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Lifers' Cancer Updates - Peter_G's operation was a success (p68)



  • Best of luck.
  • edited April 2024
    Clearly not the news you'd hoped for but I'm sure the experts know what's required to get you to " RM, Mk 2 " & fit for your triumphant return to The Valley. 

    All the support you need, on tap here on CL x
  • RM. the best of luck to you. You know what you are dealing with and, I believe, you made the right decision to go ahead with the surgery. 
    Again, all the very best to you. Pulling for you!
  • Good luck TM. Keep us posted as you can and know there are a lot of people out there, both friends and virtual friends who are rooting for you.
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  • All power to you Malc. 
  • WOOWEE , RM !!!!

    That's the best news I've heard for a looong time ! 

    We never know what might be around the corner to surprise us , do we ...

    Your positive attitude is remarkable and long may it last. Well done you ! 

    Sending love & hugs xx
  • Great news @Redmidland.  Hope you get fighting fit for the end of June. x
  • edited May 2024
    Good news Malc. You have to learn to live with whatever life throws your way. It’s not easy and I accept it 90% of the time and just tell others to give me space the other 10%!
  • Good news Malc.  As I’ve come to learn, if life gives you lemons make lemonade. 
  • Ahh now Malc!
    That's blummin brilliant.
    Let's aim to have a right good lifers meet up in January. That's deffo worth a trip over 
    Love to you as always my friend.
  • Positive news Red. Let's all hope the operation goes well.
  • Sending all best wishes and hopes for the best possible outcome @Redmidland xx
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  • Sounds really positive news. Really pleased for you and yours.
  • Keep chugging on RM. Knowing that there's a chance you won't have to have a colostomy is a massive incentive to get yourself as fit as possible for the surgery, but being realistic about your chances is sensible. I'm sure we'll all be keeping our fingers crossed for the Brucie Bonus for you.
  • I thought I would update on my cancer situation. For those who remember I had bile duct cancer, and the cancer was removed by Whipple surgery (similar to @Bedsaddick ) in May 2022 . This was followed by a  6 month course of chemo which I had in tablet form. Scans showed the operation a success and the cancer removed.
    However scans earlier this year have shown what they call a single peritoneal deposit which has increased in size. This is a nodular legion anterior to the transverse colon, although at an early stage. Unfortunately It cannot be treated by either surgery or radiotherapy. Therefore it cannot be solved. The only option is to try and control it from growing. I have therefore just started another 6 month period of chemo (in drip form this time) which it is hoped will extend my life. 
    I have the benefit of being a fairly fit person for a man of 71, but it is frustrating as I was just starting to feel fully fit active again, playing football and tennis. 
  • Malc & redman I wish you both as much wellness as is possible. 
    Here it seems that the Lass's lymphoma might have returned as she has various swellings and we are waiting for the test regime to kick in, in some ways I think the waiting for answers is worse than the answers themselves - does this bothersome disease ever give up?
  • Sorry to read this new @redman and @lancashire lad. I hope both of you get positive outcomes. Keeping you both in my thoughts. X
  • Fingers crossed @redman
  • Sorry I was way behind on this thread. Sending @redman the best. My god mother has been in a similar situation for years, and I just hope that you're able to manage it.

    @Redmidland I think your approach is great. Not just giving yourself something to aim for, but also something to beat, is excellent. You show that cancer!

    ...that being said, is going to The Valley the best thing for a heart condition?!?!?!?!!? Said with a tremendous amount of love. You've got this.

  • Glad malcs news is more positive and really hope the operation is a success.  In my case rhe chemo i have been on for the last year has now stopped working and am just starting what they call 3rd line defence ( drug called Lonsurf) to try and hold things. Only been on it for 5 days and am already having mixed side effects.  Hopefully they will settle down in time. Does anyone have any knowledge about this treatment.  Thanks
  • Redman, Lancs & DPFC my love to all of you.
    Ditto to the 3 of you. 

    I know I sound like a parrot but again, why do bad things happen to good people ? 

    PLEASE update us on your progress and never forget that we're here for you.

    Keep fighting x 
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