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Lifers' Cancer Updates - Peter_G's operation was a success (p68)



  • That's more like it! G'wan 💪
  • 👍👍👍
  • Best of luck Redmidland keep fighting. 
  • The Lass had her 2nd infusion of this special chemo to which she had an extreme negative reaction so they kept her in but in the night her heart rate rose to 220 and she was transferred to ITU where she and the medical team are now fighting for her life

    Glad to hear your news Malc, we must all keep fighting - sod it!
  • Oh Lancs, so sorry to read this. Sending much love to you both. Words are difficult to find at such times.

    Best wishes to you, Redmidland, and all others with their battles xx 

  • Good luck mate !
  • Sorry to hear that Lancs, keeping fingers crossed for her.
    That's better news RM, hopefully the new chemo will be effective and not kick your arse as badly this time.
  • Best wishes to both Lancs and your Lass and of course Red too. Appreciate how tough it is for all of you, your families and all others struggling at this difficult time. Fingers crossed firmly for all of you. 
  • Really feel for you guys.  C'mon NHS take care of our fellow Addicks.  Sending much love.
  • All the best to you both, hoping for good news all round.
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  • Oh, Lancs ! Our hearts go out to you and the Lass along with our love! 

    And to you, RM.
  • Not sure what to say except to say you are all in my thoughts Redmidland, Lancashire lad and Dpfc.  I hope you and yours all win your ongoing battles.
  • The Lass had her 2nd infusion of this special chemo to which she had an extreme negative reaction so they kept her in but in the night her heart rate rose to 220 and she was transferred to ITU where she and the medical team are now fighting for her life

    Glad to hear your news Malc, we must all keep fighting - sod it!
    Thinking of you both. My bestie in Southampton has lymphoma and during her time with it has been in ITU a few times. Sending you both all the best wishes I can x
  • Fight on Redmidland! 
  • @lancashire lad I'm so sorry to read about your lass. My thoughts and prayers are with you both. X
  • Hope you get better news on the Lass today @lancashire lad
  • redman said:
    Hope you get better news on the Lass today @lancashire lad
    there has been a slight improvement but she is still in  ITU and there is a long way to go before she is stabilised and we can again think about her cancer treatment.
    Thank you all for your kind words it does help
    Small steps = positive steps. Best wishes to your lass and to you as well. 
  • Best wishes to Redmidland, lancashire lass & lad and to everyone else.
  • redman said:
    Hope you get better news on the Lass today @lancashire lad
    there has been a slight improvement but she is still in  ITU and there is a long way to go before she is stabilised and we can again think about her cancer treatment.
    Thank you all for your kind words it does help
    Glad to hear she’s had some improvement. Is she in Southampton? They’re very good there.
    sending lots of good wishes to you both.
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  • Best wishes @Redmidland and @lancashire lad for your continuing fights.  We’re all rooting for you and your. 
  • redman said:
    Hope you get better news on the Lass today @lancashire lad
    there has been a slight improvement but she is still in  ITU and there is a long way to go before she is stabilised and we can again think about her cancer treatment.
    Thank you all for your kind words it does help
    Glad to hear she’s had some improvement. Is she in Southampton? They’re very good there.
    sending lots of good wishes to you both.
    yes she is at S.G.H. thanks for the good wishes
  • @Redmidland and @lancashire lad, I can only echo what several others have already said. We are all rooting for you. Very best wishes.
  • I was planning on being happy for RM (I guess we all know that knowing you aren't being given the full picture can make your head dwell on the worst, and when the subject is cancer, that goes into overdrive) but then Lancashire had is own wallop to contend with, so things are shite again. 
    All my best wishes to you, RM, Lancashire Lad and Lass, and everyone else fighting this horrid disease.
  • I was planning on being happy for RM (I guess we all know that knowing you aren't being given the full picture can make your head dwell on the worst, and when the subject is cancer, that goes into overdrive) but then Lancashire had is own wallop to contend with, so things are shite again. 
    All my best wishes to you, RM, Lancashire Lad and Lass, and everyone else fighting this horrid disease.
    Amen to that, ks.

    We're all thinking of you guys and gals as you fight your battles.
  • redman said:
     Thought I would update on what happened with  the oncologist this afternoon. Latest Scan showed legions just slightly bigger than when measured in January . As I didn't start chemo until May, he suspects it is smaller than when I started chemo, certainly no worse.  Therefore, he thought chemo was doing its job (bearing in mind, the legion is only controllable, not curable). 
    Agreed to continue chemo  Another scan in mid-September, and then decide what to do.  
    So probably relatively good news xx
    Your update is much appreciated. redman, so thank you.

    Hope the chemo isnt too awful for you but the end result is what counts, I guess.

    Mr F has had a couple of issues recently whch are being explored via MRI scans , the latest today. Follow up appt with the Consultant in 2 weeks' time. 

    Hopefully might see you both at the Assembly Halls again before too long.
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