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The influence of the EU on Britain.



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    Rothko said:

    Rothko said:

    Cohen is right on Corbyn, old Jez believes in Socialism in one country, and if that means the country is badly badly damaged, to get that, then great.

    And this is the thing him and Milne will love

    Why will they love that?
    It as Cohen pointed out, they want as much damage done, so people turn to the hard left, this is just the start
    Sorry I have missed that, what Cohen said that and where did they say it?

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    Rothko said:
    Ta. If Corbyn is a Marxist-Leninist he has to be just about the worst one in history. Which I guess would chime with the view of those that think he is crap at everything.

    Cohen, who likes a bit of anti-left sensationalism, uses this quote. “When someone shows you who they are, believe them,” (Maya Angelou) as if to justify his own article. What exactly does that mean? What has Corbyn shown us that he is? When has he ever argued for economic collapse? His policies are barely to the left of Ed Miliband!

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    se9addick said:

    Apropos of the visa thing coming in, and for no other reason than I was bored, has anyone on here visited the entire 27 other countries in the EU?

    After a quick count up I reckon I've visited 14 of them plus Norway and Switzerland.

    Been to 18 of the non UK 27, plus Iceland, Bosnia and Russia on the fringe of the EU. Also Monaco - does that count?
    I’ve been to 18 too, missing some of the smaller ones.
    I am only missing Estonia (really want to go) and Malta (really want us to kick them out, gangster run, money-laundering, journalist-murdering useless piece of rock)

    Ooh we have a new leader...

    se9addick said:

    Apropos of the visa thing coming in, and for no other reason than I was bored, has anyone on here visited the entire 27 other countries in the EU?

    After a quick count up I reckon I've visited 14 of them plus Norway and Switzerland.

    Been to 18 of the non UK 27, plus Iceland, Bosnia and Russia on the fringe of the EU. Also Monaco - does that count?
    I’ve been to 18 too, missing some of the smaller ones.
    I am only missing Estonia (really want to go) and Malta (really want us to kick them out, gangster run, money-laundering, journalist-murdering useless piece of rock)

    Ooh we have a new leader...
    Doh! Ok, maybe I can beat Prague on wider Europe (40 visited) or the world (63).
    The world, almost certainly. I sort of retreated from long distance travel. I'll have a think about rest of Europe, but I don't think i can make 40. BTW, where does "Europe" end for you? Turkey counts I guess, but not Russia?

    Edit: Confession. I forgot one other EU country I haven't visited, and this is very embarrassing. It is Ireland :-)

    Re other European countries I can only add Norway Switzerland, Serbia and Turkey. I think, though, that the night sleeper from Zurich to Prague passes through Liechtenstein - thats what my phone told me anyway, so I'll take that:-)

    are there really as many as 40 European countries?

    Yes, I counted Turkey and didn't count Russia.

    I may be wrong but I make it 44 nation-states in Europe.

    That is the 28 EU nations plus 15 others that I have visited:

    Andorra, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Monaco, San Marino, Switzerland, Turkey, Vatican City, Ukraine, Macedonia, Albania, Montenegro, Bosnia, Belarus, Moldova

    and one that I haven't: Serbia
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    One of the only really good things about Liechtenstein is that it takes you 10 minutes to drive through it and out of it.
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    One of the only really good things about Liechtenstein is that it takes you 10 minutes to drive through it and out of it.

    No, it's a really bad thing. In 1991 when I was hitching to Eastern Europe, an attractive hairdresser picked me up and drove me across Liechtenstein. If she'd driven me across Germany, I may have had a chance but ten minutes was not long enough to charm her.
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    One of the only really good things about Liechtenstein is that it takes you 10 minutes to drive through it and out of it.

    No, it's a really bad thing. In 1991 when I was hitching to Eastern Europe, an attractive hairdresser picked me up and drove me across Liechtenstein. If she'd driven me across Germany, I may have had a chance but ten minutes was not long enough to charm her.
    Can't resist asking, Captain, did you eventually marry one of these foreign girlfriends? :-)

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    Looks like one of the Grauniad subs has got a transfer to the Daily Express's social media section.
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    Sounds like porject faer
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    Unexpected source for that sort of headline, express has been banging the drum pretty hard for just getting out, deal or no
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    Ok- what of these has any hope of getting the numbers to be agreed by the House of Commons:

    ERG Hard Brexit, May's deal, Labour's Customs Union Brexit, Another election, No Brexit at all, Another vote.

    Do the maths yourselves. But my maths says that as soon as you remove the election option which will happen at some point, the numbers are there for the final one. If that is the only one the numbers are there for, it is what is going to happen isn't it?

    No need to do anything but leave. For the past 2 years TM & her cabinet said.."no deal is better than a bad deal...". If her deal is a bad one (And everyone in the HOC says it is) them just leave without one. It is not hard is it. Jeez.
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    Ok- what of these has any hope of getting the numbers to be agreed by the House of Commons:

    ERG Hard Brexit, May's deal, Labour's Customs Union Brexit, Another election, No Brexit at all, Another vote.

    Do the maths yourselves. But my maths says that as soon as you remove the election option which will happen at some point, the numbers are there for the final one. If that is the only one the numbers are there for, it is what is going to happen isn't it?

    No need to do anything but leave. For the past 2 years TM & her cabinet said.."no deal is better than a bad deal...". If her deal is a bad one (And everyone in the HOC says it is) them just leave without one. It is not hard is it. Jeez.
    How will borders operate once the UK has left?
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    In a Deal vs No Deal ref, I spoil my ballot.

    If we don't leave the EU I will be spoiling my ballot paper for evermore.......simply writing LIARS & CHEATS every time.

    Just fecking leave. OK.
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    seth plum said:

    Ok- what of these has any hope of getting the numbers to be agreed by the House of Commons:

    ERG Hard Brexit, May's deal, Labour's Customs Union Brexit, Another election, No Brexit at all, Another vote.

    Do the maths yourselves. But my maths says that as soon as you remove the election option which will happen at some point, the numbers are there for the final one. If that is the only one the numbers are there for, it is what is going to happen isn't it?

    No need to do anything but leave. For the past 2 years TM & her cabinet said.."no deal is better than a bad deal...". If her deal is a bad one (And everyone in the HOC says it is) them just leave without one. It is not hard is it. Jeez.
    How will borders operate once the UK has left?
    No idea. Ask the EU......they seem to have all the answers.
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    In a Deal vs No Deal ref, I spoil my ballot.

    If we don't leave the EU I will be spoiling my ballot paper for evermore.......simply writing LIARS & CHEATS every time.

    Just fecking leave. OK.
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    Ok- what of these has any hope of getting the numbers to be agreed by the House of Commons:

    ERG Hard Brexit, May's deal, Labour's Customs Union Brexit, Another election, No Brexit at all, Another vote.

    Do the maths yourselves. But my maths says that as soon as you remove the election option which will happen at some point, the numbers are there for the final one. If that is the only one the numbers are there for, it is what is going to happen isn't it?

    No need to do anything but leave. For the past 2 years TM & her cabinet said.."no deal is better than a bad deal...". If her deal is a bad one (And everyone in the HOC says it is) them just leave without one. It is not hard is it. Jeez.
    And for the past two years, lots of people have been pointing out that "no deal is better than a bad deal" was bullshit. You might want to have a look at the video in this tweet to see how hard it's going to be for just one industry. While they may be particularly badly hit, they aren't the only ones by any means.

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    No deal is a bad deal. It’s about as meaningless a slogan as Brexit means Brexit.
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    Rothko said:
    Ta. If Corbyn is a Marxist-Leninist he has to be just about the worst one in history. Which I guess would chime with the view of those that think he is crap at everything.

    Cohen, who likes a bit of anti-left sensationalism, uses this quote. “When someone shows you who they are, believe them,” (Maya Angelou) as if to justify his own article. What exactly does that mean? What has Corbyn shown us that he is? When has he ever argued for economic collapse? His policies are barely to the left of Ed Miliband!

    This ! You cannot judge JC on what he said in 1980 any more can you do so with a Tory member of the Bullingdon Club from the same period

    People grow , develop , change to current circumstances, and I dare say mature. Also and critically politicians campaign in poetry and govern in prose . The Labour manifesto which unlike the tory non existent one laid out a policy suite that was broadly centre left.

    The last 35 years has seen a huge shift to the right and JC et al are a natural readjustment in British political life
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    It is strange that the better brother (understatement of the year) is not even mentioned in that context. Mind you, everything is strange right now!
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    Huskaris said:

    I would love to see Jo Johnson become PM, just to laugh at Boris. Jo certainly seems to have a lot more integrity although that's not saying a lot.

    What sort of politican would steal his brothers job?
    How would Jo Johnson becoming PM be “stealing” his brothers job?
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    edited December 2018
    To be honest, he is a strong Remainer and has no hope of getting the job. I agree that he seems like a decent bloke though.
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