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How do the Tories need to change?



  • I wonder if she got permission to use the music.
    Worst still. Politicians aren’t wrestlers ffs. This isn’t coming out to break it down by DX or the Undertaker theme tune, nor is it a night at the darts with your mates and they’re whacking out sweet Caroline. These tools are supposed to be running the country. I could be wrong as I’ve never been to a shareholders AGM, but I doubt the CEO of BP comes out to fire starter. Whoever thought mixing music with politics was a good idea needs talking too. I blame Blair
    and all that cool Britain bollocks in 97. I don’t remember it before that
  • You’d think for a £1BN investment, you’d get a bit more than a “hint” of orange!! :wink:
  • cabbles said:

    I wonder if she got permission to use the music.
    Worst still. Politicians aren’t wrestlers ffs. This isn’t coming out to break it down by DX or the Undertaker theme tune, nor is it a night at the darts with your mates and they’re whacking out sweet Caroline. These tools are supposed to be running the country. I could be wrong as I’ve never been to a shareholders AGM, but I doubt the CEO of BP comes out to fire starter. Whoever thought mixing music with politics was a good idea needs talking too. I blame Blair
    and all that cool Britain bollocks in 97. I don’t remember it before that
    Lighten up... I really don't like her, but even I can see that she's taking the piss out of herself for the video of her dodgy dancing with the African kids
  • I will give this to the Tories, they know how to dress for an annual conference in a manner that suggests they are grown adults ready to run the country and not a bunch of hung over students and activists who have never had a proper job! It makes a pleasant change from the DMs, food stained slogan tee-shirts, tattoos, red dyed hair. And that is just the women! Even if every single word they speak is either Brexit bolloxs or hypocritical lies they dress properly for the task of presenting themselves to the nation asking that they should be given the job of running our government again at the next election.

    needs more palestine flags and the undertone of intimidation of an ethnic minority imo.
    No doubt you are horrified by the meeting between Theresa May and Mahathir Mohamad the self confessed anti-semite
    shock horror leaders of governments meet. Down with this sort of thing.

    Words fail me.
  • It looked like somebody thought it would be a good idea, but she wasn't 100% committed to it. If she was it probably would have looked worse! As it stood, it gave people a minor giggle which I think was the intention.
  • I will give this to the Tories, they know how to dress for an annual conference in a manner that suggests they are grown adults ready to run the country and not a bunch of hung over students and activists who have never had a proper job! It makes a pleasant change from the DMs, food stained slogan tee-shirts, tattoos, red dyed hair. And that is just the women! Even if every single word they speak is either Brexit bolloxs or hypocritical lies they dress properly for the task of presenting themselves to the nation asking that they should be given the job of running our government again at the next election.

    needs more palestine flags and the undertone of intimidation of an ethnic minority imo.
    No doubt you are horrified by the meeting between Theresa May and Mahathir Mohamad the self confessed anti-semite
    shock horror leaders of governments meet. Down with this sort of thing.

    Words fail me.
    Then it's no surprise you don't understand there are differences between world leaders and back bench MPs...
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  • edited October 2018
    You can refuse to meet with fellow world leaders if you really wanted to make a stand. Taking it to extremes but look at the North Korea situation and there’s plenty more.

    Anyway... how do the Tories need to change? Hopefully not into the hands of this lot.

  • I wonder which University is this ?
  • You can refuse to meet with fellow world leaders if you really wanted to make a stand. Taking it to extremes but look at the North Korea situation and there’s plenty more.

    Anyway... how do the Tories need to change? Hopefully not into the hands of this lot.


    making utterly terrible PR mistakes like grandstanding and refusing to apologise and making a massive deal about something that's not really relevant is more of corbyn policy tbh.

    Also, good god, young tories love communism as well? Extraordinary.

    Maybe file under "idiot students are idiots on freshers week".
  • You can refuse to meet with fellow world leaders if you really wanted to make a stand. Taking it to extremes but look at the North Korea situation and there’s plenty more.

    Anyway... how do the Tories need to change? Hopefully not into the hands of this lot.


    making utterly terrible PR mistakes like grandstanding and refusing to apologise and making a massive deal about something that's not really relevant is more of corbyn policy tbh.

    Also, good god, young tories love communism as well? Extraordinary.

    Maybe file under "idiot students are idiots on freshers week".
    You are a fraud and a hypocrite.
  • I will give this to the Tories, they know how to dress for an annual conference in a manner that suggests they are grown adults ready to run the country and not a bunch of hung over students and activists who have never had a proper job! It makes a pleasant change from the DMs, food stained slogan tee-shirts, tattoos, red dyed hair. And that is just the women! Even if every single word they speak is either Brexit bolloxs or hypocritical lies they dress properly for the task of presenting themselves to the nation asking that they should be given the job of running our government again at the next election.

    needs more palestine flags and the undertone of intimidation of an ethnic minority imo.
    No doubt you are horrified by the meeting between Theresa May and Mahathir Mohamad the self confessed anti-semite
    shock horror leaders of governments meet. Down with this sort of thing.

    Words fail me.
    Then it's no surprise you don't understand there are differences between world leaders and back bench MPs...
    Liked by both the hypocrite and I, which one are you whooshing, or is it both of us?
  • You can refuse to meet with fellow world leaders if you really wanted to make a stand. Taking it to extremes but look at the North Korea situation and there’s plenty more.

    Anyway... how do the Tories need to change? Hopefully not into the hands of this lot.


    How dare young people have fun.
  • I’m just slightly surprised that all those blokes are feeling each other’s breasts
  • I’m just slightly surprised that all those blokes are feeling each other’s breasts
  • You can refuse to meet with fellow world leaders if you really wanted to make a stand. Taking it to extremes but look at the North Korea situation and there’s plenty more.

    Anyway... how do the Tories need to change? Hopefully not into the hands of this lot.


    making utterly terrible PR mistakes like grandstanding and refusing to apologise and making a massive deal about something that's not really relevant is more of corbyn policy tbh.

    Also, good god, young tories love communism as well? Extraordinary.

    Maybe file under "idiot students are idiots on freshers week".
    You are a fraud and a hypocrite.
    Lol? How so?
  • I think it is a bit sad how the press behave. This isn't really a story. Some young person acting like an idiot. We would all be banged to rights if everything we did when we were young was scrutinised. But in this case it is an anti - Tory agenda, more often it is an anti-labour one. It just shows what is wrong with the press in general. The sooner we all stop buying this crap the better.
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  • edited October 2018

    You can refuse to meet with fellow world leaders if you really wanted to make a stand. Taking it to extremes but look at the North Korea situation and there’s plenty more.

    Anyway... how do the Tories need to change? Hopefully not into the hands of this lot.


    making utterly terrible PR mistakes like grandstanding and refusing to apologise and making a massive deal about something that's not really relevant is more of corbyn policy tbh.

    Also, good god, young tories love communism as well? Extraordinary.

    Maybe file under "idiot students are idiots on freshers week".
    You are a fraud and a hypocrite.
    Lol? How so?
    I'm guessing because you have criticised the Labour anti semitism issue, and writing "fuck the NHS" on a shirt is clearly parralel "banter" to death threats to Labour Jewish MPs. You bastard hypocrite.
  • Huskaris said:

    You can refuse to meet with fellow world leaders if you really wanted to make a stand. Taking it to extremes but look at the North Korea situation and there’s plenty more.

    Anyway... how do the Tories need to change? Hopefully not into the hands of this lot.


    making utterly terrible PR mistakes like grandstanding and refusing to apologise and making a massive deal about something that's not really relevant is more of corbyn policy tbh.

    Also, good god, young tories love communism as well? Extraordinary.

    Maybe file under "idiot students are idiots on freshers week".
    You are a fraud and a hypocrite.
    Lol? How so?
    I'm guessing because you have criticised the Labour anti semitism issue, and writing "fuck the NHS" on a shirt is clearly parralel "banter" to death threats to Labour Jewish MPs. You bastard hypocrite.
    Steady on.

  • Huskaris said:

    You can refuse to meet with fellow world leaders if you really wanted to make a stand. Taking it to extremes but look at the North Korea situation and there’s plenty more.

    Anyway... how do the Tories need to change? Hopefully not into the hands of this lot.


    making utterly terrible PR mistakes like grandstanding and refusing to apologise and making a massive deal about something that's not really relevant is more of corbyn policy tbh.

    Also, good god, young tories love communism as well? Extraordinary.

    Maybe file under "idiot students are idiots on freshers week".
    You are a fraud and a hypocrite.
    Lol? How so?
    I'm guessing because you have criticised the Labour anti semitism issue, and writing "fuck the NHS" on a shirt is clearly parralel "banter" to death threats to Labour Jewish MPs. You bastard hypocrite.
    Steady on.

    You're right. I'm sure it's much more nuanced than that.
  • Huskaris said:

    You can refuse to meet with fellow world leaders if you really wanted to make a stand. Taking it to extremes but look at the North Korea situation and there’s plenty more.

    Anyway... how do the Tories need to change? Hopefully not into the hands of this lot.


    making utterly terrible PR mistakes like grandstanding and refusing to apologise and making a massive deal about something that's not really relevant is more of corbyn policy tbh.

    Also, good god, young tories love communism as well? Extraordinary.

    Maybe file under "idiot students are idiots on freshers week".
    You are a fraud and a hypocrite.
    Lol? How so?
    I'm guessing because you have criticised the Labour anti semitism issue, and writing "fuck the NHS" on a shirt is clearly parralel "banter" to death threats to Labour Jewish MPs. You bastard hypocrite.
    Not that, couldn't give a fuck what a bunch of students do.
  • You can refuse to meet with fellow world leaders if you really wanted to make a stand. Taking it to extremes but look at the North Korea situation and there’s plenty more.

    Anyway... how do the Tories need to change? Hopefully not into the hands of this lot.


    making utterly terrible PR mistakes like grandstanding and refusing to apologise and making a massive deal about something that's not really relevant is more of corbyn policy tbh.

    Also, good god, young tories love communism as well? Extraordinary.

    Maybe file under "idiot students are idiots on freshers week".
    You are a fraud and a hypocrite.
    Lol? How so?
    You are not worth the effort.
  • Huskaris said:

    You can refuse to meet with fellow world leaders if you really wanted to make a stand. Taking it to extremes but look at the North Korea situation and there’s plenty more.

    Anyway... how do the Tories need to change? Hopefully not into the hands of this lot.


    making utterly terrible PR mistakes like grandstanding and refusing to apologise and making a massive deal about something that's not really relevant is more of corbyn policy tbh.

    Also, good god, young tories love communism as well? Extraordinary.

    Maybe file under "idiot students are idiots on freshers week".
    You are a fraud and a hypocrite.
    Lol? How so?
    I'm guessing because you have criticised the Labour anti semitism issue, and writing "fuck the NHS" on a shirt is clearly parralel "banter" to death threats to Labour Jewish MPs. You bastard hypocrite.
    White supremacist hand gestures...

    Sure just some idiot students having a jolly night out.
  • Huskaris said:

    You can refuse to meet with fellow world leaders if you really wanted to make a stand. Taking it to extremes but look at the North Korea situation and there’s plenty more.

    Anyway... how do the Tories need to change? Hopefully not into the hands of this lot.


    making utterly terrible PR mistakes like grandstanding and refusing to apologise and making a massive deal about something that's not really relevant is more of corbyn policy tbh.

    Also, good god, young tories love communism as well? Extraordinary.

    Maybe file under "idiot students are idiots on freshers week".
    You are a fraud and a hypocrite.
    Lol? How so?
    I'm guessing because you have criticised the Labour anti semitism issue, and writing "fuck the NHS" on a shirt is clearly parralel "banter" to death threats to Labour Jewish MPs. You bastard hypocrite.
    White supremacist hand gestures...

    Sure just some idiot students having a jolly night out.
    “I love communism”
    “I love penis”.

    Think you’re right, they’re clearly about to have a putsch in Munich.
  • You can refuse to meet with fellow world leaders if you really wanted to make a stand. Taking it to extremes but look at the North Korea situation and there’s plenty more.

    Anyway... how do the Tories need to change? Hopefully not into the hands of this lot.


    making utterly terrible PR mistakes like grandstanding and refusing to apologise and making a massive deal about something that's not really relevant is more of corbyn policy tbh.

    Also, good god, young tories love communism as well? Extraordinary.

    Maybe file under "idiot students are idiots on freshers week".
    You are a fraud and a hypocrite.
    Lol? How so?
    You are not worth the effort.
    Throwing around personal attacks and retreating back and refusing to explain why. One might mistaken you for a coward.
  • Might be worth repeating this question, but do Tories actually stand for anything?
    The only ideology I can discern is the formalisation of selfishness and cold expediency disguised by the false claim that they are living in the real world.
    Tories seem to me to be a permanent blank canvas upon which the powerful and rich establishment paint whatever pictures they choose to suit themselves moment by moment.
    To me Tories represent the ultimate failure of human collaboration and community.
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