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The Ashes 2021/22



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    Watch Labuschagne England. LEAVING the ball
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    Anyone else’s commentary sound a fraction of a second in front of the pictures
    Seems like it. Nice to hear Gower again, Ian Chapple is one of the better Aussies, when he’s not fighting with Botham in bars that is.

    Lyon just out BTW.
    Ian Chapple, I thought it was that Alf bloke from Home and Away in the early 90’s
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    Still bowling too short. 4 balls to Lyon & none would have hit the stumps.Yes, he nicked one but bowling at the stumps brings LBW into the equation too. 

    Bowlers like McGrath learnt how to bowl by aiming at a dollar note on a length......and could hit it every time.

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    MarcusH26 said:
    Fuck sake, could have done with a draw here
    Shouldn't be surprised, we've not caught anything else all series.
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    edited December 2021
    lolwray said:
    Ashes excuse bingo 

    The hundred 
    County cricket 
    County cricket and the scheduling (for which The Hundred has some impact) is the main reason. You can prepare as much as you like but, if the players aren't good enough, it really doesn't matter.

    Australian cricketers not only play Sheffield Shield but also turn out for their clubs for two day 90 overs a side matches. Our batsmen rarely play County Championship let alone club cricket and when they do, it is against the Duke ball in seam friendly condition with most of the matches in April/May/September that suit the likes of Darren Stevens bowling at 70mph

    Who is going to argue that the ECB's priorities are now:

    1.The Hundred
    2. Vitality Blast
    3. County Championship
    4. Royal London

    Who is going to argue that, from a financial perspective and given the bribe from the ECB with regards to The Hundred , the priorities of the Counties are:

    1. The Hundred
    2. Vitality Blast
    3. Royal London
    4. County Championship

    On the basis of that, who is going to ague that white ball training is given priority by both England and the Counties over red ball from age group teams through to the First Team? And for that matter selection too. The chances of a batsman who plays straight but who can't score at over a run a ball getting a contract are absolutely minimal.
    Below is a link to an article, published in the last 24 hours, in which Paul Farbrace and Toby Radford make it abundantly clear what they believe the issues are. Namely technique and temperament. It talks of "lazy" coaches at junior level who either do not possess the knowledge to coach correct technique or don't want to do so because they want to be their friend and make it interesting. Equally, the suggestion is that the talk in youth circles is not playing for England but which franchise they might get a contract with:

    The age group county cricketer who has a good, solid technique is now being overlooked by some counties for the ones who can switch hit, ramp and smash a ball over cow. Who wants a red ball player only after all? White ball only for sure. But red ball only, no chance,

    Wasn't Farbrace in charge recently. Sorry, but blaming coaches lower down the food chain is a low blow. Selectors & management choose which players will play  & so should be held accountable if a player's technique or temperament is not up to it. 
    He was assistant England coach, The issue is that players in this country are getting by to a certain level with poor technique - see ball/hit ball comes to mind, Once they get to a certain age it becomes almost impossible for them to correct bad habits. And we don't have enough who can play straight to select from.

    Imagine you've played golf from the age of 11 or 12 but you've habitually hooked the ball. If you don't  do anything to try and correct that 'til you're 18 or 19 then the chances are that you won't become a scratch golfer. You can still hit the ball and will probably have found ways to compensate for hooking it but, every so often, you will revert to type and the ball will end up out of bounds, Because it is so ingrained. Now picture the batsman who can smash a cricket ball at 80mph on a good deck but then comes across the bowler who has the skillset to expose your weakness at 90mph. And unlike golf It only takes one ball to do the damage.

    I will tell you this as fact. Seb has been in and around the Kent set up for eight years. He's never had a technical session at Kent. He's had  advice when he might not have played a ball as well as he could have done but that is all. When it actually comes to sorting out any technical issues that is not done by county coaches. So if they aren't doing that to say a 14 year old, why would the England coach be expected to try and sort a 25 year old who has always batted with the bat coming down from gully because that's his way of accessing the leg side when it comes to scoring runs?

    The difference between our kids and say their Indian counterparts is that the latter group are drilled for hours upon and very often by their dads. They don't have the distraction of other sports like football so do it all year round. India also has a much bigger pool to pick from anyway. It's a given that they won't have major technical flaws by the time they reach State age group cricket.

    Don't believe me? Then ask yourself why in the last nine years we've used 20 different openers. 
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    Brilliant work from Wood!
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    Watch Labuschagne England. LEAVING the ball
    ty for that
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    Watch Labuschagne England. LEAVING the ball
    Watch Smith England. NOT being trapped in front of his stumps
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    Today's failure for Labushagne brings his overall average down massively. To 60.40 which is between 24 and 32 better than all our team bar Root. And it's more than 10 better than him. 
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    Not an easy chance but Buttler's stance it too wide and he took a step to his right before changing direction to dive to his left
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    Hmmm. Unsure if he did nick that one. Looked to me that snicko didnt line up with the ball going past the bat. 
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    Massive wicket of Smith

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    Well deserved, Jimmy has been really good today
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    Not exactly impossible to keep them below 250 here. Need Harris and Head out then we can put the pressure on Green and Carey.
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    Well deserved, Jimmy has been really good today
    Six overs, one for one. (Should have been two for nought). 
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    I'm off to bed. Joe Root has officially lost the plot. That or he wants to be sacked & then go home early. Continuing to bowl a spinner with a defensive field set to save runs rather than take wickets. 
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    If they pick Buttler ever again, my god
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    edited December 2021
    200-6 at tea and a lead of 15. Only nine overs to the new ball.
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    Making the Aussies work very hard for their runs today. 20 runs in 10 overs for Green & Carey in the back end of that session.

    Green 12 (55)
    Carey 9 (30)
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    207-7. Leach has Green lbw.
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    Carey edges Stokes behind. Lead of 34 with Cummins, Starc and Boland the batsmen still standing.

    Good turn in the pitch already. Big if but a score of 300-350 in the second innings and we are in with a massive shout…
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    edited December 2021

    Annoying partnership comes to an end. Anderson gets Cummins caught in the off side, looped off the toe end of the bat.
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    267 all out. 48 runs to get the last two wickets is painful…

    Australia lead by 82 and we have an hour or so to bat this evening.
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    7-1. Crawley edges behind for 5.
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    7-2. Malan lbw first ball. But he’s reviewed it.
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    Umpires call on impact and Malan has to walk.
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    Root survives the hat trick ball.
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    Who would win out of this England team and the England team of the early 90's
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    edited December 2021
    22-3. Hameed edges behind and the crowd go mad for a Boland wicket. Only eight minutes until stumps as well.
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    22-4. Leach bowled by Boland second ball.
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