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Lifers' Cancer Updates - Peter_G's operation was a success (p68)



  • Thinking of you mate, stay positive … I know that’s not easy but it does help 
  • Big hug @Redmidland.  So many types of Chemo these days, I hope the next one does the trick for you.
  • In my thoughts, Malc - stay strong my friend.
  • Good luck Redmidland. I hope the medical profession can find a treatment to help you deal with this latest diagnosis. I wish you well and you will be in my prayers.
  • Sending strength and good wishes to you and your wife, RM.
  • Sorry to hear of your setback Malc and it's completely understandable your outlook has taken a hit but know that we're all rooting for you and everyone else in the same circumstances.

    Hopefully this time they can find a chemo course that's more suitable for you. 
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  • Oh Malc 😔
    Sending you all my love.
    Please, please feel free to message me if you need to have a good old vent.
    I’m here, we’re here, all of us……….so use us.
  • Sorry to hear that Malc, it's shit news.  Hope the new course of Chemo works and is less of a strain on your body than the last one.  Thinking of you.
  • @Redmidland thoughts and prayers with you. 
  • Creon. To @Bedsaddick and anyone else on here who may have been prescribed creon, a drug that produces enzymes normally produced naturally by the pancreas. I'm sure, like me, you are aware of the shortage of this drug atm. My pharmacist has told me it could continue until the New Year but alternatives drugs can be prescribed. However my GP surgery is being really awkward in refusing to prescribe any despite my specialist nurse saying GP's have been issued guidance on what to do. 
    I was wondering on other people's experience and alternative drugs being prescribed and by whom. 
  • Sorry to read that Malc.
    I hope this week's meeting with the oncologist brings better news.
  • Oh Malc so sorry to hear your news, hope you get to see the oncologist soon, we are both thinking of you and wishing you and Mrs Malc strength and fortitude.
  • What a desperate situation to be put in….The Big C has so many ways to make life nigh on unbearable for so many sufferers and their families.
    I wish you all the very best Red in your ongoing battle.🤞
  • Just when we hoped some positive news was not too far away, there's yet another setback for our dear fellow Lifer.

    As always, our thoughts are with you as you await your appointment and the next step in your battle .

    Sending our love across the miles.
  • Sorry to hear this Malc. Continued strength to you and yours. 
  • Hi Redmidland, Your bravery shines through on your last post. I wish you well. 
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  • Hi redmidland. Soiry to hear your latest news .  I was hoping you would get through the op and a least one of us beats this thing  This f***ng disease seems to be one step forward and then back again   I am now on my third line defence chemo and its taking its toll . Hopefully you will be able to ride it out and get there. Stay strong 
  • @Redmidland, sorry to hear of your problems. Hope they can get the right blend of meds to blast the tumor to kingdom come.

    Your courage and general positivity is inspiring so do your best to keep it going.
  • All the best to the others suffering on this thread too.
  • All the best redmidland, keep fighting 
  • Just a brief update, firstly thank you to everyone who has sent best wishes in your comments.
    Sadly, the earliest there is an appointment for me to see the oncologist is 9th August, nearly 3 weeks away. Until then I've been told to increase my pain killers, as required, cant seem to get a break at the moment, fuck it!
  • Thats so awful for you Redmidland.

    Having gone through, and continue to go through a period of uncertainty with my blood cancer diagnosis I know all to well how it can affect your mental health nevermind physical.

    Fingers crossed for a some positive news when it finally gets around to your appointment.
  •  redmidland its so depressing not knowing what is going on . Trying to  keep up.with events is so frustrating it seems to take 3 weeks to get a scan result and  i often feel i am just left hanging in the wind and it not only effects your mental health  but your family too. Hang on in there 
  • Keep fighting the b@stard, RM.  Up and at 'em fella!
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