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The influence of the EU on Britain.



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    edited March 2018

    seth plum said:

    Chizz said:

    Chaz Hill said:

    I spent a good deal of time around Chris Patten and the fragrant Lavendar, and I would imagine he would be the archetypal target of venom and hate from the left wedge on here.
    They were an unfailingly lovely, considerate couple in the few months I knew them so it's great he is getting some positive comments.

    They will be quoting Churchill next.
    Why? Has he slated your brexit poster boys too?
    Digging out old has been useless tory MPs is though. Patten was about as much use as a chocolate fire guard.
    Yeah. Unlike Boris Johnson, who has

    - never done a proper job in his life, unless you think editing a tiny right wing weekly mag is such.
    - Insulted individuals, ethnic groups and countries on a regular basis since he arrived in Parliament
    - wasted millions of pounds of YOUR money on the Garden Bridge, those buses, and the Olympic Stadium
    - in the case of the Stadium pushed through and signed off on a deal which threatens the commercial health of YOUR football club

    I think I'd choose a chocolate fire guard, if using it ensured that Boris Johnson retired from politics and focused on TV game shows.

    Next up, Dr Liam Fox....
    Now now mate, you know boris isn't a friend of mine... Didn't patten get a cosy little job too after he lost his seat in 92. He would have been better off staying there. His views are irrelevant.
    Well, as that particular cosy little job was Governor of Hong Kong, overseeing the handover to China, I'm not really certain that staying there was up to him, nor, necessarily whether it was either a cosy or, indeed, a little job.

    I would have thought that his views are as relevant as anyone else's, and possibly more relevant than most, which is why, perhaps, the news media asked him for his opinion.

    He is familiar with the issues in Northern Ireland, has experience of working in Westminster and Brussels, and has at least a passing knowledge (from when he was the UK's EU Commissioner, responsible for External Affairs) of how international negotiations work, and frequently don't....
    He had his day, and was in one of the most destructive evil governments and sat round the table that destroyed many lives. The thatcher years. He is irelevant now.
    Also in that government were Norman Tebbitt, John Redwood, Liam Fox, IDS, Norman Lamont, Peter Lilley, Michael Howard, and Nigel Lawson, but you lapped up all of their Brexit shit.
    And I do believe a certain N Farage was a Thatcher adoring Conservative during the period of that "destructive evil government".
    Good word WAS.
    I despise him. I am just surprised people who are supposed to be on the left and Labour supporters are sucking up to right wing Thatcher supporters.
    If you love Chris Patten so much plus as he knows about Irish issues, perhaps you can ask him to trundle down to Dublin and ask why they haven't removed any Russian diplomats yet. I mean they are our "friends" arnt they. Considering countries the other side of the world have done so.
    Ireland chucked out a Russian diplomat yesterday.
    Wow at last..should have been first not after nearly everyone else had done it.
    As a matter of interest, can I ask why?

    Like in any other independent state, the Irish Government was obliged to weigh up the claims and counter claims about the attack in Salisbury, and to then decide on appropriate action.

    Each sovereign state is entitled to make up its own mind in its own time and manner (though, as a member of the EU, the EU response also reflected the Irish position).

    I might point out that Ireland is a neutral country (reinforced by the repeat EU referendums, so beloved as inaccurate examples by many favouring Brexit, in recent times - where concessions had to be made in the Treaty texts and interpretations by the EU as a whole to reflect and accommodate Irish sensibilities), so can reasonably be expected to not to have to act as if it was a member of NATO.
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    seth plum said:

    Chizz said:

    Chaz Hill said:

    I spent a good deal of time around Chris Patten and the fragrant Lavendar, and I would imagine he would be the archetypal target of venom and hate from the left wedge on here.
    They were an unfailingly lovely, considerate couple in the few months I knew them so it's great he is getting some positive comments.

    They will be quoting Churchill next.
    Why? Has he slated your brexit poster boys too?
    Digging out old has been useless tory MPs is though. Patten was about as much use as a chocolate fire guard.
    Yeah. Unlike Boris Johnson, who has

    - never done a proper job in his life, unless you think editing a tiny right wing weekly mag is such.
    - Insulted individuals, ethnic groups and countries on a regular basis since he arrived in Parliament
    - wasted millions of pounds of YOUR money on the Garden Bridge, those buses, and the Olympic Stadium
    - in the case of the Stadium pushed through and signed off on a deal which threatens the commercial health of YOUR football club

    I think I'd choose a chocolate fire guard, if using it ensured that Boris Johnson retired from politics and focused on TV game shows.

    Next up, Dr Liam Fox....
    Now now mate, you know boris isn't a friend of mine... Didn't patten get a cosy little job too after he lost his seat in 92. He would have been better off staying there. His views are irrelevant.
    Well, as that particular cosy little job was Governor of Hong Kong, overseeing the handover to China, I'm not really certain that staying there was up to him, nor, necessarily whether it was either a cosy or, indeed, a little job.

    I would have thought that his views are as relevant as anyone else's, and possibly more relevant than most, which is why, perhaps, the news media asked him for his opinion.

    He is familiar with the issues in Northern Ireland, has experience of working in Westminster and Brussels, and has at least a passing knowledge (from when he was the UK's EU Commissioner, responsible for External Affairs) of how international negotiations work, and frequently don't....
    He had his day, and was in one of the most destructive evil governments and sat round the table that destroyed many lives. The thatcher years. He is irelevant now.
    Also in that government were Norman Tebbitt, John Redwood, Liam Fox, IDS, Norman Lamont, Peter Lilley, Michael Howard, and Nigel Lawson, but you lapped up all of their Brexit shit.
    And I do believe a certain N Farage was a Thatcher adoring Conservative during the period of that "destructive evil government".
    Good word WAS.
    I despise him. I am just surprised people who are supposed to be on the left and Labour supporters are sucking up to right wing Thatcher supporters.
    If you love Chris Patten so much plus as he knows about Irish issues, perhaps you can ask him to trundle down to Dublin and ask why they haven't removed any Russian diplomats yet. I mean they are our "friends" arnt they. Considering countries the other side of the world have done so.
    Ireland chucked out a Russian diplomat yesterday.
    Wow at last..should have been first not after nearly everyone else had done it.
    The inability of people to just say "sorry, I was wrong" is incredible.
  • Options
    edited March 2018
    se9addick said:

    seth plum said:

    Chizz said:

    Chaz Hill said:

    I spent a good deal of time around Chris Patten and the fragrant Lavendar, and I would imagine he would be the archetypal target of venom and hate from the left wedge on here.
    They were an unfailingly lovely, considerate couple in the few months I knew them so it's great he is getting some positive comments.

    They will be quoting Churchill next.
    Why? Has he slated your brexit poster boys too?
    Digging out old has been useless tory MPs is though. Patten was about as much use as a chocolate fire guard.
    Yeah. Unlike Boris Johnson, who has

    - never done a proper job in his life, unless you think editing a tiny right wing weekly mag is such.
    - Insulted individuals, ethnic groups and countries on a regular basis since he arrived in Parliament
    - wasted millions of pounds of YOUR money on the Garden Bridge, those buses, and the Olympic Stadium
    - in the case of the Stadium pushed through and signed off on a deal which threatens the commercial health of YOUR football club

    I think I'd choose a chocolate fire guard, if using it ensured that Boris Johnson retired from politics and focused on TV game shows.

    Next up, Dr Liam Fox....
    Now now mate, you know boris isn't a friend of mine... Didn't patten get a cosy little job too after he lost his seat in 92. He would have been better off staying there. His views are irrelevant.
    Well, as that particular cosy little job was Governor of Hong Kong, overseeing the handover to China, I'm not really certain that staying there was up to him, nor, necessarily whether it was either a cosy or, indeed, a little job.

    I would have thought that his views are as relevant as anyone else's, and possibly more relevant than most, which is why, perhaps, the news media asked him for his opinion.

    He is familiar with the issues in Northern Ireland, has experience of working in Westminster and Brussels, and has at least a passing knowledge (from when he was the UK's EU Commissioner, responsible for External Affairs) of how international negotiations work, and frequently don't....
    He had his day, and was in one of the most destructive evil governments and sat round the table that destroyed many lives. The thatcher years. He is irelevant now.
    Also in that government were Norman Tebbitt, John Redwood, Liam Fox, IDS, Norman Lamont, Peter Lilley, Michael Howard, and Nigel Lawson, but you lapped up all of their Brexit shit.
    And I do believe a certain N Farage was a Thatcher adoring Conservative during the period of that "destructive evil government".
    Good word WAS.
    I despise him. I am just surprised people who are supposed to be on the left and Labour supporters are sucking up to right wing Thatcher supporters.
    If you love Chris Patten so much plus as he knows about Irish issues, perhaps you can ask him to trundle down to Dublin and ask why they haven't removed any Russian diplomats yet. I mean they are our "friends" arnt they. Considering countries the other side of the world have done so.
    Ireland chucked out a Russian diplomat yesterday.
    Wow at last..should have been first not after nearly everyone else had done it.
    The inability of people to just say "sorry, I was wrong" is incredible.
    Which is a root cause of why we are still pursuing this slow moving train wreck of a policy. Sadly.

    If we had a few leading proponents of Brexit with the values to stand up and say that what's going on and the final destination was not what they voted for, then maybe we could ditch the undue influence of the hardline Brexit nutters like Moggy and reach a sensible outcome.

    Unfortunately Leavers seem intent on pushing forward on the fraudulent basis that everyone knew exactly what the outcome of the vote meant regarding every aspect and we were all in the know and happy about it's impact on Euratom, Europol, the Medicines Agency, the Banking Agency and dozens of other organisations we are members of by virtue of our membership.

    But it's alright because Teresa May is going to give us another pep talk today.
  • Options

    se9addick said:

    seth plum said:

    Chizz said:

    Chaz Hill said:

    I spent a good deal of time around Chris Patten and the fragrant Lavendar, and I would imagine he would be the archetypal target of venom and hate from the left wedge on here.
    They were an unfailingly lovely, considerate couple in the few months I knew them so it's great he is getting some positive comments.

    They will be quoting Churchill next.
    Why? Has he slated your brexit poster boys too?
    Digging out old has been useless tory MPs is though. Patten was about as much use as a chocolate fire guard.
    Yeah. Unlike Boris Johnson, who has

    - never done a proper job in his life, unless you think editing a tiny right wing weekly mag is such.
    - Insulted individuals, ethnic groups and countries on a regular basis since he arrived in Parliament
    - wasted millions of pounds of YOUR money on the Garden Bridge, those buses, and the Olympic Stadium
    - in the case of the Stadium pushed through and signed off on a deal which threatens the commercial health of YOUR football club

    I think I'd choose a chocolate fire guard, if using it ensured that Boris Johnson retired from politics and focused on TV game shows.

    Next up, Dr Liam Fox....
    Now now mate, you know boris isn't a friend of mine... Didn't patten get a cosy little job too after he lost his seat in 92. He would have been better off staying there. His views are irrelevant.
    Well, as that particular cosy little job was Governor of Hong Kong, overseeing the handover to China, I'm not really certain that staying there was up to him, nor, necessarily whether it was either a cosy or, indeed, a little job.

    I would have thought that his views are as relevant as anyone else's, and possibly more relevant than most, which is why, perhaps, the news media asked him for his opinion.

    He is familiar with the issues in Northern Ireland, has experience of working in Westminster and Brussels, and has at least a passing knowledge (from when he was the UK's EU Commissioner, responsible for External Affairs) of how international negotiations work, and frequently don't....
    He had his day, and was in one of the most destructive evil governments and sat round the table that destroyed many lives. The thatcher years. He is irelevant now.
    Also in that government were Norman Tebbitt, John Redwood, Liam Fox, IDS, Norman Lamont, Peter Lilley, Michael Howard, and Nigel Lawson, but you lapped up all of their Brexit shit.
    And I do believe a certain N Farage was a Thatcher adoring Conservative during the period of that "destructive evil government".
    Good word WAS.
    I despise him. I am just surprised people who are supposed to be on the left and Labour supporters are sucking up to right wing Thatcher supporters.
    If you love Chris Patten so much plus as he knows about Irish issues, perhaps you can ask him to trundle down to Dublin and ask why they haven't removed any Russian diplomats yet. I mean they are our "friends" arnt they. Considering countries the other side of the world have done so.
    Ireland chucked out a Russian diplomat yesterday.
    Wow at last..should have been first not after nearly everyone else had done it.
    The inability of people to just say "sorry, I was wrong" is incredible.
    Which is a root cause of why we are still pursuing this slow moving train wreck of a policy. Sadly.

    If we had a few leading proponents of Brexit with the values to stand up and say that what's going on and the final destination was not what they voted for, then maybe we could ditch the undue influence of the hardline Brexit nutters like Moggy and reach a sensible outcome.

    Unfortunately Leavers seem intent on pushing forward on the fraudulent basis that everyone knew exactly what the outcome of the vote meant regarding every aspect and we were all in the know and happy about it's impact on Euratom, Europol, the Medicines Agency, the Banking Agency and dozens of other organisations we are members of by virtue of our membership.

    But it's alright because Teresa May is going to give us another pep talk today.
    Indeed, surely saying nothing at all would be better, but we live in a world now where you don't have to use facts to back arguments - so no one feels the need to even shut up when proven wrong, much less admit it.
  • Options

    seth plum said:

    Chizz said:

    Chaz Hill said:

    I spent a good deal of time around Chris Patten and the fragrant Lavendar, and I would imagine he would be the archetypal target of venom and hate from the left wedge on here.
    They were an unfailingly lovely, considerate couple in the few months I knew them so it's great he is getting some positive comments.

    They will be quoting Churchill next.
    Why? Has he slated your brexit poster boys too?
    Digging out old has been useless tory MPs is though. Patten was about as much use as a chocolate fire guard.
    Yeah. Unlike Boris Johnson, who has

    - never done a proper job in his life, unless you think editing a tiny right wing weekly mag is such.
    - Insulted individuals, ethnic groups and countries on a regular basis since he arrived in Parliament
    - wasted millions of pounds of YOUR money on the Garden Bridge, those buses, and the Olympic Stadium
    - in the case of the Stadium pushed through and signed off on a deal which threatens the commercial health of YOUR football club

    I think I'd choose a chocolate fire guard, if using it ensured that Boris Johnson retired from politics and focused on TV game shows.

    Next up, Dr Liam Fox....
    Now now mate, you know boris isn't a friend of mine... Didn't patten get a cosy little job too after he lost his seat in 92. He would have been better off staying there. His views are irrelevant.
    Well, as that particular cosy little job was Governor of Hong Kong, overseeing the handover to China, I'm not really certain that staying there was up to him, nor, necessarily whether it was either a cosy or, indeed, a little job.

    I would have thought that his views are as relevant as anyone else's, and possibly more relevant than most, which is why, perhaps, the news media asked him for his opinion.

    He is familiar with the issues in Northern Ireland, has experience of working in Westminster and Brussels, and has at least a passing knowledge (from when he was the UK's EU Commissioner, responsible for External Affairs) of how international negotiations work, and frequently don't....
    He had his day, and was in one of the most destructive evil governments and sat round the table that destroyed many lives. The thatcher years. He is irelevant now.
    Also in that government were Norman Tebbitt, John Redwood, Liam Fox, IDS, Norman Lamont, Peter Lilley, Michael Howard, and Nigel Lawson, but you lapped up all of their Brexit shit.
    And I do believe a certain N Farage was a Thatcher adoring Conservative during the period of that "destructive evil government".
    Good word WAS.
    I despise him. I am just surprised people who are supposed to be on the left and Labour supporters are sucking up to right wing Thatcher supporters.
    If you love Chris Patten so much plus as he knows about Irish issues, perhaps you can ask him to trundle down to Dublin and ask why they haven't removed any Russian diplomats yet. I mean they are our "friends" arnt they. Considering countries the other side of the world have done so.
    Ireland chucked out a Russian diplomat yesterday.
    Wow at last..should have been first not after nearly everyone else had done it.
    It was part of the coordinated action of many states, you know, states collaborating like in the EU...which the nincompoops in the UK voted to leave.
    Even more impressive since Ireland is a neutral country not even in NAT0.
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    I see Chippy’s ‘fellow traveller’ Johnson is trying to wrestle back the top Brexit ‘poster boy’ title from Moggie in the Daily Brexitpress today.

    “Unstoppable express”
    “ we can’t arrive soon enough”
    “our national journey out of the EU is almost over”
    “A glorious view awaits”
    “Britain will re-engage with the rest of the world”

    And so on with other emotive claptrap for the gullible to feast on.

    Not sure what his PM will think of this given her planned tour to reunite the U.K. today.
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    Leuth said:

    No such thing as an Islamophobe, just a patriot
    Why do you hate are cuntry etc
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    Give it a break ... Its Easter for Christ's sake.
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    Give it a break ... Its Easter for Christ's sake.

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    seth plum said:

    Nobody cares.
    Brexit voters don't care about everybody getting poorer, everybody's children getting poorer, the repatriation of EU citizens, the repatriation of UK citizens, the disappearance of the workforce in the Health and Care sector, unharvested food rotting in the ground, harsh travel restrictions especially in air travel, Kent becoming a car park, cooperation in medicines, academia and security finishing, the break up of the UK, the rise of racist hate crimes, the return of bloodshed in Ireland and elsewhere, the abandonment of UK democracy and eternal rule by the UK privileged establishment.
    No brexiters care as long as they get the complete mystery that they voted for. Any other viewpoint is project fear.

    This all really would be terrible

    Except none of it has happened
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    Southbank said:

    seth plum said:

    Nobody cares.
    Brexit voters don't care about everybody getting poorer, everybody's children getting poorer, the repatriation of EU citizens, the repatriation of UK citizens, the disappearance of the workforce in the Health and Care sector, unharvested food rotting in the ground, harsh travel restrictions especially in air travel, Kent becoming a car park, cooperation in medicines, academia and security finishing, the break up of the UK, the rise of racist hate crimes, the return of bloodshed in Ireland and elsewhere, the abandonment of UK democracy and eternal rule by the UK privileged establishment.
    No brexiters care as long as they get the complete mystery that they voted for. Any other viewpoint is project fear.

    This all really would be terrible

    Except none of it has happened
    There has been a rise in racist hate crime incidents since brexit. Local 'democracy' has been handed over to the DUP. EU health care workers are bailing, but it hasn't happened because brexit hasn't happened yet.
    But of course if somebody is a brexiter reality hasn't happened and they wouldn't care if it did...unless it held up the production of blue passports, that would be a real tragedy.
  • Options
    seth plum said:

    Southbank said:

    seth plum said:

    Nobody cares.
    Brexit voters don't care about everybody getting poorer, everybody's children getting poorer, the repatriation of EU citizens, the repatriation of UK citizens, the disappearance of the workforce in the Health and Care sector, unharvested food rotting in the ground, harsh travel restrictions especially in air travel, Kent becoming a car park, cooperation in medicines, academia and security finishing, the break up of the UK, the rise of racist hate crimes, the return of bloodshed in Ireland and elsewhere, the abandonment of UK democracy and eternal rule by the UK privileged establishment.
    No brexiters care as long as they get the complete mystery that they voted for. Any other viewpoint is project fear.

    This all really would be terrible

    Except none of it has happened
    There has been a rise in racist hate crime incidents since brexit. Local 'democracy' has been handed over to the DUP. EU health care workers are bailing, but it hasn't happened because brexit hasn't happened yet.
    But of course if somebody is a brexiter reality hasn't happened and they wouldn't care if it did...unless it held up the production of blue passports, that would be a real tragedy.
    Your making yourself look rather foolish... I mean too when i post, your now going on as if you have lost it.
  • Options

    seth plum said:

    Southbank said:

    seth plum said:

    Nobody cares.
    Brexit voters don't care about everybody getting poorer, everybody's children getting poorer, the repatriation of EU citizens, the repatriation of UK citizens, the disappearance of the workforce in the Health and Care sector, unharvested food rotting in the ground, harsh travel restrictions especially in air travel, Kent becoming a car park, cooperation in medicines, academia and security finishing, the break up of the UK, the rise of racist hate crimes, the return of bloodshed in Ireland and elsewhere, the abandonment of UK democracy and eternal rule by the UK privileged establishment.
    No brexiters care as long as they get the complete mystery that they voted for. Any other viewpoint is project fear.

    This all really would be terrible

    Except none of it has happened
    There has been a rise in racist hate crime incidents since brexit. Local 'democracy' has been handed over to the DUP. EU health care workers are bailing, but it hasn't happened because brexit hasn't happened yet.
    But of course if somebody is a brexiter reality hasn't happened and they wouldn't care if it did...unless it held up the production of blue passports, that would be a real tragedy.
    Your making yourself look rather foolish... I mean too when i post, your now going on as if you have lost it.
    If you of all peop!e say I am foolish that is all the compliment anybody could wish for.
    For the millionth time YOU WON and what I look like is irrelevant, it is what YOU look like that matters now, have you solved the Irish border issue yet, because that situation is 100% down to you?
  • Options
    seth plum said:

    seth plum said:

    Southbank said:

    seth plum said:

    Nobody cares.
    Brexit voters don't care about everybody getting poorer, everybody's children getting poorer, the repatriation of EU citizens, the repatriation of UK citizens, the disappearance of the workforce in the Health and Care sector, unharvested food rotting in the ground, harsh travel restrictions especially in air travel, Kent becoming a car park, cooperation in medicines, academia and security finishing, the break up of the UK, the rise of racist hate crimes, the return of bloodshed in Ireland and elsewhere, the abandonment of UK democracy and eternal rule by the UK privileged establishment.
    No brexiters care as long as they get the complete mystery that they voted for. Any other viewpoint is project fear.

    This all really would be terrible

    Except none of it has happened
    There has been a rise in racist hate crime incidents since brexit. Local 'democracy' has been handed over to the DUP. EU health care workers are bailing, but it hasn't happened because brexit hasn't happened yet.
    But of course if somebody is a brexiter reality hasn't happened and they wouldn't care if it did...unless it held up the production of blue passports, that would be a real tragedy.
    Your making yourself look rather foolish... I mean too when i post, your now going on as if you have lost it.
    If you of all peop!e say I am foolish that is all the compliment anybody could wish for.
    For the millionth time YOU WON and what I look like is irrelevant, it is what YOU look like that matters now, have you solved the Irish border issue yet, because that situation is 100% down to you?
    Lol... Mr honourable.... Take your medication... For the millionth time I DO NOT CARE... You on bonus every time you mention it.... If you were you would be a millionaire. Was trying to help you too.
  • Options

    seth plum said:

    seth plum said:

    Southbank said:

    seth plum said:

    Nobody cares.
    Brexit voters don't care about everybody getting poorer, everybody's children getting poorer, the repatriation of EU citizens, the repatriation of UK citizens, the disappearance of the workforce in the Health and Care sector, unharvested food rotting in the ground, harsh travel restrictions especially in air travel, Kent becoming a car park, cooperation in medicines, academia and security finishing, the break up of the UK, the rise of racist hate crimes, the return of bloodshed in Ireland and elsewhere, the abandonment of UK democracy and eternal rule by the UK privileged establishment.
    No brexiters care as long as they get the complete mystery that they voted for. Any other viewpoint is project fear.

    This all really would be terrible

    Except none of it has happened
    There has been a rise in racist hate crime incidents since brexit. Local 'democracy' has been handed over to the DUP. EU health care workers are bailing, but it hasn't happened because brexit hasn't happened yet.
    But of course if somebody is a brexiter reality hasn't happened and they wouldn't care if it did...unless it held up the production of blue passports, that would be a real tragedy.
    Your making yourself look rather foolish... I mean too when i post, your now going on as if you have lost it.
    If you of all peop!e say I am foolish that is all the compliment anybody could wish for.
    For the millionth time YOU WON and what I look like is irrelevant, it is what YOU look like that matters now, have you solved the Irish border issue yet, because that situation is 100% down to you?
    Lol... Mr honourable.... Take your medication... For the millionth time I DO NOT CARE... You on bonus every time you mention it.... If you were you would be a millionaire. Was trying to help you too.
    The first two words I wrote on this subject today was 'nobody cares' so you have no need to shout it, I get it OK.
    All you need bother with is to make whatever you are supposed to have voted for happen. If it becomes more of a disaster than it already is it is entirely down to you.
    My wife, son, stepson and daughter in law have all had to suffer post brexit racism and that is your responsibility. Never mind, you won and you don't care.
  • Options
    seth plum said:

    seth plum said:

    seth plum said:

    Southbank said:

    seth plum said:

    Nobody cares.
    Brexit voters don't care about everybody getting poorer, everybody's children getting poorer, the repatriation of EU citizens, the repatriation of UK citizens, the disappearance of the workforce in the Health and Care sector, unharvested food rotting in the ground, harsh travel restrictions especially in air travel, Kent becoming a car park, cooperation in medicines, academia and security finishing, the break up of the UK, the rise of racist hate crimes, the return of bloodshed in Ireland and elsewhere, the abandonment of UK democracy and eternal rule by the UK privileged establishment.
    No brexiters care as long as they get the complete mystery that they voted for. Any other viewpoint is project fear.

    This all really would be terrible

    Except none of it has happened
    There has been a rise in racist hate crime incidents since brexit. Local 'democracy' has been handed over to the DUP. EU health care workers are bailing, but it hasn't happened because brexit hasn't happened yet.
    But of course if somebody is a brexiter reality hasn't happened and they wouldn't care if it did...unless it held up the production of blue passports, that would be a real tragedy.
    Your making yourself look rather foolish... I mean too when i post, your now going on as if you have lost it.
    If you of all peop!e say I am foolish that is all the compliment anybody could wish for.
    For the millionth time YOU WON and what I look like is irrelevant, it is what YOU look like that matters now, have you solved the Irish border issue yet, because that situation is 100% down to you?
    Lol... Mr honourable.... Take your medication... For the millionth time I DO NOT CARE... You on bonus every time you mention it.... If you were you would be a millionaire. Was trying to help you too.
    The first two words I wrote on this subject today was 'nobody cares' so you have no need to shout it, I get it OK.
    All you need bother with is to make whatever you are supposed to have voted for happen. If it becomes more of a disaster than it already is it is entirely down to you.
    My wife, son, stepson and daughter in law have all had to suffer post brexit racism and that is your responsibility. Never mind, you won and you don't care.
    What do you think then of a 19 year old irish man raping a14 year old English girl... And getting away with it... And then of all things living afterwards in Erith.
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    Chippy are you really, really thick or a WUM? Or a really, really thick WUM?
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    seth plum said:

    seth plum said:

    seth plum said:

    Southbank said:

    seth plum said:

    Nobody cares.
    Brexit voters don't care about everybody getting poorer, everybody's children getting poorer, the repatriation of EU citizens, the repatriation of UK citizens, the disappearance of the workforce in the Health and Care sector, unharvested food rotting in the ground, harsh travel restrictions especially in air travel, Kent becoming a car park, cooperation in medicines, academia and security finishing, the break up of the UK, the rise of racist hate crimes, the return of bloodshed in Ireland and elsewhere, the abandonment of UK democracy and eternal rule by the UK privileged establishment.
    No brexiters care as long as they get the complete mystery that they voted for. Any other viewpoint is project fear.

    This all really would be terrible

    Except none of it has happened
    There has been a rise in racist hate crime incidents since brexit. Local 'democracy' has been handed over to the DUP. EU health care workers are bailing, but it hasn't happened because brexit hasn't happened yet.
    But of course if somebody is a brexiter reality hasn't happened and they wouldn't care if it did...unless it held up the production of blue passports, that would be a real tragedy.
    Your making yourself look rather foolish... I mean too when i post, your now going on as if you have lost it.
    If you of all peop!e say I am foolish that is all the compliment anybody could wish for.
    For the millionth time YOU WON and what I look like is irrelevant, it is what YOU look like that matters now, have you solved the Irish border issue yet, because that situation is 100% down to you?
    Lol... Mr honourable.... Take your medication... For the millionth time I DO NOT CARE... You on bonus every time you mention it.... If you were you would be a millionaire. Was trying to help you too.
    The first two words I wrote on this subject today was 'nobody cares' so you have no need to shout it, I get it OK.
    All you need bother with is to make whatever you are supposed to have voted for happen. If it becomes more of a disaster than it already is it is entirely down to you.
    My wife, son, stepson and daughter in law have all had to suffer post brexit racism and that is your responsibility. Never mind, you won and you don't care.
    What do you think then of a 19 year old irish man raping a14 year old English girl... And getting away with it... And then of all things living afterwards in Erith.
    Rapists get away with stuff because there is a serious flaw in the justice system, and the way society regards rape as a crime, and there are flaws regarding support for rape victims.
    When I was younger, three times as a small boy, an ENGLISH man sexually abused me, three different people and all strangers to boot. It doesn't mean I hate the English.
    People of all nationalities commit sex crimes, it is the crime that is to be hated, not the nationality.
    Your anti-Irish racism goes beyond any personal experiences you may or may not have endured either first or second hand, and your constant sniping against the Irish on here suggests that your racism will never leave you.
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    Chippy are you really, really thick or a WUM? Or a really, really thick WUM?

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