In case people don't bother opening the other threads thinking nothing significant happens: time Bowyer has really spoken out about ongoing in the background.
Lee's body language and tone of voice would be very interesting to see after his comments
What a deluded idiot!!
But the footballing authorities more interested in addressing a few over-jubilant fans encroaching the pitch as the ownership and mismanagement of English football clubs continues to decay with little more than a few impotent platitudes by the wallies supposedly in charge of overseeing the game.
Think I'm out.
Was just carrying on from your remark that the bloke is happy to leave others to pick up his mess yet still expect a part of the pie if there is any success from the result
Its as Andy Holt says though (as per your second paragraph) until the FA work on something that stops these rogue owners from coming in asset stripping we'll only see more cases like Roland and not less
We've got a great chance of automatics, sorry play-offs, and don't need his negatively
Usual nonsense from RD, bringing Mason in for five months would cost about £100K in total which in turn would give us a much better chance of promotion and - if we are promoted - he just might get the fee he wants for the club. He would still be £1.4M up this transfer window.
And that there would be no fire sale
Ps. Somewhere in a parallel universe.
He sold our goal scorer a couple of weeks, which is normal tactics for him, now wont replace him.
Same old same and repeat year in year out. To think he once said, he could get Charlton into the Premier League. The man is a deluded, incompetent idiot.
This really needs to be raised at the fans forum.
Does this amount to the playing budget being cut mid-season or was Lee Bowyer asking for something above of the agreed playing budget.
I cannot see how this is above and beyond with the players that left in January, and any mid-season cut to the playing budget needs to be explained by the club.
I do not care how much money we are losing a month, if a playing budget has been agreed any cutting of this needs explaining, especially when we are supposedly pushing for promotion.
Selfishy there's a lot about this squad and management team I'd like to see stay with CAFC but for their own sakes, they can't countenance staying one minute longer than is absolutely necessary. Any offer from elsewhere has to be better. Hanging around this toxic bungler and the rotting cadaver that the club will soon become will only harm the careers of all involved. I'd forgive all concerned for freewheeling into the end of the season, finish 7th and leg it for the exit as fast as their legs can carry them. As soon as their contracts are done and transfers to anywhere else completed, then dish the dirt on the rancorous buffoon.
With no realistic prospect of a change of regime, my fear for CAFC's future has grown significantly.
What any potential new owner (should such an entity actually exist) sees in the rudderless, crumbling dinghy that was once the MV CAFC, baffles me entirely. Roly the meddler has battered it beyond recognition and seaworthiness.
Didnt we have a seasons budget, yet shipped out Ajose, Clarke and Grant’s wages and received £1.5M cash and replaced with a journeyman from Gills wages.
Sadly after Bowyers last interview it seemed clear RD would not support which is hardly surprising when he is cutting back on relatively inconsequential costs like cereal, water, cleaners and Electricity.
i.e. He's only involved in the sale isnt he?
How frustrating for our managers where football progress is so dismissed.
Roland seems to think 'you are the coach, here are players, what is the problem? Coach them.' Is there any evidence of Duchatelet support for success based on engagement with his coaches?
Why do you think Bowyer can only say 'it is what it is'?
I'm getting so fed up with this debacle.
If promotion is not achieved, Bowyer is gone, he won't hang around.