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The influence of the EU on Britain.



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    If brexit voters knew what they were voting for, I think it is the case that Theresa May has negotiated precisely what brexit voters wanted and expected.
    During the process the EU has been steadfastly itself which has helped brexiters to be able to rely on their consistency whilst the UK sorts itself out.
    If any brexit supporters feel they have been betrayed, perhaps they could explain in precise detail how, and explain in precise detail what they would do, so their ideas can be held up to scrutiny.
    The UK is past the point where anybody can say 'I know what I don't want, but don't know what I do want, and I don't know how to get it'. The politicians have done your bidding.
    As a remainer personally I think any deal is terrible, but I didn't vote for it.
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    Ah so @southbank has finally blown the Soros dogwhistle.

    Right then mate, I'll let you in on something. I'm a beneficiary of George Soros. To the tune of €1500.

    What did I do with this money? Did I use this wall of money to set about subverting Czech or UK democracy to help him make more billions (as the alt.right would suppose and suggest).?

    Well. I used it to set up the Czech version of the WhatDoTheyKnow website. The website used to force for example the full disclosure of the West Ham Olympic Stadium contract. The website that could assist you in getting information that would help you uncover whether George Soros had clandestinely contributed funds to some public body.

    As a result of this I joined a community comprising some of the most wonderful people I have ever met. For example in Hungary the people who run the same FOI site have for their troubles been raided, physically threatened by police and shadowy private persons, had their computers taken, been subjected to spurious intimidating tax audits..for running a website which helps people use an active law to seek information about their own public bodies.

    This is the sort of thing Soros' Open Society Fund does. You can easily go to their website and see what they do. I somehow doubt you will like it. But you will struggle to demonstrate that it is anti-democratic. It gives voice to the weak, the under-represented, the discriminated against. I think that is something a mature, self-confident democracy welcomes.

    So I'd think twice before blowing that particular dogwhistle here, if I were you...

    Fucking thank you. I was getting increasingly concerned this dog whistle anti semitism was going unopposed.

    Anyone spouting the Soros line, especially designating him as an “other” (elite in this case) is anti Semitic. Which is the main problem I have with calling some one the “elite”. It’s empty, and relies on conspiracy theories.

    Soros, Banks, Murdoch, all take a shit and fart and are human beings, they may be unpleasant and sociopathic but they’re not worldwide puppet masters.
  • Options

    Ah so @southbank has finally blown the Soros dogwhistle.

    Right then mate, I'll let you in on something. I'm a beneficiary of George Soros. To the tune of €1500.

    What did I do with this money? Did I use this wall of money to set about subverting Czech or UK democracy to help him make more billions (as the alt.right would suppose and suggest).?

    Well. I used it to set up the Czech version of the WhatDoTheyKnow website. The website used to force for example the full disclosure of the West Ham Olympic Stadium contract. The website that could assist you in getting information that would help you uncover whether George Soros had clandestinely contributed funds to some public body.

    As a result of this I joined a community comprising some of the most wonderful people I have ever met. For example in Hungary the people who run the same FOI site have for their troubles been raided, physically threatened by police and shadowy private persons, had their computers taken, been subjected to spurious intimidating tax audits..for running a website which helps people use an active law to seek information about their own public bodies.

    This is the sort of thing Soros' Open Society Fund does. You can easily go to their website and see what they do. I somehow doubt you will like it. But you will struggle to demonstrate that it is anti-democratic. It gives voice to the weak, the under-represented, the discriminated against. I think that is something a mature, self-confident democracy welcomes.

    So I'd think twice before blowing that particular dogwhistle here, if I were you...

    Fucking thank you. I was getting increasingly concerned this dog whistle anti semitism was going unopposed.

    Anyone spouting the Soros line, especially designating him as an “other” (elite in this case) is anti Semitic. Which is the main problem I have with calling some one the “elite”. It’s empty, and relies on conspiracy theories.

    Soros, Banks, Murdoch, all take a shit and fart and are human beings, they may be unpleasant and sociopathic but they’re not worldwide puppet masters.
    What on earth are you talking about?
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    This is the simple, calm clarity we voted for.
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    CAFCsayer said:

    Ah so @southbank has finally blown the Soros dogwhistle.

    Right then mate, I'll let you in on something. I'm a beneficiary of George Soros. To the tune of €1500.

    What did I do with this money? Did I use this wall of money to set about subverting Czech or UK democracy to help him make more billions (as the alt.right would suppose and suggest).?

    Well. I used it to set up the Czech version of the WhatDoTheyKnow website. The website used to force for example the full disclosure of the West Ham Olympic Stadium contract. The website that could assist you in getting information that would help you uncover whether George Soros had clandestinely contributed funds to some public body.

    As a result of this I joined a community comprising some of the most wonderful people I have ever met. For example in Hungary the people who run the same FOI site have for their troubles been raided, physically threatened by police and shadowy private persons, had their computers taken, been subjected to spurious intimidating tax audits..for running a website which helps people use an active law to seek information about their own public bodies.

    This is the sort of thing Soros' Open Society Fund does. You can easily go to their website and see what they do. I somehow doubt you will like it. But you will struggle to demonstrate that it is anti-democratic. It gives voice to the weak, the under-represented, the discriminated against. I think that is something a mature, self-confident democracy welcomes.

    So I'd think twice before blowing that particular dogwhistle here, if I were you...

    Fucking thank you. I was getting increasingly concerned this dog whistle anti semitism was going unopposed.

    Anyone spouting the Soros line, especially designating him as an “other” (elite in this case) is anti Semitic. Which is the main problem I have with calling some one the “elite”. It’s empty, and relies on conspiracy theories.

    Soros, Banks, Murdoch, all take a shit and fart and are human beings, they may be unpleasant and sociopathic but they’re not worldwide puppet masters.
    What on earth are you talking about?
    Maybe read about the history of anti semitism. You might learn about something called the holocaust, Shylock in the merchant of Venice. The idea that there is a bunch of rich Jews controlling everything. You know, that kind of thing.
    I know the history of antisemitism, thanks. The guy is using his financial clout in a political setting. I dont, have a problem with that, but to call someone an anti-semite purely for pointing out that he is doing so, is laughable.
  • Options

    CAFCsayer said:

    Ah so @southbank has finally blown the Soros dogwhistle.

    Right then mate, I'll let you in on something. I'm a beneficiary of George Soros. To the tune of €1500.

    What did I do with this money? Did I use this wall of money to set about subverting Czech or UK democracy to help him make more billions (as the alt.right would suppose and suggest).?

    Well. I used it to set up the Czech version of the WhatDoTheyKnow website. The website used to force for example the full disclosure of the West Ham Olympic Stadium contract. The website that could assist you in getting information that would help you uncover whether George Soros had clandestinely contributed funds to some public body.

    As a result of this I joined a community comprising some of the most wonderful people I have ever met. For example in Hungary the people who run the same FOI site have for their troubles been raided, physically threatened by police and shadowy private persons, had their computers taken, been subjected to spurious intimidating tax audits..for running a website which helps people use an active law to seek information about their own public bodies.

    This is the sort of thing Soros' Open Society Fund does. You can easily go to their website and see what they do. I somehow doubt you will like it. But you will struggle to demonstrate that it is anti-democratic. It gives voice to the weak, the under-represented, the discriminated against. I think that is something a mature, self-confident democracy welcomes.

    So I'd think twice before blowing that particular dogwhistle here, if I were you...

    Fucking thank you. I was getting increasingly concerned this dog whistle anti semitism was going unopposed.

    Anyone spouting the Soros line, especially designating him as an “other” (elite in this case) is anti Semitic. Which is the main problem I have with calling some one the “elite”. It’s empty, and relies on conspiracy theories.

    Soros, Banks, Murdoch, all take a shit and fart and are human beings, they may be unpleasant and sociopathic but they’re not worldwide puppet masters.
    What on earth are you talking about?
    Maybe read about the history of anti semitism. You might learn about something called the holocaust, Shylock in the merchant of Venice. The idea that there is a bunch of rich Jews controlling everything. You know, that kind of thing.
    So it's impossible to criticize him without being an anti semite? Beyond ridiculous.
    Sure, but criticise him but not banks, murdoch etc? Sounds a bit fishy
  • Options

    CAFCsayer said:

    Ah so @southbank has finally blown the Soros dogwhistle.

    Right then mate, I'll let you in on something. I'm a beneficiary of George Soros. To the tune of €1500.

    What did I do with this money? Did I use this wall of money to set about subverting Czech or UK democracy to help him make more billions (as the alt.right would suppose and suggest).?

    Well. I used it to set up the Czech version of the WhatDoTheyKnow website. The website used to force for example the full disclosure of the West Ham Olympic Stadium contract. The website that could assist you in getting information that would help you uncover whether George Soros had clandestinely contributed funds to some public body.

    As a result of this I joined a community comprising some of the most wonderful people I have ever met. For example in Hungary the people who run the same FOI site have for their troubles been raided, physically threatened by police and shadowy private persons, had their computers taken, been subjected to spurious intimidating tax audits..for running a website which helps people use an active law to seek information about their own public bodies.

    This is the sort of thing Soros' Open Society Fund does. You can easily go to their website and see what they do. I somehow doubt you will like it. But you will struggle to demonstrate that it is anti-democratic. It gives voice to the weak, the under-represented, the discriminated against. I think that is something a mature, self-confident democracy welcomes.

    So I'd think twice before blowing that particular dogwhistle here, if I were you...

    Fucking thank you. I was getting increasingly concerned this dog whistle anti semitism was going unopposed.

    Anyone spouting the Soros line, especially designating him as an “other” (elite in this case) is anti Semitic. Which is the main problem I have with calling some one the “elite”. It’s empty, and relies on conspiracy theories.

    Soros, Banks, Murdoch, all take a shit and fart and are human beings, they may be unpleasant and sociopathic but they’re not worldwide puppet masters.
    What on earth are you talking about?
    Maybe read about the history of anti semitism. You might learn about something called the holocaust, Shylock in the merchant of Venice. The idea that there is a bunch of rich Jews controlling everything. You know, that kind of thing.
    So it's impossible to criticize him without being an anti semite? Beyond ridiculous.
    Sure, but criticise him but not banks, murdoch etc? Sounds a bit fishy
    The difference is that Banks and Murdoch are not, currently, financing an attempt to reverse Brexit (although they may both be coming round to it). Don't worry, I have plenty of criticisms of both.

    As for the Soros anti-Semitism slur, do you hold back from criticising Philip Green because he is Jewish?
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    So Murdoch and Banks are allowed to interfere in our democracy but Soros isn't? Still trying to see your logic here.
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    As if Boris's credibility wasn't at a low following his failure to be one of the 48, he is now sporting a comb-over.
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    CAFCsayer said:

    CAFCsayer said:

    Ah so @southbank has finally blown the Soros dogwhistle.

    Right then mate, I'll let you in on something. I'm a beneficiary of George Soros. To the tune of €1500.

    What did I do with this money? Did I use this wall of money to set about subverting Czech or UK democracy to help him make more billions (as the alt.right would suppose and suggest).?

    Well. I used it to set up the Czech version of the WhatDoTheyKnow website. The website used to force for example the full disclosure of the West Ham Olympic Stadium contract. The website that could assist you in getting information that would help you uncover whether George Soros had clandestinely contributed funds to some public body.

    As a result of this I joined a community comprising some of the most wonderful people I have ever met. For example in Hungary the people who run the same FOI site have for their troubles been raided, physically threatened by police and shadowy private persons, had their computers taken, been subjected to spurious intimidating tax audits..for running a website which helps people use an active law to seek information about their own public bodies.

    This is the sort of thing Soros' Open Society Fund does. You can easily go to their website and see what they do. I somehow doubt you will like it. But you will struggle to demonstrate that it is anti-democratic. It gives voice to the weak, the under-represented, the discriminated against. I think that is something a mature, self-confident democracy welcomes.

    So I'd think twice before blowing that particular dogwhistle here, if I were you...

    Fucking thank you. I was getting increasingly concerned this dog whistle anti semitism was going unopposed.

    Anyone spouting the Soros line, especially designating him as an “other” (elite in this case) is anti Semitic. Which is the main problem I have with calling some one the “elite”. It’s empty, and relies on conspiracy theories.

    Soros, Banks, Murdoch, all take a shit and fart and are human beings, they may be unpleasant and sociopathic but they’re not worldwide puppet masters.
    What on earth are you talking about?
    Maybe read about the history of anti semitism. You might learn about something called the holocaust, Shylock in the merchant of Venice. The idea that there is a bunch of rich Jews controlling everything. You know, that kind of thing.
    I know the history of antisemitism, thanks. The guy is using his financial clout in a political setting. I dont, have a problem with that, but to call someone an anti-semite purely for pointing out that he is doing so, is laughable.
    You should take a look at the exact way he is being attacked in Hungary, his home country, and in the US. And by the way do you think that helping people set up websites which assist people in making a Freedom of Information request, is "political"? Or a grant for NGOs that help ethnic minorities who struggle in a given country? Or a grant that helps support investigative journalism?

    And what about Soros supposed bad crime against Britain ? You know, "breaking the pound" as the average person reads and parrots back. I think you of all people will struggle to assert that this was so bad. But then for 25 years nobody had much to say about Soros either way, despite him setting up OSF and similar foundations gradullay over that period. Despite Central European Uni functioning just fine in Budapest until Orban came along. Funny, that, huh?
  • Options

    Ah so @southbank has finally blown the Soros dogwhistle.

    Right then mate, I'll let you in on something. I'm a beneficiary of George Soros. To the tune of €1500.

    What did I do with this money? Did I use this wall of money to set about subverting Czech or UK democracy to help him make more billions (as the alt.right would suppose and suggest).?

    Well. I used it to set up the Czech version of the WhatDoTheyKnow website. The website used to force for example the full disclosure of the West Ham Olympic Stadium contract. The website that could assist you in getting information that would help you uncover whether George Soros had clandestinely contributed funds to some public body.

    As a result of this I joined a community comprising some of the most wonderful people I have ever met. For example in Hungary the people who run the same FOI site have for their troubles been raided, physically threatened by police and shadowy private persons, had their computers taken, been subjected to spurious intimidating tax audits..for running a website which helps people use an active law to seek information about their own public bodies.

    This is the sort of thing Soros' Open Society Fund does. You can easily go to their website and see what they do. I somehow doubt you will like it. But you will struggle to demonstrate that it is anti-democratic. It gives voice to the weak, the under-represented, the discriminated against. I think that is something a mature, self-confident democracy welcomes.

    So I'd think twice before blowing that particular dogwhistle here, if I were you...

    Fucking thank you. I was getting increasingly concerned this dog whistle anti semitism was going unopposed.

    Anyone spouting the Soros line, especially designating him as an “other” (elite in this case) is anti Semitic. Which is the main problem I have with calling some one the “elite”. It’s empty, and relies on conspiracy theories.

    Soros, Banks, Murdoch, all take a shit and fart and are human beings, they may be unpleasant and sociopathic but they’re not worldwide puppet masters.
    Is this a joke?

    Wasn’t aware Soros was Jewish and not should I have. Doesn’t make any difference at all to the fact that he is an individual prepared to bring down or develop entire countries using his money as long as it fulfils the main requirement which is to increase the amount of money/power he has. Same goes for loads of people in that boat, Murdocch, Barclay brothers, Jamie dimon, lord ashcroft etc

    Can’t see it is anti-Semitic at all unless soros is particularly being targeted for being Jewish which wasn’t obvious to me.
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    edited November 2018

    Ah so @southbank has finally blown the Soros dogwhistle.

    Right then mate, I'll let you in on something. I'm a beneficiary of George Soros. To the tune of €1500.

    What did I do with this money? Did I use this wall of money to set about subverting Czech or UK democracy to help him make more billions (as the alt.right would suppose and suggest).?

    Well. I used it to set up the Czech version of the WhatDoTheyKnow website. The website used to force for example the full disclosure of the West Ham Olympic Stadium contract. The website that could assist you in getting information that would help you uncover whether George Soros had clandestinely contributed funds to some public body.

    As a result of this I joined a community comprising some of the most wonderful people I have ever met. For example in Hungary the people who run the same FOI site have for their troubles been raided, physically threatened by police and shadowy private persons, had their computers taken, been subjected to spurious intimidating tax audits..for running a website which helps people use an active law to seek information about their own public bodies.

    This is the sort of thing Soros' Open Society Fund does. You can easily go to their website and see what they do. I somehow doubt you will like it. But you will struggle to demonstrate that it is anti-democratic. It gives voice to the weak, the under-represented, the discriminated against. I think that is something a mature, self-confident democracy welcomes.

    So I'd think twice before blowing that particular dogwhistle here, if I were you...

    Fucking thank you. I was getting increasingly concerned this dog whistle anti semitism was going unopposed.

    Anyone spouting the Soros line, especially designating him as an “other” (elite in this case) is anti Semitic. Which is the main problem I have with calling some one the “elite”. It’s empty, and relies on conspiracy theories.

    Soros, Banks, Murdoch, all take a shit and fart and are human beings, they may be unpleasant and sociopathic but they’re not worldwide puppet masters.
    Is this a joke?

    Wasn’t aware Soros was Jewish and not should I have. Doesn’t make any difference at all to the fact that he is an individual prepared to bring down or develop entire countries using his money as long as it fulfils the main requirement which is to increase the amount of money/power he has. Same goes for loads of people in that boat, Murdocch, Barclay brothers, Jamie dimon, lord ashcroft etc

    Can’t see it is anti-Semitic at all unless soros is particularly being targeted for being Jewish which wasn’t obvious to me.
    Surprised that you are the author of that post. Might I ask you to consider my posts above on Soros, and then tell me why he is so bad, and specifically where's the evidence that he has done the things you claim, and in the name of the objective you assign to him. Bear in mind that he is 87. Eighty-fucking-seven...

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    Perhaps I have misremembered him as the guy who deliberately made hundreds of millions of dollars forcing the UK out of the ERM?

    Never really liked him after that (if I have indeed got the same bloke)
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    Nope, same guy.

    This was what I was thinking of when I wrote the post.
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    Ah so @southbank has finally blown the Soros dogwhistle.

    Right then mate, I'll let you in on something. I'm a beneficiary of George Soros. To the tune of €1500.

    What did I do with this money? Did I use this wall of money to set about subverting Czech or UK democracy to help him make more billions (as the alt.right would suppose and suggest).?

    Well. I used it to set up the Czech version of the WhatDoTheyKnow website. The website used to force for example the full disclosure of the West Ham Olympic Stadium contract. The website that could assist you in getting information that would help you uncover whether George Soros had clandestinely contributed funds to some public body.

    As a result of this I joined a community comprising some of the most wonderful people I have ever met. For example in Hungary the people who run the same FOI site have for their troubles been raided, physically threatened by police and shadowy private persons, had their computers taken, been subjected to spurious intimidating tax audits..for running a website which helps people use an active law to seek information about their own public bodies.

    This is the sort of thing Soros' Open Society Fund does. You can easily go to their website and see what they do. I somehow doubt you will like it. But you will struggle to demonstrate that it is anti-democratic. It gives voice to the weak, the under-represented, the discriminated against. I think that is something a mature, self-confident democracy welcomes.

    So I'd think twice before blowing that particular dogwhistle here, if I were you...

    Fucking thank you. I was getting increasingly concerned this dog whistle anti semitism was going unopposed.

    Anyone spouting the Soros line, especially designating him as an “other” (elite in this case) is anti Semitic. Which is the main problem I have with calling some one the “elite”. It’s empty, and relies on conspiracy theories.

    Soros, Banks, Murdoch, all take a shit and fart and are human beings, they may be unpleasant and sociopathic but they’re not worldwide puppet masters.
    Is this a joke?

    Wasn’t aware Soros was Jewish and not should I have. Doesn’t make any difference at all to the fact that he is an individual prepared to bring down or develop entire countries using his money as long as it fulfils the main requirement which is to increase the amount of money/power he has. Same goes for loads of people in that boat, Murdocch, Barclay brothers, Jamie dimon, lord ashcroft etc

    Can’t see it is anti-Semitic at all unless soros is particularly being targeted for being Jewish which wasn’t obvious to me.
    Surprised that you are the author of that post. Might I ask you to consider my posts above on Soros, and then tell me why he is so bad, and specifically where's the evidence that he has done the thing's you claim, and in the name of the objective you assign to him. Bear in mind that he is 87. Eighty-fucking-seven...

    But I read some tweets from NotARussianBot784872728 saying that he was howwible.
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    edited November 2018

    Nope, same guy.

    This was what I was thinking of when I wrote the post.

    For some reason I think you work in finance (a very generic description of course).

    Would you like to explain how his actions in 1992 were uniquely evil, and have never been carried out by any other lovely hedge fund managers )other than the reason that they didn't have his financial clout)?

    And would you like to explain why all the stuff he does now - the object of so much vitriolic criticism - is so bad? Should I pay back my €1500 in shame?

    Anyone? What is so uniquely bad about George Soros? Let's be avin yer...

  • Options

    Nope, same guy.

    This was what I was thinking of when I wrote the post.

    For some reason I think you work in finance (a very generic description of course).

    Would you like to explain how his actions in 1992 were uniquely evil, and have never been carried out by any other lovely hedge fund managers )other than the reason that they didn't have his financial clout)?

    And would you like to explain why all the stuff he does now - the object of so much vitriolic criticism - is so bad? Should I pay back my €1500 in shame?

    Anyone? What is so uniquely bad about George Soros? Let's be avin yer...

    Foreigner innit.

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    Funny when people whinge about Soros hedging against the UK in the 1990s but don't mind that half the Tories in the ERG are openly doing the same thing.
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    Nope, same guy.

    This was what I was thinking of when I wrote the post.

    For some reason I think you work in finance (a very generic description of course).

    Would you like to explain how his actions in 1992 were uniquely evil, and have never been carried out by any other lovely hedge fund managers )other than the reason that they didn't have his financial clout)?

    And would you like to explain why all the stuff he does now - the object of so much vitriolic criticism - is so bad? Should I pay back my €1500 in shame?

    Anyone? What is so uniquely bad about George Soros? Let's be avin yer...

    What are you on about?

    He isn’t uniquely bad, or uniquely good. He is someone who is prepared to bankrupt entire countries if that serves his personal interest. That was my point and I am really not sure why you are getting so wound up about that comment. Read it again. Not unique to him, as I think I said.

    Now he has made more money than he and his descendants can spend maybe he is trying to do some good, I have not been exposed to it but recognise you may have been an I have no issues with that at all.
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    Chizz said:
    Best news this year.
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    They wouldn’t dare.
This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!