on. , just playing devils advocate here, and get a few lols cheaply added, for daring to question you.👍
    If you're given Dan's email address, perhaps you 'd happily contact him for his side of the story ? 
    Fanny it’s nothing to do with me, like it’s nothing to do with you, but putting the boot into someone at every opportunity to suit a narrative is unfair , especially as facts are not there for all to see. I’m sure you wouldn’t appreciate me for example reporting things about you and then not giving you the chance to defend/ explain yourself. You’re tune has changed regarding TS from last  year and are keen to let everybody know. 

    Just to add, if it was something I was to pursue, which it isn’t, I’d be emailing Dan and the club for both sides and if Dan had been treated abysmally as put out there, I’d fully sympathise and rightfully agree with any stick thrown towards the club. But at least my judgement would be made from facts and not 2nd hand one sided info.
    I have to be careful what I say here or alarm bells will going off in SE9 again.

    I sat in front of the owners in a Mayfair hotel and they are all very nice people and wish them every success with Charlton.

    This is my experience over the past 12/15 months, as a volunteer and I hope a friend to some fans and staff alike.

    As we shared a coffee in the poshest hotel I’ve ever sat in and felt  I was already out of my depth,

    As I told them my part in the meeting was as a volunteer to the Valley when I overheard several phone calls to a member of their staff now sitting with us, resulting in him getting upset. 

    On speaking to him he broke down and told me what was being said, I asked him to report this issue, sadly due to fear of repercussions he was afraid to.

    We spoke several times that day and as members of this forum will vouch I was concerned for his mental state, now I could have said it was none of my business but I spent many an hour on the phone to him or emails were exchanged over the following days and weeks and I convinced him to allow me to contact the club but not to name him to which I did, I emailed RM. 

    I heard nothing for approximately a month, during which time my support was there night and day I also shared some of the load with forum members purely because my own mental state was fragile to say the least and somethings were way out of my expertise.
    Finally a response asking to meet me, reporting back the staff member he’d had a change of heart and agreed to join the meeting along with his wife and on the understanding it was away from The Valley. 

    During this time a second member of staff agreed to attend the meeting with other examples of what had been happening involving the same person.
    Again the contents of the meeting will remain private, but cards were laid on the table and tears were shed, I had shared the load of the staff member over the months as he explained that he couldn’t deal with much more and I took over where I could when emotions got the better of him. 

    We left the meeting feeling reassured, in fact we had a couple of beers in London.
    Sadly things didn’t change and after I shared my concerns with a forum member a strongly worded email was fired off to a former member of the SMT to speak to my now  friend which was done. 

    He called in HR who agreed to the request he should go home on extended leave.
    After extended leave and medical help including visiting us at home he returned to work at SL which had been agreed at the meeting and he would be gently reintroduced back to The Valley when he was ready.

    Sadly he felt that he was pushed out to SL to keep him out off the way and although he was back at the Valley once a week assurance’s that were given he would return full time never happened.

    He left his employment something TS was happy to mention on an open forum Zoom meeting, yet he failed to mention the cause of his lapse in health.

    On the evening he quit, I immediately terminated my volunteer work at the club via email and told them I wouldn’t attend as a volunteer or a supporter all the while 🍔 👦 works at the club. 

    A question to@paulfox , you say it’s not your business but had you had seen a photo of the Valley’s headgroundsman sitting my lounge the day before the first home game of the season would you not be wondering what was going on?

    That’s a bit of an unfair question really, absolutely if I was in that same scenario, I would have tried to help, I’m not an arsehole who doesn’t care. The DAN situation for all we know is a completely different scenario as far as the majority of us know, so sometimes it’s not for outsiders to get involved. If you want me to feel bad for saying it’s not anything to do with me, I don’t , as it isn’t. That’s not to say I don’t feel for the fella if he has been wronged, which by the sounds of it were amicable.( unless people want to skirt over that bit to suit). TS hasn’t done anything bad to me, so is it fair for me to dirty his name because, Fanny or, Airman or yourself have a gripe. I judge people based on my own views and not what other people suggest I should think.

    just to add, I’m not making light of the info you have divulged and respect the help you gave and I’m sure it was greatly appreciated.👍
    I don’t have a gripe with the owner @Paulfox I have serious concerns about his choices. 
    I’m not even talking about the events on the green bit, I want this club to succeed as much as any other fan both on and off the pitch. 
    I don’t want thanks or appreciation for helping someone that’s not why I did what I did, but when I approached the owner with an issue I expected a little more than lip service being paid to a serious issue. 
    He as the custodian can do as he deems right by the club but I want no part of it. 
    I didn’t question why you did it, I was showing gratitude to you for doing something good for somebody.If you don’t want no part, I’d kind of call that a gripe. But that’s you’re choice. 
  • paulfox said:
    I think Sandgaard is making a lot of mistakes and the question is whether he it the type to learn from them or not. If not, it comes down to how lucky he is.
    Come the start of the season, we may be better informed to make judgement. 
  • AndyG said:
    This does seem to have been handled in a very bad way but from what I can gather from reports on here is with the exception of Dan the other folk were recent additions of basically sales staff who's task was to sell corporate packages. I imagine the sales results were nowhere near forecasts and the club cut its loses. Dan's case sits outside that it seems so no idea the thinking behind it. In any event an employer should deal with these things in an appropriate manner and it seems that this was not the case so it isnt a good outcome from whatever angle you look at it
    You can definitely levy that at sales staff, it is their job at the end of the day.  You’d have to get right up and close to the figures to know if it’s justified.  Being in sales myself, the one thing that makes a difference is the product.  Without seeing the stats of those in sales, personally, selling boxes/tours and whatever commercial packages we have to the ordinary punter is personally, a ridiculously hard sell.  Can’t imagine we’re appealing to any local businesses as a good client smoozing, and there may be some of us who are up for a box once in our lives, but that can’t be many.  Over the last few years they’ve probably struggled to get people to games, let alone spend on other frivolous ads ons.  I mean, we were giving bundles of free tickets away and buy one get one frees last season.

    I reckon whoever is selling hospitality and tickets has a very hard sale 
  • Leuth said:
    Just to add my twopenn’orth to the Dan Burke element of this discussion…
    Back in August, I sent an email asking for clarification on the clubs position re: the “Early bird benefits” (Remember that? Some were quite up in arms about the whole thing!)
    Anyway, three days passed with no response, so I followed up. Then I left it for a month and followed up again. Dan Burke responded and asked me to send the question again as he “couldn’t find it in the email trail”. I thanked him for responding and re-sent the original email.
    Unfortunately, I got no response again.
    I gave up at that point. I don’t know if there’s an issue with emails or if the club just couldn’t be arsed to respond to an email asking for clarification on what seemed like a bit of a balls up.
    Anyway, the point is, Dan was polite enough in his first response, but it took three goes to get it and then he didn’t get back to me. Make of that what you will.

    This is 100% the drama this thread needed. Another 50 pages please 

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  • Just to add my twopenn’orth to the Dan Burke element of this discussion…
    Back in August, I sent an email asking for clarification on the clubs position re: the “Early bird benefits” (Remember that? Some were quite up in arms about the whole thing!)
    Anyway, three days passed with no response, so I followed up. Then I left it for a month and followed up again. Dan Burke responded and asked me to send the question again as he “couldn’t find it in the email trail”. I thanked him for responding and re-sent the original email.
    Unfortunately, I got no response again.
    I gave up at that point. I don’t know if there’s an issue with emails or if the club just couldn’t be arsed to respond to an email asking for clarification on what seemed like a bit of a balls up.
    Anyway, the point is, Dan was polite enough in his first response, but it took three goes to get it and then he didn’t get back to me. Make of that what you will.

    Of course you deserved an answer of some kind, but it isn’t something that could be framed by a junior employee. If a response wasn’t forthcoming at that stage, it’s likely to have been because the club wasn’t yet ready to acknowledge it had got things wrong, which as we know it did eventually. 
  • paulfox said:
    Redrobo said:
    There has been a lot of criticism of the Club over the season. 
    Late information going out and the arrangements for getting fans back to the Valley stick out in my mind. It didn’t bother me, but much was made of it even on this site.

    It may not be that surprising that the owners then do something about things? They have shown that they are aware of what is said on this site and also get the feedback at the fans forums.

    Just a thought.
    If you’re suggesting that was the background to Dan Burke’s departure I think that’s completely off-beam. I do think there’s a lack of understanding between tickets and comms (about how fans need and use details) which means that information isn’t always presented in a timely or optimum way, but that is a matter for the relevant management. My take on his role is that it was to deal with individual fans.

    I don’t know Dan, but I know people who do and it appears that his removal was handled abysmally and with no justification provided, at least at the time. It’s great news he’s got another job but if there’s any explanation beyond cost cutting it’s not been shared, so let’s not make stuff up.
    So basically, you haven’t spoken 1st hand, got a one sided story, and put to everyone something abysmal may have happened, people read this and because of you’re reputation take it as fact, maybe the other side of the story needs to heard before adding fuel to the fire?.  The fella got sacked, he got a new job,, move on. , just playing devils advocate here, and get a few lols cheaply added, for daring to question you.👍
    Were you a supporter of Meire?
  • Dan Burke. In just a few days he's gone from the man noone knew to the poster boy of the TS haters.
    I’m no ‘TS hater’, Dan was one of only a couple of Charlton staff I’ve had any dealings with over the last five years. From personal experience I found him incredibly helpful. No idea if I was just lucky and that wasn’t a reflection of his overall contribution, but I can only speak as I find. 

    It just seems a very strange cost-cutting exercise for something in the grand scheme of things is a low paid admin role quite low down the organisation structure, but also loses assumed knowledge of someone experienced in role, who appears popular and clearly loved working at the club he supports. 

    Not sure what the future intention for the role is, I’m guessing the tasks and responsibilities will be swallowed up within others office roles. Suspect it won’t be so effective or save much cash, but who knows.   
    Understand and I'm not saying anything contrary to Dan having done a great job. And I tend to agree it's not a lot of money on the scale of things, but 8 salaries or however many have gone probably adds up to touching 200k per year.

    Again, that might not sound a lot, but we spent 2 or 3 weeks haggling with Swindon over Garner's compensation. It's bloody obvious Sandgaard is feeling the pinch of the weight of our annual losses.

    I'm certainly not thinking everything TS does is great, but frankly until the next man steps up willing to lose circa 8m a year for our Saturday's enjoyment, I'm thankful he is. Bottom line: Charlton is unsustainable and unattractive to an owner.
    And Sandgaard is becoming an unattractive owner.
  • paulfox said:
    paulfox said:
    Redrobo said:
    There has been a lot of criticism of the Club over the season. 
    Late information going out and the arrangements for getting fans back to the Valley stick out in my mind. It didn’t bother me, but much was made of it even on this site.

    It may not be that surprising that the owners then do something about things? They have shown that they are aware of what is said on this site and also get the feedback at the fans forums.

    Just a thought.
    If you’re suggesting that was the background to Dan Burke’s departure I think that’s completely off-beam. I do think there’s a lack of understanding between tickets and comms (about how fans need and use details) which means that information isn’t always presented in a timely or optimum way, but that is a matter for the relevant management. My take on his role is that it was to deal with individual fans.

    I don’t know Dan, but I know people who do and it appears that his removal was handled abysmally and with no justification provided, at least at the time. It’s great news he’s got another job but if there’s any explanation beyond cost cutting it’s not been shared, so let’s not make stuff up.
    So basically, you haven’t spoken 1st hand, got a one sided story, and put to everyone something abysmal may have happened, people read this and because of you’re reputation take it as fact, maybe the other side of the story needs to heard before adding fuel to the fire?.  The fella got sacked, he got a new job,, move on. , just playing devils advocate here, and get a few lols cheaply added, for daring to question you.👍
    If you're given Dan's email address, perhaps you 'd happily contact him for his side of the story ? 
    Fanny it’s nothing to do with me, like it’s nothing to do with you, but putting the boot into someone at every opportunity to suit a narrative is unfair , especially as facts are not there for all to see. I’m sure you wouldn’t appreciate me for example reporting things about you and then not giving you the chance to defend/ explain yourself. You’re tune has changed regarding TS from last  year and are keen to let everybody know. 

    Just to add, if it was something I was to pursue, which it isn’t, I’d be emailing Dan and the club for both sides and if Dan had been treated abysmally as put out there, I’d fully sympathise and rightfully agree with any stick thrown towards the club. But at least my judgement would be made from facts and not 2nd hand one sided info.
    It’s not second hand info because I’ve seen Dan’s version of events directly from him. I said I don’t know him, which I don’t. But I have seen what he has said about it.

    He wasn’t told by the decision makers (who were in the building) or his line manager but by the HR person, who it’s been reported has herself resigned. He wasn’t given an explanation. That’s his first-hand account.

    it would be wholly inappropriate for the club to respond to a third party enquiry on it, as it would be for any professional organisation, which is why they wouldn’t be asked.
    Maybe things are different in the UK, but working for large organizations in the US, when people were fired or made redundant, nobody except HR was allowed to talk to them. There’s always a concern that someone will stray from the correct script an open up a potential grievance. I’m not saying it’s right, but it’s how things have evolved over the years. 

    I worked for the COO and he was removed by HR, although he knew it was coming. 
  • Dazzler21 said:
    paulfox said:
    Redrobo said:
    There has been a lot of criticism of the Club over the season. 
    Late information going out and the arrangements for getting fans back to the Valley stick out in my mind. It didn’t bother me, but much was made of it even on this site.

    It may not be that surprising that the owners then do something about things? They have shown that they are aware of what is said on this site and also get the feedback at the fans forums.

    Just a thought.
    If you’re suggesting that was the background to Dan Burke’s departure I think that’s completely off-beam. I do think there’s a lack of understanding between tickets and comms (about how fans need and use details) which means that information isn’t always presented in a timely or optimum way, but that is a matter for the relevant management. My take on his role is that it was to deal with individual fans.

    I don’t know Dan, but I know people who do and it appears that his removal was handled abysmally and with no justification provided, at least at the time. It’s great news he’s got another job but if there’s any explanation beyond cost cutting it’s not been shared, so let’s not make stuff up.
    So basically, you haven’t spoken 1st hand, got a one sided story, and put to everyone something abysmal may have happened, people read this and because of you’re reputation take it as fact, maybe the other side of the story needs to heard before adding fuel to the fire?.  The fella got sacked, he got a new job,, move on. , just playing devils advocate here, and get a few lols cheaply added, for daring to question you.👍
    If you're given Dan's email address, perhaps you 'd happily contact him for his side of the story ? 
    Dan spoke with me briefly and advised that there were no ill feelings to TS or anyone at the club. Doesn't exactly sound like any malice was involved.
  • paulfox said:
    Redrobo said:
    There has been a lot of criticism of the Club over the season. 
    Late information going out and the arrangements for getting fans back to the Valley stick out in my mind. It didn’t bother me, but much was made of it even on this site.

    It may not be that surprising that the owners then do something about things? They have shown that they are aware of what is said on this site and also get the feedback at the fans forums.

    Just a thought.
    If you’re suggesting that was the background to Dan Burke’s departure I think that’s completely off-beam. I do think there’s a lack of understanding between tickets and comms (about how fans need and use details) which means that information isn’t always presented in a timely or optimum way, but that is a matter for the relevant management. My take on his role is that it was to deal with individual fans.

    I don’t know Dan, but I know people who do and it appears that his removal was handled abysmally and with no justification provided, at least at the time. It’s great news he’s got another job but if there’s any explanation beyond cost cutting it’s not been shared, so let’s not make stuff up.
    So basically, you haven’t spoken 1st hand, got a one sided story, and put to everyone something abysmal may have happened, people read this and because of you’re reputation take it as fact, maybe the other side of the story needs to heard before adding fuel to the fire?.  The fella got sacked, he got a new job,, move on. , just playing devils advocate here, and get a few lols cheaply added, for daring to question you.👍
    Were you a supporter of Meire?
    Yes,thought she was great!!🙄
  • cafcfan said:
    seth plum said:
    This might be helpful for club employees, if not right now, in the future:
    I shouldn't think so.

    I was a Unite member. But because my employer did not have union representation and we weren't a big branch that they could manipulate for political ends, they couldn't care less.

    All they wanted were the subs, presumably so they could lend Len McKlusky 400k for his London flat.

    They carried on sending me union officials' voting papers for two years after I left:  almost as incompetent as the Met Police. 
    In those circumstances I would’ve tried to be elected as shop steward of my workplace, attended local meetings, even become a local official, and tried to organise effectively. The vast majority of Union activists are unpaid volunteers.
  • edited June 2022
    Dazzler21 said:
    paulfox said:
    Redrobo said:
    There has been a lot of criticism of the Club over the season. 
    Late information going out and the arrangements for getting fans back to the Valley stick out in my mind. It didn’t bother me, but much was made of it even on this site.

    It may not be that surprising that the owners then do something about things? They have shown that they are aware of what is said on this site and also get the feedback at the fans forums.

    Just a thought.
    If you’re suggesting that was the background to Dan Burke’s departure I think that’s completely off-beam. I do think there’s a lack of understanding between tickets and comms (about how fans need and use details) which means that information isn’t always presented in a timely or optimum way, but that is a matter for the relevant management. My take on his role is that it was to deal with individual fans.

    I don’t know Dan, but I know people who do and it appears that his removal was handled abysmally and with no justification provided, at least at the time. It’s great news he’s got another job but if there’s any explanation beyond cost cutting it’s not been shared, so let’s not make stuff up.
    So basically, you haven’t spoken 1st hand, got a one sided story, and put to everyone something abysmal may have happened, people read this and because of you’re reputation take it as fact, maybe the other side of the story needs to heard before adding fuel to the fire?.  The fella got sacked, he got a new job,, move on. , just playing devils advocate here, and get a few lols cheaply added, for daring to question you.👍
    If you're given Dan's email address, perhaps you 'd happily contact him for his side of the story ? 
    Dan spoke with me briefly and advised that there were no ill feelings to TS or anyone at the club. Doesn't exactly sound like any malice was involved.
    I’m sticking to that from what I’ve seen but it’s not appropriate to share any more. You’ll have to believe what you want. I have little doubt we’ll be here again in due course.
  • Dazzler21 said:
    paulfox said:
    Redrobo said:
    There has been a lot of criticism of the Club over the season. 
    Late information going out and the arrangements for getting fans back to the Valley stick out in my mind. It didn’t bother me, but much was made of it even on this site.

    It may not be that surprising that the owners then do something about things? They have shown that they are aware of what is said on this site and also get the feedback at the fans forums.

    Just a thought.
    If you’re suggesting that was the background to Dan Burke’s departure I think that’s completely off-beam. I do think there’s a lack of understanding between tickets and comms (about how fans need and use details) which means that information isn’t always presented in a timely or optimum way, but that is a matter for the relevant management. My take on his role is that it was to deal with individual fans.

    I don’t know Dan, but I know people who do and it appears that his removal was handled abysmally and with no justification provided, at least at the time. It’s great news he’s got another job but if there’s any explanation beyond cost cutting it’s not been shared, so let’s not make stuff up.
    So basically, you haven’t spoken 1st hand, got a one sided story, and put to everyone something abysmal may have happened, people read this and because of you’re reputation take it as fact, maybe the other side of the story needs to heard before adding fuel to the fire?.  The fella got sacked, he got a new job,, move on. , just playing devils advocate here, and get a few lols cheaply added, for daring to question you.👍
    If you're given Dan's email address, perhaps you 'd happily contact him for his side of the story ? 
    Dan spoke with me briefly and advised that there were no ill feelings to TS or anyone at the club. Doesn't exactly sound like any malice was involved.
    I’m sticking to that from what I’ve seen but it’s not appropriate to share any more. You’ll have to believe what you want. I have little doubt we’ll be here again in due course.
    Don't know whether that implies it was handled discourteously, unprofessionally, or both!

    Any staff 'let go' should be able to follow an official grievance procedure if dissatisfied with their treatment. I can't see why they wouldn't if they feel aggrieved and no longer work there, unless they don't want the hassle. However, postings to SM play no part in that and would be ignored I presume.

    Being fair minded, I like to hear from both sides before passing judgement rather than taking what others relate on trust. Quite honestly, having re-read this entire thread, I don't know what to believe, other than that something has gone wrong to lead to this, and that I feel for those who have lost their jobs, especially during a cost of living crisis.
  • edited June 2022
    swordfish said:
    Dazzler21 said:
    paulfox said:
    Redrobo said:
    There has been a lot of criticism of the Club over the season. 
    Late information going out and the arrangements for getting fans back to the Valley stick out in my mind. It didn’t bother me, but much was made of it even on this site.

    It may not be that surprising that the owners then do something about things? They have shown that they are aware of what is said on this site and also get the feedback at the fans forums.

    Just a thought.
    If you’re suggesting that was the background to Dan Burke’s departure I think that’s completely off-beam. I do think there’s a lack of understanding between tickets and comms (about how fans need and use details) which means that information isn’t always presented in a timely or optimum way, but that is a matter for the relevant management. My take on his role is that it was to deal with individual fans.

    I don’t know Dan, but I know people who do and it appears that his removal was handled abysmally and with no justification provided, at least at the time. It’s great news he’s got another job but if there’s any explanation beyond cost cutting it’s not been shared, so let’s not make stuff up.
    So basically, you haven’t spoken 1st hand, got a one sided story, and put to everyone something abysmal may have happened, people read this and because of you’re reputation take it as fact, maybe the other side of the story needs to heard before adding fuel to the fire?.  The fella got sacked, he got a new job,, move on. , just playing devils advocate here, and get a few lols cheaply added, for daring to question you.👍
    If you're given Dan's email address, perhaps you 'd happily contact him for his side of the story ? 
    Dan spoke with me briefly and advised that there were no ill feelings to TS or anyone at the club. Doesn't exactly sound like any malice was involved.
    I’m sticking to that from what I’ve seen but it’s not appropriate to share any more. You’ll have to believe what you want. I have little doubt we’ll be here again in due course.
    Don't know whether that implies it was handled discourteously, unprofessionally, or both!

    Any staff 'let go' should be able to follow an official grievance procedure if dissatisfied with their treatment. I can't see why they wouldn't if they feel aggrieved and no longer work there, unless they don't want the hassle. However, postings to SM play no part in that and would be ignored I presume.

    Being fair minded, I like to hear from both sides before passing judgement rather than taking what others relate on trust. Quite honestly, having re-read this entire thread, I don't know what to believe, other than that something has gone wrong to lead to this, and that I feel for those who have lost their jobs, especially during a cost of living crisis.
    If you have not accrued employment rights under the law the only basis on which you could raise a grievance (or challenge the decision) is discrimination, which no one is suggesting is the case here. Nobody is disputing or can dispute that TS had the legal right to sack these people without cause or explanation.
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  • edited June 2022
    swordfish said:
    Dazzler21 said:
    paulfox said:
    Redrobo said:
    There has been a lot of criticism of the Club over the season. 
    Late information going out and the arrangements for getting fans back to the Valley stick out in my mind. It didn’t bother me, but much was made of it even on this site.

    It may not be that surprising that the owners then do something about things? They have shown that they are aware of what is said on this site and also get the feedback at the fans forums.

    Just a thought.
    If you’re suggesting that was the background to Dan Burke’s departure I think that’s completely off-beam. I do think there’s a lack of understanding between tickets and comms (about how fans need and use details) which means that information isn’t always presented in a timely or optimum way, but that is a matter for the relevant management. My take on his role is that it was to deal with individual fans.

    I don’t know Dan, but I know people who do and it appears that his removal was handled abysmally and with no justification provided, at least at the time. It’s great news he’s got another job but if there’s any explanation beyond cost cutting it’s not been shared, so let’s not make stuff up.
    So basically, you haven’t spoken 1st hand, got a one sided story, and put to everyone something abysmal may have happened, people read this and because of you’re reputation take it as fact, maybe the other side of the story needs to heard before adding fuel to the fire?.  The fella got sacked, he got a new job,, move on. , just playing devils advocate here, and get a few lols cheaply added, for daring to question you.👍
    If you're given Dan's email address, perhaps you 'd happily contact him for his side of the story ? 
    Dan spoke with me briefly and advised that there were no ill feelings to TS or anyone at the club. Doesn't exactly sound like any malice was involved.
    I’m sticking to that from what I’ve seen but it’s not appropriate to share any more. You’ll have to believe what you want. I have little doubt we’ll be here again in due course.
    Don't know whether that implies it was handled discourteously, unprofessionally, or both!

    Any staff 'let go' should be able to follow an official grievance procedure if dissatisfied with their treatment. I can't see why they wouldn't if they feel aggrieved and no longer work there, unless they don't want the hassle. However, postings to SM play no part in that and would be ignored I presume.

    Being fair minded, I like to hear from both sides before passing judgement rather than taking what others relate on trust. Quite honestly, having re-read this entire thread, I don't know what to believe, other than that something has gone wrong to lead to this, and that I feel for those who have lost their jobs, especially during a cost of living crisis.
    If you have not accrued employment rights under the law the only basis on which you could raise a grievance (or challenge the decision) is discrimination, which no one is suggesting is the case here. Nobody is disputing or can dispute that TS had the legal right to sack these people without cause or explanation.
    Thanks for clarifying that for me👍
  • Dazzler21 said:
    paulfox said:
    Redrobo said:
    There has been a lot of criticism of the Club over the season. 
    Late information going out and the arrangements for getting fans back to the Valley stick out in my mind. It didn’t bother me, but much was made of it even on this site.

    It may not be that surprising that the owners then do something about things? They have shown that they are aware of what is said on this site and also get the feedback at the fans forums.

    Just a thought.
    If you’re suggesting that was the background to Dan Burke’s departure I think that’s completely off-beam. I do think there’s a lack of understanding between tickets and comms (about how fans need and use details) which means that information isn’t always presented in a timely or optimum way, but that is a matter for the relevant management. My take on his role is that it was to deal with individual fans.

    I don’t know Dan, but I know people who do and it appears that his removal was handled abysmally and with no justification provided, at least at the time. It’s great news he’s got another job but if there’s any explanation beyond cost cutting it’s not been shared, so let’s not make stuff up.
    So basically, you haven’t spoken 1st hand, got a one sided story, and put to everyone something abysmal may have happened, people read this and because of you’re reputation take it as fact, maybe the other side of the story needs to heard before adding fuel to the fire?.  The fella got sacked, he got a new job,, move on. , just playing devils advocate here, and get a few lols cheaply added, for daring to question you.👍
    If you're given Dan's email address, perhaps you 'd happily contact him for his side of the story ? 
    Dan spoke with me briefly and advised that there were no ill feelings to TS or anyone at the club. Doesn't exactly sound like any malice was involved.
    I’m sticking to that from what I’ve seen but it’s not appropriate to share any more. You’ll have to believe what you want. I have little doubt we’ll be here again in due course.
    What do you mean by that ?

    Are you saying more job losses to come or that the management style is going to be more blunt towards its employees?
  • edited June 2022
    Dazzler21 said:
    paulfox said:
    Redrobo said:
    There has been a lot of criticism of the Club over the season. 
    Late information going out and the arrangements for getting fans back to the Valley stick out in my mind. It didn’t bother me, but much was made of it even on this site.

    It may not be that surprising that the owners then do something about things? They have shown that they are aware of what is said on this site and also get the feedback at the fans forums.

    Just a thought.
    If you’re suggesting that was the background to Dan Burke’s departure I think that’s completely off-beam. I do think there’s a lack of understanding between tickets and comms (about how fans need and use details) which means that information isn’t always presented in a timely or optimum way, but that is a matter for the relevant management. My take on his role is that it was to deal with individual fans.

    I don’t know Dan, but I know people who do and it appears that his removal was handled abysmally and with no justification provided, at least at the time. It’s great news he’s got another job but if there’s any explanation beyond cost cutting it’s not been shared, so let’s not make stuff up.
    So basically, you haven’t spoken 1st hand, got a one sided story, and put to everyone something abysmal may have happened, people read this and because of you’re reputation take it as fact, maybe the other side of the story needs to heard before adding fuel to the fire?.  The fella got sacked, he got a new job,, move on. , just playing devils advocate here, and get a few lols cheaply added, for daring to question you.👍
    If you're given Dan's email address, perhaps you 'd happily contact him for his side of the story ? 
    Dan spoke with me briefly and advised that there were no ill feelings to TS or anyone at the club. Doesn't exactly sound like any malice was involved.
    I’m sticking to that from what I’ve seen but it’s not appropriate to share any more. You’ll have to believe what you want. I have little doubt we’ll be here again in due course.
    What do you mean by that ?

    Are you saying more job losses to come or that the management style is going to be more blunt towards its employees?
    Both, Henry is next when he is ousted from the museum.
  • Just got an email saying I'm banned from The Valley? 
  • Leuth said:
    Just got an email saying I'm banned from The Valley? 
  • Leuth said:
    Just got an email saying I'm banned from The Valley? 
    You lucky thing!!
  • edited June 2022
    Why?, I have a narrative? Wow thanks for giving my posts meaning. What’s your problem Uboat, you afford me far too much time. 

    If you make the effort to belittle people at least show the full comment. I stand by my views, even if it is against those whom dare not be questioned.

      Fanny it’s nothing to do with me, like it’s nothing to do with you, but putting the boot into someone at every opportunity to suit a narrative is unfair , especially as facts are not there for all to see. I’m sure you wouldn’t appreciate me for example reporting things about you and then not giving you the chance to defend/ explain yourself. You’re tune has changed regarding TS from last  year and are keen to let everybody know. 

    Just to add, if it was something I was to pursue, which it isn’t, I’d be emailing Dan and the club for both sides and if Dan had been treated abysmally as put out there, I’d fully sympathise and rightfully agree with any stick thrown towards the club. But at least my judgement would be made from facts and not 2nd hand one sided info.

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