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The Takeover Thread - Duchatelet Finally Sells (Jan 2020)



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    Jim White will let Duchatelet say whatever bullshit he wants to spew, he’ll not challenge anything and he will once again be the lickspittle he’s shown himself to be previously. He’s no journalist, he may as well just earn a wage selling shite on QVC.
    Nothing positive can come out of this and will further fan the flames of Rolands ego. 

    We when we learn the more people point out to him he's making mistakes the more stubborn he becomes and tries prove himself right. 

    I really think a fresh approach is needed
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    Why do Talksport keep giving Roland a platform? I doubt millions of extra Charlton fans tune in just to hear Roland boil their blood every time he's on so I'm not sure why they bother
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    I've just got in from working in Scarborough all day. I was shocked when driving home and listening to the Sarah Cox show on Radio 2 when the sport guy announced that LB had not agreed a contract with CAFC!! They said no more than that, but I pulled over at the next services and logged onto here via my phone. I couldn't believe what I was reading and was even more 'gobsmacked' when I read RD's statement. Now back ast home I've re-read it, twice, so can someone please explain in 'business terms' the following-:

    1.  why anyone involved in negotiations would then spell out what they were offering to the other party?
    2. why anyone would call other owners 'crazy'?
    3. why they would put out such a statement in the first place?
    All are rhetorical questions as I know the answers, and quite simply put the answer is - RD is the 'crazy' one and seems hell bent on screwing the club. So now we need, even more than ever a takeover and it needs to be this week.
    If not I fear for the club.
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    Ultimatum said:
    I am NOT claiming to be in the know. However, when Dalman was linked I asked the wife if they had a client by his name (not mentioning the company). It turns out he’s not, however, a colleague of hers is in a relationship with someone in his immediate family. 

    The colleague has said the deal is 110% on , deal is VERY close and “he is a really nice man”. 

    The colleague doesn’t know anything about football. The wife just mentioned it as I broke the news to her about Bowyer... she found this out yesterday and forgot to mention it!! 

    I do not know time frames or anymore than that. I just know the deal is still on ... 
    not doubting you but I fail to believe anything is close with a lunatic like Roland 
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    Jim White will let Duchatelet say whatever bullshit he wants to spew, he’ll not challenge anything and he will once again be the lickspittle he’s shown himself to be previously. He’s no journalist, he may as well just earn a wage selling shite on QVC.
    True! But Duchatelet will still hang himself because he is deranged!
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    edited June 2019
    Airman has said he knew about Dalman for a while but couldn't give his name. Dalman has admitted an interest in the club but sources he has spoken to suggest Roland is the negotiating issue. No change there from anybody else wanting to buy the club and it is surely wishful thinking to expect this Dalman geezer, who looks like he has his head screwed on, to be as mad as Roland and pay his inflated price.

    The only time we will be close to a sale is if and when Roland decides to take the hit and sell for what multiple potential buyers are clearly willing to pay which we know is around the £30m mark. It would probably save him a lot of money in the long run and everybody will be happy but the prick is mad. 

    How anybody can be hopeful about an imminent sale is beyond me.
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    Ultimatum said:
    Ultimatum said:
    I am NOT claiming to be in the know. However, when Dalman was linked I asked the wife if they had a client by his name (not mentioning the company). It turns out he’s not, however, a colleague of hers is in a relationship with someone in his immediate family. 

    The colleague has said the deal is 110% on , deal is VERY close and “he is a really nice man”. 

    The colleague doesn’t know anything about football. The wife just mentioned it as I broke the news to her about Bowyer... she found this out yesterday and forgot to mention it!! 

    I do not know time frames or anymore than that. I just know the deal is still on ... 
    not doubting you but I fail to believe anything is close with a lunatic like Roland 
    I get that lol. I also get its a bit of a ‘sisters aunties sons brothers uncle’ scenario. But I’m not one of those that will just bullshit to keep hopes alive as I coulda done that ages ago. I’ve asked her to try get more out of her colleague 😂. 
    I don't doubt what you have been told and a deal may seem close then bang Roland moves the goalposts 

    hopefully this can get over the line but I'm not getting my hopes up anymore. 
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    That the Aussies haven't walked away is amazing in itself. Everyone can see what they have had to deal with and yet some still blame them. Weird.
    I think the word you are looking for is "unique" ,{..}
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    Ultimatum said:
    Ultimatum said:
    I am NOT claiming to be in the know. However, when Dalman was linked I asked the wife if they had a client by his name (not mentioning the company). It turns out he’s not, however, a colleague of hers is in a relationship with someone in his immediate family. 

    The colleague has said the deal is 110% on , deal is VERY close and “he is a really nice man”. 

    The colleague doesn’t know anything about football. The wife just mentioned it as I broke the news to her about Bowyer... she found this out yesterday and forgot to mention it!! 

    I do not know time frames or anymore than that. I just know the deal is still on ... 
    not doubting you but I fail to believe anything is close with a lunatic like Roland 
    I get that lol. I also get its a bit of a ‘sisters aunties sons brothers uncle’ scenario. But I’m not one of those that will just bullshit to keep hopes alive as I coulda done that ages ago. I’ve asked her to try get more out of her colleague 😂. 
    I don't doubt what you have been told and a deal may seem close then bang Roland moves the goalposts 

    hopefully this can get over the line but I'm not getting my hopes up anymore. 
    If anyone thinks RD isn’t unpredictable after today’s events...
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    TalkSports radio here in the US was actually discussing this debacle when I hopped in the car 45 min ago. Shows that this is so out of the ordinary that even out here it is making news in the sports world.
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    Sadly, it is probably going to take something like Standard fans did to get the knee jerk reaction to get rid. I'm not advocating it, but we know he always reacts and at Standard that is how he reacted. 
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    edited June 2019
    Sadly, it is probably going to take something like Standard fans did to get the knee jerk reaction to get rid. I'm not advocating it, but we know he always reacts and at Standard that is how he reacted. 

    You mean this, two years before he actually sold Standard Liege? Uploaded in 2013, he sold them in 2015.
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    Ultimatum said:
    I am NOT claiming to be in the know. However, when Dalman was linked I asked the wife if they had a client by his name (not mentioning the company). It turns out he’s not, however, a colleague of hers is in a relationship with someone in his immediate family. 

    The colleague has said the deal is 110% on , deal is VERY close and “he is a really nice man”. 

    The colleague doesn’t know anything about football. The wife just mentioned it as I broke the news to her about Bowyer... she found this out yesterday and forgot to mention it!! 

    I do not know time frames or anymore than that. I just know the deal is still on ... 
    You must know by now unless you live inside RD mind you can have no idea how close a deal is 
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    Just saying... the last time one of his structures caught fire, he got serious about selling.
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    Ok looks like our last hope is one of the buyers pushes through a sale and Bowyer agrees terms with the new owners, which probably has a less than 0.01% chance of happening.

    Euell to be caretaker manager for the next 8 months as Jackson also walks with Bowyer, Gallen and Marshall
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    edited June 2019
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    1755, Samuel Johnson's Dictionary of the English language is published. Sadly he left the word contrafibularities out.
    How much is Henry paying you ;-)
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    Taxi_Lad said:

    Fuck that yellow tooth, manky horrible little twat!

    Havent boycotted and living in Southampton I go with @southamptonaddick as often as we could but that's me done. 

    Play offs seem a distant memory now. Should have been a platform to build on but the foundations are crumbling beneath us. 

    Mentions they didnt want to deal with an agent, granted there reputations arent always the best but there job is to get the best deal for there client.

    Seriously fucking dejected.

    Living near Southampton, don’t you mean you “Havant” boycotted 
    Remind me never to get in your taxi if you think Havant is near Southampton.
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    Taxi_Lad said:

    Fuck that yellow tooth, manky horrible little twat!

    Havent boycotted and living in Southampton I go with @southamptonaddick as often as we could but that's me done. 

    Play offs seem a distant memory now. Should have been a platform to build on but the foundations are crumbling beneath us. 

    Mentions they didnt want to deal with an agent, granted there reputations arent always the best but there job is to get the best deal for there client.

    Seriously fucking dejected.

    Living near Southampton, don’t you mean you “Havant” boycotted 
    Remind me never to get in your taxi if you think Havant is near Southampton.
    That's the equivalent of saying Charlton is near New Cross  ;).
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    sam3110 said:
    Ok looks like our last hope is one of the buyers pushes through a sale and Bowyer agrees terms with the new owners, which probably has a less than 0.01% chance of happening.

    Euell to be caretaker manager for the next 8 months as Jackson also walks with Bowyer, Gallen and Marshall
    Euell would say no
    Nonef that current Coaching team will stay on, apart from Marshall who signed a 2 year deal. 
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    sam3110 said:
    Ok looks like our last hope is one of the buyers pushes through a sale and Bowyer agrees terms with the new owners, which probably has a less than 0.01% chance of happening.

    Euell to be caretaker manager for the next 8 months as Jackson also walks with Bowyer, Gallen and Marshall
    Three more wages he can save. 
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    RedChaser said:
    Taxi_Lad said:

    Fuck that yellow tooth, manky horrible little twat!

    Havent boycotted and living in Southampton I go with @southamptonaddick as often as we could but that's me done. 

    Play offs seem a distant memory now. Should have been a platform to build on but the foundations are crumbling beneath us. 

    Mentions they didnt want to deal with an agent, granted there reputations arent always the best but there job is to get the best deal for there client.

    Seriously fucking dejected.

    Living near Southampton, don’t you mean you “Havant” boycotted 
    Remind me never to get in your taxi if you think Havant is near Southampton.
    That's the equivalent of saying Charlton is near New Cross  ;).
    Only if somebody moved Charlton and New Cross 25 miles apart.  :)
  • Options
    RedChaser said:
    Taxi_Lad said:

    Fuck that yellow tooth, manky horrible little twat!

    Havent boycotted and living in Southampton I go with @southamptonaddick as often as we could but that's me done. 

    Play offs seem a distant memory now. Should have been a platform to build on but the foundations are crumbling beneath us. 

    Mentions they didnt want to deal with an agent, granted there reputations arent always the best but there job is to get the best deal for there client.

    Seriously fucking dejected.

    Living near Southampton, don’t you mean you “Havant” boycotted 
    Remind me never to get in your taxi if you think Havant is near Southampton.
    That's the equivalent of saying Charlton is near New Cross  ;).
    Only if somebody moved Charlton and New Cross 25 miles apart.  :)
    I was trying to draw an analogy of Portsmouth / Southampton to Charlton / Millwall  ;)
  • Options
    RedChaser said:
    Taxi_Lad said:

    Fuck that yellow tooth, manky horrible little twat!

    Havent boycotted and living in Southampton I go with @southamptonaddick as often as we could but that's me done. 

    Play offs seem a distant memory now. Should have been a platform to build on but the foundations are crumbling beneath us. 

    Mentions they didnt want to deal with an agent, granted there reputations arent always the best but there job is to get the best deal for there client.

    Seriously fucking dejected.

    Living near Southampton, don’t you mean you “Havant” boycotted 
    Remind me never to get in your taxi if you think Havant is near Southampton.
    That's the equivalent of saying Charlton is near New Cross  ;).
    Only if somebody moved Charlton and New Cross 25 miles apart.  :)

    If they could move it about 1500 miles to the west that would be better still 😉
This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!