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Bolton, Ebbsfleet now Bury (Clubs in trouble thread)



  • Bloke deserves no more than £2 for the club - All he paid was a £1 so give him double what he paid

    He clearly hasnt paid wages etc. as admitted last week when the PFA have helped out!!
  • What does Dale get out of this if the club gets kicked out of the league and demoted 3-4 divisions? Can he sell the ground/land to a property developer or is there a ruling preventing this?
  • Genuinely so baffled at the comments about the EFL letting clubs down.

    What are they supposed to do? Football clubs are privately owned businesses. 
  • I wouldnt be surprised if this steamed from the quest highlights programme on Saturday. It was mentioned on there about looking out for the wallfare of the youngsters in the team. Never seen it before.......and I wasn't stopped going to work when I left school at 16 because it was too much for me. Poor loves. 
    Its football for fuck sake, not coal mining. 
  • Genuinely so baffled at the comments about the EFL letting clubs down.

    What are they supposed to do? Football clubs are privately owned businesses. 
    I'm genuinely baffled how football fans, especially fans of clubs in situations like ours, are so utterly clueless about the plight of other clubs in the pyramid going through issues.

    Henry has answered your question for you, if the EFL had put Dale through the F&PP test then none of this would be happening.
  • have tried looking for a summary, but what has steve dale done to bury? .
  • have tried looking for a summary, but what has steve dale done to bury? .
    Brought the club for £1

    Hasnr completed Fit and Proper test despite requests

    Hasnt paid any wages for the last five months

    Refusing to accept any bids for the club
  • have tried looking for a summary, but what has steve dale done to bury? .
    Brought the club for £1

    Hasnr completed Fit and Proper test despite requests

    Hasnt paid any wages for the last five months

    Refusing to accept any bids for the club
    Plus allegedly wants the club to go to the wall so he can sell the ground for housing.
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  • Pedro45 said:
    have tried looking for a summary, but what has steve dale done to bury? .
    Brought the club for £1

    Hasnr completed Fit and Proper test despite requests

    Hasnt paid any wages for the last five months

    Refusing to accept any bids for the club
    Plus allegedly wants the club to go to the wall so he can sell the ground for housing.
    Its surely the only reason he's refusing the sell

    Can be no other explanation behind it
  • have tried looking for a summary, but what has steve dale done to bury? .
    Brought the club for £1

    Hasnr completed Fit and Proper test despite requests

    Hasnt paid any wages for the last five months

    Refusing to accept any bids for the club
    was he not sold the club for £1 on the condition that he carried out the relevant financial requests? 
  • have tried looking for a summary, but what has steve dale done to bury? .
    Brought the club for £1

    Hasnr completed Fit and Proper test despite requests

    Hasnt paid any wages for the last five months

    Refusing to accept any bids for the club
    was he not sold the club for £1 on the condition that he carried out the relevant financial requests? 
    Dont think that was the reason he got the club for £1

    I think the financial requests were delayed because Bury were in a spot of trouble last season; EFL didnt do the tests to try and get the takeover done quicker for them
  • Seems that Joe Sealey (ex Man Utd Les Sealey's son) is trying to buy them now
  • Bet hefty fines will be coming the way of Dan Cowley and Joey Barton with these comments of theirs!!
  • have tried looking for a summary, but what has steve dale done to bury? .
    Brought the club for £1

    Hasnr completed Fit and Proper test despite requests

    Hasnt paid any wages for the last five months

    Refusing to accept any bids for the club
    was he not sold the club for £1 on the condition that he carried out the relevant financial requests? 
    Dont think that was the reason he got the club for £1

    I think the financial requests were delayed because Bury were in a spot of trouble last season; EFL didnt do the tests to try and get the takeover done quicker for them
    The purchase was expedited to avoid a winding up order. He was supposed to pay HMRC off, but I don’t think he did. 

    I guess the question is whether Bury would exist today if he hadn’t come along  The creditors are still unpaid. 
  • have tried looking for a summary, but what has steve dale done to bury? .
    Brought the club for £1

    Hasnr completed Fit and Proper test despite requests

    Hasnt paid any wages for the last five months

    Refusing to accept any bids for the club
    was he not sold the club for £1 on the condition that he carried out the relevant financial requests? 
    Dont think that was the reason he got the club for £1

    I think the financial requests were delayed because Bury were in a spot of trouble last season; EFL didnt do the tests to try and get the takeover done quicker for them
    The purchase was expedited to avoid a winding up order. He was supposed to pay HMRC off, but I don’t think he did. 

    I guess the question is whether Bury would exist today if he hadn’t come along  The creditors are still unpaid. 
    Or would another / better person have come along

    I guess Bury may have gone into this position a lot earlier, just without a prick like Dale even someone coming in last minute would probably have saved the club
  • Genuinely so baffled at the comments about the EFL letting clubs down.

    What are they supposed to do? Football clubs are privately owned businesses. 

    1. Make purchasers of club provide proof of funds and a long term business plan, something that is in the fit and proper test but the EFL allowed Steve Dale to dodge and which he still hasn't done

    2. Introduce regulation so that every member club has to submit a budget and proof of BEFORE the season starts.  No budget = relegation. Harsh but it happens in France and would have avoided the cancelled games for Bury and now Bolton

    3. Advocate for all football grounds to be assets of community value to stop hostile property development.

    4. Introduce sanctions for owners who bring the game into disrepute or who do not run their clubs in a professional way (The Oyston-Duchatelet rule)

    That's four off the top of my head.

    The EFL can do a lot, lot more but it doesn't see itself as a guardian of the game, just an arranger of fixtures but as events show it can't even do that.

    The EFL is not the main culprit here, the owners are, but the EFL have done too little, too late.
    The EFL isn’t a guardian of the game. It’s an organization set up to run its competitions. It can suggest rule changes, but they have to be approved by its members - 72 independently owned clubs. 

    It’s the FA, as the overall regulator of the game, and supposedly independent of the owners, who should be setting these sorts of guidelines for all clubs who need to be FA affiliated. 

    The EFL owners won’t vote for this as it constrains their ability to do whatever they want. 
  • Genuinely so baffled at the comments about the EFL letting clubs down.

    What are they supposed to do? Football clubs are privately owned businesses. 

    1. Make purchasers of club provide proof of funds and a long term business plan, something that is in the fit and proper test but the EFL allowed Steve Dale to dodge and which he still hasn't done

    2. Introduce regulation so that every member club has to submit a budget and proof of BEFORE the season starts.  No budget = relegation. Harsh but it happens in France and would have avoided the cancelled games for Bury and now Bolton

    3. Advocate for all football grounds to be assets of community value to stop hostile property development.

    4. Introduce sanctions for owners who bring the game into disrepute or who do not run their clubs in a professional way (The Oyston-Duchatelet rule)

    That's four off the top of my head.

    The EFL can do a lot, lot more but it doesn't see itself as a guardian of the game, just an arranger of fixtures but as events show it can't even do that.

    The EFL is not the main culprit here, the owners are, but the EFL have done too little, too late.
    The EFL isn’t a guardian of the game. It’s an organization set up to run its competitions. It can suggest rule changes, but they have to be approved by its members - 72 independently owned clubs. 

    It’s the FA, as the overall regulator of the game, and supposedly independent of the owners, who should be setting these sorts of guidelines for all clubs who need to be FA affiliated. 

    The EFL owners won’t vote for this as it constrains their ability to do whatever they want. 
    We've talked about FIFA needing to get its house in order ever since Russia and Qatar were awarded their World Cup's

    I think the same needs to happen within English Football too - FA needs to sort itself out massively
  • have tried looking for a summary, but what has steve dale done to bury? .
    Brought the club for £1

    Hasnr completed Fit and Proper test despite requests

    Hasnt paid any wages for the last five months

    Refusing to accept any bids for the club
    was he not sold the club for £1 on the condition that he carried out the relevant financial requests? 
    Dont think that was the reason he got the club for £1

    I think the financial requests were delayed because Bury were in a spot of trouble last season; EFL didnt do the tests to try and get the takeover done quicker for them
    The purchase was expedited to avoid a winding up order. He was supposed to pay HMRC off, but I don’t think he did. 

    I guess the question is whether Bury would exist today if he hadn’t come along  The creditors are still unpaid. 
    Or would another / better person have come along

    I guess Bury may have gone into this position a lot earlier, just without a prick like Dale even someone coming in last minute would probably have saved the club
    Maybe, maybe not. I think the EFL shouldn’t have waived their rules, but what would the outrage have been if they hadn’t, Bury folded, and there’s this guy standing there telling everyone he was ready to save the club. 

    We’d be castigating the EFL for rigidly sticking to their rules and letting Bury die. 

    I think a lot of this was driven by the winding up order. I’m not sure if the EFL has standing in the case to ask for a delay while they vet the prospective new owner. I suspect only the plaintiffs can do that. 
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  • Parkinson gone.
  • Parkinson gone.
    Both him and his assistant have handed in their notices so have resigned rather than a takeover being so close that they've been replaced due to the new men wanting their own Manager!!
  • Bet hefty fines will be coming the way of Dan Cowley and Joey Barton with these comments of theirs!!
    EFL will no doubt be very fucking quick to fine this pair. Not so quick with proper issues though, like Bolton and Bury and sorting out the Hemed transfer.
  • Bet hefty fines will be coming the way of Dan Cowley and Joey Barton with these comments of theirs!!
    The further Joey Barton is thrown out of football the better.  Preferably with a hefty fine first.  
  • I still have a lot of respect for Parky. Hope he does not have to wait too long to get another job.
  • Said on Quest tonight that Parky was in the frame for the Huddersfield job. Looks like he’ll be fighting another fire there, albeit on the pitch this time.
  • From twitter:

    "Bury FC are in intensive care and Steve Dale is about to walk into the room with a grin on his face and pull the plug. How he intends to profit is beyond me, as Capital Bridge hold the only tangible asset left i.e. the ground. Unless CB & Dale have a side deal?"
  • I wouldnt be surprised if this steamed from the quest highlights programme on Saturday. It was mentioned on there about looking out for the wallfare of the youngsters in the team. Never seen it before.......and I wasn't stopped going to work when I left school at 16 because it was too much for me. Poor loves. 
    Very true. When i was 16/17 i remember playing football every single day at school, at break, lunch, during PE, school match one evening, club training on saturday, club match sunday.

    Obviously it's a much much higher level but you can't tell me that 16-17 year olds can't play 3 games in a week.
    I think it's the mental rather than physical pressures. You were probably p***** off for an hour or two if you lost but you got over it. I give you Karlan Grant as an example of the harm that can be done by introducing youngsters too soon. Yes he is a success now but It took Karlan a few seasons to get over his premature introduction and even this time last year his future was uncertain.
  • From twitter:

    "Bury owner Steve Dale has text me the following message: "We have requested time to get a sale over the line. (Debbie) Jevans reportedly said to BBC they may allow 48 hours as it's the weekend. Not sure how that helps a buyer?"
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