That particular line is nonsense and helpful to no man or beast lets face it, which I pointed out to them.. and doesn't seem like a thing LdT would write let alone TR to me
But you signed it off......which means the fans forum agree with it.
Well done.
But it was said.
Would you prefer they said "don't include that in the minutes, we don't agree"?!
That particular line is nonsense and helpful to no man or beast lets face it, which I pointed out to them.. and doesn't seem like a thing LdT would write let alone TR to me
But you signed it off......which means the fans forum agree with it.
Well done.
only in the sense that it is true that statement was delivered to the FF
That particular line is nonsense and helpful to no man or beast lets face it, which I pointed out to them.. and doesn't seem like a thing LdT would write let alone TR to me
But you signed it off......which means the fans forum agree with it.
Well done.
only in the sense that it is true that statement was delivered to the FF
If all they do is repeat Rolands weird logic and BS, is it not now time to call it a day with the Fans Forum. Release an open statement listing the reasons and leave it at that as, all it seems to do is build up a bit of excitement in a lot of people, only to dash it all the following day.
Lickspittle despises us, as far as I can tell so does Duchatelet, Murray, Rubashow, Keohane, and Ravi...and some others, yet they want us to buy season tickets.
That particular line is nonsense and helpful to no man or beast lets face it, which I pointed out to them.. and doesn't seem like a thing LdT would write let alone TR to me
But you signed it off......which means the fans forum agree with it.
Well done.
But it was said.
Would you prefer they said "don't include that in the minutes, we don't agree"?!
Then we'd be none the wiser to the craziness.
My point was: is this necessary to include as its just a rehash of a previous statement, aside from being 'unhelpful' and doing down the club which we want sold, we do have some influence if only minor on what comes out of the Forum, although in this case not it seems..
All this can't do his business reputation any good, if his associate / customers are keeping track of things.
He's clearly a liability and I reckon something in his head must've changed from the person who made £millions to the person he is now. Remember though, that the Belgians and Dutch are a breed apart from your average Brit
Sorry but that is almost as crass as the £1k loss per ST. I am sure that where the average Belgian football fan, journalist, or businessman looks at the antics of the Oystons, Ashley, the Bury bloke; or all the other English cretins whose greed foisted the FAPL on us in the first place- Dein, Sugar, Bates, etc, - they will say "breed apart? Thank **** for that". The vast majority of Belgians are as contemptuous of RD as we are, and the last thing that will help us is petty xenophobia. Oh and try telling a group of Dutch and Belgians that they are the same breed. Especially if you do that in Liege.
There’s never been anything to stop the FF members meeting without the club and/or putting out their own statement - for example about how disrespectful it is to them as volunteers for the club to send two relatively junior managers who clearly can have nothing useful to say on the key issue.
The FF forum could ask where Murray has been for the last 18 months, given that he remains a director, and why he is never available. It could offer a level of challenge outside the meeting as well as inside it. Don’t really see what’s to lose.
There’s never been anything to stop the FF members meeting without the club and/or putting out their own statement - for example about how disrespectful it is to them as volunteers for the club to send two relatively junior managers who clearly can have nothing useful to say on the key issue.
The FF forum could ask where Murray has been for the last 18 months, given that he remains a director, and why he is never available. It could offer a level of challenge outside the meeting as well as inside it. Don’t really see what’s to lose.
And surely the two put forward last night aren't good enough for the EFL fan engagement quota?
All this can't do his business reputation any good, if his associate / customers are keeping track of things.
He's clearly a liability and I reckon something in his head must've changed from the person who made £millions to the person he is now. Remember though, that the Belgians and Dutch are a breed apart from your average Brit
Sorry but that is almost as crass as the £1k loss per ST. I am sure that where the average Belgian football fan, journalist, or businessman looks at the antics of the Oystons, Ashley, the Bury bloke; or all the other English cretins whose greed foisted the FAPL on us in the first place- Dein, Sugar, Bates, etc, - they will say "breed apart? Thank **** for that". The vast majority of Belgians are as contemptuous of RD as we are, and the last thing that will help us is petty xenophobia. Oh and try telling a group of Dutch and Belgians that they are the same breed. Especially if you do that in Liege.
Keep your pants on mate, I never said we were better, just that we're a breed apart. As bad as Oysten etc are, they wouldn't come out with the "£1000 loss a season ticket" line. In my lived experience, which you can't question, this type of logic is typical of mainly Dutch, but also a lot other Europeans, and also in my lived experience, they're happy to point out the traits, good but mostly bad, in us Brits too.
Can anyone actually tell me what value we as fans are getting from these meetings?
As far as I can see, those that are attending are being used in a similar way to Jim White on talksport. Difference being JW really couldn't give a shit. I'm pretty sure those that are attending these meetings do.
"Lieven de Turck, who is representing the club in takeover talks, was unable to attend last night’s meeting as he is busy with negotiations to sell the club".
Absolute bollocks. Are we seriously expected to believe that he was soooo busy selling the club last night that he couldn't spare a couple of hours to attend a meeting on a date that was planned 2-3 weeks in advance. What an absolute farce.
"Lieven de Turck, who is representing the club in takeover talks, was unable to attend last night’s meeting as he is busy with negotiations to sell the club".
Absolute bollocks. Are we seriously expected to believe that he was soooo busy selling the club last night that he couldn't spare a couple of hours to attend a meeting on a date that was planned 2-3 weeks in advance. What an absolute farce.
Probably. I will forgive him his absence if the club is sold by Monday evening.
Season ticket holders should offer not to go for their money back and £500. Saving the club £500 each! The crap about what is deterring a sale is clearly Roland's usual. The reason the club has not been sold is that he wants too much money for it. We shouldn't be bothering with even trying to get updates from the club on this as if we haven't worked out they are bollocks by now we never will.
"Lieven de Turck, who is representing the club in takeover talks, was unable to attend last night’s meeting as he is busy with negotiations to sell the club".
Absolute bollocks. Are we seriously expected to believe that he was soooo busy selling the club last night that he couldn't spare a couple of hours to attend a meeting on a date that was planned 2-3 weeks in advance. What an absolute farce.
To suggest Lickspittle was, is, or has been or will be negotiating any sale or takeover is a fine example of the club ( including those club employees who perpetuate the lie) showing contempt for the fans. Lickspittle has intimated previously that he merely follows instructions, negotiation implies creativity flexibility and wriggle room, licence to think on your feet, a degree of autonomy if you like...autonomy that Lickspittle has told fans he doesn't have.
Even if LdT was engaged in negotiations last night - a most unlikely scenario - he could easily have been linked into a 20 minute conference call to provide a short update, rather than the club recycling Duchatelet’s gibberish in a prepared statement. The transparent objective of the latter was to avoid any questioning on the potential takeover, in particular, in relation to the glaring inconsistencies in the statements very recently made by LdT and Duchatelet.
LdT was given a thorough going over at the last meeting and, for me, that in itself justifies the existence of the Fans Forum. It obviously can’t force change directly but holding Duchatelet’s idiocy up to the light does unquestionably help to build pressure upon him. It gives the press a useful record of discussions and drags him and LdT over some difficult ground and issues which they’d rather avoid.
The Forum doesn’t in any way legitimise the regime’s antics and I feel that some of the negative comments about it are simply borne out of the frustration we all share about the interminable sale of the club.
The alternative to the Forum is an even bigger information void. I know which option I prefer.
All this can't do his business reputation any good, if his associate / customers are keeping track of things.
He's clearly a liability and I reckon something in his head must've changed from the person who made £millions to the person he is now. Remember though, that the Belgians and Dutch are a breed apart from your average Brit
Sorry but that is almost as crass as the £1k loss per ST. I am sure that where the average Belgian football fan, journalist, or businessman looks at the antics of the Oystons, Ashley, the Bury bloke; or all the other English cretins whose greed foisted the FAPL on us in the first place- Dein, Sugar, Bates, etc, - they will say "breed apart? Thank **** for that". The vast majority of Belgians are as contemptuous of RD as we are, and the last thing that will help us is petty xenophobia. Oh and try telling a group of Dutch and Belgians that they are the same breed. Especially if you do that in Liege.
Keep your pants on mate, I never said we were better, just that we're a breed apart. As bad as Oysten etc are, they wouldn't come out with the "£1000 loss a season ticket" line. In my lived experience, which you can't question, this type of logic is typical of mainly Dutch, but also a lot other Europeans, and also in my lived experience, they're happy to point out the traits, good but mostly bad, in us Brits too.
But come on, Duchatelet didn't come out with that because any Belgian would, as you imply. He came out with it because he is weird, and secretly craves the love of the masses. So he wants us to all be grateful because in his eyes he personally gives £1k in "subsidy" to each season ticket holder, and we should be grateful. That's just a stupid thing for an unpopular football club owner to say.
Why it matters is this: some good people are preparing to take the fight to him again in Belgium. I am not involved in the planning, although i certainly plan to attend. However, last time, the march went ahead only after extensive work with the S-T authorities to persuade them that we have no grudge against the good citizens there, and do not hold them responsible for RD. Indeed the attempt to stand for election there involved reaching out to local politicians who are unhappy with RDs influence over the town, and it turned out they are pretty numerous. I don't pretend that the mayor or chief of police will avidly scour CL, but we really need to show that our fight is with him as an individual, and get S-T people on our side, because his is one of the things he fears. He can lord it there, up to a point but if we fuel discontent with and scrutiny of his interests in the town, it will put further pressure on him to sell.
Lickspittle despises us, as far as I can tell so does Duchatelet, Murray, Rubashow, Keohane, and Ravi...and some others, yet they want us to buy season tickets.
"each season ticket holder costs the clubs approximately £1,000."
My mortgage payments are about £12,000 a year,
my son cuts the lawn once a week to help pay towards the running of the house.
I’ve just told the selfish bastard that it costs me more than £200 every time
he gets the lawn mower out.
Lickspittle despises us, as far as I can tell so does Duchatelet, Murray, Rubashow, Keohane, and Ravi...and some others, yet they want us to buy season tickets.
Ravi is a long standing servant of the club, a Charlton supporter, and presumably one of the many who is still waiting for his bonus from Roland.
Whenever I've had any dealings with him he's seemed extremely competent and professional. Not his fault at all that Roland and LVT won't make themselves available. I think he deserves credit for making himself available for what must have been a fairly thankless task yesterday. I doubt he would have been paid any extra for giving up his evening.
That particular line is nonsense and helpful to no man or beast lets face it, which I pointed out to them.. and doesn't seem like a thing LdT would write let alone TR to me
Yes but those two are endorsing the helmet's relentless drivel aren't they, and looking you in the eye when they do it? You must have the patience of all the saints plus the hide of a rhino to repeatedly put up with being treated this way. We're grateful that you do, I for one certainly couldn't keep swallowing the humiliation.
That particular line is nonsense and helpful to no man or beast lets face it, which I pointed out to them.. and doesn't seem like a thing LdT would write let alone TR to me
Yes but those two are endorsing the helmet's relentless drivel aren't they, and looking you in the eye when they do it? You must have the patience of all the saints plus the hide of a rhino to repeatedly put up with being treated this way. We're grateful that you do, I for one certainly couldn't keep swallowing the humiliation.
I wouldn't say that was the case, its fairly plain where the nonsense originates.
At one point last night, I think it might have been Wayne asked which of the recent statements TR was willing to admit authorship of.. he professionally declined to comment, but we all knew..
Personally I'm just doing my 'job' as a rep, and they are doing theirs - if they can stomach it thats up to them, it doesn't bother me that I have to stomach them having to stomach it. I and others will continue to try and get answers that people want to know.
Do I get annoyed and frustrated with some of the disgraceful comments that emanate from above, you betcha. But this is a long game and it's about the club we all love, owners, managers and players come and go, fans not so much.
If I was part of the FF I would consider encouraging all other representatives to simply not show at the next meeting and send a message to the EFL afterwards explaining that the directive is being abused.
If all they do is repeat Rolands weird logic and BS, is it not now time to call it a day with the Fans Forum. Release an open statement listing the reasons and leave it at that as, all it seems to do is build up a bit of excitement in a lot of people, only to dash it all the following day.
I would rather the meetings continue, any contact is better than no contact. If some fans get too excited, then the better option would be for them to temper their expectations.
Would you prefer they said "don't include that in the minutes, we don't agree"?!
Then we'd be none the wiser to the craziness.
So no not at all Golfie..
The FF forum could ask where Murray has been for the last 18 months, given that he remains a director, and why he is never available. It could offer a level of challenge outside the meeting as well as inside it. Don’t really see what’s to lose.
Can anyone actually tell me what value we as fans are getting from these meetings?
As far as I can see, those that are attending are being used in a similar way to Jim White on talksport.
Difference being JW really couldn't give a shit. I'm pretty sure those that are attending these meetings do.
Absolute bollocks. Are we seriously expected to believe that he was soooo busy selling the club last night that he couldn't spare a couple of hours to attend a meeting on a date that was planned 2-3 weeks in advance. What an absolute farce.
Lickspittle has intimated previously that he merely follows instructions, negotiation implies creativity flexibility and wriggle room, licence to think on your feet, a degree of autonomy if you like...autonomy that Lickspittle has told fans he doesn't have.
LdT was given a thorough going over at the last meeting and, for me, that in itself justifies the existence of the Fans Forum. It obviously can’t force change directly but holding Duchatelet’s idiocy up to the light does unquestionably help to build pressure upon him. It gives the press a useful record of discussions and drags him and LdT over some difficult ground and issues which they’d rather avoid.
The Forum doesn’t in any way legitimise the regime’s antics and I feel that some of the negative comments about it are simply borne out of the frustration we all share about the interminable sale of the club.
The alternative to the Forum is an even bigger information void. I know which option I prefer.
Why it matters is this: some good people are preparing to take the fight to him again in Belgium. I am not involved in the planning, although i certainly plan to attend. However, last time, the march went ahead only after extensive work with the S-T authorities to persuade them that we have no grudge against the good citizens there, and do not hold them responsible for RD. Indeed the attempt to stand for election there involved reaching out to local politicians who are unhappy with RDs influence over the town, and it turned out they are pretty numerous. I don't pretend that the mayor or chief of police will avidly scour CL, but we really need to show that our fight is with him as an individual, and get S-T people on our side, because his is one of the things he fears. He can lord it there, up to a point but if we fuel discontent with and scrutiny of his interests in the town, it will put further pressure on him to sell.
My mortgage payments are about £12,000 a year, my son cuts the lawn once a week to help pay towards the running of the house. I’ve just told the selfish bastard that it costs me more than £200 every time he gets the lawn mower out.
Do I get to join the house-analogy gang?
Whenever I've had any dealings with him he's seemed extremely competent and professional. Not his fault at all that Roland and LVT won't make themselves available. I think he deserves credit for making himself available for what must have been a fairly thankless task yesterday. I doubt he would have been paid any extra for giving up his evening.
You must have the patience of all the saints plus the hide of a rhino to repeatedly put up with being treated this way.
We're grateful that you do, I for one certainly couldn't keep swallowing the humiliation.
I accept that you think that Ravi does not despise the supporters based on you having more knowledge than me.
Crass to be attacking him.
At one point last night, I think it might have been Wayne asked which of the recent statements TR was willing to admit authorship of.. he professionally declined to comment, but we all knew..
Personally I'm just doing my 'job' as a rep, and they are doing theirs - if they can stomach it thats up to them, it doesn't bother me that I have to stomach them having to stomach it. I and others will continue to try and get answers that people want to know.
Do I get annoyed and frustrated with some of the disgraceful comments that emanate from above, you betcha. But this is a long game and it's about the club we all love, owners, managers and players come and go, fans not so much.
If some fans get too excited, then the better option would be for them to temper their expectations.