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KM lands new job with English football club (ed. Chef Wendy)



  • Well I've got a fairly good idea who wrote that.

    So this is all members only now?
  • What was the response to Gordon Watson's post?
  • Uboat said:

    What was the response to Gordon Watson's post?

    A load of Megson faces.
  • Talal said:

    So funny that the threads about her have gone. It's started....

    Yes the one I was reading last night has deffo gone. I think we should try to have a chat with the admin guy on Owlstalk who posted up the vids and everything. I can see that there is a user on here with the handle @owlstalk (but banned!) . There was also one @owlsonlineadmin but that might be a a different board.

    I know some people here are not well disposed towards that group of fans, (and clearly in some cases its mutual) but from what I saw on the Owlstalk thread, it's much like on here, the vast majority seemed decent and want the same things for their club as we do for ours. If it is true that he has had to delete that thread, for the reasons we suspect, that is simply outrageous (as I saw nothing there that was remotely libellous or abusive), and we should help them resist.
    The thread is still there, they just moved it to a different part of the forum.
  • Talal said:

    So funny that the threads about her have gone. It's started....

    Yes the one I was reading last night has deffo gone. I think we should try to have a chat with the admin guy on Owlstalk who posted up the vids and everything. I can see that there is a user on here with the handle @owlstalk (but banned!) . There was also one @owlsonlineadmin but that might be a a different board.

    I know some people here are not well disposed towards that group of fans, (and clearly in some cases its mutual) but from what I saw on the Owlstalk thread, it's much like on here, the vast majority seemed decent and want the same things for their club as we do for ours. If it is true that he has had to delete that thread, for the reasons we suspect, that is simply outrageous (as I saw nothing there that was remotely libellous or abusive), and we should help them resist.
    The thread is still there, they just moved it to a different part of the forum.
    Members only.
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  • doesn't sound like he'll be around long..
  • It’s obviously Sheffield Wednesday - Keeping Pig theme alive.

    Good call.
  • Fuck all this niceness , she was utter shit , clueless beyond belief
    As a match sponsor over several years and having done a couple under this regime (she’s the only CEO who didn’t make an effort with us as sponsors )
    When I emailed her a couple of times telling her the reasons for me pulling out of match sponsorship and mascot stuff for my kids , there was no response .
    Years back when I attempted to leave Valley Gold Steve Dixon rang me up to talk me back in .
    Reg Varney sent emails thanking me etc
    Even the Geordie Smiler made and effort to meet us sponsors .
    That lazy back and front , nothing .
    As someone who hates people it’s not a problem but when she’s supposed to be the face of a football club she has to have more people skills than silly girl smiles.

    Anyway she has been involved ,at the top end of our club , which led to my group of 20 disintegrating to just me and my 4 boys going , so we’ve missed out on family and friends time together .
    Yes they all chose not to go and I respect them thoroughly , if I wasn’t brainwashing my boys I’d have definitely done the same.
    Not bought any merchandise or beer or food in the ground for over 2 years , it’s a pain in the arse but I’d consider myself highly principled when these chancers turn up at ours taking the vinegar piss out of us .

    She can go wherever but I dislike that she was involved in me missing out on memories that we can’t get back and I can’t wait to have my boys niece and nephews mascots and going to The Valley regularly again, hopefully mates and their kids will return .

    Bollox to all the niceties and apologists sticking up for this self promoting twunt .

    If anyone has met Fanny Fanackapan a nicer lady you couldn’t meet and that lazy cow stopped her from being involved in the aborted player of the year evening because she didn’t like being criticised , well piss off as well you sad blinkered lame ducks

    The witch is leaving the building, good riddance to bad rubbish departing our beloved football club .

    and on the other hand...
  • There are some great posts on there. Apologies if others have quoted these already:

    "I’m afraid we’re finding out what it’s like to be owned by someone who bought a football club as a hobby for his son. #swfc"

    "Appointment Charltons nightmare CEO✅"

    "It's been clear we've need a CEO for quite some time to assist the inexperienced Chairman.

    So the inexperienced Chairman brings in a CEO that had fans rioting weekly in the car park at Charlton #swfc "
  • Bet Morgan Fox is thrilled hahaha

    I read that as 'Megan Fox' and struggled to see the connection.
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  • edited January 2018
    I hope there's some redemption for her...
    and better times for us.

  • Best present Sheffield United fans have ever had !
  • N01R4M said:

    londonowl said:

    Well, that's f****d it.

    I know that we are not the most popular with you lot (or any lot come to think of it!) but please, spare a thought for us this New Year.

    Our Chairman spat his dummy out when he had to sack our manager and said he would start to run us 'as a business'. Looks like he is teaching us a lesson. I hadn't realised that we had to be eternally grateful for paying some of the highest ticket prices in division and yet weren't allowed an opinion.

    We are currently charging around £40k a year for Corporate Boxes (they are all empty because the chairman basically doubled the price overnight) and has accused local businesses of only supporting the club in the past because they were 'getting something for nothing'.

    I won't bore you with our troubles, you've had enough of your own but you never know, you may have just got lucky and passed on the baton!

    For your sake, @londonowl I sincerely hope Katrien has - in the words of her annual mantra - learned from her mistakes. But somehow, I doubt it.

    If I'm right, and things go pear-shaped with her in charge at SWFC, you may wish to learn from our experience and encourage female supporters to mobilise. This really did counter the regime's assertions that the protests were just a manifestation of sexism and misogyny in a way they found unanswerable.
    KM will never take criticism - she is severely deluded. Will always play the victim rather than accept she's arrogant and inept.
  • @londonowl any problems mate contact the @EFL on Twitter. They'll help you with all your enquiries! ;)
  • We've all seen this but it seems plenty (especially Wednesday fans) are seeing it for the first time.

  • If Sheff Wendies apoint Lambert as gaffer Katrien won't understand a word he is saying. I mean I can't understand a word he saysmyself. So what hope does Katrien have? I can just about understand Sir Alex or Kenny Dalglish but not Lambert.
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