Yer, I'm converted Vegan it is. First thing first, I need the dogs put down first thing in the morning, because I wouldn't feed them meat as that would be hypocritical, right?
The idea that religion should override the moral necessity of making animal slaughter as humane as possible is disgusting.
I don't eat meat myself, but others do and that is their choice; pragmatism means that if people are going to kill animals for food (and I wish that they didn't, but that's not the point), then we should try and reduce their suffering as much as possible.
Giving people exemptions to allow them to be barbaric because of some fucking sky fairy is the epitome of backward thinking and it's a disgrace.
Personally won’t eat it, as it puts a lot of British butchers out of business as the whole halal process only employs a certain religion and that’s wrong imo!
It’s also extremely cruel.
Halal meat puts a lot of British butchers out of business?
Can you explain that? How would the method of slaughter of an animal put a butcher out of business? What nationality of butcher
Personally won’t eat it, as it puts a lot of British butchers out of business as the whole halal process only employs a certain religion and that’s wrong imo!
It’s also extremely cruel.
Halal meat puts a lot of British butchers out of business?
Can you explain that? How would the method of slaughter of an animal put a butcher out of business? What nationality of butcher is replacing the British butchers who are displaced?
Personally won’t eat it, as it puts a lot of British butchers out of business as the whole halal process only employs a certain religion and that’s wrong imo!
It’s also extremely cruel.
Halal meat puts a lot of British butchers out of business?
Can you explain that? How would the method of slaughter of an animal put a butcher out of business? What nationality of butcher is replacing the British butchers who are displaced?
Supermarkets are putting British butchers out of business.
Some were replaced by halal butchers, because there was a demand for it, and you couldn’t get it in the supermarket.
Now you can and supermarkets will be putting halal butchers out of business.
"Supermarkets are putting British butchers out of business. Some were replaced by halal butchers..."
Can you explain what nationality these "halal butchers" are that are putting "British butchers" out of business?
Chizz Palarsehater already explained this to you.
@palarsehater said "Apologies the post should of (sic) read non-Muslim butchers". But @SomervilleAddick has said that "halal butchers" are replacing "British butchers". So I'd be interested to learn - as I don't know - which countries these non-British halal butchers come from.
Do you know?
I neither know or care about the nationality of the halal butchers. It’s entirely irellevent to the point, which was that the butchers (be they British - British Halal - non British halal or fucking Martian) are being put out of business by supermarkets.
But to make it clear - I very much doubt the distaste for halal meat is down to its method of slaughter. If you really cared you’d be a vegetarian. It’s just a way to express a dislike for Muslims ( British, non British, Martian) without actually saying it out loud.
No. It is a hideous way of ending the animal's life and it is as simple as that.
Despite the fact that almost all halal meat is also stuned before slaughter?
Sam, that is an assumption. The Quran states the animal is to have the throat cut - if a butcher chooses to stun before its entirely up to them as at that point they have already complied with ther religious beliefs I have no doubt that the bigger halal butcher's comply with the notion of stunning, too. But to assume 'almost all' without being there is simply naive
Read above. Between 84 and 90% are stunned. European law requires 100% but UK has an exemption.
So between 16 and 10% are jivved in the neck and left to bleed to death. Cushty
Didn't say that. If it was up to me it would be 100%, for all kinds of slaughter. You'd have to ask why we are exempt from the European law.
Yer, If only we were all vegan remainers, with the backing of the EU, we could stamp out halal and kosher slaughter once and for all
How is "between 84 and 90 percent" subjective in any way at all? Or are we delving into alternative facts..................
Evidence? Haha Ok, Callum
I await the evidence that says it's actually less than that.
Again, as I've already said, the bigger producers no doubt comply but if you think a poxy eu law is fully complied with in this country and then, you also feel that is enough to consider as 'evidence' then you're wrong.
Grown meat in a lab will be the future and should relieve millions of animals from suffering. I still think religious types will insist on eating "real" meat, thereby ensuring the suffering continues.
Personally won’t eat it, as it puts a lot of British butchers out of business as the whole halal process only employs a certain religion and that’s wrong imo!
It’s also extremely cruel.
Halal meat puts a lot of British butchers out of business?
Can you explain that? How would the method of slaughter of an animal put a butcher out of business? What nationality of butcher is replacing the British butchers who are displaced?
Supermarkets are putting British butchers out of business.
Some were replaced by halal butchers, because there was a demand for it, and you couldn’t get it in the supermarket.
Now you can and supermarkets will be putting halal butchers out of business.
"Supermarkets are putting British butchers out of business. Some were replaced by halal butchers..."
Can you explain what nationality these "halal butchers" are that are putting "British butchers" out of business?
Chizz Palarsehater already explained this to you.
@palarsehater said "Apologies the post should of (sic) read non-Muslim butchers". But @SomervilleAddick has said that "halal butchers" are replacing "British butchers". So I'd be interested to learn - as I don't know - which countries these non-British halal butchers come from.
Do you know?
I neither know or care about the nationality of the halal butchers. It’s entirely irellevent to the point, which was that the butchers (be they British - British Halal - non British halal or fucking Martian) are being put out of business by supermarkets.
But to make it clear - I very much doubt the distaste for halal meat is down to its method of slaughter. If you really cared you’d be a vegetarian. It’s just a way to express a dislike for Muslims ( British, non British, Martian) without actually saying it out loud.
No. It is a hideous way of ending the animal's life and it is as simple as that.
Despite the fact that almost all halal meat is also stuned before slaughter?
Sam, that is an assumption. The Quran states the animal is to have the throat cut - if a butcher chooses to stun before its entirely up to them as at that point they have already complied with ther religious beliefs I have no doubt that the bigger halal butcher's comply with the notion of stunning, too. But to assume 'almost all' without being there is simply naive
Read above. Between 84 and 90% are stunned. European law requires 100% but UK has an exemption.
So between 16 and 10% are jivved in the neck and left to bleed to death. Cushty
Didn't say that. If it was up to me it would be 100%, for all kinds of slaughter. You'd have to ask why we are exempt from the European law.
Grown meat in a lab will be the future and should relieve millions of animals from suffering. I still think religious types will insist on eating "real" meat, thereby ensuring the suffering continues.
But will lead to a mass cull of unwanted animals and a rise in unemployment as farm workers are laid off.
Grown meat in a lab will be the future and should relieve millions of animals from suffering. I still think religious types will insist on eating "real" meat, thereby ensuring the suffering continues.
Surely it'll be alright if it's not stunned and a man in a funny costume has chanted some old waffle as it's plucked from the lab.
Grown meat in a lab will be the future and should relieve millions of animals from suffering. I still think religious types will insist on eating "real" meat, thereby ensuring the suffering continues.
The problem with that is where will those animals go? Who will look after them?
Grown meat in a lab will be the future and should relieve millions of animals from suffering. I still think religious types will insist on eating "real" meat, thereby ensuring the suffering continues.
The problem with that is where will those animals go? Who will look after them?
Dont worry. France, Spain and Italy will relieve us of the burden. The chances of those three countries going vegan are i think fairly slim.
It's a disgrace that such a developed country like the UK should make exceptions to allow religious slaughter. Kosher and halal meat serves only to ensure that the animal died in the most painful way possible.
Can I also add that vegans should celebrated and not derided. I think it's great that it's taking off.
Grown meat in a lab will be the future and should relieve millions of animals from suffering. I still think religious types will insist on eating "real" meat, thereby ensuring the suffering continues.
The problem with that is where will those animals go? Who will look after them?
Dont worry. France, Spain and Italy will relieve us of the burden. The chances of those three countries going vegan are i think fairly slim.
But nick was saying grown meat is the future so I assume the rest of the developed world will do the same.
When's the next referendum?
Great post imo @bigstemarra
Nowt better than eating a nice bit of dead animal and chips covered in beef dripping
Fear not. Clean meat is on the way
Tell that to your heart, colon and bowel.
For all I know you could be a transgender, gender fluid, lentil eating social worker and if you are I'm cool with that.
We just need to love a little more and hate a little less.
I love all butchers.
Remember that the next time you buy some fruit and veg from the shops
Next time I eat an avocado I shall offer up a special thanks to you Rob. Bless you.