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Lifers' Cancer Updates - Peter_G's operation was a success (p68)



  • @redman @lancashire lad thank you so much for the updates ♥️

    @Fanny Fanackapan sending love to you & Mr F xxxxx
    Redman, Lancs Lads thank you for the updates and best wishes to Mr F. good luck to you all .
  • Happy for you Redman and sending my best to all those fighting this dreadful disease.

    I had a scare a few weeks back where i went in for an abnormal growth/mole (no kenneth williams faces please) I assumed it would just be a looks fine but they sent me away for a month to treat with a cream to see if it looked agitated afterwards. I'm 34 with two young kids and it was incredibly worrying, very fortunate that after a month they took a look and told me it looked benign and was fine still very worrying during the time.
    Now get into the Wetherspoons for a celebratory drink :)
  • That must be so strange to see @Redmidland
    My love to you ♥️
  • I went to see my Oncologist on Friday, after having my operation cancelled. We sat and discussed different options of chemo that might not have as detrimental effect on me as it did last September. This would involve a different drug given as a 5 hr infusion in my chest, then a break for 3 weeks before going back to hospital again for another 5 hr infusion. This would happen 4 times.
    Sadly, there is no guarantee this will work, and on Friday I was not only told, but, for the first time ever, shown, that whilst the tumour hasn't spread it has grown to the size of a golf ball in my pelvic region. This is what is now causing the pain I experience on a daily basis, with my pain killers now increased, to help me cope.
    Basically I'm back to where I was July 23 when first diagnosed. If the chemo works they'll then operate to remove the rest of it, if not, then they aren't sure what else can be done.
    It was strange staring at my tumour, it's a black and white mass, close to my prostrate.
    I had an immense feeling of hatred for the tumour, yet, I was hating my own body!
    I'm trying to stay positive and concentrating my MH on the tumour, with everything I can.
    I'm going to give it my best shot and hope the chemo works with me and not against me.
    In the meantime I hope CAFC keep winning and I can win alongside them
    Live, Love, Laugh and Be Happy xx

    Best wishes to you! Hoping for the best! 
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  • Best wishes, thoughts and prayers with you. Stay positive 
  • Best wishes, Redmidland.
  • Best wishes RM. Stay strong. 
  • Seeing it must be a strange feeling but now you know what it looks like you can visualise it shrinking with every treatment you have x
  • good luck Malc
    unfortunately the Lymphoma has beaten The Lass who is now just being kept comfortable, I had hoped that I would get her home but I think she will remain in Southampton Hospital where I shall go tomorrow and stay until the end, unless of course it gets better for a while, but I don't think so. BASTARD DISEASE
  • So sorry to hear that @lancashire lad
  • Our love & positive thoughts winging their way to you, RM x
  • Best wishes RM and so sorry to hear your news Lancashire Lad. 
  • All the very best RM. Desperately sorry to read your update Lancs. 
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  • good luck Malc
    unfortunately the Lymphoma has beaten The Lass who is now just being kept comfortable, I had hoped that I would get her home but I think she will remain in Southampton Hospital where I shall go tomorrow and stay until the end, unless of course it gets better for a while, but I don't think so. BASTARD DISEASE
  • So very sorry to read your news @lancashire lad. Please give my love to your lass, and I hope something turns up for her and she can beat this disease xx
  • Sending you every strength to keep fighting @Redmidland.

    Heartfelt wishes to you and the Lass @lancashire lad. Such a tough and heartbreaking time xxx
  • Sending love to you @lancashire lad and your Lass.

    Hoping the new chemo zaps your golfball @Redmidland
  • @lancashire lad so sorry to hear your news.
  • Feck it @lancashire lad my love to you and your beloved Lass ♥️
  • So sad for you and the Lass @lancashire lad.
    sending you both love x
  • Just back from seeing my surgeon. We met so we could discuss a plan going forward. Sadly they were not expecting the tumour to grow so quickly after the 'radiotherapy' did actually work!
    It turns out I have a 'rare' type of bowel cancer, and now its too dangerous to operate.
    I'll have a new kind of chemo for 3 months, if the chemo works, they'll operate and remove what's left. If the chemo doesn't work it's not looking good I'm afraid. So another battle begins and one, it seems, I have to win.
    Live, Love, Laugh and Be Happy xx
    Take care
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